Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 523: force

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspBig man, no sad life, no strange origins, just like countless ordinary reincarnations on the Omega plane, who were born on the Omega plane, even his own bloodline A samsara who doesn't know which world he was born in. See ΔΔ Bookstore WWW んW. 『kan→shu→ge. co

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspHis brain is not good, his understanding is not strong, he can't learn subtle martial arts moves, he can't understand mysterious magic and Taoism, and he can't play with sophisticated mecha guns.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspBut he still managed to get up from the bottom of the reincarnator step by step, and what he tested was the power he believed in.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspOnly strength is everything.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspContinuously polish and exercise.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspIt stands to reason that such a route is easy to die due to lack of resistance, but he is careful enough to find a place to hide every time he crosses, waiting for the plot time while exercising At the end of the game, every time you return, you will immediately travel again, and all the reward points will be accumulated and exchanged for physical fitness and muscle strength.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspWith the passage of time, his strength is getting stronger and faster, his speed is getting faster and faster, his blood is so strong that even ghosts dare not approach, just a pair of fleshy palms can shred magic .

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp Then, he was reincarnated as a muscle monster.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspBut that doesn't satisfy him, he's still exercising.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspBecause that's not enough.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspHow much power is enough?

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspHe couldn't tell, but he knew it wasn't enough.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspOne ton and two tons are not enough, ten tons and twenty tons are still not enough, and one hundred tons and two hundred tons are still not enough.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspHe doesn't know how to exert force, and he has no gorgeous tricks. If you want to face those strange enemies, you must have stronger power!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspAbsolute power!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp The power to crush everything!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp It sounds a bit exaggerated, but that's how he came all the way, breaking through steel with absolute strength, crushing ghosts with absolute strength, in this world full of death with absolute strength Go to the elite class of the samsara and tear those guys who ridicule him only with brute force to shreds with absolute strength!


&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp "Enough is enough, it's just a trick!" Sasuke grinned and jumped out, "How long are you going to play?"

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp "This guy is too strong, and his affinity with me is very low." Neji said lightly, he knew that Sasuke was a reincarnator, so it was impossible for him to use something more powerful than Naruto World. High end tricks.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp "Then I'll come!" Sasuke took a step forward. The 1.5-meter boy was less than half the height of the muscle monster, but at this moment, the muscle monster only felt that he was in front of him. A beast is about to bar its fangs at itself.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp"Crush you!" The muscles of the big man bulged high, and the stoutness was even a little disgusting.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspWithout any skill blessing, anyone who has learned tactical skills will sneer at a punch based on primitive instinct, but this fist with no skills, but all rely on explosive power Breaking the sound barrier.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspA harsh explosion rang out, and the fist of the water tank was pressed down from the top of the head, and even before the shock wave set off by the sonic boom, it arrived in front of Sasuke.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp "Just right! Eat my 10,000 whales!"

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspAccompanied by a roar, the electric light shines and flows on Sasuke's body, the force field rolled up by the magnetic field is superimposed on the fist surface, the magnetic field movement brings the dynamic field movement, and the colleague who continuously superimposes the mass, roll up Unimaginable gravitational pull.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspAt this moment, Sasuke's fist was like a terrifying lever. It was just an ordinary straight punch, but it rolled up a terrifying force that was enough to crush a skyscraper into powder.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThe two fists collided, but there was no sound, but in Neji's eyes, at that moment, even the space seemed to be distorted.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspSasuke's fist is only the size of a tennis ball, but the fist of the big reincarnation is like a basketball.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspHowever, within a thousandth of a second after the two collided, an incredible expression began to appear on the face of the big man. The expression had not yet been fully formed, and the whole person had been thrown out.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" The big man didn't know what the magnetic field was, what the four fundamental forces were, and what was the vector moment. up, lose.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThe mentality was broken, but this big man swelled even more——

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp"Very strong! You are very strong! Then let you see, 120% of 120%!"

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThe grass and trees withered, the flying insects fell, the yellowing and decay began to spread around the big ones, and the giant trees that had fallen in the previous collision were all turned into dust at this moment.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp is not a supernatural power, it just means that the blood is so strong that it attracts the vitality of other life.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp is another simple straight punch, but it is completely different from before. Although it is called "120% of 120%", the output is by no means as simple as 144%.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThis time, the air was not exploded by the sound, but was curled up by an unimaginable force. Under the eyes of the writing wheel, you could even see that gas was knocked down and solidified by this punch.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspBut just like that, Sasuke has not done his best!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp"The magnetic field is rotating!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThe rotation of the magnetic field was pushed to a higher level, and stronger force poured out from Sasuke's body. The force field generated by the lack of computing power escaped, causing the bones and joints to creak, but Sasuke was abruptly Overwhelmed by the body that has been strengthened countless times, and the will to turn the tables even after experiencing the second son's path, he finally turned into a fierce and incomparable punch and slammed it back abruptly!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspClick click…

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThe sound transmitted through the bone is far faster than the air, but even so, when the big man heard the sound of his arm breaking, he was already flying like a broken pocket.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspA 10,000-ton giant wheel can be smashed into a fist with one blow, plus the true meaning of martial arts, how can it be taken down only by brute force?

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp"Impossible! I haven't lost! I haven't... go! To! Extreme! Exhausted!"

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp The muscles that were already like armor began to swell, twist, wriggle, grow and proliferate in disgusting ways!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspUsing a strong will to push a strong force, this is the essence of Hong Kong comics martial arts, but at this moment, it is on this reincarnation who does not understand martial arts at all emerge.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspWhat's the matter with broken bones!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspHow can the hardened muscles succumb to the weakness of the bones?





&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspThe strength is constantly soaring, the size of the big man is getting bigger and bigger, he has completely lost his human form, like a suture monster completely twisted by muscles.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp The scarlet muscles were shaking, the strength continued to condense, and then ~www.readwn.com~ he raised his fist again, without any pattern, without any skill, just a straight note Boxing, but in this punch, Sasuke seemed to see the shadows of those boxing masters he had seen before.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp This is a fist of will that is infused with all the will and driven by one's own life. The fist of the heart, which is skillful and driven by the mind.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp Burning the soul and blooming will, Sasuke felt threatened in this punch.

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp The scarlet writing wheel spun rapidly, and the straight punch with ordinary knowledge obviously took all the tracks into his eyes, but Sasuke knew that this punch could not be avoided, but could not be avoided!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbspSo, he greeted him! At this time, he was greeted with the strength of 100,000 horses that was like self-destruction!

&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp&a;nbsp"Magnetic field rotation · 100,000 horses · Whale killing punch!"

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