Knowing that he had frightened the two goddesses, Black and White, Li Mu retracted his gaze, his eyes returned to dullness, and said, "From today onwards, you will be my bodyguards by my side, as for the names of the two of you, it will be called Hei and Bai, now , the two of you, tell me about your two skills of creating ghosts and creating gods!"

Black and white

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Li style flow from the heart, the difficulty and harvest of creating a god 3 more

The skill of creating Li Gui is not a question of whether he can create a faceless nurse. The question is whether the nurse created is strong enough and his body is good enough! Forget it, let’s talk about creating a god! Some ideas, Li Mu thinks it's better to talk about this in private, otherwise, he, as the master, seems to have no majesty! In fact, Li Mu is very curious about the creation of gods. The gods created by this creator, In the end, a premature 'god' is so powerful. The full version is not going to go against the sky. If you don't really create a god, then it's really awesome! Now Silent Hill is a piece , Li Mu has the final say, the 'gods' are gone, and the black and white have surrendered. Li Mu has nothing to worry about hearing Li Mu's words. The black and white sisters did not dare to disagree. Not demanding

"Master, do you want to listen to the creation of ghosts or gods first?"

Looking at the eyes of the black and white sisters, Li Mu decided to make a god after making a difficult choice.

Image, image! Although there is no need for an image in front of Fujiang, but there should be some appearance! "Let's talk about creating ghosts first!"

Well, from the heart of the Li family, people have to carry out their own ideas, and the image will be played for a while, and then pulled back when needed! "Oh yes, it's mainly about the faceless nurse, and the rest are tall and strong. Ah, ugly and short, developmental deformities, these are not to mention, just tell me about the faceless nurse!"

Li Mu also specially added that the two black and white sisters were a little scared in their hearts when they looked at them with anticipation.

"Master, it's not difficult to create a faceless nurse. The only thing is that the combat power is not very strong. At most, it is a 2-star [-]-level Specter. We can create about [-] per day: it needs to have enough death energy."

After speaking, the black and white sisters looked at Li Mu with some caution, for fear that something was wrong, which would make Li Mu dissatisfied and kill them with a thunderbolt.

But Li Mu doesn't have time to think so much now, he is thinking about the issue of death anger

Where does the death energy come from? Dou Po has only spiritual energy, not death energy! Without death energy, how can we create a faceless nurse? Li Mu squeezed his chin, and suddenly thought of the transformation function of the laboratory. , and the energy converter that I bought with points before. No matter which of them they are, they can easily do this kind of thing! The faceless nurse has settled down, and the big stone in Li Mu's heart has finally fallen, and here it is. When I went to Silent Hill, I didn't see a faceless nurse. It's a pity, but it doesn't matter! There will be no faceless nurses in the experimental base in the future! I promise to see it every day! If you are happy, if you catch one, you will have a meal: output! Speaking of which, Li Mu really hasn't tried it yet, what does it feel like, "Master"

After returning to his senses, looking at the two black and white sisters who were a little nervous, Li Mu Zhan smiled and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I am still very kind to my own people, with twenty female nurses every day, the progress is not bad, then talk about it. Create a god, how long does it take for any request?"

Li Mu's attitude made the black and white sisters feel a little at ease. When it comes to creating gods, the two sisters are obviously a little excited. It seems that they are addicted to creating gods.

"Master, it's not easy to create a god at all. You need to create a virgin first and check whether it is qualified. If you are qualified, you can use her as a host to give birth to a god. If you fail, you need to start over!"

"According to our experience, there is a chance that a qualified Virgin will appear out of [-] Virgins, and the embryo of the gods needs to be warmed with the blood of [-] Virgins, which is used as an array to attract and depict the array pattern, and the resulting Pure death energy is the most important step in creating a god!"

"After three months of warming up, the gods can emerge from the cocoon. During this period, they cannot receive any interference or interruption. Once the supply of dead energy is insufficient, the gods will be born early or die directly!"

Black and white sisters, your words and my words, Li Mu was stunned for a while, this messy procedure made Li Mu's eyes smeared, as if he was listening to a book from heaven

Co-author, it is so difficult to create gods! "I have a question, how many virgins can you create in a day"

The two sisters looked at each other and said together, "If you do your best, you can make ten 10 Virgin Marys a day. In this case, you may not be able to take care of faceless nurses."

Ten 10s a day can't take care of faceless nurses. That is to say, [-] Virgins need [-] days. According to three hundred and sixty-five days a year, these [-] Virgins need less than three years. When the little Nezha, Li Mu didn't fall to the ground! This time is too long! Isn't this a mess! And this is only the time it takes to create the Virgin Mary, and it takes three more to truly give birth to a god. Yue, there are a lot of requirements during the period, this god is really hard enough! "Then tell me, how much stronger is this 'god' than the one I killed before?"

Shaking their heads embarrassedly, the sisters also seemed to be a little puzzled and said: "Master, that 'god' was an accident before, and we don't know why it is so powerful. Not to the point's not a dimension at all"

Li Mu is more powerful than the two of them, and Li Mu understood it in an instant. This is probably the reason for the torture-level dungeon, but even so, Li Mu is very satisfied! Are the two sisters weak? No! Not weak! If they hadn't met With Fujiang's attitude beyond the standard, it is impossible for ordinary people to walk in front of the two goddesses. Don't think that the triangular heads are vegetarians, and don't take the swords around the two sisters' waists seriously! This is It will really kill people! If the created god has a bloodline that is a little higher than the black and white sisters, Li Mu is not unacceptable. After all, it will be a bloodline in less than three years. Isn't this a bloody gain? The most important thing is that the born 'God' is very powerful, and it doesn't need to grow any more, it can already be on its own! After three years, Li Mu will be able to play it completely, but the faceless nurse is nowhere to be found. I'm so sorry! "You guys will go back with me in the future, and you don't need to work hard to create the Virgin. Anyway, you need to take a break and change your taste. Just create more faceless nurses, adjust it, and create a 'God' within three years."

Black and White Sisters: Fu Jiang: Vivian: Zhang



'God' request, Vivian is very lost 4 more

Li Mu's expression is so solemn now, he just thought about creating a god, and he forgot one thing

According to the stupid appearance of the 'god' before, is it too ugly and not sure what gender it is, Li Mu doesn't want to suddenly have multiple unknown creatures in the family

"Bai, does this 'god' have a gender? Isn't it too ugly to look at, or the First Sovereign catches the faceless nurse and the most important point, is this 'god' obedient?"

Li Mu doesn't want to cause a calamity. This point must be asked clearly. Although there is nothing to be afraid of in the laboratory, if any damage is caused, it will be bad.

Not knowing what Li Mu was trying to express, the two sisters, Bai and Hei, looked at each other and said in unison, "Master, 'God' is not under our control. As for gender, it can be controlled, and appearance is also acceptable. control type, what does the owner need?”

With the first sentence, Li Mu's heart sank. The created 'god' was out of control. If a full-body 'god' was born, wouldn't it have exploded later. Li Mu felt better in his heart, and his gender and appearance were controllable. This is easy to say, when the time comes, let Sang Jingqiao and the black and white sisters study it and neutralize the opposite sex genes. At that time, I am afraid that the 'gods' created will not be obedient and nothing else will be said. The loyalty of the aliens is that There is absolutely no doubt about it! The problem of the gods has been solved, and Li Mu can be regarded as letting go of one thing. When it comes to the appearance of the created 'god', Li Mu looked around and gave a vague concept.

"Just follow your template, no matter what

What, what I want is to be beautiful and eye-catching! You two understand, right?"

As soon as Li Mu's words came out, the two sisters froze for a moment, and now they understood what Li Mu was trying to express.

"Master, we will definitely work hard!"

Well, there are some things that you can see without saying anything, very good! Of course, Li Mu doesn't always use his lower body to think about it and ask the simplest question. You usually like to see a group of flowers facing you or a group of goddesses. You show a smile before and after, there is a difference between the mood and the sky After being relieved, Li Mu suddenly remembered something.

The black and white sisters, Li Mu remembered that he planned to be a personal bodyguard to handle some matters for him. Why was he assigned to the production department for no reason? To tell the truth, the sisters are such good guards do not need, Jane Fu! But use it, it seems more It's a waste! Li Mu felt so heartbroken! "Okay, let's go back!"

Putting away the sadness in his heart, Li Dian is tired. He just fought with the 'God'. Although the time is short, he is indeed tired enough, not only physically, but also mentally. Li Mu now wants to go back to the hotel and put his arms around Xinlan. sleep with katherine

After the war, there must be a girl to wash away the exhaustion of body and mind! There is relaxation and relaxation, and it is the right way to know how to relax! Seemingly seeing the exhaustion between Li Mu's brows and eyes, the Fujiangs put their arms around Li Mu's arm and walked towards the hotel , 'God' died, the entire space of Silent Hill was collapsing, after such a long time, the surrounding has returned to its original appearance

Fujiang crowded around Li Mu and tried to greet Li Mu with the best parts of his body. Li Mu was so happy to pretend he didn't know, he was addicted to his hands and didn't break the law.

A group of Fujiangs, you stare at me, I stare at you, and you fight against me behind the scenes, but when facing Li Mu, they are extremely flattering and flattering, and Li Mu doesn’t care. rich river

He only needs to take a good general direction. Fujiangs can't make troubles, and treat Fujiangs like hot weapons, ravaging, beating and scolding at will. Fujiangs don't need love, they are too good to them, they will Give birth to a rebellious mentality, and give up on Li Mu

Although he has the loyalty of the aliens and is not worried about the betrayal of the rich rivers, he must not be so obedient.

Fu Jiang's character is like this, so the less Li Mu behaves, the more obedient the Fu Jiangs will be, the more they will care about Li Mu and please him.

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