Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 518: Danzang is very heartwarming

"Oh? Did you only touch the secret door now? Really, he is so skinny, but he has never let blood on the necklace?" Feeling that the backhand he left on the soul stone of the fourth-generation couple was opened, Feng Xue's His face was indescribably weird, he thought Naruko should have turned it on a long time ago.

After all, in the original book, people throw stones at him even when he goes to the street, and he is afraid that she won't be able to get in by leaving a secret door where he confesses his blood.

But the fact is so helpless, after all, it is the only thing left to her by her parents (thinking), Naruko's protection of the necklace is still in place, that is, today's emotional out of control, let the broken palm touch the necklace.

"Forget it, it's still a month away from the Chunin exam anyway. Naruko has her mother's teaching and should be able to keep up with the progress." Feng Xue muttered, but she flicked her fingers lightly, and bounced out one avatar after another. , his research on Bai Jue has reached an extremely advanced level, I am afraid that even Bai Jue's creators Shenshu and Kaguya are far behind Feng Xue's understanding of them.

This means that he can easily feel where Bai Jue is, and by hacking into the Bai Jue network, he can learn about the every move of the Xiao organization personnel, and easily steal their intelligence.

Then, Feng Xue took advantage of this advantage and spread out tens of thousands of incarnations. The purpose was to gather the nine big-tailed beasts—at least part of the nine-tailed beasts in Hokage Village during the Chunin exam. Then, through the shell of the atavistic divine tree that he cultivated through the first-generation cells, Bai Jue and other wood escape products, let the ten tails descend in advance!

Of course he didn't want to be a ten-tailed man, and the temptation of Tensei and Samsara's eyes was not as good as a white eye. The reason for this was that he used it to brush up on the four volumes of the Book of Heaven (Numerics, Science, Chemistry, and Life) that he created. The experience points, the second is for his promise to Neji——

Leave him a normal routine.

In this case, of course, we have to solve all the troubles. Of course, he doesn't care about the one on the moon. If Ningji takes the Zhou Liuliuxu transformed by the "Queen of Science" in a few years, he will not be able to beat a blood eater. What the hell, he deserves to be unlucky!

Feng Xue walked leisurely with Orochimaru's younger brother and younger sister towards Konoha. At this time, the three generations of Hokage were frowning, looking at the pile of washed photos in front of him.

"Is this the secret of Neji and Sasuke?" The third generation looked at the photos divided into two stacks. If it weren't for the numbers on them, he wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between the two.

"Yes, this is the entire content of the documents in their backpacks. On the way to the Land of Waves, Neji has been calculating these things non-stop. In addition, after the encounter with no cuts, Sasuke also began to calculate, but from the perspective of content, The content of the calculations between the two seems to be different..." The Anbu wearing a dog-head mask said a little unsure, and the three generations immediately raised his eyebrows——

"Oh? Do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Kotou Anbu immediately shook his head, and then said, "The code class has already read it before, but they have never seen such a code before, but a member of the code class who is good at calculation said that Neji's It looks like some kind of advanced bearing formula."

"Find the members of the code class." Hokage touched his chin, he was sure there must be some great secret hidden in this thing, but, where did Neji get it?


Just when the three generations were at a loss, the same thing was placed in front of Danzo's desk. As the "root" of Konoha, Danzo has a deep influence on all aspects of Konoha. At the same time, this meant that the content was completely open to him.

Ever since he knew that Hyuga Risari was still alive, he had not relaxed his surveillance of Neji Hyuga for more than ten years. It was just that this kid had nothing special for ten years, which made him relax a little.


Why did you suddenly have a strength that was not in line with the original as soon as you graduated?

Do you think you don't need to hide when you become a ninja?

No, it's impossible, if he really hid for more than five years, he definitely wouldn't think there would be no problem with being a ninja.

So, is it a power that has only been acquired recently?

Generally speaking, it is hard to imagine gaining power in a short period of time, but Danzo is not too sure about Hyuga Neji. After all, he is that person's son!

Thinking of Hyuga's daily difference, Danzo felt a little stomachache again. Although he did play a black hand on Hyuga Akiba, it was really just a chronic poison that wasn't fatal! Just to test if Hyuga Risari is really hiding near Konoha, the ghost knows how she died!

There's also Matt Dai, who really didn't kill him! After all, that kind of brainless guy, he doesn't need to make such a move at all, although the order is indeed from him, but it is just an ordinary raid mission! The ghost knows why the water shadow just appeared there!

In addition, he happened to use the charge of "blaspheming the remains of the first generation to study Mu Dun" to force Orochimaru away, almost everyone suspected that he did it on purpose, okay?

If that person comes back now, no matter how much he thinks about it, he can't get rid of it!

Speaking of this matter, Danzang is distressed in addition to being heartbroken, especially Maitdai, who died too much. Although it is said that a water shadow has been changed, but even if a shadow tree dies in the broken place of the water country. Not much benefit.

More importantly, after the entire Konoha left by the day, only Maitdai has mastered the secret inheritance of the special chakra. After his death~www.readwn.com~ Although the holder of the special chakra still has Matekai, Mitarai Red Bean and Shiranui Genma, but none of them have learned how to pass it on to the next generation!

But today, Neji's sudden change made Danzo ignite the flame of hope again, whether it was the secret biography that Hiyuki Hizu secretly handed over to him, or what that person secretly came back to teach the child, in short, as long as it was cracked With the secrets on his body, he may produce a large number of special jounin, no matter how strong Hyuga Rizai is, can he hit one, ten, or a hundred?

However, Danzang is still a worry in the end. After watching it for a long time, he didn't see any good or bad. In the end, he could only shake his head and said helplessly: "Where are the people from the Cryptography Department?"

"I was called away by the three generations of adults."

"I..." Danzang grinned, and finally swallowed the words back in his stomach, and then his resentment for that position became heavier...

ps: The shutter sound of digital cameras is indeed added, but there is really no way to completely eliminate the mechanical camera such as SLR. However, modern high-end SLRs have a quiet mode, which can reduce the shutter sound for shooting insects and other needs. The goal of a quiet environment, but only to reduce sound, not eliminate it.

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