Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1137: General attack

The three tactical armored bodies left the speed very fast, and the simultaneous attack also caused some confusion in the squadron's encirclement force. The bugs began to chase toward the three bodies, but they were far away in the blink of an eye. I was behind, and I couldn't keep up with the speed of several bodies.

Just ten minutes after Xiao Ran and others left, countless missiles swept from afar, causing the numerous bugs that had been pursued to be pursued, and then dispersed as a warrior and auxiliary fighter. Quickly disperse and escape in the direction of the white star.

Numerous beams of light emerged as reinforcements from the direction of the white star, making the middle of the battlefield a match between the beam and the missile.

When the first missile was broken and a small fireball broke out, the beams of one missile after another were also turned into small fireballs by the emptiness messenger. Countless missiles exploded in the universe. A long line suddenly burned a layer of fire in the middle of both sides.

However, more missiles took a long trail and began to fly around. When the missile captured the first target, the direction of these missiles was no longer toward the white star, but they turned to chase. Those escaped bugs, fighters and knights.

A few seconds later, even more dazzling light appeared in the two fronts. One huge fireball formed a flame wall that completely cut off the void messenger side and the burning fleet. Countless fireballs also brought countless explosions. Those entangled. Xiao Ran's long-time bugs, warriors, and knights were quickly swallowed by this wall of flames, and only a few very few bodies escaped from the wall of fire.

At this time, the Burning Legion was not present in the Kruze Fleet but almost jumped to the vicinity of the satellite integration. The rest of the Rebir Fleet, the Xia Fleet, the Jeffrey Fleet, and the Malang team Disperse, fire more missiles in the direction of the white star, and draw countless curves from the top, bottom, left, and right sides except the front, and fly to the white star again and again.

In addition to the missiles that attacked the attack in a curvilinear manner, I don’t know how many squadrons’ squadrons equipped with armored backpacks followed the missiles, and then raided the vain messengers from the side, and the four fleets that were dispersed were also Launched their own shelling, hundreds of warships and main guns were fired at the same time, and continued to roar with one after another, and countless rays smashed the space and flew to the white star.

These beams are many times more than the beams emitted by the White Star Fleet. This is the attack that the true fleet size can launch. The powerful firepower is enough to cover all firepower, even if the forces represented by the Void Messenger are already I have not known how many years I have entered the universe.

The warships that can be made by the World of Time Fortress technology are also the crystallization of hundreds of thousands of years or more. They are a collection of space warships that are not known how many races are made, by the Gera The battleship is based on human transformation. The new warships are also equipped with other world technologies. The warship performance alone will not be less than any warship of the world. Attack range, jumping ability, defense ability, carrying This is true for a variety of performances.

Numerous beams of light roared past, directly penetrating the thick fire wall that began to slowly dissipate, and through a hole in the hole to cut through the space brought countless explosions.

On the top of the white star, several people looked at the scene that happened in front of their eyes and revealed an incredible expression. The woman sitting on the throne was frowning, and the two women stood under the throne. A woman with a high face and a arrogant face was stunned at this moment: "How could it be possible, how could the Earth have such strength, and where did the fleet emerge?"

Another blue-haired woman looked at the woman in the high seat and said without hesitation, the expression did not have a little respect for the woman in the high seat: "According to the last information and the information that was inquired, this fleet is A land abandoned by the people from the parallel world."

The woman on the throne silently nodded: "Parallel world, originally did not anticipate such a situation, and did not intend to use Judika and Saipakin, the current situation shows that the strength of this fleet far exceeds us. Then it is necessary to use them."

"The preparation of Judika and the start of Saputakin will take time. The strength and strength of the other side are also unknown. Let's temporarily retreat."

The woman with her hair high turned her head and turned her head and said with an angry voice: "No, these earth people will not be our opponents at all, I will attack."

The blue-haired woman said: "It is necessary to investigate the strength of the other party in detail. In the current situation, the strength of the other party is absolutely no less than that of us, and once it is launched, it will be discovered once in a short time. It will also be destroyed by the other party's assembly power. If we delay, we may be surrounded. If the other party also has space jumping technology, there is no possibility of escape."


Suddenly there was a bang and a slight shock inside the white star. One looked like a small soldier hurried into the hall that was originally only accessible to high-level people. He said loudly: "Report, the enemy suddenly appeared inside, and the port has been destroyed. There was a sudden high-energy reflection on both sides of the fleet. It was... a huge robot hundreds of meters high!"

"It seems that the other party is ready to seize us. Now this situation can't escape." The blue-haired woman looked at the woman in the high seat and turned away from the hall: "I will deal with the internal enemy, then Will attack directly."

The woman with her hair was pinching her fist and went out with a look: "I also attacked."

The woman on the high seat looked at the communicationsman who was still on the ground and told him: "Accelerate the speed to prepare Judika and prepare for the final trial."


On both sides of the White Star, exactly two sides of the fleet in front of the White Star, two hundreds of meters long warships suddenly appeared and began to deform in the shortest time and raised the muzzle in their hands, from the beginning to the current guardian No. The Windrunner finally reveals his body shape and is ready to launch a final attack on his target from the beginning.

A frame MS and a warhead aircraft also flew out of the two warships, and the fleet that was dispersed in front also launched an attack against the White Star fleet.

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