Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 71: Immortality

[After half an hour of reading, you have the most basic understanding of alchemy. You gain the knowledge of skill alchemy, and your alchemy knowledge increases by 1d4 points. 】


[Basic Knowledge of Alchemy → 21]

[At the end of the browsing, you have a general understanding of this magic called alchemy. Since your basic knowledge of alchemy exceeds 20 points (that is, breaking through the novice and reaching the amateur level), you have acquired the skill [Contact Dragon Vein]. 】

"Sure enough, there are unspoken rules for the judgment." Feng Xue sighed and stretched her slightly stiff body from sitting for a long time.

Although the cheating decision states that he obtains 1d4 knowledge each time, but from the second time onwards, the knowledge he obtains has reached the full value of 4 points each time, and the 1d4 dice rolls 4 points five times in a row. It's almost like a miracle in probability, but it actually happened.

This made him understand that this golden finger is not something out of nothing. He will not pour knowledge into your brain out of thin air. The so-called browsing and acquiring skills are just a summary of the received knowledge. The more you read Perfunctory, then the less information the cheater gets, and the less knowledge that can be fed back to you, but on the other hand, if you read it carefully, then it is impossible to read this part of the content you have read when you roll the dice. Deducting it, the upper limit reached will naturally be higher.

It is said that it all depends on the dice, but personal efforts will implicitly change the range of possible points in the investment.

Some people may ask, since they are all working hard to read, what is the point of judging, but it does make sense. As I said before, a person wants to memorize the knowledge in the book, and thoroughly understand the knowledge in it. Understanding is two completely different concepts. Even if ordinary people really understand the basic knowledge of alchemy, it takes a long time to study the dragon veins. However, Feng Xue's golden fingers allow him to obtain the corresponding level of knowledge. He directly got the opportunity to use the skill of touching the dragon veins - the premise is that he succeeds in rolling the dice.

After possessing the basic knowledge of 24 points of alchemy, Feng Xue also roughly understood the reason for the strange attitude of the people in the new country.

This kind of power called dragon veins can be understood as the flow of "Qi". This Qi is not, or it is not just the concepts of true Qi and air, but a more abstract thing, that is, the concept of flow itself.

Alchemy is activated by the energy brought by the ubiquitous flow and circulation between heaven and earth, so as to achieve the effect of changing the state of matter.

For an alchemist, the wind is flowing, the water is flowing, and the blood in the human body naturally flows, and Feng Xue's ripple qigong practice makes his blood flow with a wave like the sun's power, which makes it possible for those who are alchemists to flow. In the eyes of those who are skilled, Feng Xue's dragon veins are far stronger than ordinary people. The more profound the cultivation of alchemy, the more they can see that the strength of Feng Xue's dragon veins is different from that of ordinary people, and the more the attitude towards him is. is respectful.

Maybe in the eyes of those experts in alchemy, Feng Xue is an alchemy expert who successfully integrated the Sun Dragon Vein into his body?

After all, the essence of alchemy is for immortality. No matter which school, by any means, is moving in this direction, and in the introduction to alchemy, a special term is mentioned—the medicine of immortality.

This so-called immortality medicine is not a real medicine pill. If you have to say it, it is the "Dao fruit". For example, immortals are used for self-cultivation, such as dimensional upgrading and technology. It is something that can be called the highest achievement.

Each school of alchemy has its own elixir of immortality, which is their approach to the result of "immortality".

Some schools believe that human beings are defective, so they use the characteristics of other creatures to make up for this part of the defect, thus forming a technology similar to synthetic beasts.

Some schools believe that the most basic unit of human beings is the cell. As long as each cell is long-lived, people will naturally live longer, so they connect their own dragon veins with the dragon veins between heaven and earth, so that the original lifespan of only a few hours or a few days Cells can survive for months or even years, extending the limit of lifespan.

There are also schools of thought that metabolism is the essence of lifespan, so they increase lifespan by slowing down their own life activities. For them, time has no meaning. Maybe a few years have passed after a sleep.

But the above are just the assumptions mentioned in the basics of alchemy. There is absolutely no specific way to do it. Otherwise, it will not be used as a "foundation". Although Feng Xue believes that there are indeed many alchemists in this world to try, but the distance Immortality is probably still a long way off, otherwise Yao Lin and Zhang Mei in the original book would not have gone across the desert to Amesdoris to find the elixir of life.

There is no doubt that Feng Xue, who can exude the aura of the Sun Dragon Vein, is a new type of immortality medicine in the eyes of an accomplished alchemist (in fact, it is similar). Just appearing, it already means that a new school of alchemy is being born.

As an heir of the alchemy school with a unique medicine of immortality, it is reasonable to have respect for Feng Xue~www.readwn.com~ So it is, not to mention the refining reaction of alchemy itself, but this adjustment The ability of the dragon veins is very helpful to me. I was burned when I absorbed 'Yuehua' because there was no way to control the amount of absorption, and using the life force of mind ability to dilute the power of nature is naturally a drop in the bucket. The power of adjusting the dragon veins and communicating the dragon veins is just right. "Feng Xue analyzed all kinds of possibilities in her heart, and her heart to die boiled again.

As a chaotic side joker who has lost his mind (san), Feng Xue has fully used the chaotic camp's style of doing whatever he thinks, completely ignoring the possibility of becoming a roast suckling pig after failure, and just started to follow his own. Gained knowledge to find dragon veins.

Although it is said that everyone has dragon veins in their bodies, such dragon veins are still too small, so small that a little manipulation may upset the balance. The body is healthier and stronger, but for a novice, directly attacking one's own dragon veins is courting death.

To draw a simple formation consisting of a pentagram and a circle on the ground, Feng Xue just sat in the center. The formation drawing does not require much professional knowledge, as long as you understand geometry, because theoretically, This array method is not really useful. What is really useful is your understanding of the "circle". Because of your lack of understanding, you have to use a tangible circle to make up for it. , which is also the fundamental reason why those who see the truth can start the training without the formation.

(The essence of alchemy and alchemy are the same, the only difference is that the energy source is different. One uses the earth's crustal energy, which is geothermal energy, while the other uses the dragon vein, which is probably the difference between a geothermal stove and a gas stove.)

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