Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 2743: The big bad wolf is coming

Running out of money is currently the biggest problem facing the Burning Legion. If Xiao Ran didn’t suddenly want to establish a research department, and did not pass the basic science development report that Luo produced, it would be stable according to the current situation. After the rest period of this mission, and can get a lot of merit points from the Shadow Blade Legion, nothing will happen.

However, the new research department consumes resources. Although the research department does not consume too much resources, it is basically staff salaries and then filled in with existing equipment. Anyway, it is just a logical research task and it is not so heavy or so heavy. complex.

However, if the Institute of Basic Science is established, the cost will be great. Basic science is a very important science for every world. In fact, in the current legion, in such a territory, there are also people who are working tirelessly. Research basic science.

But like Luo said, the Burning Legion did not pay too much attention to basic science from beginning to end, because the Burning Legion itself already possesses very advanced and powerful technologies, even though most of these technologies are only for military use. The existence of this aspect makes MS and battleships stronger, and the power of force becomes higher. One shot can destroy a planet. With a linear development, the destructive power becomes more and more powerful.

But this does not mean that the current basic science level of the Burning Legion is very low. On the contrary, the basic science of the Burning Legion has reached a high level under the technology of so many different worlds, but this kind of height is very oriented. It is completely scraped from different worlds and pieced together to become the technical foundation of the army.

But many aspects of basic science are not common. At least it has not been able to find the point that completely connects all the sciences from different worlds. It is like throwing the magician, scientist, and craftsman into one. local.

It doesn’t matter if the technology developed by the scientist is stuck. Come on, the craftsman first came out with a sample, and then the mage used magic to force the scientist to jump off the place where the scientist was studying stuck, and then connected to another layer, and finally the sample succeeded in reaching the scientist's desire. The effect achieved is to let the craftsman complete the sealing process at the end.

But can the principle scientists tell the mechanism behind it? Does the magician understand? Can it reduce the labor of craftsmen?

The answer is all no. The scientist’s answer is that I know how to do it, but I can’t do it; the magician’s answer is that I don’t know why I should do it, anyway I can do it with magic; the craftsman’s answer is whatever you want I did it anyway.

And this is the problem that the Burning Legion is encountering in top-level technology. Super, real, and fantasy are mixed, and there are many things that can only be made, just like Xiao Ran’s current Yinglong god, not using magic and It’s just a combination of technology and technology. The same is true for the space containment device. It is reasonable to say that the space containment device can be done entirely by technology, but the Burning Legion uses magic to bypass the road and directly reach it. To the end.

This is of course no problem. Magic and technology have found a place where they can coexist, but sooner or later this development will deviate from the real technology. At the same time, some researchers have discovered that the Legion today has not gotten a real technological breakthrough for a long time. The kind of breakthrough that brings back technologies from other worlds and integrates them into the current technology tree, but the kind of breakthrough that is truly real.

Some far-sighted technicians discovered this problem, so they joined forces to submit the basic science development report to Luo, separated from the current technology, separated from the magic, separated from those from the super system, the fantasy system and those who cannot explain the principles. The technology that can produce finished products, and the quiet and steady start of basic science research will be a very labor-intensive and resource-intensive task, but it is also something that must be done.

Xiao Ran may not know this, but as a leader, he knows that it must be good for the Legion, but the technical requirements that a planetary collider needs to meet are definitely extremely high, and the material consumption will also be high. It is very scary, and it will involve all aspects, and it can't be built in a short time, let alone all other corresponding supporting equipment for basic scientific research.

To do this, you have to spend money, and you must not spend money to drag down the balance of the entire army in so many territories. It needs resources and merits to stabilize the current balance. At the same time, such a large project will definitely delay the technology. The operation and development of the department itself is why Luo hesitated whether to start this project at this time, so he left the decision to Xiao Ran what to do with such a decision.

Xiao Ran made a decision, but now that he has made a decision, he must be responsible for all the effects of the decision, and then make all preparations for the decision.

Two departments, a Logic Research Institute and a Basic Science Research Institute, were determined accordingly. Although these two departments are newly established departments, it is expected that these two departments will become the technical department and the genetic department in the future. The same level of the three departments of the Secret Armed Forces Department.

Xiao Ran, Luo, and Kiliam were discussing the next arrangements for the two new departments. Hades sat quietly beside him as the best listener. Why did Xiao Ran bring Hades here, not for him Protect yourself or watch a play, but feel that Hades was once a true god. After joining the Institute of Logic, he will bring some new logical concepts from different perspectives to the Institute, as the ruler of the underworld and as a **** Give a completely different thought and logic.

Xiao Ran's communicator suddenly rang, and after taking a look at it, Xiao Ran smiled at Luo: "The money sender is here, then you will handle the next thing and wait for my notice."

Luo and Kyriam nodded, Xiao Ran stood up and left Luo's office. Hades looked at Xiao Ran's back and did not choose to follow, but stood up and walked to the window and opened the window. He disappeared without a trace.

Luo watched Hades disappear in a flash, but left the window that was still open, and stood up helplessly: "This Hades, except Xiao Ran, doesn't really care about everyone else."

"It's a **** after all." Kiliam smiled and stood up and said: "And now his attitude is not much better than before. That's it. I'll go first. I'm going to find someone to study quickly. Put up the shelves of the Ministry."


After coming out of Luo, Xiao Ran returned to the presidential palace. Leonard had been waiting in the arena for the end of the bet between the Cuimeng Legion and the Limestone Legion, and this time was longer than expected. After all, it was the original The fourth and fifth of the two belong to the top five ranks. If you really want to say that the gap is not too big.

However, in the gambling just now, one party is holding a venting mentality of burning jade, while the other party is holding the idea of ​​picking up cheap. The result of the explosion of 100,000 tons of firepower can be imagined, although the victory is terrible. After a little bit, the Cuimeng Legion won in the end. In the face of the fear brought by hundreds of S-rank pilots, a **** limestone is a wool.

A Shadow Blade is a legion that has signed a cooperation agreement, and it doesn’t affect anything to bring their people to the world of the ship regiment. Another Cuimeng is the legion that Xiao Ran is preparing to win next, and must sign a confidentiality agreement before entering , Besides, being brought here this time has no possibility of leaving the Burning Legion. Besides, how can they simply see if they come to this world without entering those key areas.

When Xiao Ran returned to the Presidential Palace, Leonard had already hosted the four commanders and deputy commanders of the Shadow Blade and Cui Meng Legions, drinking tea, and after seeing Xiao Ran, the four men quickly stood up.

"Commander of the army, you are here."

"Xiao Ran Army Commander."

"Here." Xiao Ran walked to the table with a smile and gently pressed his hand: "Sit down, don't be so nervous here."

Suter, Beech, Qinglong and other four people sat down one after another, Xiao Ran also sat on the main seat and smiled at a few people: "The Shadow Blade Legion is a friend who has signed an all-round strategic alliance clause with us. As for you Cuimeng, the reason why I called you here is because I want to communicate with you and see if you have the idea of ​​reaching an all-round strategic alliance with us."

At this time, what Qinglong was sitting in front of Xiao Ran was just nervous. The three expressionless expressions before him were completely invisible, but after hearing what Xiao Ran said, his complexion became a lot rosy, and he looked at Xiao Ran in disbelief: "Xiao Ran The legion commander is willing to cooperate with us in an all-round strategic alliance?"

"Of course." Xiao Ran nodded slightly and said, "Otherwise, there is no need to call you over. How about the strength of my Burning Legion should be considered passable."

Qinglong smiled bitterly: "Leader Xiao Ran, please don't laugh at us. If the strength of the Burning Legion can only be said to be passable, then our Cuimeng is still what it is. The Burning Legion definitely has the strength to claim the first place. With 100% certainty."

Xiao Ran asked, "Then your opinion?"

Qinglong nodded quickly: "If you don't dislike Commander Xiao Ran, of course I am willing."

Xiao Ran smiled and looked at Leonard: "Do you have any specific terms?"

"I asked Cruz for a copy before I came back." Leonard nodded, took out his personal terminal and found the agreement document signed by the Shadow Blade Legion before handing it to Qinglong: "This is the Shadow Blade Legion signed with us. You can take a look at the details of the terms of the agreement. If you think there is something inappropriate, we can come and confirm it carefully."

Qinglong nodded and picked up the personal terminal and looked at it slowly. After seeing it, his face was silent for a while, and then he was shocked. The change was quite fast and his expression was also quite complicated. What does this agreement say, it is simply too lick However, in general, there are no disadvantages in many rules.

Even if the protection fee is paid, the amount of protection fee paid can actually be exchanged for a lot of good things from the Burning Legion. It is not the kind of handing in which you can’t get anything but a This kind of grace can be accepted by both parties. The Burning Legion will definitely make a lot of money in this regard. Needless to say, it is also good for the Emerald Legion. Of course, for the Emerald Legion, they themselves have The ability to manufacture battleships and airframes by themselves, and the protection fee paid in the transaction method can indeed bring them something different, but overall it is somewhat unnecessary.

There is nothing harsh about other things, basically just becoming the younger brother of the Burning Legion.

After Qinglong put down his personal terminal, he looked at Xiao Ran and didn't know how to speak, but Xiao Ran kept smiling and said, "It's okay, you can just say if you have any opinions or thoughts."

Qinglong asked: "Leader Xiao Ran, is the military purchase on demand or mandatory purchase, is it necessary to reach a certain amount or free arrangement?"

Xiao Ran said: "Of course it is on-demand, but the Burning Legion must be the first choice. Cooperation is not an exploitation and I will not force you to purchase anything. I can understand what you think, and your territory should have certain self-sufficiency. Yes, letting you purchase everything from us is equivalent to letting you give up your military investment in the territory and your future. I disdain to do such things. My idea is that all the legions in the entire alliance are strong. When we rise up, we will be stronger as the leader."

"Moreover, the Burning Legion is not just organisms and battleships. Of course, these two also have a lot of room for you to update. As for the all-round strategic cooperation alliance, our attitude is to open all the product catalogs. Our Legion has many unique products. s things."

"Machine customization, battleship customization, you should have some needs, super, real, and fantasy. In addition, we have also mastered the space accommodation technology, which is equivalent to giving you a gnaku to carry with you. , There are S-level super AI combat robots, which is equivalent to that one of you can be used by three people in the mission.

"There are also blood serums. Although there are not many types at present, we are still developing more types of blood serums. There are biological weapons seeds, which can achieve an exaggerated violent effect in a short time after being released."

"There is also a core that can be transformed into a special life form after activation. These life forms have very powerful abilities, and this ability can be used by the activator, such as freezing time to a certain extent, of course this The species is rare and the price is not average. The most important thing is that although the core is not a follower or a participant, they can drive the body, and they can also follow the activator into the mission world~www.readwn.com~Weapons It can also be sold separately. There are many types of dimensional weapons and gravity weapons. Dimensional weapons can also be authorized to sell to you."

"We also have generation training. We can learn various inheritances in the Burning Legion, and we also have special mission courses. There are also S-level pilots as teachers who carefully teach them. We also train special talents at the military level. For some special professional singers, the singers can greatly strengthen all of their abilities and weaken the enemy's combat power and abilities. The Dinghai Shenzhen Needle in Legion Wars."

"There is also a portable armor, a very small special mecha that can be used in any environment, and it can also achieve the S-class combat power. You should have seen it before in the virtual battle."

Xiao Ran introduced slowly, with a smile on his face like a big bad wolf who seduce Little Red Riding Hood. Suter and Beech of the Shadow Blade Legion could not sit still now. After looking at Xiao Ran's appearance, the two commanders wanted to cover their foreheads to cover their tears.

"I buy, I buy, can't I buy it, fragrant, really fragrant."

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