Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1082: Determine the location

Gently tapping on the armrest, Xiaoran opened his eyes and looked at Malang: "Send a patrol unit and investigate the troops?"

Malang nodded. "Well, I have communicated with other commanders. Except for the 'homeland' guards, the rest of the troops spread out to investigate the surrounding situation and have begun to compare the current location. ""

Xiao Ran sighed and said: "If there is no accident, we should still be in the galaxy, speed up the comparison, let everyone be careful, send all the A-class pilots and B-level pilots out, and all the staff will open the mirage system. I don't want to be inexplicably ambushed as soon as I come to this world."


After Malang had sent out the orders of Xiao Ran, a variety of different MSs flew out of a ship's battleship, and quickly turned into a light spot that spread out toward the surrounding, the huge Dyson ball. The 'homeland' and almost dozens of warships, with all the MACROSS levels, slowly disappeared into the universe, as if they had never been as completely invisible.

The other warships were scattered, and the same 12-point vigilance was maintained to watch all the movements around the dark universe.

Until a few hours passed, the routine patrols of the MS and the warships remained in a state of alert. The bridge of the Burning Legion finally sounded a rushing sound. A CIC immediately began to report aloud: "Report The New Giool has been compared to its current location. It takes a month to jump from the current position to the Earth according to the calculation. A total of six FOLD jumps are required. The shortest jump time is one day and the longest jump time is six days."

After hearing the reports from the people on the CIC seat, Xiao Ran stood up from his chair and walked back and forth for two laps. He looked up and said: "Report the situation around."

“No suspicious targets were found within the maximum alert range.”

Xiao Ran nodded, Prometheus's arrangement was still kind. Basically, at the beginning of the mission, the participants would not be thrown into dangerous places, so everything around the situation is a matter of course.

At this time, after determining the current position, I also know the position of the earth in a changing direction. The earth can be said to be one of the central locations of this super robot war OG. Xiao Ran wants to intervene in the plot and wants to gain an advantage in the mission. That earth is definitely the place to escape.

On the other hand, Prometheus throws his team to this place, and in the absence of any information, it will certainly not let them continue to wander here, after all, not every participant or legion Like Xiaoran and the Burning Legion, they have a complete solar system star map. Maybe it will take too much time to let the door touch other races and embark on another path that Xiaoran can't control.

Instead of waiting for perhaps unknowns here, it is better to develop directly toward the earth in accordance with the familiar plot, but the problem now is that Xiaoran is unable to determine the extent to which the current development of the earth has reached, and will bring the entire team directly. It won't look too rash.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ran gestured to Malang to contact other flagships. After Kruze, Jeffrey, Shaya, Rebir, and El Elf all appeared in the giant screen of the bridge, they opened their mouths. Said: "Now our position has been determined, the goal is to advance to the earth, but under the premise of not being able to determine the current state of the world, I decided to send the first troops to go to the earth to explore the situation, and the follow-up troops will double the speed to the solar system. Stand by."

Everyone has no opinion on this arrangement of Xiao Ran. After all, they don’t know everything about the current world. Even if they want to go to Earth, they really need to send a leading force to investigate the situation there.

Without waiting for a few people on the screen to open, Xiao Ran then said: "The leader is led by me personally, Kruze, El Elf and me, Kruze's work was taken over by Jurcus, and Xia took over. The defense work of 'homeland', others are responsible for assistance."

"You passed by yourself?" Xia, with a mask, asked with a slightly surprised voice, but another mask, Kruze, nodded unexpectedly.

Xiao Ran nodded and knew what Xia was. It was nothing more than the fact that the general commander did not go to such an investigation task personally, so he said: "I personally passed, no one is more suitable for this investigation than me. And this time just a situation investigation, I will avoid all battles and dangers."

Xia Yasheng asked: "Do you do this every time you perform a task?"

Xiao Ran hasn't spoken yet, and Kruze answered this question for Xiao Ran: "He is the most suitable person. I don't know anyone who is more likely to get started than the world."

Xia is still preparing to say something, and Xiao Ran has waved his hand: "Just settled, my situation is a bit special. No one but me can clearly grasp the current situation on the earth. After we set off, you I also immediately set off, slowed down after leaving the area, waiting outside the solar system for my arrangement."

Xiaya silently nodded slightly, but she also made up her mind to find a chance to ask what happened to Ma Ma in the end. As a chief officer to carry out investigation tasks, it is not appropriate to see how it looks. Things, and people who have been following Xiaoran all agree, it means that there may be something he does not understand.

After hang up the communication, Xiao Ran began to prepare for the departure. The ship that was boarded was of course the Galaxy Song number, but except Kruze and El Elf, Puente, Leonard, and Luo San. There must be at least one person who must follow the past together.

But in the end, let Puente and Luo together, Leonard left. Puente has experienced a world similar to this world, and he may be able to use it when he comes with him. As a technician and a B-class pilot, Luo can be assured of both combat effectiveness and technical ability.

In addition to the Galaxy Geji number on the piggybacking members, True Bird, Yula Bird, Mu, Shi Laila San Xiaoqiang, Bally, plus a few fighters of the deformation fighter, and Xiao Ran, Crewe Ze, Luo's joining, the combat power is also guaranteed, and the W team five-person team will be transferred to fight, as long as it is not easy to contact dangerous situations, there is no problem in safety.

And Xiao Ran also brought a rafter, and the devil made Kane and his several devils a man. It can be said that he was prepared very well, and he was able to cope with what kind of situation he encountered.

Before and after the preparation time was more than half an hour, the Galaxy Geji got into the open FOLD jump channel, and with the departure of the Galaxy Geji, a frame MS also returned to its own battleship, followed by The huge Dyson Ball 'Homeland' also entered the FOLD Jumping Pass.

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