Unlimited life

Chapter 006

After Bert returned from Diagon Alley, there was another cottage in Voss Manor, where he liked to study and try magic, and the cabin was remote and did not affect his family.

Diagon Alley’s gifts were popular with the family, especially the eldest brother Peter, who was almost addicted to the world of magic, came to him with a fake wand all day asking for magic, and then left disappointed with the blow.

Bert found the rules of magic in this world interesting, standard colloquialisms, marked movements, and the ability to trigger spells with a wand as long as you possess mana.

Of course, there is also the so-called wandless magic, Bert moving coins and destroying objects out of thin air belongs to the scope of wandless silent magic, a relatively high-end one, but his previous way of casting is rough!

In just a few days, Bert was like a sponge, frantically absorbing spells, reciting the spell’s password, and finally successfully casting. Bert began to frantically try all kinds of magic, casting various spells continuously, I am afraid that in the lower wizards, anyone will be Bert’s opponent.

It can only be said that the former archmage is still an archmage, even if he is in a strange world, his analysis and application of knowledge is far inferior to others!

Now, one or two explosions can always be heard in the hut every day, and today seems a little late!


The top of the hut was lifted off and a plume of blue smoke rose into the air.

Just now, a pot of boiling potions tried to add something else instead, causing an explosion, and the place used to cook the potion inside was destroyed by a strong sulfuric acid-like potion!

“Clean it up!” Bert raised his wand and swept it gently, looked up at the blue sky, and couldn’t help sighing. Now, the thick smell of the agent is gradually evaporating.

Because Bert indiscriminately tried various potions, there was an extra mass grave for mice in the yard. He went to the table to check the cause of the error and systematically documented the experiment, like a dedicated researcher.

In just two months, the original large amount of potion materials had been squandered, and Bert felt that he had to find an opportunity to go to Diagon Alley to replenish some materials.

In vain, a white owl flew in from the roof and brought Penelope’s envelope, which was simple and reminded Bert how to get through platform 9 and 3/4, and as for other questions, wait until the academy was helping him answer!

Bert’s questions were quick, and Farah had to travel back and forth to Penelope almost every day, bringing back a pile of parchment with the questions, and then flying back to Bert’s cabin with the answers when answered. The envelope does not have much communication except for questions and answers, one is a studious student, the other is a competent teacher!

Bert also once sent Penelope and GBP, but unfortunately they were all refused, and they were scolded by the other party!

See you tomorrow! – Bert

Bert handed the simple letter to Farah and began patching the hole in his head.

A problem that can be solved with a quick recovery!

In the evening, Bert packs up his luggage and unfinished books, and discusses tomorrow’s itinerary with his family!

Father Auston thought the so-called 9 and 3/4 platform was ridiculous, but he agreed to send his son to the station and be a competent father.

Sister Angela and brother Peter are reluctant and look sullen, and Bert promises to give them the story of the academy when he returns, and the two have smiles on their faces.

The next day, Bert packed his bags, shrunk them down with a shrinking charm, put them in the pocket of his jacket, lifted Irina’s cage, and put them in his father’s car.

Irina doesn’t like to stay in the cat cage very much, but she still obediently compromises in front of the dried fish!

When they arrived at London Station, it was already half past nine!

After saying goodbye to his family, Bert walked with his suitcase to a wall between platforms 9 and 10, and he carefully observed the passing crowd to make sure no one was paying attention, and was stunned to find that a group of guys in strange clothes disappeared through the wall.

They were discovered!

Because Bert saw a Muggle, he actually inexplicably tried to experience through the wall, and ended up hitting the wall, and the result was imaginable.

The feat of hitting the wall attracts the attention of many pedestrians. At this time, two people jumped out of the void in vain, casting magic on the surrounding crowd, both of them holding wands in their hands, controlling the surrounding crowd, and casting magic on the unlucky egg who hit the wall, erasing the memory when he passed through the wall.

This movement was quickly stopped, and Bert easily walked through the walls to board the Hogwarts express train.

There were already many people on the train, and Bert chose the last few carriages for the freshmen to sit in and found a quiet place to rest. He noticed that there was already a child of the same age sitting here: a round-faced child with a toad in his hand.

A toad, I don’t know why he likes such a pet!

“My name is Neville, I’m from the wizard family, and this is my pet Laifu. What about you? ”

“My name is Bert, I’m from a Muggle family, and this is my pet Irina.” Bert just greeted politely, and Bert released Irina, then took out a book and leisurely read to kill the rest of the time.

Neville left for a while, and when he returned, the train had already left.

“Laifu!” Neville suddenly let out a scream.

Bert raised his head and found that Irina was playing with the poor toad, put down the book, took out the dried fish and shook it lightly twice: “Irina, don’t eat strange things, you will get sick!” ”

Take aim at! Irina finally gave up the poor toad, grabbed the dried fish and ate it next to it.

The poor toad and the cat escaped under their paws and picked them into the arms of their owners. Neville said a little angrily: “Laifucai is not a strange thing! ”

Then, I don’t know how long it took, Neville looked around in the carriage again, his pet kept getting lost, and then appeared and went away again, as if repeatedly, as if the toad was teasing his owner.

This time, after Neville returned, there was an extra brown girl behind him, and after waiting for the girl to introduce herself, Bert learned that the other party’s name was Hermione.

A proud girl!

This was what Burt had to say about Hermione: she looked like a haughty swan with her neck stretched so that she barely cried out.

“Do you understand?” Hermione screamed in disbelief when she found the book in Bert’s hand, and even Neville next to her was startled. “This is a standard spell that only senior students can learn, advanced!”

Neville also did not expect that Bert would be able to understand such a profound magic book when they spoke together just now.

“It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you!” Bert frowned and asked, “What’s going on with you?” ”

“Neville lost a toad, did you see it?”

“Irina, have you seen Neville’s poor little toad!”

Irina lazily wagged her tail, indicating that she didn’t see it!

“My Irina didn’t see Neville’s toad either!”

Hermione was stunned, a little annoyed in vain, she actually thought that someone would ask a cat?

“Bert has been reading books since just now and rarely pays attention to other things!” Neville quickly explained while Hermione was still angry.

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