Unlimited life

Chapter 008

The train slowed down and finally stopped. The cadets swarmed towards the door and walked to a small, dark platform. Not far away, a lamp flickered above the students’ heads, and a rough shout sounded: “First-year freshman! Watch out under your feet. All right! First-year students come with me!”

Bert followed the key keeper down a steep, narrow path and stumbled down the hill. It was dark on both sides of the path, and he almost tripped to the ground, but in desperation, he raised his wand and whispered: “Fluorescent flash!” ”

The key keeper brought all the newcomers to a black lake, and on the high hillside on the other side of the lake stood a majestic castle, the legendary Hogwarts!

“No more than four people per boat!” Hagrid, the key keeper, pointed to a group of boats moored on the shore and shouted to the freshmen.

Neville and Hermione board Harry and Ron into the boat, Bert picks one of his own, and later comes a pair of female twins and a boy named Dean Thomas.

Burt learned from the book “Hogwarts: A History” that new students at Hogwarts must go through crossing the lake, which is a tradition left after the establishment of the school!

Hagrid rode alone in a boat and shouted, “Okay go!” ”

A group of boats immediately rowed across the mirrored lake towards the castle ahead, and they followed a dark tunnel that seemed to come to the underground of the castle, and finally reached a similar place to go down the pier

Neville found his toad when he disembarked! Then be led by the key keeper to the oak door of the castle and knock on the castle gate!

Opening the door was a witch in an emerald green robe, and Bert recognized Professor McGonagall.

Hagrid said, “First-year freshman, Professor McGonagall. ”

“Thank you, Hagrid. I’ll pick it up here. Professor McGonagall pulled the door wide open, and the stone walls inside the door were surrounded by flaming torches. The ceiling was enchanted so high that it could barely be seen, and the new students followed Professor McGonagall along the stone floor.

First-year students were taken to a small empty room next to the hall. Professor McGonagall said to all the new students, “Welcome to Hogwarts, the opening feast is about to begin, and you all decide which house you will enter each of you…”

After Professor McGonagall’s words of warning, she left the room, and everyone couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and began to discuss the affairs of the Sorting House.

Bert heard Ron say to Harry, “I think, always pass a kind of test.” Fred said it hurt us a lot, but I think he was joking. ”

Obviously, no one among the freshmen knew about the situation of the Sorting Academy, except for Bert, who had already learned the truth about the Sorting Hat from Penelope, and most of the people were reluctant to say it, presumably hoping that their juniors and juniors could experience this nervousness!

What a bad fun!

Then something strange happened that frightened a small trainee next to Burt to jump up and down – several people behind him were still screaming. Twenty or so ghosts popped up from the wall behind them.

When Professor McGonagall returned, she said to all the new students, “Now, line up and follow me.” She led the freshmen into the auditorium dining hall and gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students, and a wizarding hat on the stool.

The hat was patched, worn out and extremely dirty. The hat twisted in vain, and a wide slit opened in the hem, like a mouth—the hat began to sing: You may think I’m not pretty, but don’t make people look good, if you can find a hat more beautiful than me, I can eat myself….

Any thought hidden in your mind can’t hide from the Magic Hat, wear it and try it, and I will tell you which academy you should be assigned to….

Come and put me on! Don’t be afraid! Don’t panic! You are absolutely safe in my hands, because I am a thinking hat!

After the demon hat finished singing, the audience applauded

“Whoever I call now, put on a hat, sit on a stool, and wait for the branch.” Professor McGonagall said to all the new students. She began to roll call: “Hannah Abbot!”

The hat shouted, “Hufflepuff!”

“Susan Burns!”

“Hufflepuff!” The hat shouted again. Susan quickly ran to Hannah and sat down.


“Burt Wessex”

Bert heard McGonagall call his name, walked up and put on his hat, which had just touched his head and immediately shouted, “Ravenclaw! ”

This time the second table on the left clapped. As Bert walked up to their ranks, several Ravenclaw students stood up to shake his hand, and Bert saw Penelope smiling at him.

Originally, Hermione, the little swan, was actually sorted into Gryffindor, which was unexpected!

At the end of the Sorting Academy, Professor McGonagall finally read, “Harry Potter! ”

“Potter, is she calling Potter?”

“Is that Harry Potter?”

Harry Potter buckled the Sorting Hat on his head, and after a few seconds, the Hat finally shouted, “Gryffindor!” ”

Gryffindor’s loudest cheers. The Weasleys’ twin shouted, “We have Potter!” We have Potter! ”

The last three. Lisa Dupin became a Ravenclaw freshman. Ron Weasley was sorted into Gryffindor. Blaise Sabini was sorted into Slytherin.

Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment, picked up the sorting hat and left.

After the sorting was over, Albus Dumbledore stood up, smiled and stretched out his arms to the students and said, “Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start the new school year!” Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: stupid! Cry! Residue! Wring! ”

The plate in front of Bert was full of food, roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks… Finally, there is the dessert pudding.

After everyone had eaten, the plates disappeared!

Professor Dumbledore stood up again: “Everyone has eaten and drunk enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone.” At the beginning of the semester, I would like to make a few caveats to you. ”

Bert probably understood a few things: students were forbidden to enter the Forbidden Forest; Don’t cast magic in the hallway; Screening of Quidditch players is held in the second week; Please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the 4th floor. ”

“Now, before everyone goes to bed, let’s sing the school song together!” Dumbledore flicked his wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting like a snake over the high dining table and coiling lines of text.

“Everyone chooses their favorite tune.” Dumbledore said, “Ready, sing!”

The school song was so hard to listen to that Bert closed his earplugs to block out all the noise. Everyone finished singing this school song. Dumbledore asked the prefects of each cadet to bring the new students to their respective common rooms.

Penelope, the prefect of the Ravenclaw, and another male prefect led the eaglets to the western tower of the castle, the top of the Ravenclaw Tower, and finally they came to a door. There were no handles or keyholes on the door, just an aged glossy wooden board with an eagle-shaped bronze knocker.

Peneno knocked on the door, and the eagle’s beak immediately opened, but instead of making a bird’s call, he said in a soft, musical-like voice: “Where did the disappeared thing go?” Penneno replied, “Transform into all things.” ”

“Well said.” The eagle-shaped knocker said, and the door opened at once.

Peneno said to the new students behind him: “We Ravenclaws are different from other houses, wise Ravenclaws do not need a rigid password, if you want to enter the Ravenclaw common room, then you must answer the door question, if you can’t answer, just stand at the door until someone takes you through.” ”

A large circular room in the Ravenclaw Common Room with elegant arched windows on the walls hanging from blue and bronze silk, Ravenclaw students could see the beautiful scenery outside. The ceiling is a dome with stars and stars on the dark blue carpet below. The room has tables, chairs, bookshelves, and a white marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw in the alcove opposite the door, and a door next to the statue leads to the dormitory above.

Peneno directed the girls through one door and to their dormitory, while another male prefect led Bert through another door. They finally found their bunk: four beds with four drapery, draped from crimson flannel tents. Their boxes have long been delivered.

The freshmen were exhausted and didn’t want to talk more, so they changed into their pajamas one by one and fell asleep.

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