Unlimited life

Chapter 066

On that day, Bert went to check the status of the phantom mushroom, and by the way, he visited the horse man, and used some alchemy bows and arrows to exchange some magical materials from the horse people that they didn’t need, and everyone was happy.

When it was evening, Bert took the time to go to the Room of Requirement, according to the proposal given by the Weasley brothers, stayed up late to make some joke props, and the twins were also in the alchemy room, giving Bert various suggestions to make the joke props more careless!

It took them a moment, looking at the pile of joke props in their hands, and the Weasley brothers’ faces showed a sinister expression, which was creepy to watch.

A few Slytherin hapless ghosts were tricked, and after Quidditch captain Marcus Flint was hit, he wet his pants, and the whole Hogwarts people were tight.

No one knew who did it, all the fingers were pointed at the Weasley brothers, because they were eating in the restaurant and laughing the most exaggeratedly, in fact, it was not the two brothers who did it, everyone found out that it was Peeves’ prank, and he didn’t know where to get those careless joke toys that made the whole house flutter.

The people of the four houses were rectified, even the ghost was recruited, they easily witnessed, Peeves took out a pump with a glance, and inflated the Hufflepuff Friar like a balloon, and then which needle, gently pricked, the fat friar flew out like a leaky balloon.

No one knows where Peeves’ joke props come from, and none of the joke props in Hogsmeade’s shop are so subtle!

Professors are not in trouble, and not having trouble does not mean that there are none, because professors have a lot of experience and can see through most of the pitfalls.

Of course, there are exceptional guys!


A green smoke slowly rose from the charred steak on Lockhart’s dinner plate, and Professor Lockhart’s hair suddenly changed its appearance, and the silky hair stood up like a conductive one, dyed with colorful colors, like a living open-screen peacock.

The professors cast strange looks, everyone noticed that the steak was a little wrong, as the classroom of Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you actually didn’t notice it, and you brought it over and started cutting it?

This sudden change attracted the little wizards who were eating, and they all looked at the teacher’s seat, stunned, and a few seconds later, a burst of laughter resounded throughout the restaurant.

Peeves finally made a move on the Professor, and Professor Lockhart of Defense Against the Dark Arts was the first to be unlucky, and even Snape’s beeswax face changed slightly.

Lockhart froze for several seconds, reached out to touch his hair, shouted in vain, and rushed out of the restaurant amid the laughter of the crowd.

However, in addition to Lockhart, I have not seen other professors recruited, these days, Peeves seems to have fewer props, and there are many fewer people who have won joke props, who gave Peeves who exactly is, full of tricks, people are not careless joke props from whose hands?

This matter inexplicably became one of the first at Hogwarts.

The little wizard guessed right, Peeves Laughing Toys did become fewer, because the special elixir was at a critical moment, and he couldn’t spare his body to make those things.

After the completion of the elixir, Dangbert personally went to the Forbidden Forest, picked the phantom mushroom, and completed the last step of the elixir!

After the elixir was made, it successfully passed the test, proving that it did not turn into poison and was quite perfect.

After two months of full boiling, a large pot of potions, about one-tenth of the original, showed a golden viscous state, this small pot of elixirs, enough to sell a large amount of gold gallons, Bert stored the potion in a glass bottle, and sealed it with beeswax, there were more than fifty bottles, each bottle of elixir was expensive, he planned to sell some through the black market, in exchange for the gold gallon consumed to make the elixir.

On the same day, Bert sent Hagrid two as payment for providing phantom mushrooms. Hagrid didn’t take it, but hid it in a metal box and kept it safe, not knowing what he left the potion for?

Bert did not take it immediately after the elixir was completed, and overdosing on this thing can lead to dizziness, recklessness and hubris.

He was ready to stay while performing the Animagus Transfiguration just in case!

A few days later, Lockhart came back to his trouble, because Bert missed the Defense Against the Dark Arts class again, and Lockhart decided to ask Bert to help him write back to his book friends, however…

The next day, Peeves was smiling happily again, with joke props provided by Bert hidden in his pocket, and luckily, most of them whistled towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, much to everyone’s relief.

Now, rumors are spreading throughout Hogwarts that Peeves and Professor Lockhart have a feud!

Lockhart said that the morning after he was preparing to close Burt’s confinement, he encountered bad luck, and when he was sitting in a chair to eat, a cloud of dark powder instantly enveloped Lockhart’s head, and no light could penetrate the dark powder.

Lockhart thought he was blind, and his voices echoed through the hall, screaming, cursing, threatening, intimidating, until Professor McGonagall was overwhelmed by the noise, freeing him from the dark powder, and many new students were disappointed in Lockhart.

Lockhart’s disguised photo made headlines in the Daily Prophet, and one student said to himself, “Professor Lockhart is not as brave as the book writes.” ”

Professor Lockhart, who was unlucky, finally couldn’t bear it after seeing the newspaper, fainted on the spot and was sent to the infirmary.

Burt thus escaped Lockhart’s confinement. The day Lockhart fainted, he was called over by Professor Flitwick, apparently, everyone knew who provided Peeves with the joke props, but given that there was no evidence, and it was just a joke, everyone turned a blind eye, but Lockhart was frightened and fainted, and the farce should finally be over.

“Mr. Wessex, I think Professor Lockhart is unlucky enough that you should let him go!” Professor Flitwick smiled and said to Bert, “I have read the notes you left behind, and there are many records of the use of potions, such as the five-colored peacock head. ”

“It was indeed I who provided Peeves with joke props to make Peeves evil Lockhart.” Bert admitted, “If he’s willing to let me go in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I’ll stop providing items to Peeves.” ”

He continued: “The professor also knows that I have not had enough time, the time changer does not solve this problem, a person’s energy is limited, you can’t expect him to be able to do several things at the same time, and I don’t advocate the use of the time turner, it’s too dangerous, especially for people like me, it’s hard not to be discovered by yourself.” ”

“Alright!” Professor Flitwick smiled and said, “I heard Minerva say, are you going to start practicing Animagus?” ”

Burt said, “I have prepared the elixir to minimize all risks!” ”

“It’s a Ravenclaw genius, a wise decision, I think Professor Snape will be proud of you.” Professor Flitwick took out an ancient animal skin book, placed it in front of Bert, and said with a smile: “This is a record of all the spells I have collected so far, and I will give it to you.” But I hope you learn from defensive magic spells, a wizard who knows how to protect himself is a qualified wizard. ”

Bert’s man bent down to Professor Flitwick to perform the ancient wizarding etiquette, expressing his highest respect for the short wizard! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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