Unlimited life

Chapter 020

Word spread at Hogwarts that Bert played with a troll in the palm of his hand, and many people praised Rakvenlau’s little genius spell as powerful, but some senior students said that they could also easily take down a troll.

This is nonsense, Professor Quirrell’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class teaches students how to take down a troll, and many junior houses, as long as they only listen to this class, it is not impossible to take down a troll.

Several senior students who thought they could do better than Bert were unanimously ridiculed by the academy students.

The Quidditch season is about to begin, and the craze caused by the trolls quickly cools down.

Heading into November, the weather gets very cold. Every morning, the ground frosts, and the surface of the lake is covered with ice and snow, cold and hard like quenched steel.

Outside the window, Hagrid is wearing a moleskin coat and defrosting a broom on the Quidditch pitch, and the Quidditch season has begun, causing a craze among young wizards.

Roger was disappointed that Burt didn’t join Quidditch, and he is now taking time to train.

The freshmen’s homework began to become so heavy that it seemed like they could never be completed. Anthony and Michael often complained that they didn’t finish their homework, and most of their homework was borrowed from Bert.

Terry Bout once lamented this, and he even thought that no homework could stump Bert.

Actually, it is!

Bert’s Transfiguration and Spell classes had no homework at all, and as McGonagall and Flitwick’s protégés, the two professors were exempt from almost all of his homework, and Professor Sprout occasionally exempted him from his homework in the herbology class.

Most of Bert’s homework comes from the Potions professor, but he is always able to complete it that day and has a lot of time to read books, and it is no joke to visit Rakvinglau’s collection during the school day, he is reading at a steady pace of one book in three days!

The little wizard’s passion for Quidditch, Bert couldn’t understand what was interesting about riding on a broom.

During training, Roger dragged Bert to the Quidditch pitch many times to try to get the little genius to give them some tactical advice, and Burt did give some good advice.

Roger’s eyes couldn’t help but light up after listening to it, and he seemed to think of something again!

The rules of Quidditch are simple, grab the Golden Snitch plus one hundred and fifty points, and end the game, the one with the highest score wins. Their first will be against Hufflepuff, then against Slytherin, and finally Gryffindor.

If Lakvenlaw can win three times in a row, it means winning the Quidditch championship, and in the end, both sides have won only two, and the house with the highest overall score will win the championship.

The first game of Quidditch starts with two archaes, Gryffindor and Slytherin!

On the day of Quidditch, Bert met Ron and Hermione halfway to the Room of Requirement, who were dragged to the Quidditch pitch to cheer Harry Potter.

All right! Actually, he really didn’t want to go!

Behind Bert hung a Potter victory sheet, indeed a sheet, he was a little unable to stand it, under Hermione’s gaze, turned the sheet into a horizontal strip of propaganda, and there was a Gryffindor lion roaring from time to time, full of momentum!

Madame Hooch in the flying class is the Quidditch referee. She stood in the middle of the court, her flying broomstick, waiting for the players from both sides to arrive.

After the two sides entered and shook hands, Mrs. Hooch blew the silver whistle vigorously.

Fifteen flying broomsticks rose high into the sky.

The game begins.

“The ghost flying ball was immediately snatched by Angelina John of Gryffindor—what a great chaser that girl was, and she was still fascinated—”


“I’m sorry, Professor.”

Twins’ friend Lee Jordan acts as a commentator and is working as a commentary for the game under the close watch of Professor McGonagall.

Gryffindor had the ball ahead. As soon as the game began, Hagrid arrived with binoculars, and Burt gave way to Hagrid and helped him strengthen his chair.

“Thank you, Lakvenlau’s little genius!” Hagrid turned to Hermione and said, “I was watching in the cabin just now, but there is no atmosphere of watching the game in the crowd!” By the way, is the snitch still missing? ”

“I didn’t see it.” Ron said, “Harry has nothing to do yet. ”

In the following game, Harry Potter dived several times, but failed to catch the Golden Snitch. The game was in a state of scorching, Harry’s speed swooped in vain, he was faster than Higgins, the Slytherin Seeker, but unfortunately, because Marcus’s collision caused Harry to lose everything, and the Gryffindor audience caused a wave of protests.

The game continued, Harry Potter’s broom shook in vain, and the people in the stands had noticed the change in Harry Potter.

“There’s something wrong with Harry’s broom!” Seamus screamed loudly.

“Bert, find a way to save Harry!” Ron thought of the genius around him in vain, and quickly asked him for help!

“Don’t worry, if Harry falls, I’ll catch him with magic!” Burt comforted: “It is estimated that someone cast black magic on the broom, and the person who is the most powerful in black magic at Hogwarts is probably the one!” After that, the corners of Bert’s mouth were slightly raised, he didn’t think that Harry Potter would barely fall to death in many professors, but he felt that the person who wanted to kill the savior was stupid!

“Snape!” Hermione and Ron looked at each other and said in unison.

Hermione grabbed Hagrid’s binoculars, looked at the professor’s stand, gasped, “Sure enough, it’s Snape—look.” ”

Ron grabbed the binoculars. Snape stood in the middle of the stands across from them. His eyes were fixed on Harry, and the words were silently chanted in his mouth.

Hermione said, “He’s making bad — spelling evil spells on the flying broomstick.” ”

“What are we going to do?”

“Look at me!” When Hermione was about to disappear, she was caught by Bert. “Don’t stop me Burt!”

“Don’t worry, Miss Granger! Harry Potter will be fine, no one can murder him in front of the professors, and you have no evidence that Snape is chanting a curse on Harry! ”


“I didn’t say that Professor Snape was to blame, and Professor Dumbledore wouldn’t let a classroom of a savior who wanted to murder him stay at Hogwarts!” Burt analyzed that he was indeed right!

“Snape hates Harry!”

“He hates me too!”

“Bert is right, Professor Snape will not murder Harry!” Hagrid agreed with Burt, but he did not believe Snape, but Professor Dumbledore.

Harry Potter was finally thrown off his broom, but before he landed, countless cushioning spells allowed the savior to land safely, and his broom was not so lucky, and he plunged into the woods, and it is said that it took Hagrid several days to help him get it back.

The result of this match was unexpected, Gryffindor won, Harry Potter spat out a golden snitch from his mouth, leaving all the Slytherin students dumbfounded, and Snape left the court angrily amid the cheers of Gryffindor!

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