Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 63: restrict

Sasuke's mastery of the ability to read is very smooth, and he is completely worthy of the word "protagonist", but at the last step, he has not completed it, but Feng Xue can see that it is not that he cannot do it, but It's that he doesn't want to do it at all.

This kid doesn't seem to want to set his abilities too early.

"Is it very ambitious, is it because ordinary mind bombs or mind beasts can't meet the needs of a reincarnator?" Feng Xue didn't actually hate Sasuke's potential psychology. On the contrary, he felt a little happy to see it happen. , after all, he is Feng Xueqin's mess... I mean the protagonist, the person who will bring changes to the entire Omega reincarnation system in the future, it is too short-sighted. After all, with the ability of the release system, if it is not matched with other systems, chakra can basically do things that can be done. Feng Xue even thinks that if he is a release system, it will also have the potential impact of chakra.

However, anyone who has played the development game should understand that cultivating a strong character does not simply improve his combat skills, but also induces from many aspects such as life skills, social skills, and mental state, such as Feng Xue, In order to cultivate a qualified samsara, that is a painstaking effort!

Some basic language induction is enough, and he will even use his mind ability to promote his mental growth.

Anyway, if the mind ability counter is left unused, it will disappear due to forgetfulness, so it is better to use it instead of keeping it.

Of course, this kind of operation is impossible. Feng Xue can only pass "You have to be careful, **** may sneak up on you before the game", "Someone is inquiring about your information recently, your next opponent may be against you. "Your fighting style to target" and other lies, after reversing it to the truth, artificially caused Sasuke to fight hard without even reaching the 100th floor. When he desperately climbed to the 150th floor, he was very vigilant. It has increased several times.

Then, Feng Xue also got the label of a crow's mouth.

At least now, as soon as he opens his mouth, Sasuke will throw a "please stop talking" look.

Watching Sasuke mature day by day, a sense of accomplishment is brewing in Feng Xue's heart. This is like the feeling of playing a game and finally shaping the character after months of hard work.

But after that, Feng Xue had a headache again because he didn't know how to play.

Well, it's not that I don't know what to do, but I don't know how to play.

For him, Sasuke is the same position as a game archive. I believe that players who play sandbox games will have a similar situation, that is, when the character grows to a stage where it is not good or bad, it will start to produce a kind of inconsistency. The confusion of knowing what to do, if you continue to cultivate it, it will be a long time before the next stage, but if you go out to fight monsters, you can’t find the right opponent, and it’s a bit boring to use it to abuse vegetables, and there are many new contacts. Players who came to the sandbox game all quit at this stage.

Under normal circumstances, it is possible to find the target based on tasks such as tasks, but now Feng Xue has completed the task at hand. As long as he looks at the big d on Sasuke's head, he will know that in the assessment of the will of the dead, Sasuke has already Became a worm trapped in its own cobweb.

Of course, it's the same in fact. After all, Sasuke had memorized more than 200 mind ability tokens in just four months. This is because Feng Xue will consume some of it in no time, so that if Feng Xue wants to kill him now , he didn't even need to move his finger, he just said something in a voice that could just be heard by him - "You are already dead."

Then he will die.

Regarding the use of this ability, Feng Xue also found out through many experiments (thanks to Tianguo's Sha Dasuo, Li Nianduo, and Jidou for their contributions to Feng Xue's exploration ability.), in the process of this experiment , Feng Xue realized a lot of problems, and the most important one is the truth of generating mind ability indicators and the lies that induce mind ability indicators. After all, turning a lie into reality sounds very strong, but it also requires you to be able to lie. Just do it.

Although in theory, each mind ability indicator can perform what Feng Xue can do, there is a big error in the actual calculation. If Feng Xue said it in a strongly misleading way If you tell the truth, then the mental ability indicator obtained is very weak, and all you can do is what is really possible at the moment; but if Feng Xue did not pretend, and said the truth with the mentality of wanting others to believe. If the words are regarded as a lie, then this mind ability counter will soar by several levels, reaching the level of achieving a lie out of thin air.

To give a simple example, it is also a lie that "there are snipers staring at you outside the window, you will be shot in the head if you move", if you use a weaker ability counter~www.readwn.com~ then activate the ability At the time, it will randomly control a person with a sniper rifle within the range of the sniper rifle to pick up the sniper rifle and shoot it at the target, and hit the target with the correction of Nian. If there is no such person within the range, the ability will be reduced. It won't be activated, but the mind power counter will be consumed. On the contrary, if it is the latter, a sniper mind beast will be formed directly at the place where you can directly snip here, and then a mind bullet will be taken away.

But there is no difference between the two, because the latter also has a defect, that is, Feng Xue must have the corresponding talent, or the sniper example, if you consume strong counters, Feng Xue must have enough to be far away To form the release system of the sniper's psychic power, there must also be an embodied psychic power that can make the psychic bullet mimic a sniper rifle bullet, and also have an operation-based psychic power that makes the psychic bullet headshot accurately and enough to break through the target's defense with one hit. Strengthen the power of the system.

From this, it can be seen that weaker counters are more suitable for lies with technical content, sufficient preparation space and leeway, such as "you were targeted by xxx, they will come back to kill you tonight", while strong counters Objects are more suitable for simple and rude gameplay, such as "I punch you and you will die".

This seems to have something to do with Feng Xue's own cognition of lies and honesty. After all, the essence of the restriction of mind power is a lie. If the truth is too false, then the later lies must be as true as possible to make up for the previous restriction. There is a gap, but if the truth is true enough, it means that the restriction has been reached, then of course the next lie can be false.

However, because there are too few samples, it is difficult for Feng Xue to find out the answer in a short period of time. After all, in the Sky Arena, there are only a few Psychic players that Feng Xue Neng can beat, and they are all dead now.


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