Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 67: Preparation before crossing

[You blended into the crowd by your own abilities, and induced targets through different identities. Your enemies were always toyed with by you. Even at the moment of death, they didn't make out who you really were. . 】

Title attribute ①: After entering the plane, you can conduct a character search, and obtain three to five character appearances and names that match the characteristics through specific keywords.

Title attribute ②: By reporting a specific name, you can come to the vicinity of the other party with the coordinates of the other party, and you must know the other party's appearance when entering the name.

Title attribute ③: Once in each world, after killing a plot character, obtain information about the other party, including but not limited to interpersonal relationships, character, and abilities.

The above are the characteristics of this title called [Pretender].

In short, it provides you with an identity target that can be quickly disguised.

You don't need to investigate and understand a person's life preferences. As long as you successfully kill the other party, you can get the corresponding information. This is basically no different from the passing of an identity at the same time. Of course, those who choose the boss and the protagonist are thrown aside. Bar.

He casually entered his own name on the title. Anyway, it was only the name of the will of the deceased, so it didn't matter what it was called.

After all the formalities were completed, Feng Xue was about to apply for a contact device, but suddenly received a prompt——

"Dear Mr. Feng Xue, the reincarnator 'Eagle' you have locked has applied for crossing. The target plane is currently called "Alchemy vs. Cyborg". There is no progress in this crossing. It is expected that the receipt will be issued in two days. Please decide within two days whether to cross."

"So soon?" Feng Xue raised his eyebrows, his face was slightly weird, but thinking about it carefully, that Sasuke... Well, the kid who should be called Sako should be still under the blow of transgender now, although theoretically Said that his ability can be removed by the mind-eliminating master, so Omega consciousness should also be able to do it, but think carefully about the situation where the reincarnator needs money for everything, and expel the fear that he has stacked hundreds of layers. Isn't it easy? No wonder you are in such a hurry to cross, I am afraid that you can apply for it after asking the price of the treatment?

"The yellow notification...is it a little dangerous?" Feng Xue had a strange smile on her face. The answer was actually not necessary at all. If there is a chance to trap reincarnation, why not go?

But it's still not enough. Unlike the reincarnator, the intruder will immediately enter the process as long as he clicks on crossing, so he has to prepare some useful props.

Although it is said that although everything is completely free for the intruders, there is still some unspoken rule called contribution, which does not mean that it is necessary to spend contributions, points or other disguised charges. , but the real contribution.

After all, nothing is innumerable, especially some precious props and equipment are extremely rare. If there is a guy with a squirrel fetish who madly scans the goods for free, won't others be useless?

In order to cope with this situation, the will of the dead has come up with a "shared equipment" system. In simple terms, everyone throws the things they get but don't need into the warehouse established by the will of the dead, and then whoever wants to do the task can Come to the warehouse to choose what you can use and take it away, but this is not unlimited, but depends on your own contribution. Medicines, these will be turned into something similar to loan credit as a contribution.

For example, if you kill 100 reincarnators, you will have 100 contributions, and the loan amount will be 100. When you borrow 100 items, the warehouse will be temporarily closed. However, it is worth mentioning that if you Return these items as they are after the mission. The amount will not be consumed. Only when the consumables are lent and consumed, or the items are destroyed or lost, will the loan amount be reduced. If you pay it back, the will of the deceased will automatically take back the item and deduct your quota by the way. Of course, you can pay it back and borrow it later.

However, the total amount of contribution or quota itself has many uses. For example, after the contribution reaches a certain level, you can apply to improve your evaluation, get exclusive weapons, etc. Even if it is a title, it is not impossible to get one. Of course, the exclusive title is not to be thought of Well, unless you get an evaluation of s or higher in the entry assessment, you can find a way to get promoted to the titled intruder.

Without further ado, Feng Xue continued to control the computer in front of him, double-clicking the icon called "Dead Wills Warehouse" on the desktop, and then something like an auction interface in an online game popped up, with various filter items on it, what weapons? , armor, cheats, consumables, and some messy custom entries~www.readwn.com~ But if you are patient enough, you can also look through the hundreds of millions of entries one by one.

However, since the next world has been confirmed to be steel, Feng Xue naturally searched for some related things, such as the principle of alchemy/alchemy, the stone of the sage, the world map and other things, but later he He found out that he couldn't exchange anything except the coins and world map of the world.

After all, as an intruder, he has never killed a reincarnator. The reason why he can contribute 20 points is because of his title, but he didn't have much hope. Feng Xue asked for a lot of new The currency of the country and the country of Amestris, speaking of which the price of these currencies is zero, that is to say, you can have as much as you want, and you don't have to pay it back.

This is not surprising, after all, it is just paper, and the dead can copy whatever they want.

But it is precisely because of this that Feng Xue can get it immediately after clicking on it. In fact, most of the leases have a so-called buffer period. This is to confirm that other intruders in the traversal process do not need it before they can give it to you. The higher the contribution, the shorter the buffer period. If there are other people who want to borrow this thing during the buffer period, whoever has the highest contribution can use it.

After getting the currency, Feng Xue applied for a bracelet as a contactor by the way, and then left the Internet cafe. Although the will of the dead can also be provided for free, such as food and water, but according to Skull's suggestion, he is more inclined to Go to those polluters to buy. After all, if you buy from them, although it is free on your side, they will have reward points. Although Feng Xue is now a joker of the chaotic camp, his chaos is for the reincarnators. , For these poor people who are also victims, he still has the thought of helping if he can.

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