Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 49: Cause, burn

After Luo brought the Strike Gundam back to Gnaku, he hurriedly dragged Kira and Maddock, who were a little surprised, around together, telling him his understanding and insights about this machine one by one. People, and put forward some ideas about the body, there is a great possibility of transformation in some places, I don’t know if it’s itchy, or it’s rare to see the most advanced MS today, and more actively ask for help. Modification of Strike Gundam.

Some of Luo's suggestions made Maddk keep his head ablaze, and he fully agreed with these suggestions. Kira also wanted to add something, hoping that his body can be slightly changed in some aspects, such as turning around. Hopefully, the flexibility can be strengthened. The three people gathered around a fixed panel of Ganaku and began to discuss the details of improvement.

   Xiao Ran stayed beside the three of them and did not leave, but when Luo, Kira, and Maddock were talking, he did not interrupt, but just stood silently by the side.

  At this time, Maru, Bucky Lulu, and Mu also gathered together, each sitting on the chair in the captain's room, except for Mu's thoughtful expression, the other two looked a little worried.

Bucky Lulu looked at the two of them not saying anything, and stood up to salute Maru, and said loudly, "Captain, I don’t understand why I agreed with Major Xiao Ran’s unreasonable request. No matter if you visit the Archangel, why would a waste dealer come to test the Assault Gundam? Didn’t he know that those people not only buy waste, but also sell information, in case the information of Assault Gundam is leaked? How should we explain to the officers? I suggest that the charges of leaking military secrets of our army have been immediately arrested, and Major Xiao Ran and the waste dealer named Luo should be arrested immediately."

  Maliu hadn’t spoken yet, Mu looked at Bucky Lulu with a faint smile: "Are you really sure you want to do this? Arrest them? Do you know the consequences?"

   Bucky Lulu was silent for a while, but still replied: "The most serious consequence is that the information on the assault Gundam and the Archangel was leaked."

"Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, I don't think things are as simple as you said." Mu shrugged and shook his head. "I think Xiao Ran is right. The four units of the G series have been acquired by Zaft. Data leakage has been leaked a long time ago. What could be more thorough than to steal the body for research?

"Also, if you arrest the two of them, have you ever thought that Xiao Ran might resist? If he hurts him during the resisting process, what would Kira think? He would still want to protect the archangel wholeheartedly. Did you get to Alaska? Didn’t you see how much Xiao Ran’s weight in Kira’s heart was? It can be said that on this ship, Kira didn’t listen to anyone’s orders and we had nothing to do. Only Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran said every time In a word, Kira will take it to heart. If Xiao Ran encourages Kira to take the last unit and switch to Zaft when he goes out in the battle, can you afford the consequences?"

"What's more, I think I really want people to arrest them. Xiao Ran and the waste dealer are not so easy to be arrested. As far as I know, waste dealers generally exist in a team structure. Do you think that waste? Will Shang have no companions here? It is difficult to arrest them. If they escape or board the MS, I am afraid it is not us who arrested them, but they arrested us."

   "But we can't let them mess around like this." Bucky Lulu gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

"The current situation is that we can't do anything if they want to mess around." Mu spread his hands to Bucky Lulu and said, "What's more, do you really want that series of problems after Xiao Ran was arrested by us? Or maybe Nothing happened to him when he was arrested, but should he be handed over to a military court for trial? Natal, I believe you don’t want to see such a scene. After all, Xiao Ran helped us so much. The trust is still to be given."

Bucky Lulu was silent, and she asked herself if she was really willing to arrest Xiao Ran. She recalled the conversations with Xiao Ran, the quarrels, and the talks that Xiao Ran talked about, remembering Xiao Ran’s confidence. And resourceful, Bucky Lulu has an answer in her heart, but she grew up in a military family, but her responsibility and honor for soldiers is not so easy to change. Bucky Lulu finally turned her attention to With Maru, I hope Maru will make this decision.

Ma Lulu understood the meaning in Bakiruru’s eyes, and as a woman Ma Lulu also saw the unbearable and hesitating in Bakiruru’s heart. She sighed slightly and Ma Lulu said, "Major Mu is right. It’s impossible to arrest Xiao Ran. Kira’s aspects are aside for the time being. Another reason is because he has too much influence on the Archangel. I don’t know if you haven’t noticed it, except for his students, including those on the bridge People admire him very much, and those in the maintenance team have always felt that they owe him a favor. If he were to be arrested, it would definitely make the Archangel personnel unstable and prone to problems."

"The second reason is that although Xiao Ran did join the Earth Army, and it’s okay to deploy it on the Archangel, you don’t forget who he really belongs to. It’s a spy unit. Don’t you know that the spy unit is super powerful? Are they independent? They have great autonomy. Except for direct reports to their superiors, no one can control other people as long as they do not pose any threat to the Earth Army. Where is his direct officer? He’s taken prisoner. For what he did today, even if he was going to a military court, he would not be subjected to any trial at all if he gave a reasonable explanation."

Having said this, Maru sighed again and whispered: "And you know, he put his life in front of me, and is willing to use his life to guarantee the character of his friend, so that he can say this If you do, I believe that Luo should also be a trustworthy person."

Bucky Lulu was silent. She might not have thought of this before, but she was also very helpless after Mario said it. Indeed, as Mario said, they can't control the spies, the only ones who can control There is no way to control it now, unless the Archangel arrives in Alaska and transfers Xiao Ran to another officer's hand, but now the Archangel is still in the desert, how far away from Alaska, this may be gone.

   I really want to talk about it, Xiao Ran really wants to use the spy power to suppress Maru, in some cases Maru really has to listen to him.

"Okay, Bucky Lulu." Ma Liu put her hands on her chin and gave her final decision: "Today's incident is notified to the crew of the ship, and everyone should not have happened, because the assault Gundam appeared irremediable. Question, so Major Xiao Ran fortunately contacted a friend to inspect the Assault Gundam and the Archangel, and to repair the Assault Gundam and the Archangel, understand?"

"Yes." Bucky Lulu replied loudly, standing upright. Although she was a little bit unwilling in her heart, she was more relaxed and grateful. The feeling of relief made her suddenly feel that this kind of violation was in fact. It is not that difficult to accept.

"It can only be so." Mu nodded, and suddenly thought of something and asked Maru: "Didn't Xiao Ran tell you why he let Luo visit the Archangel and test the Assault Gundam? "

"No, but I think Xiao Ran has been preparing something." Ma Liu shook his head and whispered, "It's not hard to guess, he may be preparing a way for us, from what he said before. , It should also be seen that he completely distrusts the top ranks of the Earth Army, and now that he has landed in such an embarrassing and dangerous place, it is not impossible for us to be treated as abandoned children, as he said."

Sure enough, it was Maru, and Maru, who was already tempted by Xiao Ran, was basically not bad at guessing what Xiao Ran thought in his heart. Of course, except for the things that Xiao Ran wanted Luo to prepare the body for him, this incident was completely sudden. It's just a coincidence.

"Hehe, then he will keep preparing like this from now on until the day when we really become abandoned sons, maybe he has already figured out where our future lies. Really, has he already thought so far? Oops, I don't know what's going on in his mind, it's really true." Mu patted his head and stood up, laughed at himself, and then left the captain's room.

Seeing Mu Li's back, Maru just shook her head and looked at Bucky Lulu: "Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, since you are so worried about that waste dealer, then you should worry more during this time. See what they are doing."

"Yes." Bucky Lulu nodded and left, but when she really understood what Luo was doing, Bucky Lulu finally had no thoughts to target~www.readwn.com~ because she really understood what Luo was doing. A few days later, the almost brand-new Assault Gundam once again demonstrated its stunning strength under the driving of Kira.

In the early morning, almost all the non-duty personnel on the Archangel ran to the base in the Dawn Desert, singing and dancing with the people in the base, relaxing themselves, drinking wine and bragging, almost forgetting the situation they were in. , It's rare to be able to relax once, and Maru didn't mean to be discouraged.

But when everyone was happy, the staff on duty on the Archangel also discovered something inexplicable. From the display, you can see that in a place far away from here, there is a red light that shouldn’t appear at all. When Dali Da took a closer look and was surprised to find that the place that originally belonged to the city was burning with fierce fire.

Soon, the news reached the ears of the Archangel and Dawn Desert. The people in Dawn Desert immediately prepared their weapons after being shocked and unable to execute, and began to march towards the burning city. Kira and Mu also got After receiving the order, cooperating with the actions of Dawn Desert, he soon drove the Strike Gundam and the Skymaster in that direction.

Luo opened his mouth for a moment after seeing the screen on the screen, then shook his head and yelled at Xiao Ran before leaving the Archangel: "How can I just watch the city burning like this? I borrow the car for a use."

Seeing everyone leaving, Xiao Ran also turned his head to the remaining Skymaster, shrugged and walked towards the Skymaster, yelling: "Sergeant Maddock! I want to drive the Skymaster. Go out!"

   Sergeant Maddock laughed: "I've been prepared for you a long time ago, I know you can't help it."

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