Unlimited Machine Warfare

Chapter 71: What do you mean

Xiao Ran bowed her head and was silent. Erica didn't speak either, but turned her head to look at the dark heresy. I don't know what she was thinking. During the time that Xiao Ran was in a coma, the dark heresy had been completely taken down by the technical staff of the Shuguang Society. After checking countless times, I also obtained some key and arguably missing information from Heresy Gundam. These things are useful to Orb who can already mass-produce M1 heresy, but they are of little importance. They are really important. It is still an OS suitable for use by natural persons.

In Erica’s view, Xiao Ran is a real natural person, and the ability to drive the dark heresy must be due to the dark heretical OS, but the most critical OS is locked in the dark because the body’s system cannot be unlocked. Among the heretical quantum computers, it’s not that Erica never thought about brute-force cracking, but the problem is also here. Erica doesn’t know exactly how Luo set up the body’s system. Quantum computer is completely formatted. Don't talk about OS when the time comes. I am afraid that the whole body will have to be re-debugged completely, and even the system will have to be redone. Erica dare not take such a risk.

For the entire Suguang Society and even Orb, a suitable OS system that can be used by natural persons is much more important than a trial machine. Naturally, it will not ignore the dark heresy, and repair this machine. It is also within the scope of Luo and their trading, not to mention that in Erica's heart, a trial heresy that can be used and belongs to his side, and it is also matched with the dark heresy of the pilot, and it is also valuable.

But the crux of the problem is not only there. Luo has made some adjustments to the body's system, but it is only a lock. At that time, he did not actually start the damaged body, and naturally he would not find the actual body. It will not start at all. In fact, these key reasons were still in Xiao Ran, even Xiao Ran didn't know the real situation at this time. At the moment when Xiao Ran accepted the mission of the exclusive body, the Dark Heresy had become the exclusive body. Although the mission was still being executed, it was confirmed that it belonged to Xiao Ran. In other words, without Xiao Ran's permission or Xiao Ran activated himself, it was pitch black. Even if you successfully boot up the heresy, that is, turn on the quantum computer, the dark heresy will not be able to perform any effective operations at all, but will always prompt on the screen that it cannot be started without authorization.

It is the prompts on the screen and the complete inability to check the OS of the body, which makes Erica a headache. Without a suitable OS, the many M1 heretics produced by Orb now become decorations, wasting so much money. Material resources produced a bunch of furnishings, not to mention that Erica himself did not allow it, nor did the entire Orb executives. Therefore, Erica will helplessly bring Xiao Ran to this place.

Xiao Ran's silence is not just thinking about what Erica wants from the dark heresy, or what he wants from herself, but also thinking about how she can properly join Orb and catch the main line of the plot. At the same time, he also hopes that Orb will transform his body.

And now it’s so abrupt to rush to Orb, or to get to Orb without knowing anything about it. For Xiao Ran, it’s really unexpected. It can be said that it completely disrupted his previous series. Thoughts, not to mention that Erica Symonds would take him to the arguably most secret place in Orb so directly, which immediately made him feel at a loss.

   was silent for a long time, Xiao Ran suddenly raised his head: "What do you want."

   Erica turned to look at Xiao Ran, and calmly said, "The dark heretical OS."

   "OS?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows: "Don't you ask Toro to help you write the OS? You should know that he also has a red heresy in his hands."

"It's not that he didn't help us write the OS, but the OS he wrote can't allow ordinary people to drive the body we developed." Erica did not hide the slightest, and said openly: "We know the dark heretical OS. There are other people involved in the writing, and even Luo doesn’t know what’s going on in the writing of that part of the system, so we hope to be able to check your OS."

Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled: "Then you are going to be disappointed. I believe that with your intelligence channels, you must also know who wrote the other part of the OS. There is no fundamental difference between the Dark Heresy OS and the Strike Gundam OS, even if it is complete. The copying is of no use."

   Erica frowned slightly, and a suspicion flashed in her beautiful eyes: "If it was the OS written by the kid named Kira Yamato, how could you be a normal person to drive such a body?"

Xiao Ran exhaled two breaths. After standing for a long time, he felt a little tired because his body was too weak. He sat on the floor without caring, and said leisurely, "You haven't tried the OS of the red machine? Why? He can drive yours, but can't it? Does it mean that all adjusters are geniuses, and normal people can't have more geniuses?"

   Erica Symonds didn't know what to say, and took two deep breaths and asked Xiao Ran, "In any case, I still want to ask you to let us take a look at the machine's OS."

Xiao Ran stared at Erica for a few seconds, and finally shook his head and smiled, "I can't refuse you at all, or it makes me seem so unreasonable. Anyway, I'm from Orb, so the OS is nothing. It’s important, you just want to watch it."

After speaking, Xiao Ran stood up tremblingly, and walked to the pitch-black heresy one step at a time, stepped on the lifting rope and sat in the cockpit, looking at the newly renewed cockpit, he couldn't help but stretch his hand and stroke it around gently. , Then slowly stretched out his hand and pressed the start button.

The cockpit lights up after Xiao Ran presses the button, and the system display officially enters the startup screen after a series of flashing data. Even the lock screen set by Luo does not appear, and I am a little confused. : "Isn't it said that Luo locked the system? Is it still with face recognition?"

   At the same time as the body started up, the black heresy's head monitor flashed brightly. Erica stood at the feet of the black heresy and shouted to Xiao Ran: "You only need to connect the system to the external socket!"

"Understood." Following Erica's instructions, Xiao Ran linked the body system to the connected quantum computer, and soon there were staff members over there to start a complete copy of the OS system. I don't know what the OS and the system are. How old it is, with the electronic technology of this era, it took a full ten minutes to complete it, and in the process, Xiao Ran's stomach also felt hungry and uncomfortable.

But fortunately, Erica knew about Xiao Ran’s current situation. After Xiao Ran stood on the ground again, she took Xiao Ran to the canteen of the Shuguang Society with a friendly smile, and she also thoughtfully prepared for Xiao Ran to suit his current situation. Practical liquid food and easily digestible food.

In the canteen, Xiao Ran also asked Erica about Luo's whereabouts. Luo was now preparing for the work on the huge floating island near Orb~www.readwn.com~ Sometimes he had to take time to help the Suguang Society. The OS is perfected, and the backpack of Gundam Astray is also being designed and manufactured.

   "This guy is still busy." Listening to what Erica said, Xiao Ran was also surprised at Luo's fullness, and said in amazement: "You can do so many things at the same time."

"After contacting Luo, I found that he is indeed a real mechanical genius." Erica smiled and shook her head with a pity: "But it is a pity that I invited him on behalf of Orb, hoping that he can join Dawn It’s a pity that he refused."

"That guy’s dream is a waste dealer, and he won’t stay in one place." Xiao Ran put down the tableware in his hand and patted his stomach as if he was full: "It just so happens that this guy is also in Orb. I have to ask him to make some changes to my body."

"You mean the dark heresy?" Erica hugged her hands and looked at Xiao Ran with interest and said in a nice voice: "That machine was produced by the Shuguang Society, and it belongs to Orb's top secret, and it is now recycled. And it's the Shuguang Society that repaired it. Do you think it is appropriate for you to modify that machine?"

   "Huh?" Xiao Ran suddenly looked at Erica in amazement, and said incredulously: "Please, that machine belongs to me, and you can't start that machine?"

Erica lightly nodded, and said softly to Xiao Ran with a smile: "Although it is true, that machine is Orb's machine, and it is also a secret of Orb. It should be driven by a pilot belonging to Orb. , We have no reason to let it appear in the sight of the outside world, what do you think?"

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