The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand thirty. mercenary! Floating astronomy

Yaklit tried to open his eyes and looked at the dimly transported cabin. He sighed and said: “Thank God, I can finally leave this dog.”

There are other injuries in the transport module. Aclitres heard some wounded soldiers still groaning, and the enclosed space was filled with rotten smell, bloody smell, alcoholic smell, and the smell of soda.

Perhaps the pilot had not had time to react, and a missile hit the hydraulic system of the helicopter. The armed helicopter lost its balance, as if it had committed epilepsy, the thick and dense black smoke swirled and turned to the ground. It may be that after the gunner dies, the hand is still tightly fastened to the trigger on the joystick. The gun has been firing the projectile before the helicopter crashes. A string of shells splashed around, like a long fire whip, tearing open any object opposite the cannon until the helicopter slammed into the ground and broke into three pieces.

The people who hang the lottery are all properly placed, and the loading is completed. There is nothing to defend the army here. The defenders removed the line of defense and were represented by the Marine Division. Pozick let the brethren board the team, and then took a stupid Conner into a jeep and left in a hurry.

The team started and took all the defenders away from the messy junkyard. In the No. 9 area, this skunk dog shit was left to the Marine Division. The brethren were relieved, and they vowed that they would never want to see this group again, and would never want to come to this kennel.

The stone in my heart finally landed, and I finally survived. For a time, everyone was tired and tired, slowly relaxed, as if to get rid of a terrible monster is generally relieved.

When the car drove halfway, Bozick suddenly remembered something, reached out to untie the leggings, and took out the family letter and postcard from his hometown. The postcard that his girlfriend wrote to his family letter and his best friend.

The letter has been completely soaked and softened. Pozick had to use his fingers to gently pull the envelope away to avoid smashing the letter. When he pinched out a piece of stationery that was as soft as a rag, he found that the writing on it was almost washed away. Pozick squinted and carefully identified the writing on the letter.

Looking at the family letter from his hometown, Pozick’s nose was sour and his tears began to hit the eyelids. He sucked his nose, rubbed his eyes, then took off his goggles, wiped his face with his hand, and wiped away the tears.

The team was swaying in the bumpy, rugged muddy road, and the people in the car were drowsy.

The sound of the guns gradually drifted away, and the surrounding scenery moved backwards quickly. The team pressed over the pitted road, driving for almost ten miles and driving out of the area nine. The streetscape outside the car window is sluggish. Gradually, there were refugees who were hungry and cold on the road. At the beginning, there were one or two. As the team progressed, the number of refugees increased. It gradually changed from a sparse group to a large group full of streets.

Like the migratory birds, the tide of refugees dragging their families slowly progressed toward the team, and some people also reached out to pray for food and water. Boa squeezed into the turret, opened the top door, leaned out, took a few bottles of water and a few bags of fast food, and threw it to the people who fled.

These people were the ones who were unable to withdraw after the outbreak of the war. The war came too fast and there was no way to react. The supply was cut off by the Allies, the logistics hub was crit by the Allies, and the local government organizations could no longer support these people, so they had no choice but to negotiate with the Allies and let these people survive.

From time to time, several Allied soldiers are patrolling the crowd. They are the 70th Infantry Division. As the team descended, the curious soldiers headed out the windows and the top door and looked at the homeless people. Many soldiers even remembered the massacre at Venus Airport that day.

“Don’t worry! We have enough space for you! Each of you will be resettled, we will guarantee your safety before the end of the war!” A soldier on the street was yelling with a megaphone.

As the team moves forward, the crowd becomes crowded. When the team travels to the front of a checkpoint, the team can’t move. The streets and alleys are crowded everywhere, just like the vegetable market. A red card was hung on the checkpoint, and a car was parked at the checkpoint, completely blocking the team behind.

Soldiers with three 70th Infantry Divisions were inspecting the car. One of the soldiers with Asian faces was negotiating with the owner of the car, hoping that he would give up the car.

The owner turned his head and looked at the Allied team behind him, saying that he did not want to give up his car.

The third reconnaissance company commander, Captain William, wanted to find out the situation. He jumped off the jeep and went to the checkpoint. The surrounding area was very noisy, and the captain had to shout with a scorpion to let the soldiers understand what he was talking about.

Buvich sat in a jeep and saw a young woman walking through the window with her child. Buvier took a piece of chocolate from his pocket and gave it to the woman. The woman smiled and handed the chocolate to her child. Soldiers standing on the jeep turret took out the camera and wrote down the moment.

I can only wait at this moment.

“Hey, Sally!” Taylor, who was on the side, put his head together: “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No!” Sally answered.

“It’s too clever, I don’t have a girlfriend. Do you know? The moment you just got off the helicopter, you turned my heart into your man. I feel that we are a natural pair. You look real. Charming, it is the standard of my wife!”


“Really! I am a good man! Before I went to high school, I never talked about love. When I was in high school, there were a lot of girls in the flower season who came to chase me, but I refused. And this time, I think you are very Not the same, you are so attractive, maybe you and I are the perfect match created by God!”

Someone in the cabin coughed and concealed his smirk.

“You look at me, strong and smart. At the same time, I am still a good man with good heart and good taste. You don’t want to be so excited? I know that I am a soldier now, but after I retire, it is a promising future!” I know that many companies want to recruit me after I retire, but I don’t bother them! More importantly…”

“I have children, I am in the first grade.”

The laughter of other soldiers around them rang.

“…what?” Taylor’s expression suddenly stiffened on his face.

“I always wanted to tell you that I have a child who was pregnant with my ex-boyfriend.”

Taylor’s face suddenly became very embarrassing. He looked at Sally as if he were looking at a creature he had never seen before. Immediately, he felt very embarrassed: “I don’t understand, this…”

“I’m lying to you.” After that, Sally laughed and laughed at the laughter that had just been in her stomach. “You should look at your expression, it’s so funny! Hahaha!” I laughed and had a sore stomach. I couldn’t stand my waist. I could only pat Taler’s thigh. “I’m just teasing you, are you really serious?”

“Oh.” Taylor smiled twice and responded to Sally.

The Asian soldier of the 70th Infantry Division suddenly found an abnormality in the car and immediately took the rifle and pointed at the owner. The other Allied soldiers around him also found this situation, and all the weapons were pointed at the private car.

The scene suddenly became very tense. The Asian soldier pointed the rifle at the head of the owner and asked loudly what the strange device was in the car, and asked the owner to get off immediately. The soldiers jumped off the team and surrounded them, taking other civilians off the scene.

“What is that damn thing? Tell me right away!” Asian soldiers snarled in the half-baked Haifenxing language.

“I am not an American.” The man raised his hands and looked back at the Allied team behind him as if he was waiting for something.

“From the damn car! Hold your head in your hands and kneel on the floor! Now!”

The soldiers of the Third Assault Brigade and the 4th Division of the Marines seized the weapon, kept the posture low, and tightened their nerves to point to the private car that could be. Taylor stuffed a bee-tail grenade into the grenade launcher, and Sally’s joke had long been thrown behind him.

The surrounding civilians were in a mess, screaming in the opposite direction like the frightened flock, and scattered. There was a lot of space on the street. Captain William held a rifle and pointed his gun at the car and returned to his team.

“I hope that those refugees will not be hurt.” The driver looked back and looked at the crowd: “This has nothing to do with them.”

“Don’t fuck nonsense! Get me out!” The soldier held a rifle in one hand and the other hand opened the door, pulling the driver violently.

Boom! !

The loud noise of the ghosts and the ghosts of the gods, the private car was blown apart. The living body around the car was wrapped in an explosion and crushed. A variety of burning fragments spurt around. call! An Allied soldier was thrown over by the shockwave and smashed onto the windshield of a jeep. The soldier’s hand was gone, and a three-foot-long, two-inch-thick steel tube was inserted in it. The windshield was smashed and blood was on it.

After the smoke and dust dispersed, only a wreck of a burning private car and a pile of incomplete bodies were left on the scene.

“The enemy attack! It is the enemy!” The German soldiers immediately left the team and hid on both sides of the street.

On the upper side of the street, there was a large group of armed enemies dressed in casual clothes. They attacked the Germans on the streets with weapons that were not equipped.

These people are all pro-American armed forces who automatically enter Germany, or more accurately called mercenaries. They are not under the jurisdiction of the Allied Command and they do not have a fixed establishment. To put it bluntly, they are a group of civilians armed with weapons. The Germans have a headache for these people. They have been entangled in whether they should be classified as civilians or armed groups.

They are mice on the battlefield. They have no fixed place of residence and no prescribed discipline. At the same time, every mercenary is a desperate person. The greed for money makes them have no scruples. They use no means to kill more German soldiers, and even prefer to use suicide bombings to attack the Germans.

These mercenary guns are strange, and the Germans must suppress them with guns at no cost. Cole was not even dare to carry it by the mercenary, and Connor shivered in the corner next to the street and shivered. The team in the middle of the street kept pouring ammunition to the enemies on the buildings on both sides, and the shouts rang.

Hey – hey! A little bee came upstairs and scored into Peter’s right temple, then slid out from his left lower jaw. Peter’s head slammed, his body fell softly on the floor, and he died on the spot.

Hey! A missile flew over and exploded a jeep in the team. The raging fire began to rise, and two soldiers, full of fire, struggled to scream and smash the wreckage and roll on the ground. Some soldiers tried to rescue them and the results were all brought to the ground by the enemy.

Gavin was a little scared and thought: “This day is really bad!” A helicopter flew over and walked beautifully in the air. The machine gunners on the side of the helicopter began to violently bombard the enemies upstairs, and the hot shells were poured like rain. The infantry of the 70th Infantry Division surrounded them and screened the team to leave.

“Let’s go!” Taylor opened the door and just wanted to get in, and he was hit by a little bee. Snapped! A ripe watermelon was cut and the watermelon juice flowed to the ground.

Sally shot and killed the mercenary, then ran over and found that Taylor’s death was dead and could no longer die. Sally’s nose was sour, and she resisted the reaction of nausea and vomiting. She pulled the identity card from Taylor’s neck.

Taylor’s body was carried by an armored vehicle by other soldiers.

Connor ran to a jeep and just wanted to open the front passenger’s door, only to find a man sitting in the driver’s seat. When the man turned back, Connor suddenly became pale. That person is Mista! Mista’s body is full of blood, her clothes are broken, and she is smiling at Connor! This smile is the most terrible smile that Connor has ever seen in his life!

Connor’s scalp was numb, his mouth was wide, and he couldn’t say a word. His eyes were bigger than the eggs, his hands trembled with enthusiasm, and his blood was flowing at a speed close to the speed of sound, almost a stroke. Finally, he began to yell and shouted: “I killed him! No! I killed him!”

Buvitch and Pozick heard the sound, helped Connor, looked at the car and found no one in the driver’s seat. Connor must have an illusion.

“I killed him! I am guilty of sin!”

There was no way, Buvitch slammed a loud slap in the face of Connor. Connor suddenly fainted. Buvitch and Pozick lifted Connor in a hurry and stuffed him into the back seat of the car.

“The goods are loaded! Go ahead!” An infantryman patted the roof of the jeep with his hand and the Hiroshi team could move on.

The team once again had full horsepower and ran rampage and escaped.

After returning to the outpost Lubeck Airport, a large group of unarmed soldiers surrounded the team to help the injured soldiers on the platform.

The survivors of the D-A row of the 40th Assault Battalion of the Third Land Strike Brigade were all dirty and tattered. They stared blankly at the group of busy soldiers.

Jakes and Allan also ran over and stepped forward.

Pozick took off his helmet and clipped it under his arm, looking at a row of bodies and a row of wounded soldiers on the ground. The medical guards hurriedly crawled between the wounded.

“Lieutenant! Lieutenant!” Major Pask took a short soldier with a bold gendarmerie on his helmet and hurried over and said, “We don’t have enough people, so please understand. 9:30 this evening. Very close to the 70th briefing room, you have new combat missions!”

Pozick caught up with Pask: “Major, major! No intention to offend, but we have only 16 people left! We have no fighting ability! I don’t want to bring my brethren into another trouble, you can Think about it again?”

“No! We don’t have enough people at all!”

“But we don’t even have a chance to breathe! I bluntly, sir, you are doing too much!”

“The command of the sergeant has no right to refuse!” The gendarmes broke Podsk. Pozick screamed: “Nothing for you!”

The gendarmerie was irritated. He jerked out a hand and pinched Pozick’s collar. He said to him, “I am correcting your attitude!”

After a nameless anger began to burn in my heart, Pozick slowly clenched his fists.

Pozick lowered his voice: “Take your dirty hands off my collar!”

Major Pask stepped back and prepared to watch the show. Other soldiers also stopped their hands and looked at the two men. Gai Wen whispered to Jakes: “I bet 20 with you, this time Mahjong is really crazy, he will beat the incompetent dwarf half dead!”

Jacks looked back at Gavin and patted his hand hard: “The deal!”

“Don’t give your face a shame!” The hand of the gendarmerie holding the Bozick’s collar forced back, while the other hand slammed his fist and tried to lick his face. The result was blocked by Pozick. . Before the gendarmerie launched the next wave of offensives, Pozick lifted his foot and kicked the whole body to the gendarmerie’s crotch. The gendarmerie’s pain was unbearable, and the whole body suddenly lost strength. But Pozick hadn’t played enough yet. He lifted his legs again, using his knees to slam the shackles and abdomen of the gendarmerie until the gendarmerie’s eggs were kicked.

Pozick lost control, and he overturned the gendarmerie, and then slammed all the broken bones he had learned throughout his life against the face of the gendarmerie.

None of the soldiers present came forward to help because they were numb. . . . . .

Pozick’s eyes were red, and he remembered Zhou Yuyou, remembering all the dead brethren. The more he wants to get angry, the more he gets, the more he plays. The poor gendarmerie was beaten with blood on his face, and he knew what kind of person he had provoked. And now he has no chance to beg for mercy.

“Go to hell, you damn guy!” Pozick pulled a one-foot dagger from the scabbard tied to the leggings and stabbed the gendarmerie’s face.

But when the blade was about to reach the face of the gendarmerie, Pozick’s hand stopped like a big truck on the highway! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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