Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 14: Master Xiao

Xiao Ran shook his head and decided not to think about such deep issues for the time being, and comforted him in a gentle tone: "Kila, you have really worked hard these days, but you don't need to be so sad, because whether you are an adjuster or not. Every time you experience pain, your friends and partners will accompany you. They will help you fight on board the ship, worry about your safety, and face the threat of life and death."

"So you are not fighting alone. You not only represent yourself, but also all the people on this ship, Thor, the people who were rescued by you, and the members of the Archangel, so no matter what How, we don’t have any other options until we are safe.” Xiao Ran said, patted his chest like a mockery, and smiled: “Look, I’m not the same. I also got on the Archangel, although I didn’t. Driving Gundam to fight, but I looked much more serious than you. First, I was shot, then my head bloomed, and I was in a coma for two days. Don't you think I am more pitiful than you?"

   Kira slowly raised her head and looked at Xiao Ran's appearance of being wrapped in bandages. She scratched her head in embarrassment, and couldn't help but smile: "Teacher, you do look much worse than me."

"Haha!" Xiao Ran laughed, and suddenly a grunting sound rang from his stomach, which interrupted his smile, but Xiao Ran didn't look embarrassed, and deliberately sighed and said: "Hey, I am sleeping. It’s been two days, and it’s so pitiful for the student who had to comfort me hungry without eating for so long."

"Ah..." Kira let out an embarrassing cry, quickly stood up and rushed to the door with a kick, first pressed a panel next to the door, and the room without gravity began to slow down again. The normal gravity was increased, and Xiao Ran sat down comfortably. Kira turned his head and said to Xiao Ran before hurriedly leaving: "I'll go to the restaurant and see what to eat."

   Xiao Ran looked at the door that had been closed again because Kira left, and suddenly felt that his head started to hurt, not because of the wound that was knocked out, but because of the annoyance.

  I was worried that the plot would have changed too much, and that Kira's nerves would break sooner or later, and I was even more depressed.

"Fortunately, the plot didn’t change much during the time I was in a coma. Now I am still advancing in the direction of the plot. If the previous events change because of me, it would be funny if Lacus did not board the Archangel. Now." Xiao Ran patted his face with his hand, exhaling as if relaxed.

   "Since the Archangel came out of Artemis fortress, the Archangel who has not received supplies will definitely go to Junius No. 7 for supplies, especially living supplies."

   "Moreover, the story of the Archangel hasn't changed much after I was in a coma, which means that there will be no discrepancies in time. It should be inevitable to run into Lux."

Xiao Ran smiled leisurely: "The only two adjusters on the Archangel should be very topical, right? As for Fu Lei, she is also an important person. From her, she can definitely trigger the side story. As for what it is, it is still uncertain. ."

   "There is also a side story on the Archangel, Mu. Avoiding his disappearance in the last battle should be considered as one, but this side story is also difficult for me."

"And Bucky Lulu... not all right." Xiao Ran thought about it and shook his head slightly: "For all the participants except me, there is no concept of plot at all, as before. Whether it’s the Archangel or letting the Archangel escape from the colonial satellites, they all successfully triggered the side story. Does that mean that maintaining the development of the story to a certain extent is considered a side story?”

   The door was opened again, interrupting Xiao Ran's thinking. When Xiao Ran turned his head, it was not Kira, but Miriaria wearing a pink Earth Army uniform.

As soon as Miriaria came in, she stuck out her tongue cutely at Xiao Ran, then tilted her head and looked up and down Xiao Ran: "It seems that the teacher is all right now, but I lost so much for the teacher. Tears."

"Haha, I have heard Kira say it, thank you for worrying about me." Xiao Ran smiled and stood up, and took the plate full of food from Miriaria, the food in it was all Some things that are simple, light and easy to digest, you can see that they are specially prepared for him.

"It should be right to worry about the teacher." Miriaria put her hands on her back, with a happy smile on her face: "If the teacher had been helping us, we don't know what the situation is now, but teacher, you have nothing to do. Great."

   "Then I should help you too." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "I am a teacher after all, am I not?"

   "Yeah." Miriamiya nodded heavily. While the two were chatting, Xiao Ran slowly filled his stomach.

Miriaria watched Xiao Ran finish eating, and also talked to Xiao Ran about the confusion and fear in her heart. Xiao Ran has been patiently listening to the little girl's venting, but she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart. When did Xiao Ran become a person Human spiritual mentor? After a good consolation, Miriaria, who was already tearful behind, had almost a few hours passed since he woke up.

Apart from eating something, the rest of the time was spent on two confused young girls. They just wanted to get up and walk around, but when he just walked out of the room, he saw Maru coming by alone. , Xiao Ran also gave a wry smile after seeing Maru, and reached out to welcome him into the room.

   "Mr. Xiao, is there any uncomfortable place?" The two had just sat down separately, and before Xiao Ran could speak, Ma Liu asked with a hint of concern.

   Feeling the sincerity in the other party's tone, Xiao Ran was a little more solemn, and smiled and said, "Thank you Miss Ramias for your concern. I feel that I am recovering pretty well. My recovery ability has always been better than ordinary people."

"That's good, I'm relieved to see that you are fine." Ma Liu smiled and nodded, and said to Xiao Ran with a trace of apology: "Mr. Xiao, thank you for persuading Lieutenant Kira to help us. Helping us in Heliopolis against Zaft’s offensive, so that you, who are not a soldier, faced such things. In the end, Mr. Xiao was seriously injured and your students joined the battle many times. I feel sorry."

Xiao Ran waved his hand again and again, and said politely: "Where and where, I also want to help myself. If I don't do that in that situation, I'm afraid I can't sit here and talk to you properly. As for Kira, it's the first time. It was my reason for him to join the battle, but then I think he, like Miriaria and the others, also wanted to do something for this ship and the civilians on board."

"Yes. Although there are already a lot of children like them on the battlefield, it is really embarrassing to let them go through this kind of battle at the beginning." Maru sighed slightly, then smiled and looked straight. Xiao Ran: "What about you, Mr. Xiao Ran, you have the ability to do something for your students and the civilians on the ship, then are you willing to be like Kira and the others?"

   Maru's words coincided with Xiao Ran's thoughts. After all, to complete the main task two, one must choose a power to join. Of course, Xiao Ran can join only the Archangel. It could be seen that Ma Liu had a pleading expression like this now. Compared with the previous attitude when she aimed her gun at herself, Xiao Ran couldn't help but want to tease him.

   "Me?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows and slowly bends down. He put his head close to Maru like a prank, and asked softly, "What do you think I can do with this appearance?"

   "Huh..." Ma Liu straightened her back reflexively, and she was a little farther away from Xiao Ran since then, and her face turned red for some reason. After seeing Xiao Ran's successful prankster laughter, he also turned his head away angrily: "Mr. Xiao, please don't make such a joke in the future."

After seeing Ma Liu's somewhat shy and calm expression, Xiao Ran's heart couldn't help but beat twice, but he was not doing other things too much, just smiled helplessly: "I didn't even think about it. What a joke."

Ma Liu was also taken aback when he heard Xiao Ran's noncommittal words. She and Xiao Ran were not the same. She didn't even know a little bit about Xiao Ran. The blush just now was just because of the female instinct. What kind of heartbeat feels towards Xiao Ran. And Xiao Ran knows a lot about Maru. In the animation, Maru can be regarded as a goddess after all. It is completely understandable after a heartbeat.

   If Xiao Ran just travels to this world, then he will definitely not object to what happens, and maybe he will actively pursue it. But now Xiao Ran, who doesn’t even own his life, knows that he will fight and fight in one world after another, but he is unwilling to leave his feelings in this world because he understands that he must leave this world. international.

Xiao Ran smiled freely and changed the topic: "Miss Ramias, seriously, what do you think I can help you do? I can't drive a mobile suit like Kira or CIC bridges. I don’t understand work at all, and I don’t know how to prepare work in this area. I don’t understand why you want me to help you."

Maru did not answer Xiao Ran’s question, but instead asked Xiao Ran his own question: "Mr. Xiao, if someone is chasing you behind you, there are two roads in front of you, one of which seems to be full of dangers and the road ahead. Far away, another road is close and safe, and there are enough supplies. Which one would you choose?"

   Xiao Ran heard what Ma Liu said and immediately reflected what Ma Liu said. UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com also sighed in his heart that Artemis' process seemed to have left a deep impression on Maru.

Xiao Ran said: "I know what you are talking about. As far as normal people are concerned, under the circumstances at the time, choosing Artemis who can get sufficient supplies is naturally the first choice. But you can make up your mind even to collapse the colonial satellites of neutral countries. You have to get the last MS, or sink the Archangel. The person who can give such orders is by no means a simple character. Since your choice is normal, it is not easy for the other party to guess your path. The same is normal."

"If I was not in a coma at the time..." Xiao Ran looked at Maru and said leisurely: "I would suggest that you follow the direction of the moon base and make a detour to the gravel belt for supplies. There are Yunius 7 and The wreckage of countless warships can be supplied with enough items instead of going to Artemis. In this way, the opponent will definitely not guess our path."

"Gravel belt?" Ma Liu stared at Xiao Ran for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "If I didn't agree to let you enter the bridge at the time, it wouldn't have caused you to be unconscious for so long. In the end, we went around for a while. The current way forward is the gravel belt. The material resources on the ship are not sufficient, and Kira has brought back so many civilians, which suddenly caused a shortage of supplies, especially water. If we can’t get supplies, I’m afraid we have not arrived yet. The moon base is about to die of thirst in this universe."

   Xiao Ran only smiled when he heard Ma Liu's words, but smiled bitterly in his heart: "I just know the development of the plot. If I don't know anything, I won't say such a thing."

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