Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 606: Well done

Both Xiao Ran and Xia agreed to work on the Moon in Granada, and Xiao Ran also agreed with Xia's idea of ​​doing Flanagan's mechanism, but if this is the case, the Black Heresy is one of the missions that don’t know how much time it will take this trip In, a set of pterodactyl equipment is not enough, and more preparations must be made. "≤three"≤jiang"≤ge,

After all, this time you have to set off from the moon first, and you have to bypass or directly take down the Solomon Cosmos Fortress in the middle, bypass the A. Bawa Cosmos Fortress and enter, breaking through the Zeon Army’s defense line and rushing into the Flanagan mechanism. The satellites, then divided their troops, suppressed and seized Flanagan’s organs, and returned after breaking through the encirclement of Zeon. The battles that may be experienced in the whole process will be countless. More than 30 participants, including him, have not In the case of the B-class airframe and pilots, without a warship that is truly capable of acting alone, the whole process can be said to be a thrilling journey to find death.

Even though Xia would have Zeon soldiers willing to take refuge in him to help during the whole process, the task process would still be very difficult.

After arriving at the factory, in addition to Cardias who Xiao Ran contacted personally, Omaba, Al Elf, Ozma and others also appeared here. It seems that they are also right for the sudden appearance of the A-level Legion. Came out of curiosity.

Xiao Ran first greeted everyone, and then directly asked Cardias: "I have already discussed the occupation of the Granada base with Char, but Zeon’s new human research organization is currently dealing with new humans. The research has yielded a lot of results, and may pose a threat to the Federation, Neo Weng and Anaheim after we leave, so this issue must also be resolved before we leave."

"Flanagan Organization?" Cardias is very unfamiliar with this institution, but since Xiao Ran put forward it so solemnly, Cardias will naturally take it seriously, but he is also very curious: "The situation is serious?"

Xiao Ran nodded: "Some of Zeon has produced trial-made new human-specific mechas. The tests on the mechas have turned out to be extraordinary. I know exactly what is going on with such a mecha. If the pterosaur equipment we produce is driven by me, I will have the ability to defeat at least one mobile suit team in the universe without any damage. Of course, although Zeon's technology cannot reach this level, it is at least not. The existence of the ace that cannot be confronted."

"1 to 48?" Cardiaston was stunned. He saw Xiao Ran driving the Justice Gundam Nalo, and Al Elf and others frowned. All the people present except Cardia were the fierce firepower of justice. Everyone knows everything else, and Justice Gundam has also made a lot of adaptive transformations for Xiao Ran after acquiring the Sun Furnace. It is still a modest statement to say that it can only fight against a single fleet in this world. The real situation is that it can at least deal with a fleet.

But if Xiao Ran could use himself as an analogy, then perhaps that type of machine might pose a great threat to the current situation after they left.

But after Katias was surprised, he asked inexplicably: "But shouldn't the new humans be a minority now?"

"Even if there are only a few, I think I really need to look for the whole Zeon seriously. It may not be difficult to find ten new humans, but the key is a research conducted by the Flanagan organization that uses human bodies as experimental materials to strengthen them and let them be Strengthened people can acquire some abilities that new humans have. Moreover, according to Xia Ya, there are not a few people with new human qualifications held in this institution."

Xiao Ran said in a deep voice, "If Zeon brainwashes these people, or makes a breakthrough in the direction of strengthening people, I don't think I need to say too much."

"Hiss." Cardias took a breath, as Xiao Ran said, if the situation remains stable for a period of time, and this is what they need to do, in this case Zeon’s Technological breakthroughs have been made, creating one hundred enhanced humans with new human abilities, and one hundred new machines capable of 20 mobile suits at the same time. Then Zeon's combat effectiveness will become extremely terrifying, and the Federation will be unable to resist.

"Do you need to notify the Federation?" Kardias's heart also sank, and immediately asked.

Xiao Ran nodded and shook his head: "We need a legitimate attack opportunity. However, the Falanagan agency cannot let the Federation know a little bit of news. In addition, from now on, all Anaheim's resources must begin to provide us with Tilt, make more preparations for the next action."

Cardias nodded: "I understand, I will arrange it."

"By the way, the Mie particles emitted from the Mie nuclear furnace. Isn't there a communication method M communication based on the particle compensation range?"

Cardias nodded: "Yes, this is currently the only communication method available in the battlefield environment, and the airframes we produce are also installed."

"There is no way to create a solar furnace in a short time, and fight in the dense range of Mie particles. I can only use Mie nuclear furnace to use it." Xiao Ran shook his head helplessly, and said: "Arrange personnel at all M-particle communication receivers are installed on the dragoons equipped with pterosaurs, and more pterosaurs, G fortresses and IWPS are being prepared."

"In addition, some spare bodies are needed. The materials and ammunition must be adequately prepared. When I prepare a few spare machines to install artificial intelligence chips, the main control systems are all connected to my body, and these bodies are also equipped with pterosaurs. Any questions?"

"There is no problem. The artificial intelligence chip is fully capable of our Anaheim company's technical level. With such detailed data, our Anaheim company does not need to exist." Yass nodded, paused and said, "However, although we have imitated the MS main computer system according to the technology, the artificial intelligence chip needs internal architecture and compilation, so the artificial intelligence chip and MS can be When used together, it will take some time to make a copy for the first time."

"It will take about ten days to complete. Although I am also arranging personnel to thoroughly analyze all the technical data, it will take at least a year to complete. After a year, it may be able to produce a lot in one day."

"As soon as possible." Xiao Ran nodded in understanding. After all, although some of the technology was handed over to Kardias, Kardias was only hiding it as the highest secret. He didn't dare to use it at all because he was afraid of not using it. Be careful to leak the news. It is the first time to copy and manufacture artificial intelligence chips from scratch. In terms of the strength of Anaheim, ~www.readwn.com~, ten days are already a struggle.

But if Luo were here, with the mechanic equipment, all the things Xiao Ran required could be completed in at most 36 hours. This is still the case when even the body is remanufactured.

But after Katias finished speaking, he laughed awkwardly: "It's the Sun Furnace, because I was very curious about that thing, and at the beginning, I didn't fully believe what you said, so I quietly A group of personnel was arranged to manufacture solar furnaces. Although there were not many, they still made a few solar furnaces that can emit red particles, which have been hidden in the deepest place below."

Everyone turned their heads at the same time to look at the somewhat embarrassed Kardias, Al Elf glanced at him lightly and nodded silently, Ozma grinned and folded his arms, Ryukino Saki hummed lightly. Two times, Na Luo laughed slightly.

Xiao Ran glanced at Cardias dumbfoundedly, rolled his eyes and patted Cardias on the shoulder, and finally turned into one sentence: "Good job..." (To be continued.)

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