Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2732: Compared

"I don't know the exact number, but it should be a lot."

His expression was rare and serious, and seemed to be thinking about the answer to Xiao Ran's question.

"As far as I know, there are a lot of s-class pilots. In the real area, large and small corps, all the s-class pilots in the independent team should add up to no less than two hundred."

"Two hundred?" Xiao Ran raised an eyebrow and said, "This number is not too much."

Said: "But this is only an s-class pilot who is still active and showing up. Prometheus has been around for a long time, so no one can know how many participants have become in this endless time. S-class pilots, I do n’t know if these s-class pilots are still alive. "

"But I think that if something really happens that makes some hidden participants stand up, there must be five or six hundred of them."

"Xiao Ran, commander, I just made a rough estimate based on my feelings, but I don't really know whether these two specific numbers are true."

"Five or six hundred, there may even be hidden old monsters." Xiao Ran silently wrote down the number in his heart. As for the said Xiao Ran, he did not believe but did not fully believe it, but just told the other Write down these words as a reference.

The number of five or six hundred Xiao Ran felt that it should not be outrageous. If only one person in a team can be promoted to be an s-class pilot, then it will help the other team members to grow and promote. The speed of obtaining resources will also become faster, and the difficulty of performing tasks will become less.

As for the fact that a large number of participants are no longer performing tasks, Xiao Ran also thought that this number did not exceed Xiao Ran's estimation range. It can be said that this number is relatively normal.

But compared to the number of super districts, Xiao Ran didn't know which side of the situation was to be weird. Is there too many s-classes in the real zone or too few myths in the super-zone? At that time, the twenty-five legions did not exceed ten mythological pilots. Although most of the legions were made of soy sauce, this comparison did indeed show some gaps.

Xiao Ran pondered for a while and then asked, "Change another question. As far as you know, the average number of s-class pilots in each of the top 20 legions is about."

I answered, "If it is average, there should be five or six, only the top twenty ... it should occupy more than one-third to one-half of the s-class pilots in the real area, but The rank of the legion is not entirely based on the number of s-class pilots. It only accounts for a certain percentage. After all, there are actually many ways to target s-class pilots. "

Xiao Ran nodded gently, but what he said can only be used as a reference but still has a certain degree of credibility. On average, five or six words are really not much. Even if a certain legion stands out, there are a dozen s-class pilots. I do n’t think it ’s too much. There are not many s-class pilots on the front of the legion, but after the mission is over, it will be different. The number of s-class pilots can indeed crush a lot of legions.

Xiao Ran asked again, "What do you think is the difficulty in becoming an s-class pilot? If a legion really wants to train some s-class pilots, it should not be a difficult task. The top twenty legions have averaged only five or six s-class pilots. engineer?"

"Anyway, judging by the strength exposed by these legions now, it is almost this number, but I do n’t know if they have hidden s-class pilots." Shaking his head, he said, "But what I know is to become s It ’s really not that easy for a first-class pilot. A real s-class pilot has too many things to master, and not everyone has the ability to master their own characteristics and then exert them. "

"Bloodlines, abilities, skills, and all aspects must reach a certain level before they can be promoted to s-class pilots. However, it is not easy to improve these. The integration of bloodlines and the development of capabilities is not easy. The s-class pilot is not a promotion task, but rather these hard conditions, otherwise even becoming an s-class pilot is just a fake s-class pilot. "

Xiao Ran nodded slightly and smiled slightly: "Thank you, your answer has been very rewarding. You can contact me after returning from this mission."

Some flattered nodded quickly: "Don't be polite to the Chief of Ran Xiaoran, we still have some gains in this mission. If you have any more to know, you can just ask me."

"I will." Xiao Ran said with a smile: "Well, if there is something, then you go back first, I will not intervene in the things behind this task, you stare at least before completing the task and leaving It is also necessary to stabilize the situation in this world. After all, I have done so many things, but I ca n’t let the world into chaos after I leave. "

"I understand." He stood up and said to Xiao Ran, "I will leave the head of Xiao Ran's army first."


After leaving, Xiao Ran poured himself a cup of tea, and his thoughtful expression appeared again.

"Is it difficult to train an s-class pilot? It ’s like going through the barriers and climbing the threshold? I think the promotion process is smooth. Are the major legions hiding their strength or do they really have no ability to train on a large scale? A s-class pilot? On average, five or six are too few. "

Xiao Ran shook his head, but the general situation of the Burning Legion and the general situation of other legions cannot be put together for comparison. The Burning Legion is too special. It is definitely the only Prometheus in the whole. No legion can match it. In comparison, every point from facilities to personnel is very different from other legions.

The Burning Legion has multiple territories, all of which are very characteristic, including territories from low to advanced, from real to fantasy, from blood to body, from battleships to weapons, and so on. It is a characteristic unmatched by other legions.

In addition, the members of the Legion have never been dominated by participants, but by those aborigines who have been extremely powerful and very powerful in various worlds, including Omega Ronaldo, Black Heart Cruzer, and Gundam Graham. , Yidao Zenga, Trash Xia, Mael Sam, and so on.

The qualifications and abilities of these people were originally top-notch, and they brought their own abilities, inherited blood, and joined the Legion. The resources used on them were quite a lot, but compared to training an s-class pilot from scratch. That investment is nothing at all, and most of them do n’t need attribute enhancement for technology. Even now, these people rarely consume resources on the enhancement of their attributes, but rather on their ability. Development occupies a dominant position.

And in the same mission cycle, the number of tasks performed by the Burning Legion is generally twice that of other legionnaires. The rewards of each mission are definitely greater than any legion. The resources are top, the qualifications are top, the training environment is top, and the top Education and training environment. Of course, these tops will certainly have an absolute advantage over other legions. The training of some s-class pilots is indeed quite smooth in Xiao Ran's view, although the s-class pilots that have been really trained up to now It was only after this mission that the results were achieved.

However, the initial investment has been paid, and each task will also have so many people will reach the threshold of becoming an s-class pilot, one or two at a time, but the accumulation will definitely scare people, the s-class of the legion The number of pilots has been so long and finally reached the stage of blowout, but in the previous process, Xiao Ran really did not feel that there were any thresholds and great difficulties.

So what's the difference from other legions? Are all those tops? No, not exactly, but that does account for a large proportion, and the development of participants without these top resource corps would not have been so smooth.

But the biggest problem lies in Xiao Ran's threat. It is just a course run in the Legion. It is definitely a situation that Prometheus has never seen before. It has trained all the participants in each legion into The pit cargo is also absolutely unique, and it is extremely rare to often give benefits to members of the legion.

It's the course run by Xiao Ran that allows each member of the Burning Legion to get the highest possible evaluation and the highest possible reward in the mission, not only giving them strength but also giving them brains. Don't worry about the body or worry about it. Bloodline, there are various inheritances to choose, can such a legion not be smooth in training s-class pilots?

Xiao then thought of another problem, that is, special evaluation and ordinary evaluation. Participants in the legion's special tasks or the final evaluation obtained in ordinary tasks should not be low. The level of task evaluation is also a decision that can determine development. The key factor for smoothness is that the benefits of an s-level special evaluation can bring great benefits, and the benefits of an s-level ordinary evaluation are not small.

Even if the participants in the legion were not able to get the s level, the a level evaluation is quite common and normal. It is an advantage that other legions ca n’t compare directly to the promotion of bloodline and ability. Can't your blood level upgrade? Didn't find an upgraded special item? Oh, I have special comments that can be improved directly. Can't upgrade skills? Oh, I have comments that can be directly improved.

Can this development be smooth? When other participants are worrying about the body, the blood, the skills and abilities, and the tasks in the task, the participants of the Burning Legion never thought about these problems, nor did they Need to worry about these issues, and there are so many terrible S-class combat forces to teach the course carefully. They are worried that this course of mlgbz is hung up again ... oh yeah, it is time to write a task report ... The course is full.

I have a general understanding of the situation from here, although it can only be used as a reference and can only represent general and average, but for Xiao Ran, this information actually has a lot of value. You can know what the Burning Legion is currently above the average. The degree can also know what kind of position the army can occupy in all the army.

This mission is actually almost over here. Of course, this is for Xiao Ran and his team, so in the next time, Xiao Ran will focus on the cultivation of Barnaji and stare every day. Studying and training with Banaji, Banaji in the territory is excellent, but this Banaji is really a garbage in front of him.

Without mind and strength, it is easy to be fooled. Since Xiao Ran decided to teach him, of course he must teach him well. Although perhaps there is not much time in this world, at least Xiao Ran has the confidence to build a very good one for him. As for the foundation, it will be thrown directly to Xia, Amro, and Lalasin.

Compared with the original Xia, Xia, who was reborn, can be said to have changed a lot. Her work has become less extreme and more stable and far-sighted, but there is also a very mature Eminem at this point. Luo, a gentle and kind Lalasin to coordinate, so Banaghi's future need not worry.

The mission finally came to an end six months later, and all of the federal resistance forces, both secretly and implicitly, were wiped out. Even if there were some left, the climate would not have any impact on the overall future. The integration was officially established and established in accordance with the guidelines given by Xiao Ran A unified parliament has been established and a series of systems have been established to strengthen the connection between the universe and the earth. At the same time, it will also increase the publicity and treatment of new humans.

From a young age, the regional conflicts of older people can only slowly change, but young people can educate, and integration will be built in one or several new college cities. The earth will have the universe and the twelve. Year-old students must go to this college city to study, whether it is the earth or the universe, but in general it is mainly for the earth.

Then exchange it every year or two. From the universe to the earth or from the earth to the universe, this is indeed a waste of resources, but it is a very necessary and necessary thing for the current integration. To strengthen the connection between the universe and the earth from a young age, let them know that the earth is not so good, and the universe is not so bad so as to slowly eliminate the hostility on both sides, and at the same time, it can better cultivate the next generation ’s sense of belonging to unity A sense of identity, even if some young people want to make trouble in the future, they will not follow it.

Free immigration measures have also been opened, and the people of the earth can go to the universe, and the people of the colonies can go to the earth. Without restrictions, they have the right to make their own decisions, and no one envys or oppresses anyone.

In addition, there are many other measures. Xiao Ran has also come up with many things. These things are actually simple problems for Xiao Ran. Now the legion's territory has developed so well. The relevant experience has already been very mature and dealt with. A small circle of the earth is not yet captured.

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