Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 621: The goal is the Zabi home

"If a new human encounters a suitable body, then the effect that can be exerted is definitely not as simple as one plus one. △↗ novel," Xiao Ran agrees that Xia must destroy Zeon's special body manufacturing plant for the new human regardless of the cost. If the Falanagan facility is destroyed and this manufacturing plant is destroyed, then the Zabi family that has invested all of it will suffer a devastating blow, even if the Zabi family is preparing to manufacture again, can It's another matter to have this ability to produce such quantities at the same time.

At least in Char’s cognition, if the Falanagan mechanism and the manufacturing plant are destroyed at the same time, based on Zeon’s current background, it is basically impossible to create a Falanagan mechanism. It is possible that there will be so many resources to continue mass production of the new human special machine, and because the Flanagan mechanism is gone, the key technology will disappear with the Flanagan mechanism.

If you want to develop, it’s not just a matter of time. Even if it’s just a matter of time, at least a lot of time has been bought for Xiao Ran. Once he returns to this world from Prometheus, let alone a fleet, Even a fleet's new human special machine Xiao Ran could destroy it for Xia to see.

Of course, Xia today does not know that Xiao Ran’s purpose is to delay the stalemate for a longer period of time. Seeing Xiao Ran’s agreement with him, he also nodded and said, "Although I don’t know the kind of new humans created by Zeon. The detailed parameters and conditions of the dedicated fuselage, but comparing the two fuselages you are using, the black heretical pterosaur equipment, and the GN-X with a solar stove, I can think of other new humans driving similarly. The appearance of different kinds of organisms running rampant in the universe."

"Even if those new human special machines are not as good as the two you are driving, even if the new human pilots are not as capable as you are now, even if they can only reach one-third or one-fourth of your level, As the number increases, it will also be a huge threat to the current situation."

"At that time, you alone made the Zeon army garrison at the Granada base completely confused. You also told me that you alone have the ability to fight against an entire fleet. Even if the new human pilots of Zeon can't fight alone. A fleet. Those three or four people combined have the strength to fight against a fleet, and it will also give Zeon a huge advantage. If Zeon makes a breakthrough in the creation of strengtheners, then the Federation will not be Zeon’s opponent at all. . So no matter what, the Zeon Army’s work on the manufacture of special machines for the new humans must be destroyed, and the Flanagan organ must be thoroughly cleaned up and even turned into our strength."

"No, no," Xia said here, shook his head, and said seriously: "The best thing is to be our strength, in terms of the hatred of the Zabi family by those experimental materials. If they are not brainwashed, then they must be It will become the backbone of our fight against the Zabi family and the Earth Federation. If these experimental materials are driving a body with floating weapons, then this universe will become our final say."

"This idea is also good, but the manufacturing cycle of the key solar furnace of GN-X is much longer than that of the Mie nuclear furnace. Mass production is very impractical in a short time." Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows, Xia did not support but did not oppose his idea. Instead, he expressed his own thoughts: "Because of the particularity of the solar furnace, it is not suitable for mass production equipment. After all, the red solar furnace is only an abbreviated version. If the usage time exceeds the limit, it will cause big problems."

"Moreover, the Mie particles emitted from the Mie nuclear furnace also have the same functions as the GN particles. Compared with the solar furnace, the manufacturing time is shorter. At present, Anaheim also has a complete production line that can be mass-produced. Without the battle time limit that the red solar furnace might appear, it is more stable, so I am more inclined to continue to develop the Mie particles."

"And to be honest, almost all the development of new humans, including you, are Mie particles. I am just an accident."

"At present, we still have computer-controlled floating weapons such as Dragoons in our hands as a supplement. Moreover, the requirements for operation have also been reduced from new humans to operations that only require spatial recognition capabilities. Even if ordinary people cannot reach the level of new humans, then Operating only two or three floating weapons is also an enhancement of combat power."

Dragoons are already a very mature floating weapon, even floating guns have been developed. In fact, there is no difference between dragoons and dragoons. Dragoons who want to be used normally within the coverage of Mie particles must also install M communication receiving devices and feedback devices. As a weapon, it can be said that there is no difference, the only thing. The only difference is that one is computer controlled, and the other is controlled by brain waves with the aid of the Samuus system.

The computer controlled the dragoon. The human brain mainly controls the floating artillery. Of course, Xiao Ran can also imagine that if ordinary people operate dragoons and meet high-level new humans, then dragoons will become a joke, and maybe they will be controlled by the opponent.

So from the perspective of this world alone, whether a floating weapon should be called a dragoon or a floating gun depends entirely on whether the most important thing is installed-the spiritual transmitter, that is, the Sekmuu system. If the Sekmuu system can develop into the form of a mental power skeleton in the future, then things like pushing satellites can start to be tried.

The feature of this world is the Mie nuclear furnace. Of course, Xiao Ran will not let the solar furnace take the place of the Mie nuclear furnace. Otherwise, what is the use of capturing this world? It is better to directly find a way to capture the world that produces the solar furnace. But Xiao Ran would not curb the normal development of the Solar Furnace in this world, but the Mie Nuclear Furnace must be the top priority.

After hearing Xiao Ran's words, Xia realized that the solar furnace that can emit weird red particles was only an incomplete version, and there was a saying that it was unstable. After all, Xia was not like Catrias and Xiao Ran staying together. More time, even if you know the special abilities of some solar furnaces and GN particles, the real difference is still unclear.

So he nodded and smiled slightly: "You are the big boss, you have the final say. I just remind you that no matter what, you can start to prepare a suitable body for our own troops."

"Even if you don't say it, I won't forget it." Xiao Ran smiled and shook his head, and said: "In addition, we are not discussing how to deal with the action. We talked and talked so far apart."

Xia became silent, and it wasn't without his intention to open the topic, because even if he thought about it for so long, there were still his people in Zeon. But this is also the only way he can think of. The most suitable way is to sacrifice some people to achieve the most critical mission goals. This is a necessary choice. It is also something that the superiors should learn.

But for Xiao Ran, the sacrifice is just to cause chaos. This kind of thing seems a bit unacceptable. The cost of such a big price is just to delay such trivial things. This is very much for Xiao Ran, who often likes to fight with small ones. Big cost too.

And the most important thing is that delaying this time can only help the transfer operation of Flanagan Organ at most, and it is of no use to the other requirement in Xiao Ran's mission. If you want to kill the two members of the Zabi family, the key has to be their own hands.

Seeing Xia Ya’s expression, Xiao Ran also understood what Xia Ya was thinking in her heart. He groaned and said, “You don’t need to do that, just leave it to us at the factory.”

"Huh?" Xia Ya suddenly raised her head and looked at Xiao Ran in amazement. She didn't realize what Xiao Ran was expressing.

In fact, Xia’s plan and Xiao Ran’s original plan are really similar. Xiao Ran’s original plan was to sneak into Zeon and try to kidnap someone from Zabi’s family. At least he would have to kidnap him like Jilian, for example. Dejin's these two are big, and the chaos caused will definitely not be smaller than the destructive project Xia thought. Maybe it will be even bigger, directly leaving the entire Zeon in a state of chaos.

Dejin is the former boss who is already in semi-reclusive state, while Giren is currently Zeon’s biggest dictator, a true war-making madman. Both of them are very important. Anyone’s problems will affect all aspects of Zeon. If Xiao Ran can really tie these two people and kill them, it will be extremely beneficial to the development of the situation.

The remaining Kycilia Zabi and Dezru Zabi are quite contradictory. Maybe it will also encourage Zeon to continue to split. In the end, the goal of making Zeon powerless to stop the war was achieved.

However, according to Xiao Ran's thinking, if the two most important members of the Zabi family can be captured, the space for maneuvering in the middle will become very large, which is the risk to the Flanagan organization. The degree of danger will be correspondingly reduced a lot, and factories seem to be able to operate.

This is not only that, Xiao Ran even thought that if he could control the entire Zabi family members, tut tut, then the fun would be great, which is almost equivalent to directly including the entire Zeon in his own control. In it.

"This direct method is really a shortcut. It's just that this shortcut is not something that every world can have a chance to take."

If it is a normal mission world, and there are participants in Xiao Ran’s camp, there will certainly be participants in the opponent’s camp. Naturally, participants will deal with ordinary people without saying much. They are crushed all the way and can be the same. This is not the case when it is the opponent of the participant, and it is almost insecure than fighting with MS.

After all, many skills can only be used by driving a mobile suit, and some special participants have inexplicable awakening skills. If you really want to match them, you can see them as skills and attributes. If you don’t know the specific situation of your opponent, , Leaving the MS battle against the participants is simply the rhythm of death.

Similarly, if you can kidnap the other party’s high-level, the other party can also kidnap your own high-level. The one who causes trouble is ultimately yourself. Maybe once something is triggered to complete, there may only be a low and low side task, a participant in the camp. It's all bad luck.

Xia Ya looked at Xiao Ran in amazement: "What did you just say to you? The factory? How can this be!?"

"It's not impossible, it's not too difficult." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "I will assign some people to you to cooperate with you to complete the transfer of Flanagan's organization. As for the factory, it will be handled by me. Fortunately, instead of letting our elite pilots spend their lives in exchange for that time for us, it is better that I lead the team to make Zeon more chaotic, and it may make the whole course of action easier. "

"What do you want to do?" Xia Ya frowned and looked at Xiao Ran.

"It may make you feel a little crazy to say it, but in my opinion this is the best way." Xiao Ran said in a hurry: "I'm going to directly attack the Zabi family and wipe out the entire Zabi family. , This chaos shouldn’t be smaller than the chaos you plan to attack the factory, haha, if I control the Zabi’s family, isn’t the factory just a trivial matter?

"What are you talking about!" Xia Ya bounced off the sofa instantly, looking at Xiao Ran in amazement: "You want to attack Zabi's family, how is this possible, no, it is too dangerous, you have no chance to do it. , Even if you can rush in to find Zabi's house~www.readwn.com~ you will not be able to escape."

"Aren't you still there?" Xiao Ran shrugged and said, "Since you can seize so much power from Zabi’s family while they are still alive, can’t you completely master it when Zabi’s is away? Zeon, I believe in your abilities."

"This is impossible. The loyal followers of the Zabi family are everywhere in Zeon today. Even if I can master more power, there is no way to control the entire Zeon." Xia shook his head and said: "Your idea is too risky, and I absolutely cannot agree with it."

"Moreover, the people of the Zabi family have countless people to protect them at any time. It is impossible for you to break through their defenses and catch them. Although there is no way to make a choice, but sacrifice some people in exchange for the peace of the whole world, in exchange for Zha These are all worthy of the defeat of the family, and they will do it willingly."

"As the true leader of our resistance, you cannot let you take risks like this."

Xiao Ran just wanted to speak, but at this moment the knock on the door rang, and Ryukino Saki carried a bag and pushed open the door and walked in. (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Baidu search "" to see the latest and most complete novels!

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