The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand and two. murderer! Floating astronomy

Milosevic knew that he was betrayed and fell into a terrible trap.

It was exactly the same as the Duke of Berstoka on the same day, but perhaps the trap that I faced this time was terrible.

His heart began to tremble involuntarily.

However, Andreas’s accusation has not ended: “In my memory, the Marquis of Anderak I know is undoubtedly a greedy, fierce and cruel guy who does whatever he wants for his own benefit. Any despicable and shameless thing, even at the expense of selling his soul. He not only wants to assassinate the Marquis of Pereas, but he also attempts to kill all the people who are blocking his way, as long as this person may hinder his promotion. Road. But do you think this is over? No, in my memory, this is just one of the countless despicable things he has done. Dear gentlemen, how will all of us here treat one? Ms.? And this lady is still her wife? I think it is respect, it is love. But the Marquis of Andek is not like this!”

His voice gradually revealed an indignation: “The poor Marquise of Andyak has been suffering from the profit of the Marquis of Andyak for so many years, if the former Marquis feared the power of the Grand Duke and only Cold violence, then, after the Grand Duke was overthrown, it became a naked violence!”

The exclamation on the gallery rang again.

Although Russia is a country where masculinity prevails, such public atrocities are still easily blamed and despised.

“Please note that Mr. Andreas, although I am very sympathetic to the Marquise’s experience, but if it has nothing to do with this inquiry, please try not to say this.” Frituvos reminded.

“I think there is a connection between the two…” Andreas said very calmly: “I know that the Marquise will also be a witness, and this will also be why the Marquise To behave in such a testimony.”

“So, please ask the Marquise to enter the witness stand.”

In the words of Frituvos, the Marquise stood up from the auditorium and stepped onto the witness stand step by step. When she passed by Milosevic, she didn’t even look at her husband.

No, my wife will not sell herself. . . . . . Yes, Natalya will not sell herself anyway. . . . . . They are deliberately so, wanting to provoke the relationship between themselves and their wives, Milosevic thinks so. . . . . .

His heart is still illusory until now. . . . . .

“Mrs. Andyac, are you willing to testify?” Frituvos was probably the sympathy of the Marquise, so the voice was very mild.

“Yes, I am willing to testify.” Natalya said calmly: “But it is not to prove his innocence for my husband, but to prove how shameless this noble Marquis is!”

“Boom”, Milosevic’s head exploded.

Natalia said coldly: “This incomparable and honorable Marquis is exactly the same as Mr. Andreas said, mean, shameless, cruel. The pain I have suffered has nothing to do with today, so I don’t want to say more. But the truth will be known to everyone all day and night… Milosevic tried to get rid of and assassinate the relationship between the Marquis of Peleas, but I can tell the distinguished members, The assassination was exactly what he planned!”

Milosevic was unable to speak. Did Natalya forget that she is her husband? Did she forget that her downfall did not have any benefit to her?

However, Natalya probably did not consider this at all: “In the contest for the best power in Russia, the Marquis of Pereas far surpassed my husband Milosevic, which made him angry, anxious, Helpless, so he came up with an assassination, I think my dear husband may continue to deny, and will say that I am colluding with all the people. Well, I think I have more favorable evidence to prove everything I said. For example, some diaries he has written.”

When she finished this, she took out some paper from the carry-on bag. The paper has been shredded, but it has been carefully smeared.

The Marquise handed the paper to the committee: “Milošević shredded a few pages of his diary, but I know that one day it will be used soon, and then I told him not to look for it from the garbage. It took another two nights to re-assemble. Dear members, you can find someone to verify if this is written by Milosevic. Or you can go directly to my home and find this diary. And then compare the paper. Members, I think this is not a particularly difficult thing.”

Milosevic’s face was blushing. He didn’t think that his wife was a woman who was so scheming and would have plunged himself into such a passive situation.

This damn*!

Frituvos looked at it carefully and then passed it on to other committee members. The members’ faces showed some strange expressions. When the paper was washed back into Frituvos, the chairman of the committee asked in an equally very strange tone: “Marquis of Pereas, do you want to listen to the things on these papers?”

Khimeletzski had an ominous premonition, but here he could only reluctantly nod. . . . . .

“This is a recent diary…” Frituvos said with a sheet of paper: “In addition to killing the damn Khimeletzski, I can’t think of any better way. The location of the Grand Duke must not let this The arrogant and rude guy took away. The grave is his best destination… ah, the poor fool Similov, did he really think that after he killed Khimeletzski, I would let him be Is the police chief in Moscow? He is a better scapegoat. Or you can find another person to kill him, so that the whole secret is unknown to me except Andreas… As for Andri Yas, he still has some use, he has to let him live more… This reminds me of Frituvos, this old thing that has nothing but money, will die in my hands sooner or later. ……”

Listening to Frituvos, Milosevic knew that he was finished. . . . . .

“Ah, I was just an old thing that didn’t have anything but money.” Frituvos didn’t feel angry at all, but smiled easily: “It doesn’t matter, Marquis de Andak, I can bear any embarrassment, then I am going to start reading some very early diaries.”

He gave a meaningful look at Khimeletzski who had been listening to it, and then he slowly read:

“” Today is a good day. Gregory’s old thing sent mercy, and actually let me and Khimeletzski check out the home of Viscount Evanton. . . . . . Why should you offend Gregory this poor viscount? The investigation was a very lucrative job, and I and Khimeletzski split the majority of the property that was corrupted. To know that Viscount Evanton is a good guy, but who will manage his life and death? Khimeletzski was a smart guy. He was not satisfied with just checking out the Viscounts, so we took the soldiers to the home of the Viscount’s brother, Kasijiwow, where Khimeletzski threatened Kasjiwov to participate. In response to the rebellion of the Grand Duke, he had to pay a large sum of money to get rid of the disaster, but this time he seems to be miscalculated. . . . . . ”

At this point, Khimeletzski heard the more pale face, but he had no way to stop Frituvos from reading:

“…Kasijiwofu is a very stubborn guy. He firmly denied all the accusations and went to the Grand Duke to face the quality… This made us panic, Kasjiwo The temper of the husband, even the Grand Duke also had some taboos, although his brother Evanton died, but the Grand Duke may not start with Kasjiwov, in case the Grand Duke angered us, but it was all over. Khimeletzski wants to stop, let this thing stop here, but Kasijiwofu is determined to refuse to agree, and said that tomorrow will definitely meet the Grand Duke… We ran out I think we are almost finished…

Khimeletzski went back and asked me to tell his plan. Since Kasijiwof wanted to do this, he would just let him shut up forever. I fully know what it means to close my mouth forever. I have some fear, but Khimeletzski told me that instead of letting the Grand Duke punish us, it is better to take risks ahead of time, and I finally agreed with his suggestion. . . . . . In the evening we went to the home of Kasjiwov again and deceived him to say that the Grand Duke would see him immediately. Kasjiwwofu believed, let us go home with him, he would change to a decent The clothes, but when he didn’t pay attention, Khimeletzski and I slammed up and killed Kasijiv. . . . . . Unfortunately, at this time, the granddaughter of Kasijiwofu appeared, I was completely at a loss, but Khimeletzski did not hesitate to kill the poor little girl, God, this little girl is only 8 years old. The age. . . . . . ”

There was a quiet silence in the gallery, and Khimeletzski’s sweat continued to fall.

Frituvos glanced at him coldly and continued to read: “After the little girl died, Khimeletzski worried that some people would see it, so he took out the pistol that had already been prepared and told me not to do it all, kill all the here. People, anyway, it is very remote, no one can hear it. I don’t think there is any way, I can only do this. On that night, none of the 17 people of the Kasijiwof family survived. The whole body is full of blood. The pleasure of murder quickly concealed my only sense of guilt… We collected all the cash and valuable items in the home of Kasijiwof, and then hurried. The land left there…”

Frituvos stopped his own words because he couldn’t read it anymore.

The whole family of Kasijiv was killed, and it caused a great uproar in Moscow at the time, but this bloody secret has never been solved, because no one dared to investigate the relatives of the Grand Duke of Berstoka.

But now the case was detected in Milosevic’s diary.

Idiot, idiot, Khimeletzski screamed in the heart, why remember the damn diary? Don’t you know that the diary will reveal some of the most secret things?

This stupid guy!

“The murderer!” Suddenly, someone in the gallery gave such a low cry.

“The murderer – the murderer – the murderer!” More and more people called out such words. Then, all the people in the entire auditorium stood up and uttered such angry voices in unison:

“The murderer – the murderer – the murderer!”

“Quiet, please calm down!” Fristoa must use his biggest voice to reluctantly control the scene of excitement: “I know that you all are as angry as I am, but I still ask you to sit back to your position. I will give you a satisfactory explanation…”

The people in the meeting sat back.

“Now, the nature of the inquiry has changed…” Fristoa said coldly: “The case of Kasjiw’s family murder was always an unsolved case, but now there has been a major breakthrough. I asked to immediately restart the trial of the case and arrest the relevant suspects. Members of the special investigation committee, please start voting.”

There is almost no objection to the vote. Who will vote against this section to make himself a public enemy of Russia?

The change happened so suddenly that Khimeletzski could not react at all. The previous humor has gone without a trace, and his current situation is exactly the same as Milosevic.

They became the murderer from the prominent Marquis. . . . . .

After a long period of deliberation, Frituvos solemnly said: “With the unanimous consent of the Special Investigation Committee, the title of the Marquis of Milosevic and Khimeletzski and all their duties are waived, and the Tsar must be obtained for the removal of the title. My Majesty’s approval, so I will hand over our decision to the Tsar for the first time. Of course, now I must also exercise the power of the special investigation committee, the police, arrest Milosevic and Khimeletzski!”

The change of all this is really too sudden. . . . . . Originally, the inquiry to Milosevic was completely changed. . . . . .

Milosevic, who was handcuffed, glanced at Khimeletzski, who was also handcuffed: “Are you satisfied now?”

Yeah, are you satisfied now? The final result value may be both bad. . . . . . Khimeletzski originally thought that he could completely kill his opponent Milosevic, but he was satisfied with the fact that he even became a prisoner. . . . . .

“The other two resolutions of the Special Investigation Committee are to immediately restart the investigation of the comprehensive bloody case of Kasjiwowo. At the same time, Mr. Similov is appointed as the new director of the Moscow Police Department, and he is solely responsible for the case.” Frituvos announced this loudly. An appointment.

Khimeletzski almost suspected that he had got it wrong, but he immediately remembered what he had said.

“…God, Mr. Similov. This is a kind person. He is not only a murderer, but also a savior. He does not need any forgiveness from me. What he really needs is me. I am grateful… So I told him to go bravely into the special investigation committee and tell the dear members the truth of the matter. He is not a sinner, he will become a hero of Russia, yes, hero Similov Mr!”

Hell, he also fell into a trap.

He looked up and saw Simillov, only to find the newly appointed Moscow police chief with a sardonic smile on his lips.

That’s Laughing Joke, yes, Khimeletzski can be sure that it’s ruthless Laughing Joke. . . . . .

This battle without smoke, he and Milosevic have become the big losers, it is themselves, they pushed themselves into a bottomless abyss.

Natalia, who returned to the gallery, took the hand of her sister, Ronanova, and they glanced at each other, revealing a smile.

From this moment on, they finally got rid of the nightmare that entangled them. . . . . . Their husbands are actually a group of people, shameless, selfish, and cold. They only think for themselves, but now it has ceased to exist. . . . . .

Their new life is about to begin. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen held Alice’s hand and stood up. The most exciting scene has already come to a close, so I don’t have to stay on my own.

“Good-looking?” Wang Weizhen asked as he walked out of the court and breathed fresh air outside.

“Good-looking, better than the movie.” Alice replied eagerly: “And as in the movie, the bad guys finally got the punishment they deserved. When I saw the two bad guys being taken away, I I can’t help but want to cheer. When I watch a movie, I don’t feel that way.”

“Yeah, life is far more exciting than movies.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “The film is a script, and life you never know what will happen after a minute. Good people have good news, bad people have bad news, Maybe the retribution will come later, but it will never be. Alice, see the ugliest side of the world, but never let yourself be a bad person.”

“I know, Dad.” Alice nodded hard and then suddenly asked, “Dad, is this all arranged by you?”

Wang Weizhen smiled again, but he did not answer anything.

The script of life may have been written for all of them already! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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