Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 556: strongest man on earth

"The strongest man on earth? Who? Him?" Seeing this bald head who suddenly appeared, with a sallow body and no nervousness at all, the people who were tied to the cross all had a feeling of "what a joke".

Ordinary, extremely ordinary, except for the round head that is not like a human being, only the word ordinary can describe this guy.


When this sentence was uttered by the existence that easily wiped out all the powerhouses on the earth, they couldn't help but not believe it.

"Who are you?" I saw that the bald man suddenly tilted his head, with a confused look on his face, as if to say, "I just went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables, why did I come here in a blink of an eye?"

"Let's fight." Feng Xue said without any nonsense.

"Eh? Why?"

"Because you are very strong!" Feng Xue said as a matter of course, "I have conquered the ultimate strength and the ultimate skill. On this planet, you are the only one left, the ultimate strength."

"Eh? Me?" Saitama was rarely surprised. He didn't understand the ultimate skill and power, but he understood a little bit, and the other party thought he was very strong.

He is strong, yes, but few people think he is strong.

Does the opponent have any super power that can see the enemy's combat power?

Seeing that Saitama still didn't understand the state, the people who were tied to the cross were stunned. Are you saying that this person is stupid?

However, Feng Xue seemed to have expected it long ago, and sighed: "I want to fight against the strong, so you understand?"

"Oh, I see, so, are you strong?" Saitama nodded. The bound heroes had already begun to collapse. Whether they were strong or not, wouldn't you know if they were bound here?

Unfortunately, Saitama really doesn't know them.



Feng Xue stretched out her finger, and a gray air stream suddenly swept out, just like that, it swept across Saitama's face.

A scar appeared there.

"Pain Pain Pain!" Saitama was startled by the sudden pain, and immediately reached out to cover it, only to find that a piece of skin had been smashed on his head!

"In this case, do you understand?" Feng Xue said so, but she was speechless for a while—

Saitama didn't bleed!

You must know that the fifteenth sword that constitutes the shape of "Pangu Fan" is just an introduction, and its core is to eliminate the electromagnetic force. In other words, the matter hit by this thing will lose the constraints of the electromagnetic force, and then lose the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. force, and finally decomposed into the most basic particles.

Once this trick is used, everything is a hole, but Saitama just rubbed a little skin? Can this guy's ** even ignore the laws of physics?

However, Feng Xue roared in his heart, but Saitama's eyes showed a divine light. In a more vivid way, it was—

His style is made up.

The comical appearance was replaced by a resolute look in the eyes that seemed dull for lack of stimulation, blazing with fire.

His blood began to boil after a long absence.

Power is burning!

"This guy, maybe it can make me excited!" Saitama's change is so obvious, the person is still the same person, but the temperament is completely different. For this enemy who can hurt himself, he is very much looking forward to--

Wouldn't it be great if he could use his full strength to fight?

"Are you ready? Let's get started!" Feng Xue narrowed his eyes, and then he moved.

Instead of deliberately accelerating or slowing down the rhythm, he used the hand-to-hand combat skills he had trained with Hungry Wolf to unleash the fierce, dominant, and powerful sea tiger blasting punch!

The rotation of the magnetic field, which incorporates the uncertainty theorem, has been extremely strengthened. When a punch is thrown, the punch will turn into one hundred thousand, one million, ten million different forces, and find the enemy's flaws in completely different orbits. Once discovered It will flow into the body along this flaw, and then explode from the inside.

However, the punch hit Saitama's abdomen, but it only smashed it out. With Fa Youyuan's sense, Feng Xue could understand that there was no flaw in this punch.

Saitama is a true body without leaks!

"What, this move doesn't feel as strong as the previous move!" Saitama rubbed his stomach and fell back. Although it hurt, he was not injured.

"That's it, I already understand. Your body is very strong, so it's useless to use opportunistic tricks. You can only smash you to scum!" Feng Xue's body erupted with a terrifying aura, Fang Yuan All of Qianli's electronic devices exploded at this moment, but in the face of such power, Saitama just nodded and made a sound of "oh, oh" as a confirmation.

However, the next moment, he learned about Feng Xue's power——

Internal blasting is impossible, so let's kill the whale with this blow!

The magnetic field near Feng Xue's fist was distorted, compressed, and collapsed. The force of the fist increased to an incredible level in an instant. Facing this punch, Saitama felt a sense of crisis for the first time.

He is on defense!

He raised his arm, and faced Feng Xue's fist like a normal block in a street fight. Feng Xue's straight punch and Saitama's raised arm to block looked like the tactics of street gangsters fighting. But at this moment, no one dared to laugh at it.

Where the two bodies collided, the space even distorted. When the loud noise that should have resounded in the sky, but could not be transmitted due to the power of extreme compression, turned into nothingness, the two took a step back at the same time.

"You are really strong!" Saitama's face showed a naive smile~www.readwn.com~ Feng Xue did the same, he waved the arms that collided before, and said with a smile, "Although I'm not guessing. I don't know what your usual fighting style is, but now, you'd better get serious and fight me in the same way as you face equal enemies."

"Okay!" Saitama was still a simple answer, and then he moved.

"Sprint seriously!"

The sound barrier was broken in an instant, and a punch with dozens of times the speed of sound was already in front of him within the reaction gap. Even if he caught it, it would be difficult to immediately transmit his thoughts to the neural network, but Feng Xue was already working with him. In the battle of the hungry wolf, the nerve reflex is connected to the magnetic field around the body, and his body has already responded before the fist has entered the reflex range.

The fists are constantly colliding, but there is no sound coming out. The movements of the two have made everything within the fighting range into nothingness. In a state of almost vacuum, no sound can be heard.

If you look closely, you can see that every time the two fight against each other, some dust will fall. It is not any residue, nor is it leftovers from clothes, but an element in the air that is compressed into solid air under the impact of huge force. !

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