The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one hundred and nine. Declaration, floating astronomy

Moyle, 1966.

Colonel Tarrant stretched out and it was probably a good day today.

From an ordinary policeman to the highest commander of the Internal Security Guard in Moyle, he has spent the entire 21 years in the city.

21 years is not a short time. He was born here, growing up here and marrying his wife. It means everything for him.

Even if he gave him a higher official title, he would not leave the city.

“Colonel, someone is looking for you, I heard that it is your friend.”

“Oh, is it?” Colonel Tarant is a very valued friend. No matter who he is, as long as he knows him, he will always meet each other and even spare no effort to meet the demands of the other party.

However, when Colonel Tarrant saw his friend, the whole person’s eyes were straight. He could not believe that the place would come to Moyle to visit himself: “Will? God, my old friend, You actually came to Moyle.”

“Of course, we said it three years ago. If I have time, I will definitely visit you. Now, I am just coming to fulfill my promise.” Will Tingland had a smile on his face: “How? , my dear Tarrant, don’t you have a cup of coffee here?”

Colonel Tarrant hurriedly invited his old friend to the office and personally poured a cup of coffee on Will: “Oh, my old friend, my coffee here can’t be compared with Paris.”

“But the coffee that the friend rushed out is always the most delicious.” Will took the coffee: “Mr. Tarant, Moyle is really a beautiful city. Once I set foot on the land, I feel that I like it. Here is it.”

“Ah, you will like it more.” When it comes to the city that he loves, Colonel Tarrant has come to the spirit: “I can be sure that you come here every year.”

Will interface said: “Yeah, I hope to come here every year, every year, I can chat with my old friends and have a cup of coffee, but unfortunately, I am worried that this is my last time here.”

Colonel Tarrant was shocked. He thought that his old friend had a problem with his body, but Will’s subsequent words made him know that he was wrong:

“Talant, I have to warn you in advance, here is about to become a battlefield!”

“Battlefield?” Colonel Tarrant stunned and immediately responded: “What are you talking about when the Axis forces are coming to land? Ah, to be honest, I am not particularly worried. Their goal is mainly aimed at London, not Ireland, will not be Moyle any more.”

Will sighed softly: “Yes, their goal will not be Ireland or Moyle, but the Irish Republican Army?”

Colonel Tarrant stood up and then sat down slowly: “Will, what information do you have?”

He knows that his old friend is not just as simple as a businessman. He has a rich network of contacts in various countries and even in various industries, and there are rumors that he maintains a close relationship with Germany. But even then, the French government at the time did not dare to move him.

Sometimes the accuracy of the information the person has is even more than what the government can master. . . . . .

“Bert Adams, this person, I think you should know.” Will slowly said the name.

Colonel Tarrant nodded silently: “Yes, the new leader of the Irish Republican Army, a leader of the government-wrestled anti-government armed forces, he is also a Moyle, and is said to come to Moyle often, but unfortunately The thing I have never succeeded in catching him.”

“Does your heart really want to catch him?” Will shook his head without trust: “No, in fact, whether you are, or the police of the housekeeper of Moyle, are Adams’ sympathizers. Ah, maybe not all.”

Colonel Tarrant was scared: “Hey, Will, this can’t be said indiscriminately, otherwise it will bring us trouble. Wait, is the war you said related to Adams?”

“Yes, it’s related to Adams.” Wills did not deny it: “A once-in-one uprising is about to break out in Moyle.”

“God, thank you for the news that I brought to you.” Colonel Tarrant said hurriedly: “I will make the deployment immediately.”

“Quiet, my old friend, you have to carefully listen to every word of my words before you can make a decision…” Will keeps the other person calm: “You certainly have the power to carry out any What suppression do you want, but what kind of consequences do you think of it? Why did Adams choose to go on an uprising in Moyle? Because he knows the city better than you, he knows that he has a lot of him here. Sympathizers, even if you command the internal security team, there are a large number of his loyal followers… Once you try to suppress, I can guarantee that Adams will get the news for the first time… As for Mo The people of Il, what choices they will make and you will not be able to master…”

Colonel Tarrant sat there, not saying a word. He admits that Will’s words are all correct. Whether in Moyle or in the internal guards under his command, the supporters and sympathizers of the “Irish Republican Army” are too many to grasp the situation.

However, he must not watch his beloved city fall into a terrible war. . . . . .

“Let me tell you what to do…” Will said slowly: “Only when such a thing never happened, once the Irish Republican Army broke out in Moir, all you have to do is Do not bind your troops to the war, neither shoot at the Irish Republican Army or support them. Remember, there is the power of the National Army nearby, that is their business. If you show your position very early It will put you in a lot of trouble. Since the war cannot be avoided, all we have to do is let the city reduce the losses caused by the war as much as possible…”

Colonel Tarrant looked at each other and carefully tasted the meaning of Will. He seemed to understand the true purpose of the old friend coming here. . . . . .

“Is Adams letting you come here to convince me?”

“No, my old friend, Adams can have no such great ability to please me.” Will smiled and said: “Open the door and say, I was here by Baron Alexson.”

Baron Alexson? Colonel Tarrant’s look became solemn, and the name was an immortal legend. . . . . .

“Yes, I was commissioned by Baron Alexson.” Will took a smile and said very seriously: “The army commanded by the Baron is about to land on the British, and before that, he must do everything he can.” The Fenton administration is in chaos, and if the uprising breaks out in Northern Ireland and Ireland and Scotland, the blow to the Fenton administration will be enormous. Let me tell you some truth, I did see it. Adams, and I also gave him the maximum amount of money and support for the weapons…”

In fact, Colonel Tarant is very grateful to Will for being able to tell these things. Without him, he would still be in the dark for the arrival of the Irish Republican Army. And more importantly, Will did not hide anything from himself. Including his support for the Irish Republican Army.

“However, everything I do has nothing to do with the unification of Ireland…” Will’s tone was very calm: “I am just helping Germany, or more accurately, helping the Baron. Taran Special, you have to make a choice, whether to continue to loyal to the Fenton administration, or to loyalty to the Queen who is about to return to the UK? Now is your best chance. Do you think Moyle will not be war-torn? You are wrong. Whether the war will break out here does not depend on you, but on Baron Alexson’s choice…”

Colonel Tarrant fell into deep meditation. . . . . . Whether or not war will break out here does not depend on you, but on Baron Alexson’s choice. . . . . . The Baron sent Will, perhaps by giving a warning to himself and the entire Moyle final warning. . . . . .

“If I choose to be loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, can the Baron ensure that there will be no war here?” Colonel Tarrant asked, and when he saw Will nod, he continued: “So Adams and the Irish Republican Army he led?” What should they do? Do they want to do whatever they want in this city?”

“I once said that since the war cannot be avoided, the damage caused by the war must be reduced to a minimum…” Will faintly said: “Accept the Irish Republican Army’s uprising in Moyle, even They can be given weapons to let them leave Moyle to fight the National Army. It will be other cities and will not be Moyle.”

Colonel Tarrant took a long breath and now he fully understands Will. . . . . . It is indeed unethical to do so, even betrayed his professional ethics and conscience, but in fact, Colonel Tarant has no other choice now, either let the war break out in Moyle or let the war burn in other cities. .

He took a sip of coffee, some bitter, which is exactly the same as his mood at this time. . . . . . He never thought about it, and he would one day cooperate with these guys of the Irish Republican Army.

“I will do what you said, Will.” When Colonel Tarrant put down the coffee, he finally made his choice: “But you have to make a guarantee, Adams and his Irish Republic. The army will never launch a massacre in Moyle.”

“I promise!” Will replied very seriously: “I will do my best to restrain Adams and his men from committing any crime against the city of Moyle…”

Colonel Tarrant assured that he had lifted the coffee cup in his hand again. . . . . .

. . . . . .

On October 2, 1966, the events that shocked the whole country broke out again: the Irish Republican Army broke out in Moyle under the command of their leader, Bert Adams, and immediately announced the occupation of the city. The government, and he is the president of the Irish interim government.

Bert Adams is still publishing his declaration on Moyle TV, which he controls:

“Ireland men and women: Under the name of God and the martyrs who created the ancient tradition of national independence, Ireland, with our mouth, called on her children to gather under her banner and fight for her freedom!

The Irish Republican Brotherhood, in the organization and training of underground groups, gained courage and established strict discipline in the open military organization of the Irish Republican Army. It has been patiently waiting to show its proper moments, and now this moment has arrived, and we have seized this opportunity! Under the support of the heroic European allies, with the support of the heroic European allies, but first of all relying on their own strength, the Brotherhood will fight with the confidence of victory!

We declare that the Irish people have the sovereignty of Ireland and can unrestrictedly determine the fate of Ireland. This right is paramount and inviolable! The usurpation of this right by an alien and a foreign government does not invalidate this right. Unless it is destroyed by the Irish nation, it will never expire! Every generation of Irish people defends the sovereignty of their nation’s freedom; in the past few hundred years there have been many uses of force to defend it. In order to continue to uphold this fundamental right and once again defend this right by force in the face of the world, we hereby declare Ireland a sovereign independent country, and we vow to use our lives and the lives of our brothers and sisters to realize its freedom. , happiness and improve its status in the world’s national forest!

The Irish Republican Army is supported by all Irish people and is here to demand the loyalty of every Irish male and female compatriot. The Republican Army guarantees freedom of religion and civil liberties. All citizens have equal rights and opportunities. They are determined to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the entire nation and each part of the nation, to equally protect the next generation of all nations, and to forget the elaborate construction of a foreign government in the past. It separates the difference between a few people and the majority.

The interim government formed here, under the trust of the people, fully manages the Republic’s affairs, before our forces can establish a fixed and appropriate time for the entire Irish people and the national government elected by the entire Irish men and women. Military and civilian affairs.

We placed the cause of the Irish Republican Army under the blessing of the supreme Lord and prayed that he would bless our struggle. We also pray that no one is dishonoring in serving this cause because of cowardice, cruelty or looting. At this moment of supremacy, the Irish nation must use its courage and discipline, and the determination of her children to forget their lives for their common good, proving that she is not worthy of the name. . . . . . ”

The declaration was resounding in Moyle, resounding in Ireland and resounding throughout the British land.

The Irish government and the Fenton administration quickly fell into chaos, and the repressive order quickly reached the hands of Colonel Tarrant, who quickly rejected the order. In the telegram he replied, this is what he said:

“We have no way to suppress it, because once it is to be suppressed, it will suppress the people of Moyle… I think all of them should come to Moyle to see the people’s fanatical supporters Adams and him here. The interim government, even in the internal security forces I commanded, there is no shortage of Adams followers, I am losing control of Moyle.”

Colonel Tarrant’s attitude was not thought of by the Irish government. They had to urgently mobilize the national army stationed near Moyle to attack.

At the same time, Colonel Tarant also rejected the appointment of his prime minister by Adams’s interim government. He told Adams very clearly: “I sympathize with the ** you are doing, but that doesn’t mean that I will join you as well. I will not suppress you and will not join your army. The Guard will adhere to its consistent principles of neutrality, impartiality and equality.”

“I understand your difficulties, Colonel Tarrant.” Adams did not force the other side. The internal defense team did not suppress it. In fact, he has helped him a lot: “But after the victory, I still hope that you can accept this will always be The position you reserved.”

“Thank you for your trust in me, Adams.” Colonel Tarant did not call the other “president”: “The National Army will soon arrive in Moyle. My only request is not to let the war break out in Moyle. It should not be attacked by the war. It should not let this beautiful city bleed, so please ask your army to go out and meet the national army.”

Adams was hesitant. Once his army left Moyle, he knew what would happen. . . . . .

And Will, who had never spoken at this time, suddenly said: “Mr. President, I will guarantee that Moyle will always be under your control, unless your army is defeated or you are killed in the battlefield.”

Hearing Mr. Will’s assurance, Adams’s heart was suspended in the air: “Colt Colonel Tarant, I respect you, and respect the city. I will leave Moyle with my brave and good soldiers. Combat, and your mission is to ensure the safety of the city.”

“I think I can do it all.” Colonel Tarrant also assured: “When you come back, Moyle is still your Moyle.”

This is a political compromise, both for Adams and Colonel Tarrant. Or, to be more precise, a temporary, unsteady alliance was established before Colonel Adams and Colonel Tarant.

This alliance will continue to change as the war progresses, and no one knows what the future will be like.

But this alliance is a new blow to the Fenton administration in the UK! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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