Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 548: make a big deal

Because of the appearance of "Shotak" as a researcher, Roy turned around and left after he learned enough information. He didn't mention anything about joining the rebel army from beginning to end.

Feng Xue was not surprised at all. He was not a soldier, and Roy's habit was not to drag unrelated people into the battlefield.

"However, I'm not an unrelated person." Feng Xue took out a reclining chair and placed it in the yard, quietly watching the blue sky, the magic eye of analysis emitted a blue light, and the power of the white eye extended the limit of vision go out.

After a series of complex formulas were integrated in his brain, Feng Xue obtained a time that was more accurate than any astronomer in China——

There are fourteen hours until the total solar eclipse.

In just a few short months, the bugs that his avatar has transformed into have spread all over Amestris, and he can easily spy on the every move of the fifty million people in this country. He can destroy the underground country and form a formation, but he didn't.

He just waited quietly.

He has already completed his own method of proving the Tao, the interpretive scriptures, but there is still the most crucial part to that step. Originally, he planned to complete a breakthrough in the next predetermined world, but after careful analysis, he realized that After all, this world might be the most suitable place for him to take the last step.

"One is all, all is one. This is where I started, so let me usher in sublimation here. Is this a joke of fate?" Feng Xue looked up at the sky and fell into a deep sleep with a smile. will be a great day.


The morning sun shines on Feng Xue's face, but he has no intention of getting up.

The divided breakfast, which was right at the entrance, was put into his mouth by Xiao Hei, and Xiao Bai cleaned his body with a towel.

He just lay there lazily, letting Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai play with his limp body like a dead pig. If it wasn't for the limelight recently, he would still want to pull c.c. out, with a hearty morning. interim movement as the starting point for this special day.

The sun was slowly rising, and Feng Xue could feel the power of the country's underground. A large number of sage stones were slowly flowing, and the formation of the national territory covering the entire country was slowly activated.

The earth was screaming, and the pale, undead-like one-eyed puppet rushed out of the military building. The undead army that was absorbed by Enwei in the original book seemed to be lost at this time, and attacked all the creatures crazily.

Fortunately, the residents of Central City had already felt something about the impending chaos. At the moment when the chaos began, they closed their doors one by one, which did not cause too much loss.

However, whether it is lost or not is only the beginning.

The brilliance of the sun was completely obscured by the moon, and the scarlet electric light began to spread out along the territory that covered the entire country.

A peculiar shadow emerges from the earth, refining the soul of every human being included into a small crystal, and then sending it into the body of the long-awaited flask villain.

Fifty million copies of the Sage's Stone have been collected, the gate of truth of the five pillars has been forcibly opened, a huge formation array is constructed on the ground, and a giant black eye has appeared on the solar eclipse in the sky.

And the earth staring at this giant eye also cracked a gap-

The door of truth to the planet, opened.

Feng Xue had done this kind of thing more than once, forcibly opening the door of truth on the planet, but there had never been a time when he had the power of this world.

It's not because he didn't turn into the huge black giant that emerged from the door, but because there is no truth in the door of the world he opened in the past.

Yes, but it is an Akashic record.

The little man in the flask roared and dragged the **** in his mouth to the ground. The inexplicable rules fell into Feng Xue's perception at this moment.

He saw everything from that power, he saw himself, and he saw the future, but for a moment, he didn't seem to have seen anything.

Endless future, endless possibilities, endless me.

"It really makes people want to take something for themselves! However, as the truth said to the Flask villain, a guy who never believes in himself, even if he catches God, he still has nothing. Growing up, the power you gain like this will one day be lost again, right?"

Feng Xue slowly walked towards the battlefield. Since Alphonse and Edward recovered two years earlier, this made the occupation much better than the original, but this was not enough.

In other words, the future that Feng Xue wants to see is not enough.

He could feel that the sage's stone that Hohenheim had placed all over the country and the formation of the reflection of the moon in the sky were being activated, but it was at this moment that everything stopped.

Feng Xue stepped into the battlefield with a step that he did not recognize, and then appeared in front of Hohenheim, who was standing there dumbfounded.

Hohenheim, who had just made a handsome declaration, found that the soul had not returned to their bodies, and the little flask man clearly felt a trace of his training reaction that threatened him, but it was interrupted at this moment.

The feeling of everyone jumping big at the same time but finding a delay together made everyone involuntarily stunned.

"Time stops at this moment, just because it is so magnificent." Reciting the sentences in Faust, at a moment no one could have predicted, he appeared in a place no one could imagine.

In front of him, the villain who suppressed the god's flask held a "sun" in his hand, and the dazzling brilliance was enough to move any engineering dog.

"Mr. Tucker, why are you here?" Nail Palace's cute voice suddenly sounded, and it was undoubtedly Alphonse who spoke.

"Because someone is playing a self-sacrifice trick again!" Feng Xue spread out his hands and said indifferently, "The sage's stone scattered all over the country, the reflection of the moon, reverses the human body and makes it ~www.readwn.com~ It's a good idea to send the souls of all the people back to their original places, but I don't like it."

"Mr. Tucker, what are you talking about?"

"I said, I don't like it, so I stopped it, it's that simple!" Feng Xue tapped the ground with her toes and quietly looked at the six people present. Except for Roy, who was blind, the others also all looked at him.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Edward's tone was a little angry--

"That's fifty million lives!"

"Wrong, it's 50.5 million." Feng Xue smiled indifferently, then put his hands together, "Douding, keep your eyes open, this will be the life-threatening alchemist, Xiaota. It was the last time in his life that he practiced it."

"What are you going to do?" Roy, who was blind in both eyes, finally heard a little taste, and hurriedly shouted.

"Shotak is a sinner. He sacrificed his wife for the sake of wealth and wealth. Well, you probably don't understand it, but it doesn't matter... Well, by the way, help me pass a word to Hughes and let him take care of Nina. …”

Feng Xue's voice fell, and without waiting for them to say anything else, an unprecedented proficiency reaction erupted at this moment, and the entire basement was filled with a azure blue sheen.

The Flask villain, who has been confident since the beginning, finally felt the fear, but he even lost the ability to throw the little sun in his hand.

From the moment Feng Xue uttered the first word, he was already locked by the dragon veins.

The light gradually subsided, and everything seemed to return to its original state, only Shotak and the flask villain disappeared in their original positions...

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