Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1107: Go to TNND

(The gas burst, the more I want to get angry, the inexplicable stuff, I called to complain about them, the innocent disaster still made me hurt, I was tortured near my house, I didn’t know how others would look at me after I went in and out, really TMD fell. The blood mold, grasping the individual will admit mistakes, what is the purpose, today is too late, there is called me to deal with tomorrow, there is less exercise, now I am so painful, grooved.)

Bian didn't know when he walked to Xiaoran's side, and waved his hand to indicate that other people took Baihe and Zengca to rest, and did not bother to ask about the situation or other words, but asked Xiaoran. : "Is this ok?"

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "The spiritual exchange is only a momentary thing, not as complicated as imagined. The spiritual level is a long time, but in fact it may only have passed a little bit of time. I have already restrained the speed slowly, otherwise I am afraid I am already fainting now."

"I know." Bian nodded. He was just a scientist. He was not a magician or a metaphysicist. Naturally, there would not be so much understanding of the spirit, but in this time, Baihe, Zengcai On the matter of the people he trusted and Xiaoran exchanged, at least from the end of the exchange, the expressions of the two people and the gestures of the small movements, Bian has already had more trust in Xiao Ran, at least he can trust that Xiao Ran is indeed an earth person. , but whether there are other threats is still uncertain.

In the attitude toward Xiaoran, Bian did not change Xiaoran because of the small movements of Baihe and Zengca. The cooperation between the two sides or other things did not open at all. It was only curious to look at Xiaoran. The body made by Luo, slightly curiously asked: "The kind of light particles just seems to be a very special existence. Is the energy of the body driven by the kind of light particles?"

Although Bian’s words do not mean anything else, they also reveal a little bit of a feeling that the two sides can talk more friendly. Although the solar furnace technology is a secret matter, the existence of the solar furnace is not a secret. It is.

When I heard about Bian’s question about the solar furnace, Xiao Ran also replied: “Yes, the driving energy of the body is called the solar furnace, which means that it can shine like the sun. It is indeed from this kind of light particles. Drive the pollution-free energy."

"It's a very special kind of energy." Bian nodded and said to Xiao Ran slightly raising his hand: "Dr. Bai Hejun needs some time to rest. If you don't mind, I can take you to visit our base."


The sharp and screaming alarm suddenly sounded and rang directly over the entire Pluto Island. Bian suddenly looked back at the subordinates behind him, and Xiao Ran quickly ran towards his body and jumped to the darkness. In the cockpit of the sky, Kane, 咲, Baki Lulu, Mu and others who were also in Gnacu were surrounded by nervous DC soldiers.

"Oh, oh, it seems that something has happened." Mu looked at the companions around him and smiled and spread his hands. But there was not much dissatisfaction with the DC soldiers using guns to surround them. Suddenly The alarms that sounded at this time when they stayed at DC did have some misunderstandings.

Bian also frowned slightly after seeing this scene, shouting loudly: "Let the gun down and quickly figure out what happened."

As he said, Bian also strode over to Baki Lulu and said with a blank expression: "I am sorry that this happened, but this matter should be irrelevant to you."

Although Bian used a declarative sentence, but actually represented the interrogative sentence, Baki Lulu stepped forward and said: "This matter has nothing to do with us. Now we must sound the alarm and we must immediately return to the Galaxy Geji. Prepare for the battle."

"Please." Bian raised his hand, and Bakilulu quickly turned and left after nodding. In less than a minute, a young man in a DC uniform quickly ran to Bian and said: General Manager, there was a large-scale vanity messenger over us. We have already started fighting with the Federal Fleet over the sky. Some of the Nether Messengers have begun to land on Earth, and will exchange fire with our defense forces in a few minutes."

And Xiao Ran was in the cockpit and contacted the new Giord. He also got the same answer from Jeffrey. At the same time, he got the approximate number and type of the Void Messenger. The body with the same shape of the bug occupied the absolute. Most of them have more than a hundred in full, and some MS-like bodies are also falling from the universe.

Without hesitation at all, Xiao Ran immediately issued the order after knowing this matter: "Be prepared to fight and let Luo look at the captives on the steel, especially the guy named Ingram."

Jeffrey took a pipe and nodded and said, "I have prepared a big gift for them."

"I will attack immediately." After turning off the communication with the New Gio, Xiao Ran contacted the Galaxy Geji. At this time, Baki Lulu was still on their way back, so it was the original communication. The CIC of the Archangel, the first time the communication was connected, Xiao Ran said directly: "The captain immediately started the Galaxy Geji after they went back and protected the steel number."


After the command was completed, Xiao Ran also stood out of the cockpit and said loudly to Bian, who was still in Gennacu: "Dr. Bian, open the gate of Gennacu, I am ready to attack."

Bian still didn't talk. A DC cadre around him anxiously said: "Dr., no, if they are together, this time is just a self-directed drama, then we are in danger."

"Do you think that such a door can stop his attack? If it is dangerous, we will be in danger when they enter Pluto Island." Bian looked at the person who spoke, and waved his hand and ordered: " Open the door, the whole army will immediately prepare for the attack, I will return to the command room to personally direct."

The dark, cockpit door has just closed, and the huge Gennacu steel gate has slowly opened, and the darkness of the energy has once again started. The green GN particles are once again released, and the dark sky is like ignoring gravity. Just fluttering away from the ground floating in the air.

In the case that the gate has not been fully opened, the large Gennacu flies out like the same gust, and then the long trail is instantly turned into a light spot that disappears into the sky.

In the bridge of New Gio, Jeffrey also continually issued a series of orders after hang up the communication with Xiao Ran: "The deformed fighters attacked, the MS troops attacked, and informed Luo that he was optimistic about the prisoners being detained, especially the name Ingram’s man, how is the missile situation?”

"All of them have been replaced with special missiles in the atmosphere and can be launched at any time."

"Don't worry, calculate the time to land in the atmosphere and launch at the slowest speed."


Bian stood in front of the gate and watched the dark sky flying over the sky. He also looked at the distant battleship that had slowly moved to release countless fighters and bodies. He looked at the person who had just talked around coldly. I quickly went to the command room without saying a word.

But Bian’s heart is thinking: “Federal, satellite integration, DC, the fleet of exploration fleets that suddenly emerged, who will become the true protector of the earth, can only wait and see...”

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