Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2754: Heartbeat

(The second part of the machine warfare series, the world of machine warfare has been officially launched, and you can see it in my works. The machine warfare has been with you for more than a thousand days, and we will continue to accompany you for more than a thousand days.)


Xiao Ran nodded a little awkwardly about Todd's question, and said, "Forget it, although the relevant Legacy Burning Legion exists, the abilities I just used are still slightly different."

"That punch ..." Todd turned to look at the place where Xiao Ran attacked, and exclaimed: "It's a bit unusual. It hit an incredible distance. It's a beam of light. It creates a path out of thin air." The heritage of the beam is amazing. "

Xiao Ran said: "If the Master's inheritance you have obtained is deep enough, I believe that this step can be achieved. Although the method may be different, it should be easy to summon a meteorite."

Reese is somewhat inexplicable. Xiao Ran suddenly stopped her from continuing the reason. She didn't know why, but after all, it was only because the fun outsiders in the Burning Legion were unclear and it was reasonable. Although she didn't know the specific reason, Reese There are also some feeling that she is not saying something wrong, and Xiao Ran does not seem to want her to join the Burning Legion.

The atmosphere was stiff and silent for a moment, and Todd smiled and said to Xiao Ran, "Captain Xiao Ran, I still need some time to think about cooperation. After all, this is not much for our two military groups. Little things, once we decide to cooperate with our army, the policy will change a lot. "

"Understandably, I'll wait for good news."

Later, Todd chose to leave. Since he didn't agree to cooperate in the first time, he was not suitable to stay in the territory of the Burning Legion. I should have seen everything and understood everything. There is indeed no need to lick his face to stay, but he really needs to think hard about whether to reach deeper and more extensive cooperation with the Burning Legion and discuss with Reese and others in the Legion.

Although he can't tell other people in the Legion what he saw in the Burning Legion, he can also consult the core members without talking about it. Even if the person who decides in the end is him, Todd still hopes to get For more support and understanding, core members are also qualified to know their ideas and make their own opinions.

After Todd and Reese left, Xiao Ran took a deep breath with her eyes closed, and then took out the communicator to send out several messages in succession, calling several people, who had just tried to peep to him, before him.

Barsac, Cruzer, Uzes.

Looking at the three guys who were indifferent, Xiao Ran was almost furious: "It wasn't just the three of you just now. The others are running fast, what are you planning to do?"

Cruzer looked at the sky, Uzès stroking the worm, and Basak delved into his fist. I didn't know what you said.

Xiao Ran looked at Basak: "You don't have to pretend, Basak, just so screaming, do you think you can hide it from me?"

"It's not me!" Basak widened his eyes and argued, "I don't know anything, it's Xia, yes, it's Xia, and Elsam, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hehe." Xiao Ran gave a laugh, making Basac feel a little cold.

"Forget it." Xiao Ran shook his head suddenly and said with some weakness: "In any case, this time, you must not engage in me, and do not bother me again. I will never let that Ruise join our army, but if I do n’t mind if you have ideas. "

Basak muttered, "What, we haven't done anything yet."

Cruzer's eyes narrowed at Barsack, idiot md, didn't you say that you already indicated what you were going to do? Really a pig teammate, but still nodded to signal that he understood Xiao Ran's words.

Cruzer asked, "How much do you think they might agree to agree to cooperate."

"Open at five or five, I am too able to confirm that the purpose of Todd's inheritance is only to improve his mental strength, and he should not pay special attention to other means." Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "But I have come up with so many things today. Show them, I don't believe they have nothing in our hands. "

Cruze shook his head: "Unfortunately, if you agree with that Ruth to join the legion, it will be able to connect the two sides to another channel."

Xiao Ran didn't agree with Cruze's words: "Is Ruth's influence in the Enlightenment Corps so big, what role it is, and whether it is Todd's real sister, it's hard to say. What positive effects have come, I am not very optimistic about her role, that is, to speak well. "

"You should try it a bit," Cruze laughed. "Maybe this is a beauty scheme, but we can also do a beautiful man scheme in reverse."

"You? Or Barsac? Or Uzes?"

"I can't." Cruze waved his hands quickly, and he stunned Barsack. "This guy can't do it either."

"I'm busy," Uzes said quickly.

Xiao Ran asked: "Who else among the core members are willing?"

Kluze shook his head and smiled: "It's really difficult to find the right person, and even if someone on our side is willing, the other party may not cooperate."

Xiao Ran said, "Stop this question, and pay more attention to the movements of the Enlightened and Bercia on this occasion."

"it is good."

Xiao Ran knew that Cruze was ready to be a demon again. Fortunately, he responded quickly. After Riss said that he wanted to join the Burning Legion and then said a big thing, Xiao Ran responded. The more he said, the more he felt It ’s not right, I feel like someone is peeping at myself. If the reaction is slower like Cruzer said, I think that joining with Ruth may become a good channel for enlightenment. If it slowly affects the entire Enlightenment Corps, the level of demon monsters of these guys will rise straight up and be difficult to clean up.

When Todd returned to his legion after leaving, it was really exciting, especially when Xiao Ran finally showed the punch that made him very hot.

Todd didn't know how Xiao Ran did that punch, but he could see from a bit of vision that it definitely belongs to a very powerful heritage. A punch broke through the air and brought a light directly to the human body. It's a piece, and if that's the goal of this punch, if it becomes a body, can it also be a degree of punch.

He didn't know what this inheritance was, but the strong word was engraved in his heart, but he didn't know that the punch punched by Xiao Ran was fake, not that the effect of that punch was fake, and It was Xiao Ran who used other methods to simulate the false cosmos. Although the cosmos has indeed reached a certain level, it is impossible for Xiao Ran to exhibit the moves of Saint Seiya or Wraith, that is, relying on high sense and body The imitation of immense energy forcibly stimulated it.

However, Aries's crystal wall and other moves related to reading power, Xiao Ran still can barely be able to perform some but only limited to this, but Todd does n’t know, he can not understand the characteristics and real strength of Saints or Wraiths, It was only shown to Xiao Ran's punch.

As for the mage, the two Paladin heritages, Todd really can't find any problems. The two people Xiao Ran showed to them did show the characteristics of the two professional heritages to the fullest. The mage's versatility, The paladin's robustness can also increase correspondingly when used with ms. Using magic and knight skills to match the battle is also not good. The invincible in a few seconds can do too much for s-class pilots. Already.

However, if he did not sign a comprehensive strategic cooperation alliance with the Burning Legion, then he would not be able to touch the inheritance of the series of the small universe in any way, and he would only be able to maintain this paradoxical understanding of this inheritance. In addition, it is even more impossible to obtain an adapted body manufactured by special technology. If you want to use the mage ability and the paladin ability while driving the body, even if they have refined the two professions to the most powerful degree. It is better than people who are lower than them but have a suitable body.

This does not include the directory Xiao Ran showed to them. Most of the directory entries have a very detailed explanation. The s-class portable armor is not a body but can play the body's combat capabilities. It is small, flexible and powerful. Cooperating with the Paladin heritage or the mage heritage, especially the inheritance of the punch that Xiao Ran showed is absolutely terrible.

Kendo, martial arts, magic, and singer, these are all marked on the catalog, and the content described by singer on the catalog also makes Todd very enthusiastic, legion-level heritage, can greatly increase your own combat power and speed up your own spirit Force recovery speed, improve the attributes of their own members, weaken the opponent's will to fight, interfere with the opponent's spirit and weaken the opponent's attributes.

The advantages brought by one increase and one decrease are quite huge. Todd, as the legion leader, can see this.

Then there are battleships. The new ships of the Burning Legion also exist in the catalog. From thousands of meters to tens of thousands of meters of warships, there are also warships capable of star-strike and beyond-horizon strike capabilities. This is definitely a mission and legionary battle Weapon.

The blood supply is unlimited and there are many different types. Todd can't imagine how the Burning Legion can put things like Bloodline on the product catalog, and it is not the low-level goods. Is it the Burning Legion's control? With the method of obtaining blood vessels fixedly, or is it simply that the Burning Legion has mastered the technology of making blood vessels by itself?

Too incredible and too hard to imagine.

There is also a super killer in the catalog, but the price is quite high. Planetary fortress, extraordinary planetary fortress, can this stuff be sold as a commodity? Moreover, it is not an asteroid fortress, at least it has a certain scale level, and it also supports customization. Even the 20,000-meter super-large battleship can accommodate and can hold several fleets. This is no longer an ordinary planetary fortress. Already.

Todd sighed: "How far has the technological strength of this Burning Legion reached? How deep is their heritage? There are many different types of heritage. Battleships, airframes, and other aspects are incredible. "

Sitting in front of Todd, Reese said, "It just feels very powerful. This Burning Legion must have hidden a lot of things, but as long as we don't sign a strategic cooperation alliance, we will never know about it, and we will not be able to purchase from them. Those things. "

"But that's not exactly the case. If we start a legion war against them, it is estimated that they can still know their strength and background."

Todd shook his head with a bitter smile: "But this is obviously impossible, and I did not expect that the Cuimeng Army had reached such a comprehensive cooperation with the Burning Legion, and that under the terms, the person who Qinglong contacted I have known for a long time that he is a man. He would never agree to such terms unless he was convinced. "

"Now think about it. I finally understand why Qinglong was so concerned about the head of Xiao Ran's army. It wasn't a concern, but a real respect."

Reese said: "I think it is possible to sign, as long as we can win some terms in terms of terms that are good for us, then we can sign. This is not a bad thing for us, and the Burning Legion and Cuimeng Legion in the top five legions have already Obviously standing together, Bercia will also reach a certain degree of cooperation with the Burning Legion. "

"As for the first, they have never been involved in the affairs of other legions. In this case, even if we have cooperation and relations with Bercia, they are not as close as the relationship between the Burning Legion and Cuimeng. There are two opinions. The opinion of the Burning Legion is equal to that of Cuimeng, but we and Bercia will also have differences. "

Todd looked at Reese and said, "But then, the opinion of the Burning Legion will become our opinion."

Reese said calmly: "But we are on the strong side, and strength is the truth. This will not affect our continued cooperation with Bercia. At the same time, we support the Burning Legion. When we need it, we will also There will be two legions supporting us unconditionally, and they will still be in the top five legions. The right to speak will fall into the hands of our alliance. "

Todd said contemplatively: "As long as three of the top five legions are truly connected, it will almost never be possible for these three legions to be kicked out of the top five. These three legions are thinking. "

"The Burning Legion, Xiao Ran, is indeed the person who created this legion. No wonder the participants of this legion were able to stir the wind and rain in the mission without any loss. The leader of the legion was like this and did not give up the training of those members. The secret military department is really not simple. This Xiao Ran simply let us fall into his calculations, and it is still the type that convinces me to take it orally. He can't find even a little problem. I hope that no one can blame others. "

Reese nodded and said, "So, we need to join the Burning Legion before the Burning Legion counts it in. Once Bercia decides to reach that kind of cooperation with the Burning Legion ... our importance is also It doesn't exist. "

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