Unlimited life

Chapter 012

The next day, word was circulating that someone had broken into Professor Snape’s medicine storage room, stole the precious medicinal herbs, and seeing the low air pressure around Professor Potions, all the students were sure that this was true, and some people in Gryffindor held a celebration party because of it!

Because of the alchemy room, Bert did not make any attempts in Snape’s class, and the old bat with low air pressure seemed to believe that Bert was responsible for the theft of the medicine storage room.

But Snape has no evidence, Bert knows that there is a kind of magic called regency that can peek into other people’s memories, Bert does not know brain occlusion, but it does not mean that he cannot resist devotion, he constructed false memories in his brain, so that Snape could see that night, read books and see the dawn.

That didn’t dispel Snape’s suspicions, but it was enough, because he was just suspicious, without any evidence!

Bert didn’t care about Snape who was spinning around, after finishing the potion, he took out the senior book and flipped through it, but poor Anthony next to him was unlucky, because Snape’s low air pressure caused the potion refining error, Snape finally found an excuse to deduct ten points from the Ravenclaw where Burt was.

Bert wouldn’t cause trouble for Ravenclaw, and Professor Pomona Sprout from the Herbology class that day wouldn’t have lost ten points from Professor Snape.

Flying class approached, and it was reported that Neville of Gryffindor broke his leg in flying class, which still could not reduce the boy’s enthusiasm, Rakvenlaw’s flying lesson was taken with the Hufflepuff badger, there were about thirty people, and there were many more Hufflepuff students than in other houses!

Madame Hooch had short gray hair and tawny eyes, like eagle eyes, and before the flight lesson began, Madame Hooch gave everyone a serious warning, maybe it was because of the Gryffindor incident!

“Okay, what are you all waiting for?” She scanned the students in class with satisfaction: “Everyone stands next to a flying broom. Quick, quick, hurry. ”

Bert glanced down at his flying broom, it was worn and old, some branches poked out horizontally, it was inevitable that he had some disgust for flying lessons, he had ridden dragons, and he really didn’t have much interest in brooms!

“Stretch out your right hand and place it above the broom handle,” Mrs. Hooch demonstrated in front of the little wizard, “and say: ‘Get up! ’”

“Get up!” Everyone shouted.

Bert’s broom immediately flew to his hand, and not everyone was able to give him a glimpse of success!

Madame Hooch showed them how to ride a broom without sliding off their heads. She walked around the line, correcting their grips

“Okay, as soon as I whistle, you will kick your legs and leave the ground, and you have to pedal hard.” Mrs. Hooch said, “Hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall vertically back to the ground.” Listen to my whistles – three – two – ”

Without any accidents, all the little wizards lifted off smoothly and then returned to the ground.

The rest of the time, Madame Hooch let all the students move freely, and Bert found an invisible cushion on the broom, rode the broom around the square, and returned to the ground with little interest, not interested in the broom.

“You fly great, you can apply to join Lacquevenlaw’s Quidditch team next year!” Madame Hooch could also see that Bert was more capable of wielding a flying broom than the others.

“No, I’m not very interested in flying on a broom, and I don’t like to waste too much time on a row!” Burt expressed a lack of interest in Quidditch.

“Lakven rarely wins Quidditch!” Madame Hooch regretted that Bert was not interested in Quidditch. She whistled for all the little wizards to come down and assemble, it was already time for class!

These days, in vain, the news that Harry Potter made an exception to join Gryffindor Quidditch came out of the mouth of Quidditch captain Oliver Wood, which should be right!

Several other houses blew up, and Roger Davis, Lacquevenlaw’s Quidditch captain and chaser, invited him to join the team, but Burt refused, and Burt gave Roger an offer to let first-year students who wanted to join Quidditch watch and participate in simple training.

These days, Professor Flitwick again vaguely mentioned the Quidditch thing to Bert, and Burt promised to watch Laclavenlau’s Quidditch practice, and the short professor left happily. On Wednesdays, Quidditch’s players and back-ups were mostly girls.

Roger also enthusiastically introduced the members of the team to Burt, which made him a little embarrassed!

“Why not join the team?” A beautiful brunette asked Bert a question. She proudly said, “I believe Laccloenlau’s Quidditch team is the best!” ”

“I also believe that he is the best, but I am not interested in it!” Later, Bert learned that the opponent’s name was Cho Chang, Lakvenlaw’s alternate player, and explained the rules of Quidditch to Bert at Roger’s request. Cho Chang was upset when he learned from others that Burt was good at flying, but did not join the Quidditch team. Of course, Bert did not let go because the other party was a beauty!

“How?” Roger asked on his way to the Transfiguration Club.

“What’s the matter!” Bert asked with a roll of his eyes.

“Cho Chang is a popular character girl in Lakwenlau, you actually said how to ask me, don’t you see her…”

“Stop!” Bert interrupted Roger’s words and couldn’t help frowning: “Cho Zhang is indeed beautiful and has a special passion for Quidditch, but so what, would you foolish yourself to think that I would join Quidditch because I was going to chase a girl?” Or is your head full of paste? ”

“Oh my God! You are the little prince of Rakvenlaw, as long as you show your talent on Quidditch, there will be countless girls who will be fascinated by you and crazy for you, and Cho Chang is no exception, he will be fascinated by your majesty on Quidditch! The words on Roger’s lips gushed.

“Mr. Roger, you can say these words later, the club’s activities will begin soon!” McGonagall appeared behind the two in vain, and there was an extra bobtail at her feet, it was Irina! “I’m glad you came to my Transfiguration Club, this is your cat, it followed halfway, what a cute little guy!”

The Transfiguration Club was behind the stone statue on the fifth floor, as long as the exit order was given, you could enter, there were already people in the classroom, there were students from all four academies, not enough were senior students, there were about seven or eight, and Bert stood out from the crowd.

Well, guys, this is a new member of our club, Bert Wessex, who shows an extraordinary talent in transfiguration.

“We know that Lakvenlau’s little genius has shown extraordinary talent in any field, if only he could blow up crucibles in Potions class less!” The Slytherin students couldn’t help but sneer.

“Mr. Theodore, if I were you, I wouldn’t have provoked Wessex, and it is said that Peeves would not do such a thing!” Professor McGonagall reminded.

Theodore blushed and kept his mouth shut!

“Our topic today is the transformation of living creatures! Turn dead things into living things, Mr. Bert, and you can show everyone! “McGonagall named Bert to show his hand to prevent other houses in the club from looking down on his talent because of his age!

Bert turned a chair into a bobtail in his hand, and the two bobtails are exactly the same, and together even they can’t tell the real from the fake!

A palm suddenly sounded in the classroom, which also meant that the members of the club accepted Bert to join.

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