Unlimited life

Chapter 063

On the first day of the new semester, Big Ron received a yelling letter that became a joke after dinner.

The first lesson in Ravenclaw’s second year was Transfiguration class, taken with Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall asked them to transform the beetle. With a wave of his wand, Bert transforms the beetle on the table into a delicate silver button and successfully completes Professor McGonagall’s class task.

As a Ravenclaw genius, plus a top student, Professor McGonagall allowed Burt to read other books in her class, such as The Animagus Transfiguration Element.

Burt and Professor McGonagall discussed it and decided to start studying the changes of Animagus in the second semester.

Professor McGonagall initially disapproved of Bert practicing Animagus, but was eventually convinced. She is worried that Bert will try Animagus indiscriminately and go crazy, and with his own random attempts, it is better to guide him to complete the transformation of Animagus.

The Animagus Transfiguration Elements is a book that must be familiar to the wizard Animagus, which records how to avoid getting crazy when using Animagus, and provides the steps of Animagus transformation.

Animagus is a profound transfiguration spell that only a few shapeshifting masters can use, and the content of the book is very complicated, and that the graduates may not be able to understand it.

Bert’s book, with Professor McGonagall’s annotated notes!

In vain, there was a disgusting smell of rotten eggs in the classroom, and everyone couldn’t help frowning, pinching their noses with their hands, and looking in the direction of this smell.

Ron held up a crackling wand and pumped a beetle on the table, and a gray, rotten egg-smelling smoke surrounded him, which could not be described as smelly.

Professor McGonagall also noticed the change in the classroom and frowned in dissatisfaction, although she didn’t say anything more, the expression on her face was clearly very dissatisfied with Ron’s influence on order.

Bert couldn’t understand why Harry next to Ron was able to hold back the stench, and he waved his wand to save Ron and his classmates from the stench, which also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Ron cast Bert a grateful look, and when he waved his wand again, there was a crackling sound in the wand, and there was another accident, and a cloud of black smoke exploded from the tip of the wand, enveloping Ron again.

In the chaos, Ron flattens his beetle, and when he asks Professor McGonagall again for a beetle, Professor McGonagall does not give him a good look, and she is very dissatisfied with Ron’s performance in Transfiguration class.

Hermione was the second to complete the Transformers of the Beetle, Gryffindor was the first to complete the Transfiguration students, and Professor McGonagall added five points to Hermione. As for the Ravenclaw genius, being the first to complete the transformation of the beetle was a matter of course.

Harry never completed the Transfiguration Magic, and Professor McGonagall pointed out sternly: there are no buttons on long feet.

He lowered his head in shame and almost turned his head under the table, and Harry suddenly sounded about the events of the summer vacation, and he couldn’t help but be a little discouraged.

During Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall gave them a bunch of homework.

Professor McGonagall relieved Burt of homework.

“That’s so unfair!” Ron envied that Burt didn’t have to do homework, even though it was already a common thing, he still couldn’t help but complain: “This damn can’t work!” ”

At the end of class, Burt and Professor McGonagall discuss Animagus. They agreed to teach Bert to practice Animagus the following Friday afternoon.

At lunchtime, the twins mentioned interesting facts from Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and Bert decided to skip the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He left the dining room while Harry and Gilderoy were attracting everyone’s attention.

Unfortunately, he was caught by Professor McGonagall on his way to the Room of Requirement.

“Mr. Wessex, I remember Ravenclaw and Gryffindor in Defense Against the Dark Arts class!” Professor McGonagall stared at Bert sternly, “The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is on the third floor!” ”

“Oh, there seems to be such a thing.” Bert pretended to think and was silent for a moment before saying, “However, Lockhart is clearly not an incompetent professor, and I bet Lockhart himself can’t even use armor charms, let alone teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts.” ”

At the mention of Gildero, Professor McGonagall’s expression changed somewhat, understanding why Bert had dropped the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She said helplessly: “Mr. Wessex, Professor Lockhart is a competent classroom, and I dare say that no professor has more travel experience than he does.” ”

“Yes, yes, I know!” Bert raised his wand impatiently, and with a swipe of it, three pieces of parchment appeared out of thin air and landed on Professor McGonagall’s hand.

“This is what Gildero’s first lesson was about.” Bert said helplessly.

Professor McGonagall looked away suspiciously, staring at the test paper in her hand, her brows furrowed, because the content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts test on the paper was:

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s secret ambition?

3. What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart’s greatest achievement to date?

Whole three sides of paper, the last question is:

54. What day is Gilderoy Lockhart’s birthday? What is his ideal birthday present?

“Come with me!” Professor McGonagall sighed helplessly, obviously knowing that she couldn’t convince Bert, seeing the content of this so-called black magic test, Professor Transfiguration couldn’t even convince herself.

No wonder the Ravenclaw genius couldn’t stand it and skipped the important Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, which wasn’t a class anymore, it was like a joke.

McGonagall took Bert to Dumbledore’s office, and the statue uttered, “Chilled lemon juice!” I saw that the monster suddenly came to life, jumped to the side, and the wall behind it cracked in half.

Bert came for the third time to the Principal’s Room, a spacious, beautiful circular room filled with all sorts of funny little sounds. On the slender-legged table, there were many strange silverwares, spinning, and spewing out small puffs of smoke.

The walls are covered with portraits of old and old principals, all snoring softly in their frames.

Burt knew that the principals’ portraits were faking sleep.

Ben was not alone in the room, and on a tall gilded perch behind the door, stood an aging bird. Bert stared at it, and the bird looked at him with sorrowful eyes, and at the same time made that suffocating sound.

“A phoenix that is about to be reborn from the ashes?” He muttered.

The door of the office opened, and Dumbledore walked in with a faint smile on his face: “Mr. Wessex, Minerva has told me everything, but I still think you need to go to class, in class, you can meet more friends!” ”

“A phoenix is the most loyal friend!” Bert reached out and touched the scattered feathers of the phoenix, “Their whole life will only follow one person, and only after that person dies, will they leave alone!” ”

Dumbledore said with some surprise, “Mr. Wessex knows the Phoenix very well, it is a very strange and mysterious life, I have never been close to anyone else in a long time.” ”

“Because I know it, I know how it feels right now!” Burt muttered, “Gilderoy Lockhart may be a best-selling novelist, but he’s definitely not a competent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and I don’t want to waste my time anywhere.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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