Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 2791: You are threatening me but you can't prove

The real universe has a tower representing Prometheus, which shows that the real universe that the analysis department previously speculated is likely to become the next fantasy zone has been basically confirmed.

This is not a good thing for participants from the real universe. Their homeland will directly face participants from Prometheus, participants, and even participants from another world. The threat posed.

Xiao Ran was silent for a while and asked, "Have you found any signs of the operation of these towers?"

Cang shook his head and said, "We didn't get close to these high towers. We just isolated them after we found the high towers. In addition, we are also worried that if we get close to the high towers, it will trigger some other problems.

"You're right, you can't approach at will." Xiao Ran nodded and stood up and paced back and forth, as if thinking about how to deal with the problem of the tower.

Everyone on the side looked at each other, and Kruze said, "Maybe this is our chance."

Xiao Ran stopped: "I know this will be an opportunity, but it is also an adventure. We are not sure how Prometheus will respond to our contact with the tower."

"But it doesn't matter. Even if most of the participants who are present will not allow Prometheus to occupy the real universe, the question is whether Prometheus will release the highest level of obliteration missions to allow participants to protect Prometheus. Michels, this is one of them."

"Second, even if we enter the tower, how do we get the tower to disconnect from Prometheus, and then obtain the ownership of the tower."

Xiao Ran said, "I know that someone may be able to give a solution, but those who know these methods may not be able to say it."

"The Mythical Legion is unknown. Most people in the Mythical Legion are remnants of the previous fantasy zone. He may know how the aborigines of the previous fantasy zone dealt with Prometheus, but he should have restrictions, but when it is critical, I You can go for a gamble."

Kluzer nodded slightly: "That authority? If there is a real situation, only you can return safely and bring back the news."

"There is still a chance, there are other ways." Xiao Ran said suddenly: "There should be other ways to limit the disconnection of those towers and Prometheus."

"But before that, you need to do some preparations and trials, Cang, Nazi, you arrange for a man to attack one of the towers, and the technical department will show them something, such as a space blocking device or space exile. ."

"If anything happens during the trial process, stop immediately, and then choose the best way to deal with the problem and try to collect information and bring it back."

"Then the next step is to wait." Xiao Ran squinted his eyes and said: "When I have a chance to return, maybe I can find a way to restrict the towers, and finally seize control of the towers, and then crack Prometheus's The secret thus gains the ability to contend and completely controls Prometheus."

"And even if we fail in the end, we still have the last hole cards in our hands, which can force Prometheus to give up control over us."

Cruze suddenly laughed, but he shook his head when everyone looked at Cruze.

Bai Heshou seemed to understand Kruze's meaning, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly and said, "In short, we are invincible. Finding the tower is also the best opportunity, and it will become the biggest of Prometheus. Flaws, Prometheus, who has been curling up all the time, is truly exposing his weaknesses to us this time."

"This time, the initiative is in our hands. Moreover, Xiao Ran has a special authority that even Prometheus can't help but we must also hit with a hit. If we fail, the worst result is just not fighting. Retreat and leave Prometheus with the territory, but this is the best result for us, although the purpose is from time to time, Prometheus should have the same fear of us now."

Xiao Ran said to everyone: "The Technology Department temporarily suspends other unimportant projects, and everyone is fully engaged in world-class blockade research, and the Analysis Department continues to analyze and deduct Prometheus."

In short, it is to test first and then collect information. If it can be done, then it will be done directly. If not, Xiao Ran can only wait to return to his homeland. Talk to the patron saint in his homeland. It is best to get some from the patron saint. Can limit Prometheus's ability in the real universe.

In the eyes of Cruze and others, the appearance of the tower represents an excellent opportunity. It is a good opportunity for the Burning Legion to obtain its own Prometheus tower to break the current stalemate, at least not at all than it is now. It's better to know how to start.

The tall tower is something that can directly represent the essence of Prometheus than the real area, and it has been confirmed that the tall tower has the same ability as Prometheus, and each tall tower is, plus the original The towers in the fantasy zone have also been controlled, which shows that the Burning Legion has the same opportunity to control the towers.

But you can’t be impulsive. The opportunity is already in front of you. It’s not the rhythm of their big bosses. It’s really right to arrange it. Try to get some information to make it easier for them to find control. Method of Michels Tower.

Cruze said to Xiao Ran: "I think you might be able to talk to Wuming, maybe he can become our side.

...But maybe he will become the one on Prometheus who will eventually become our enemy. "

"Talk to him to confirm this, so that we won’t be able to confirm what the situation is when the enemy suddenly appears. In terms of the comparison of the combat power of both sides, in the real universe, they can put in more advanced combat power than us. At the same time, there are obviously more situations in the fantasy zone than ours."

"And we have to figure out that these towers are actually made by Prometheus from time to time. The more we are at this time, the more we need to calm down, guess and doubt anything."

"Not only is the Mythical Legion to test, Prometheus itself also needs to test, and we need to increase our existing strength, and try to get us to the real universe. It is best to make me, Baihe worry, especially Zeth, one of Kiliam will go to the real universe to coordinate, but it’s best if they can go all the way."

Xiao Ran squinted his eyes and nodded lightly. He is not in a hurry now, and Kruze also makes sense. The Mythical Legion does want to test it, lest the opponent evolves into its own enemy, and if he encounters this Situation The Burning Legion will fall into a very passive situation.

After all, the current Mythical Legion and the Burning Legion have signed a certain degree of cooperation terms, including the terms that the two sides are not enemies. In other words, the Burning Legion cannot declare war on the Mythical Legion through Prometheus's side, but in reality The universe is a place where war can be started without a declaration of war without permission, so if the Mythical Legion stands on Prometheus, the Burning Legion will be very uncomfortable and passive.

Prometheus itself should also be tentative. For Prometheus, he can be more direct and ask why there are towers in the real universe to confirm Prometheus' reaction.

Xiao Ran glanced at the people present. The Burning Legion of the tower must be mastered, and the Burning Legion must be given the power of Prometheus. Even if it is finally driven out of Prometheus, the tower must also be taken. , The ability to travel through the world without restrictions, and the ability to connect the worlds together, these abilities are the foundation that the Burning Legion can unite forever in the future.

Obviously, none of the big guys here are people who want to retire. If they have nothing to do without finding something for them, they probably need to find something to do for themselves. This...for long-term peace and stability, Xiao Ran I think it's better to find something suitable for them.

So either take Prometheus, or take the tower, it is best to fall into your own hands on both sides.

After a series of discussions and arrangements, Nazi and Cang hurriedly left Prometheus, returned to the real universe with their normal S-class pilot authority, and began to prepare for the next trial of those towers to gather intelligence.

And this aspect is mainly by Cang, because once the result of the trial is wrong, they may need them to do some cruel things, and Cang is more suitable to do such things than Na Zi.

Cang first selected some people from his civilization. These people basically have a very important characteristic, that is, they value love and righteousness, they are extremely loyal to family, friends, love, and duties, and they are all of them. People affected by the dead universe.

He found these people and gathered them together, then trained them, taught them, and forcibly detained all their family members, lovers, and important friends to a place that Cang personally arranged, and prepared three ships for these people. Battleships, as long as Luo feels that the equipment support provided by the technical department will send them directly on the road to contact those towers.

Cang told these people that they must complete the task. If they fail to complete the task, they are a death, and the person they care about is also a death. But as long as the task is completed, their identity will be restored and they will get a higher identity than the original. Will get many other rewards.

Either taking advantage of people’s danger or coercion, these people who were implicated and turned into sinners all agreed to the tasks given to them by Cang because of the guilt of their family, close friends, and lovers being affected by him, and Cang didn’t care. What choice will these people make in the end?

Prometheus has powers comparable to gods, but after all, it is not a true **** and is omnipotent. At least Prometheus can't directly allow these ordinary people to instantly obtain god-like abilities. These are selected If those who come out really choose to betray, then kill them all.

Cang doesn’t believe that the Burning Legion is now going to the real universe with so many S-class pilots. With the addition of the various equipment provided by the Burning Legion, the body can’t kill these people, and there are still these Burning Legions hidden in a bunch of people. Participants' true henchmen in the real world, the kind of warriors who voluntarily offered to lurch in order to protect their country from being threatened in the future.

In this way, what these people have come into contact with, what they have encountered, and what they have encountered cannot be hidden from them.

This arrangement can be said to be quite stable, and now Cang is not in a hurry to do it, he will order it only after he has made all the preparations.

On Xiao Ran's side, he returned to Prometheus' personal living area alone, and then called Prometheus out here.

"Participant number 678, Xiao Ran, are you willing to agree to the transaction with me."

This time only Xiao Ran was alone. Hearing Prometheus's voice, Xiao Ran paused and said: "Why are you so urgent to make that kind of deal with me? What are you worried about?"

Prometheus was silent, but finally replied: "Chaos."

"Chaos?" Xiao Ran laughed, mocking: "Is it worried that I will cause chaos?"

Prometheus answered the wrong question: "I need to reclaim what I lost and re-unify."

Xiao Ran said again: "It seems that your control of the fantasy zone no longer exists at all, and it is even possible that the part you have left in the fantasy zone may become an item controlled by the aborigines of the fantasy zone. Are you worried that the aborigines of the fantasy zone will come here through another part of you, and eventually go to war with you here?"

Prometheus said: "What you said has a certain possibility. In order to protect everything to maintain the normal operation of Prometheus, I need to reclaim what I left."

Xiao Ran said, "I have a question I want to ask you."

"Questions within the scope of authority can be answered~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Ran gave a noncommittal smile: "The tower in the fantasy zone, this kind of thing represents your clone in the fantasy zone, I think you should know that The question is right, why do you have these towers in the universe where the participants were born, and what do you want to do? "

Prometheus said: "This question is not within your authority."

"It's okay." Xiao Ran spread his hands and said calmly: "In the fantasy zone, you can lose a part, and in the real universe you may also lose another part."

Xiao Ran, is this a threat? This is a threat! It's the kind of threat that I know that you are threatening but I can't prove that you are threatening.

Prometheus should still have some intelligence. Hearing the threat in Xiao Ran's words, he was silent again and said: "Establish coordinates to locate the participant's choice, return, and transmit, and at the same time provide protection for the universe."

Xiao Ran asked, "In other words, you did build those towers instead of others, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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