Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 36: misfortune

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On the battlefield, Lightning Gene’s unreasonable attacks made the Zaft MS in the melee miserable and uncomfortable. The frequency of attacks made people feel quite disgusting. It’s just that MS can use weapons. With the power of a battleship-like secondary gun, no one can tell who the target of the next beam of light is. When will a red beam pass by and then slowly dissipate.

Compared with Zaft’s MS aggrieved, the Earth Army’s own MA was both happy and apprehensive. Before the Lightning Gene defeated the enemy with one shot, he also brought his own MA. This makes the MA pilots become a little cautious, lest they appear in the attack path of Lightning Gene, otherwise the death in their own hands would be wronged.

The Lightning Genn maintained the situation of hitting east and west, showing his unparalleled firepower. It looked fierce, but in fact, Xiao Ran, who was operating the Lightning Genn, only mechanically controlled the left and right turn of the sight. , And then press the trigger in his hand. No one can understand the soy sauce with one hand.

   On the Menelao, a battle in which a few people completely suppressed the majority in the battleship was also unfolding like a bamboo. The cause of the matter goes back not long ago.

As soon as the surveillance order issued by Halbaton reached Menelao, the atmosphere on Menelao Gnaku suddenly became tense, and several groups of military police held weapons in their hands and stopped carefully and quickly. The small transport aircraft in Gnaku was firmly surrounded.

   A military policeman with the rank of sergeant led his team to surround the small transport plane, and ran quickly to a man with a major rank badge: "Sir, the task is complete, please give instructions."

"Okay, sergeant, ask a few people to take them to the confinement room, remember to separate them, if you encounter resistance, allow them to be shot on the spot." After finishing speaking, the major left Ganaku and a captain outside Ganaku. Holding a pile of materials that seemed to be freshly released, waiting for him.

After receiving the order, the sergeant called a small team and rushed into the transport plane. After seeing the four people, he only slightly pressed his hand and signaled that the soldiers behind him did not need to point their guns at those who were still his own. Participant.

The sergeant walked to a few people and stopped two or three meters away, and said in a respectful tone: "Sir, your mission has been temporarily cancelled, and there are some things that require your assistance in investigation, so I hope The officers can come with us."

When the sergeant led people onto the transport plane, it actually attracted the attention of several people. Especially after the sergeant had finished speaking, the expressions of several people suddenly seemed inexplicable, and more of them were angry. meaning.

   Harvey, a young man with blue hair, jumped up all at once: "What did you say? To cancel our mission and cooperate with you in the investigation?"

   "Yes." The sergeant took two steps without a trace and looked at the blue-haired young Harvey alertly: "Please cooperate with the officers."

   "What are you investigating." The sleeveless young man Sman, the second of the four, frowned and stood up.

   "I don't know this, it's not within the scope of my task, and there will be others to carry out this task later." The sergeant replied neither humble nor humble.

"Damn it!" The blue-haired young man punched the chair behind him. With this punch, the chair made a loud noise, which also caused a chain reaction. The soldiers behind the sergeant immediately followed Raising the weapon in his hand and aiming at the four people, only after the sergeant gave an order, he could immediately launch an attack, killing the four people on the spot.

   The actions of these soldiers also made the faces of the four people instantly show a startled, angry, and incredibly tangled expressions, and they also began to be on guard.

The sergeant was still relatively calm, but after seeing the blue-haired young man’s movements and hearing the loud noise, he couldn’t help leaving a drop of cold sweat, but in order to avoid the unknown, he saw the blue-haired young Harvey. Without further action, he waved his hand again: "Put down the gun."

   "Damn it, you dare to use this toy at me!" The blue-haired youth Harvey's expression became a little distorted because of anger.

   But after a soft, fondling voice sounded, even though he was extremely angry, he still squeezed his fist and turned away: "Harvey, what do you want to do?"

Harvey glanced at the speaker, who was also the only woman among the four of them. After seeing this woman, Harvey's eyes flashed with fear. He shook his head and laughed forcefully: "Sister Esch, I have nothing. Want to do it."

"Hehe, that's the best, you say." Essy stood up slowly. The solemn white female military uniform on her body only made people feel like a set of fashion clothes. With her exquisite figure, she also highlights her **** long legs, and her appearance is so beautiful that people can’t ignore her. Her eyes are full of soothing spirituality, and the combination of red lips causes infinity. In the reverie, the sergeant who had been treating a few people seriously also unconsciously showed a fascinating look when he saw this perfect face and figure.

Esch walked slowly to the front of the sergeant, and every step she took was full of inexplicable beauty. She said in a soft and moving voice: "Sergeant, where we need our assistance, we will definitely try our best to help. It’s just a small misunderstanding, I hope you don’t mind, can you lead the way now?"

"Of course." As soon as the task was mentioned, the fascination on the sergeant's face quickly dissipated, and Harvey, who was slightly rebellious, and the fully cooperating Esch and others were taken away from the transport ship, and also from time to time. Will also quietly look at Essie.

Soon, the four were taken into different confinement rooms. Harvey and Sman kept inquiring about the sergeant and his soldiers along the way, but they did not find out any news. Although they felt inexplicable, The irritation in the hearts of the four participants who couldn't get any answer after asking the reason can be imagined, especially the blue-haired young Harvey, if it weren’t for Esch’s suppression, he might have jumped out to vent his anger. .

And Esch is for the two mechas within the reach of the Archangel. Her heart is also somewhat inexplicable, even angry, but in the overall situation, she must not only suppress her anger, but also suppress the other three. Anger, so from beginning to end, he seemed to be smiling and temperless.

In any case, these four people resisted the anger in their hearts and cooperated with the military police throughout the entire process. Although it didn’t take long for someone to ask detailed questions about the identity of several people, of course, the inquiry was conducted separately. Let them know that it was their own identity that caused the suspicion, and they answered one by one according to the memory given by Prometheus' control system.

But the more you ask, the more doubts and doubts in the hearts of the investigators. Although the answers of the four people are not wrong in general, the more detailed the questions, the more loopholes that the few people answered. The four participants who were also questioned took out a bunch of photos for them to identify, whether they knew or did not know. During this process, all four of them had huge problems. They did not work for many years. I don’t know my colleagues, but my neighbor who lives next door for a long time hasn’t seen it.

   With this simple act, the four people exposed some of their information, which at least allowed Halberton to determine that the identity information of these people was completely forged, basically in line with Xiao Ran's'guess'.

But if Halbaton didn’t ask the four people directly, he found out the refugees in Heliopolis, and found out a few people’s “colleagues” and “neighbors” to inquire. The result of the questioning is absolutely absolute. It was the exact opposite, exactly the same as Xiao Ran's situation, but it was a pity that no one could prove their identity at this time, only their own actions and words could prove.

Then, the appearance of Zaft’s army brought the entire battleship into battle, and no one was paying attention to them. What they didn’t expect was that Halbaton had communicated all frequencies of his own decision, using himself as a bait. With the shield to help the Archangel descend, it was like putting a bomb in the hearts of several people, causing the suppressed emotions of several people to fluctuate sharply.

   The thoughts in the hearts of these four participants are somewhat similar. Originally, they were going to the Archangel and happily received the two units, UU reading www. uukanshu.com didn't expect that the Archangel would not be able to go, and now I still have to sit here and watch the Archangel leave, and I have to accompany this poor-looking warship as a shield.

   What happened in this short period of time has already caused the blue-haired young Harvey's anger to rush to the top of his head. If it weren't for the fear of Esch in his heart that kept him from acting, I am afraid this guy would have rushed out long ago. But if you don’t rush now, you will rush sooner or later, because Barnes, the silver-haired man who ranks third among the four, has learned the size of the enemy from a certain device on his body, and clearly knows that the MA of the Eighth Fleet is not at all. The opponent of Zaft MS might even be buried here because of the sinking of the Menelao.

Before he could take any action, a voice that burst into his mind changed the colors of the four people at the same time: "The faction branch mission is triggered to protect the Eighth Fleet until the end of the battle. After the battle, the remaining teams of the Eighth Fleet will be rewarded. The higher the value, the task reward will be issued according to the degree of completion of the task. Accept it or not, yes/no."

   "The faction branch mission is triggered to protect the wise general Halbaton. Halbaton’s life is safe before the end of the battle. The completion of the mission will reward the C-level body construction materials. Accept it, yes/no."

Just after these two voices sounded in the four people’s heads, the four of them also made a decision at the same time. They opened the doors that focused on them with one foot and merged together. When the gendarmes came to be subdued, they took up their weapons. Started towards the bridge. (A great event for pie in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Follow it~ click/Chinese website official account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Follow qdread WeChat public account!)

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