Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 58: Body complete

"Previously, when the main task had no task reward, there was only an evaluation reward. If you can't complete it, there will be nothing. That is a test of personal ability. Most people who complete it should receive evaluation rewards in advance to strengthen themselves. Now this task has a task. There are also evaluation rewards for the rewards. The task rewards will be issued directly and will not be detained. Most of the participants in the Earth Army camp should be mid-level officers, and the worst is a bronze treasure box. The rewards should be higher than the Zaft camp. It can be regarded as a small compensation for the disadvantages of the camp, and it is also an opportunity for participants to understand the rules of Prometheus rewards."

Xiao Ran thought for a while, and a feeling of schadenfreude came to mind: "After all, I have absolutely reason to believe that the Earth Army camp participants who can get this compensation are definitely more sad than Zaft in main mission 3. As for how sad it is, it is really exciting."

Although Xiao Ran currently belongs to the Earth Army as well, he can't run away if the difficulty of the task is increased because of the reward. However, Xiao Ran still has a special item that is quite against the sky for him-the retirement of the Earth Army. Notice.

  Special props: the notice of retirement from the Earth Army. Use this item to leave the current camp without penalty and get the opportunity to re-select the camp. This item is only valid in this world, and it will be recovered after leaving this world.

   As long as he has this item in his hand, Xiao Ran can leave the Earth Army at any time to find opportunities to join other camps. As for how the main task three is sadly reminded, it will not be able to remind him, so he will naturally be a little gloat. He wished that all the tasks of the participants except him were so high that they couldn't be completed and then all fell into this world.

Lightly clapping his hands, a silver treasure chest appeared in front of Xiao Ran, and it was opened directly. This silver treasure chest is a quest reward for completing the main task 2 and the quest reward will be issued directly to the storage compartment, like It is the same as when the D-class general driving technology was obtained, which can be directly extracted and used. The evaluation reward must be uniformly calculated and distributed after completing all tasks and returning to Prometheus. Although it is visible but not tangible, if you die in this world, you will naturally get nothing.

   When the silver treasure chest turned into countless light spots and disappeared, a series of prompts also popped out in Xiao Ran's mind.

   "Open the silver treasure chest. You get 500 merit points."

   "You get a C-level secondary component: ejection escape pod."

   "You get the part fragment × 1."

   "You get attribute points × 1."

"Mold!" After opening the silver treasure chest, Xiao Ran gave a speechless hammer to his chest. It is of course that the silver treasure chest is not as good as the gold treasure chest, but the things that are opened are far worse than the gold treasure chest. , I only got 500 combat points, and I got only one temporarily useless thing like component fragments, and attribute points were also given as a reward. It should be said that it is indeed a small compensation for the disadvantage of the camp, compared to the golden treasure chest. It was almost one in the sky and one on the ground. What made Xiao Ran even more speechless was that his passive skills were fortunately not able to show any effect.

   shook his head, Xiao Ran said in his heart: "Sure enough, there are no good products for cheap."

   "Ding, you have obtained more than 5,000 merit points, and you have reached the qualification for promotion. Your authority has been promoted. Your current authority is a high-ranking soldier. The next time the authority is upgraded, the merit point requirement is: 10,000."

   "Please return to Prometheus to find out for yourself about the authority of the superior soldiers."

Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment, and quickly checked his merit points. As the prompt voice said, after receiving the 500 merit points from the Silver Treasure Chest, the accumulated merit points did exceed 5,000, and he also changed from a soldier where he was authorized. I became a high class soldier, and I didn't expect to open a bad silver treasure chest and there would be such a surprise. Although I don't know what the authority has at present, it must be the higher the better.

   Xiao Ran, who got a little surprise, turned his attention to the only item he got when he opened the treasure chest:

   C-level secondary components, ejection escape capsule. If the body wear rate exceeds 85 percent, it will take effect automatically, ejecting the pilot from the body and generating a protective cover with an armor strength of one-third of the body for 15 seconds.

"Good thing! It turned out to be an escape item. Even if nothing else is shown, this item is definitely worth it!" Xiao Ran's eyes lit up after reading the introduction of the ejection escape pod, although it was only a C-level item. It also comes with a protective cover with one-third the strength of the body's armor. Even if it is only fifteen seconds, as long as the fifteen seconds are not fighting in the space and the air, these times should be enough to land safely. The key is that this thing can save lives. It is definitely a good thing to think and want.

"It's just that the C-level escape items actually have this effect. The B-level and A-level ones don't know what the effect is." Xiao Ran was satisfied, but also a little disappointed: "It's a pity, once equipped with this thing, only the body When the damage reaches more than 85 percent, it will automatically take effect, and there is no way to control it autonomously. It is equivalent to losing an MS that can be repaired in exchange for a chance to escape, which is a small regret."

"Hehe, I'm really not greedy enough to swallow the elephant. It may be that lucky skills are also effective to get this kind of props. If you get it, you should be content." Xiao Ran laughed at himself and looked at the attribute points obtained by opening the silver treasure chest. It is added to the spirit, and the original 10 point spiritual attribute is increased to 11 points. Xiao Ran has already felt the effect of the spiritual attribute. It can be said that it can comprehensively improve the overall strength. Of course, I also know that this is definitely an extremely expensive attribute. It is his future path to give priority to strengthening the spirit while developing in an all-round way.

Although he didn't get anything better when he opened the silver treasure chest, Xiao Ran was already content, and it wouldn't be enough if he didn't have enough. After all, he didn't have more treasure chests for him to try and what good things could be opened under the additional layer of lucky skills. .

It has been a few hours since I returned to Ganakuri again. As soon as I entered Ganakuri, Xiao Ran saw that the flight pack that had been fixed behind Gene had been removed and mounted on the black heresy, and in the black heresy. The position of the left shoulder armor has also been modified in the same way as the Lightning Genn. The shield is directly fixed on it. It can also move, but it does not look as coordinated as the Lightning Genn. After all, it is not the original shoulder armor, but will Part of the shoulder armor of Lightning Gene was cut off and assembled.

Just in Ganakuri, Xiao Ran watched his body gradually improve, with a joyful smile on his face. It lasted until night when a black body from start to finish was finally preparing everyone in the class. Luo, Kira worked hard and worked hard to complete all of them, towering in the Gnaku of the Archangel.

Looking at the black steel giant, Xiao Ran couldn't help but gently touched his hand to the foot where he could touch, feeling the cold feeling from his hand, but his heart was filled with infinity. Fiery: "This is my body? It's not a miscellaneous weapon, not a mass-produced machine, but a trial machine! It's Gundam! My dark heresy!"

"Finally finished, how can you not let you down?" Luo and Kira appeared beside Xiao Ran and looked up at the body assembled by their hands. Moreover, the body that had undergone a small change was also a moment of pride: " I have left you a lot of surprises on the body."

   "Thank you, I am looking forward to the surprise you said." Xiao Ran retracted his hand and turned around~www.readwn.com~ took a deep breath and laughed: "Is it possible to drive?"

Luo looked at Kira. In terms of mechanics, he can guarantee that there is no problem, but the OS is not as good as Kira. Kira nodded when he heard Xiao Ran's words: "Some parameter settings are based on the parameters of Assault Gundam. However, the meticulous parameters still need to be adjusted according to the individual. I just want the teacher to try to drive this machine. I can also record and modify the parameters of the machine and deal with the problems in time."

   Xiao Ran looked up at the pitch-black heresy. Under the bright light from the ceiling, he reflected a fascinating magic. When it was the moment to sit on this machine, Xiao Ran's mood calmed down, not as excited and impatient as he had imagined.

   "Let's start then." A soft word rang in Luo and Kira's ears, and Xiao Ran also stepped forcefully onto the restraint frame and sat in the dark heretical cockpit.

Sitting in the cockpit, Xiao Ran stretched out his hand and pressed the power button. Didi sounds rang in his ears. On a screen in front of him, there were also startup screens that belong to Orb's body, with rows of English initials. Xiao Ran couldn't understand at all, but he could read and understand that the combination of the first letters before each row of English was the collective name of the unit he was driving: GUNDAM, Gundam.

The dim light suddenly lit up, adding a touch of warm color to the dark cockpit, and the monitor screen was also lit up, showing the outside influence. Xiao Ran looked almost the same as the cockpit layout of Assault Gundam. In the cockpit, he put his hands on the main operating levers on both sides, and finally laughed silently: "The dark heresy, the test begins!"

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