Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 80: Allograft

The researchers couldn't help but came to the stage with their own curiosity. For this alchemist who had surprised them in the field of synthetic beasts, they responded to a considerable degree of tolerance. The scientific research community is narrow, but also forgiving, so narrow You may inadvertently touch the interests of the other party and you will be targeted to death, but tolerance is that, in addition to the guy who may be your job, more people will support your research, of course, it may hinder the other party's Power, only support it in secret.

However, after testing the mice in the cage Feng Xue took out, everyone fell silent. They looked at Feng Xue with strange expressions, as if they were looking at some monster.

"This, this is not just nasal cartilage, but a complete nose with even nasal mucosa. How is this done?"

"No, this is not only the nasal mucosa, but also the nasal mucosa that differentiates the olfactory and respiratory parts, and there are olfactory cells inside!"

"If you can cultivate the noses of other animals, you can cultivate people. As long as the rejection reaction can be dealt with, it can be directly transplanted into people. No, if you use this technology to cultivate directly on yourself, there will be no rejection. The reaction is said!"

A group of researchers shouted and yelled, and the middle-aged researcher who had been desperately fighting against Feng Xue also looked a little better. Although Feng Xue’s previous words had dealt a big blow to his industry, his achievements were more inclined to medical treatment rather than synthetic beasts. , which means that this guy will not have a direct conflict with himself in the future, so, just take his previous report as a prelude...

Just when the middle-aged examiner was thinking about a small calculation, Feng Xue cleared her throat and continued:

"I believe everyone has seen that this nose is a relatively complete structure. As long as the neural connection and rejection reaction are solved, it can be directly transplanted to the corresponding creature, but what I want to say is that these are not cultivated. But I directly transplanted it!"

Feng Xue's words seemed to have inspired a broad sword inside the tank, and the whole room was blown up. Even the alchemists who were listening in the surrounding area with relevant knowledge were talking about it, and even the research institute rushed up and dragged it in disbelief. Living on Feng Xue's collar——

"This is impossible! There is no synthetic reaction in these mice. They are not synthetic beasts, and it is impossible for non-synthetic beasts to transplant the organs of other creatures! Not to mention the operation of transplanting the nose on the back!"

This sentence is right. A synthetic beast is a kind of creature that is chimeric at the cellular level. If it is not like this, it is impossible to support the organs of other creatures. Now, it will rot in a few days. You must know that even if they are both human, there are various rejection reactions in transplanted organs, not to mention completely different species. It is impossible to talk about blood type and matching, okay? ?

"This is the result I want to talk about. As I said before, I gave up on improving the wisdom of synthetic beasts and invested in other aspects. Then, I discovered the secret of life's rejection." Feng Xue used a kind of profound Looking at the researchers with unpredictable smiles, everyone reacted immediately, tidying up their instruments and returning to their seats, listening obediently like elementary school students.

"The rejection itself comes from the mismatch of cells, and the methods of reducing rejection on the market are all by reducing the immunity of receptors, and everyone understands the danger of this kind of behavior, but who has thought about it? Is the nature of this rejection reaction actually the same as fever and diarrhea?"

"..." When Feng Xue said this, everyone's faces were not quite right. Although in theory, it is indeed a rejection reaction, but your span is too big, right? Can food poisoning detoxification be the same as allogeneic organ transplantation?

"I don't know if you have heard of Xinguo's alchemy technique."

"It's not uncommon for the merchants of the New Kingdom, Amestris, but there is no alchemist. It seems that the energy of the leylines on our side is too strong, making it difficult for them to guide the power of the dragons." The white coat's eyes flickered, but hearing him speak, Feng Xue knew that this was probably someone who knew the inside story.

"That's right. Although the theory is similar, the difference in energy source makes the two powers fundamentally different. I occasionally got alchemy from a businessman and tried to practice it, but there was no result." Feng Xue took out the basic alchemy book she bought from Xinguo and waved it, but the smile on her face didn't look like she didn't learn anything at all—

"Since everyone has heard of alchemy, you should also understand that alchemy has more adaptability than alchemy in terms of medical treatment. Although there is no way to learn it, it doesn't mean that we can't study why they are so powerful in medical treatment."

As soon as Feng Xue said these words, the researchers suddenly realized that they seemed to have missed something very important. Yes, if you can't copy it, it doesn't mean you can't study it!

But it’s too late. In this aspect, the first person to produce results will be valuable. I don’t know how many people studied aircraft at the same time as the Wright brothers, but after the success of the Wright brothers, everyone agrees. give up, why? Because they continue to follow the path of others.

Seeing that the researchers probably understood what they meant, Feng Xue continued: "Unlike the core of our alchemy 'cold, heat, dampness, dryness', the essence of alchemy is divided into 'yin' and 'yang'. For qi, yin symbolizes coldness, weakness and stillness, and yang represents heat, growth and activity. Every living thing can grow healthily only when yin and yang are in balance. Diseases such as rheumatism and cold belong to yin, and yang represents Cancer. So catching a cold will induce a cold, and eating barbecue will easily lead to cancer..."

Although some people want to scold "pseudo-science" or "nonsense~www.readwn.com~, after all, the results are in front of you, so you can only listen to Feng Xue's story quietly.

"The essence of rejection is a positive syndrome, that is, a condition of excess growth and activity. If this positive syndrome is suppressed, it will turn from yang to yin and turn into a chronic disease. This is also the cause of overuse of anti-rejection drugs. The root cause of the weakening of the receptors is just like if a cold is suppressed by antibiotics at the moment of fever, it will easily turn into pneumonia. It is due to the change from yang to yin. In our words, fever itself is rejection. Rejection is suppressed, and the things that should be in the row can’t be discharged, and it will naturally deteriorate.”

"Although we can't learn alchemy, the cold and heat, the yin and yang of growth and death, can be observed by the cold, hot, damp and dry of alchemy. If the balance of yin and yang in the organism is forcibly changed, then the experiment will naturally succeed, but conversely, if the balance of yin and yang of the organism is forcibly changed, it will…”

Speaking of this, Feng Xue suddenly took out a glove with a drawing of a formation from his pocket, put it on, put his hand through the cage and pressed it on the body of a small white mouse, a slight cruelty flashed on his face at the same time. .

Accompanied by the not-so-strong tempering reaction, the white mouse, which could crawl back and forth, suddenly twitched. With the crazy shaking of the pig's nose on its back, a large amount of blood and pieces of meat were spattered. It was not an explosion. Such reactions, but due to the breakdown of the balance of yin and yang, and the sudden rapid proliferation of cancer cells.

ps: The discussion on yin and yang and disease in this article is not the author's nonsense, but from "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Those who are interested can take a look. Although sometimes the theory of traditional Chinese medicine seems to be very mysterious, I have to admit that it is inside There are a lot of places that do make sense out of nowhere.

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