Unlimited life

Chapter 082

The next morning, the blizzard outside was beating frantically against the windows, the wind was howling, and the cold was intimidating.

The last herbology class of the semester was canceled. Professor Sprout had to take care of the mandrake, and she was not worried about leaving it to someone else. Now, it is vital that the Mandrake grow up quickly and save the lives of Lady Loris and Colin Creevey.

Bert sat by the fire in the common room, flipping through the alchemy book in his hand, he almost studied Nico’s alchemy, unfortunately, the principle of making the Philosopher’s Stone is too complicated, and it is not easy to apply it to the magic converter. After many repeated attempts, this alchemy experiment finally had a completely new progress.

However, materials are currently scarce, and he has given up his limited time to the production of magic items.

Enjoying quiet time and analyzing and digesting the knowledge of books is also an important thing. People cannot always be in a state of tension, and proper rest is necessary.

Penelope sat next to her, trying to complete her heavy homework, she didn’t want her homework to disturb their quiet lives during the winter break, and they enjoyed the time they were now for two.

Due to the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets, students rushed to reserve seats on the Hogwarts Express, hoping to go home for Christmas.

Bert and Penelo also planned to go back, they hadn’t cleared up for a long time, and although they occasionally went to the Room of Requirement, it was still a problem.

By the way, Luna is also ready to go home.

In vain, the disciples of the Ravenclaw common room opened in vain, and Anthony and Michael hurried in, their faces trepided and uneasy.

“Both Justin and Nick, who almost lost his head, were attacked!” They looked at each other and announced loudly, “The person who attacked them was Harry Potter, and he was caught red-handed by Peeves.” ”

“Oh, Potter?” Burt said lightly: “I know that sooner or later he will cause trouble for himself!” ”

“There are rumors in the academy…” Anthony was about to say what he had just heard when Burt raised his hand to stop him.

“The murderer should not be Harry Potter.” Bert had already closed the book, closed the space package, and said to them: “However, I am curious, even the ghosts are petrified, which is a very abnormal thing. Let’s go over and see what’s going on, where is Nick now? ”

“Near the corridor on the third floor!” Anthony hurried to follow, and they headed to the location where Nick was prevented, and Bert was also a little surprised when he found it.

Nick, who was almost headless, was no longer milky white and transparent, but black, smoky and motionless lying flat suspended six inches above the ground. His head was half off and he had a terrified expression on his face.

He knew what Nick saw, but the basilisk’s gaze could even freeze ghosts, which was incredible.

Let’s go, go to the infirmary to see Justin, Burt says to the others, “I hope he is lucky enough that he didn’t lose his life because of this.” ”

Madam Pomfrey kept them out. Only Burt was allowed to visit him.

Justin Finlieri lay on the bed, cold and strange, a look of horror frozen on his face, his eyes staring dull at the ceiling.

“He’s lucky!” Bert poked Jia twice with his wand and said, “It’s just petrification, I didn’t lose my life because of it, I obviously saw the face of the attacker.” ”

If Madam Pomfrey complained that the school was too small, honestly too incompetent, this was already the third attack.

“After the mandrake matures and the petrified man awakens, he will be able to testify against the attacker, and I dare say that the murderer is Harry Potter!” On the way back to the Ravenclaw Tower, Anthony said to Bert.

“Don’t be silly Anthony, the murderer will not be Harry Potter, he does not have this qualification, and it can be seen from the terrified expressions on Nick and Justin’s faces that the attacker should be some kind of monster.” Burt said flatly, “Otherwise, will you show that horrified expression when you see Harry attacking you?” ”

“You’re right!”

“Peeves, come here!” Bert beckoned Peeves who had just passed by.

“Little ghost head, what’s the matter!” Peeves came over beautifully and said in a strange tone: “If you want to know the answer, you have to give me what you had before.” ”

“I don’t have time to make those stuff right now, you can go to the Weasley brothers and ask for some!” Burt continued, “You easily saw Harry Potter attack Nick and Justin? ”

“Yes, I saw it easily, that nasty imp, lightly killed that student and petrified Nick.” Peeves showed a wicked smile; But fearing that the world will not be chaotic, sing:

Oh, Potter, you nasty, look at the good deeds you do,

You killed the student, and you thought it was funny –

The three of them just walked past and yelled at Peeves, “Shut up, Peeves! ”

“Oh, Harry, Ron, and rough Miss Granger, long time no see!” Burt and Harry greeted each other, but Anthony and Michael next to him avoided Harry a little, as if he would grow fangs and spew poisonous juice at any moment.

Fred and George ran down in front of Harry and said to Bert with their heads held high, “Make way for the heir of Slytherin, the most evil wizard has arrived…”

Bert turned sideways very cooperatively and gave way to the road: “Oh, successor of Slytherin, please go first!” ”

“Bert!” Hermione was very upset with Bert’s joke about Harry, and said coldly, “It’s not a thing to make fun of. ”

“Scarhead, how dare you call yourself!” The twins’ antics seemed to anger Draco Malfoy even more, and he looked angry and devastated,

“Get out of Malfoy.” Fred said, “Harry is short on time. ”

“Yes, he is going to the Chamber of Secrets and drink tea with his fang-clad servant.” George laughed and said.

“A bunch of nasty red-haired poor ghosts!” Malfoy glared viciously at the twins, and Goyle and Crabbe behind him massaged their fingers, as if ready to make a move with them.

“Kids, I hope you’re not fighting!” Professor Flitwick appears in vain to stop the brawl that is likely to erupt.

“No professor, we’re going to get in the lounge!” Malfoy walked away with a grim face.

“By the way, Wessex, I have read your previous report, a very good idea, I believe he will be able to carry it forward in your hands!” Professor Flitwick smiled at Bert and said, “Also, I have found the information on what you were looking for earlier, so please come to my office!” ”

Harry Potter was indeed unlucky, and whenever he walked by, the people next to him would point and mumble about Potter.

Someone once asked Bert, “Wessex was also a Muggle-born, isn’t he afraid?” ”

Bert asked rhetorically: “Why be afraid? ”

“Because he’s Harry Potter!”

“It’s because he’s Harry Potter!” Burt said confidently: “If Potter dares to come and sneak up on me, I don’t mind teaching him a hard lesson, and then hanging it on the tower and freezing it into a popsicle!” “_

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