The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: One hundred and seventy-seven of my country. Skulls Lancers, Astronomy

The sky of Southampton has been overwhelmed by the war.

The aircraft appeared frequently, and a large number of bombs and incendiary raindrops generally fell. Fortunately, considering the post-war reconstruction problem, the Axis did not use more powerful weapons. For Brittish of Southampton and the allies stationed here, this is probably the only place they deserve to be “fortunate.”

The Allied forces under the command of Tang Tanner are also desperately fighting back, and the Allied Air Force, which is constantly reinforced, is also doing a desperate fight in the small space and the Axis Air Force. No one wants to give up fighting easily. Everyone knows what Southampton means for the whole war.

The sky is roaring, the earth is whistling, and the cannon is roaring. Southampton has become a battlefield, and it will be filled with blood and corpses.

Obviously, in the fierce air battle, the Allied Air Force, which is not well prepared, is gradually losing its air superiority. They are defeated under the attack of the powerful air force of the Axis Power, and are losing the initiative of the battlefield little by little. .

This is what makes Don Tanner worried, but what can he do? He couldn’t go to the sky himself and take part in this fiery battle. The only thing he can do is to have his own fighters stay in the sky for as long as possible, and to be able to delay as much as possible for himself.

However, it seems that even this willingness seems to be difficult to achieve.

An Allied fighter plane smoked smoke in the air, and it tried to control it, but it was a difficult goal. The pilot bounced out of the cabin and watched as his fighters were planted toward the ground. And the fate of the pilot. It’s not much better than your own plane. When the white parachute cloud spread out, it quickly became the target of the enemy fighter. The ruthless bullet was completely indifferent to his body. The white cloud instantly faded.

This is just a microcosm of the entire air battle.

The air battle has come to the present, and every gazing commander knows that they are about to lose support from the air. They are about to bomb their heads and bombs to deal with attacks from the ground. This is probably their saddest place.

“General Kenner, I think we can start attacking.”

Gennar put down the telescope in his hand: “Colonel, you know, Lord Baron is in Southampton.”

Colonel Cole Graham was shocked and he couldn’t believe what he had heard. Oh, God. Lord Baron is actually in Southampton? If the bombs that fell wildly injure the words of the Baron, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

“But we don’t have to worry.” Kenner’s heart is probably full of confidence in the baron: “My father always told me that there is no bullet in this world that can hurt the baron. No shell can find the baron. The trace. Maybe when I started the attack, Lord Baron would give us a big surprise.”

Colonel Cole Graham shrugged his shoulders, and he had no strong self-confidence like General Kenner.

Junar took a smile: “Colonel, let’s get started. Second Skulls Infantry Regiment. The third Skulls armored regiment took the lead in attacking. Before the night. Clear the Southampton defensive line!”

“Yes, Lord General.” Colonel Cole Graham calmly replied.

1966年10月11日,由德意志武装党卫军Skulls 师,德国国防军装第9师和第11师、英国皇家陆军第一师组成的轴心**中突击集群在强纳尔将军的指挥下向南安普顿发动了强大攻势。

At this point, the defense showed the first 36 brigade of the US Marine Corps under the command of Colonel Enrique, nicknamed “Blood Rose.” This brigade has always had a very glorious tradition. They have participated in the First World War, and since the outbreak of the Third World War, they have been thrown into the battlefield. They always like to say a mantra: “Our rose was originally white. But it was dyed red by blood.”

And their opponents are more full of combat experience. Participated in all three World Wars, formerly known as the “Skulls Commando” of the German Armed Forces Skulls Division! Colonel Cole Graham, the second Skulls Infantry Regiment of the entire army, knew what kind of responsibility he was responsible for. He glanced at Major Maxim von Strup, who stood in front of him, and then asked with a steady voice: “Mr. Stroop, is your commando ready?”

“Yes, Colonel, the Skulls Lancers have completed their combat preparation!”

“Skulls Lancer” – this is the nickname for everyone to “ss Strarup’s first-level commando”.

Those who joined this force always regarded themselves as the Guards of the Baron Skulls, who followed the will of the gods and guarded the baron to conquer any target who threatened the baron. In the battlefield of their eyes, there are always only two kinds of people: living and dead!

No matter how dangerous the war situation, these heroic and loyal Skulls gunmen have never been disappointed…

Colonel Cole Graham couldn’t see the slightest expression on his face: “I heard that the Americans opposite you, they are called ‘Bloody Roses’, do you know the source of this nickname?”

“Of course, of course I know.” Major Stroop replied calmly: “In the First World War, the US troops who were their predecessors were ordered to hold their positions, and the entire 19 days were faced with absolute The superior Germans, they firmly held their positions, their commanders were killed, and they found a rose stained with blood, so they have such a nickname since then.”

“Yeah, they have kept 19 days under the absolute German attack…” Colonel Cole Graham sighed softly: “In this sense, it is very worthy of my admiration. But now it is no longer It is the first time in the world. Major Strup, I know that you love the honor of honor rather than cherish your life, and I can tell you that Baron Skulles is in Southampton at the moment.”

Major Strupp became a whole person. Nothing is more exciting than this news.

Colonel Cole Graham was able to understand what the subordinates were thinking: “You are the Guards of the Baron Skulls, and the entire Skulls are the Baron Guards. So I am now ordering you to break into Southampton, the Baron in the shortest possible time. There needs to be someone to guard around.”

“I am very glad that you can put such a task in my hands.” Major Stroop lifted his right arm straight: “All for Germany!”

All the power of the “Skulls Lancer” appeared on the battlefield. “Leopard 7”, “Destroyer 3”, “Mordel Assault Gun” can not wait to scream. The infantrymen who accompanied the armored vehicles have long been eager to try.

“Skulls Lancers – Advance!” In the command of Major Stroop, the Southampton offensive and defensive war officially opened!

This is the battle to decide the outcome of the war. This is the battle to determine the future of Britain’s destiny! For this, Major Strup understood that his opponent, Colonel Enrique, also understood. Whoever lost the victory of this war, whoever completely lost the initiative of this war…

The gunfire was intertwined in the air, and the bullets whizzed across the human ear. Everyone has forgotten fear on such a battlefield. In their hearts, it is a strange void. At this time they are no longer a normal person. They are just a group of war machines!

They don’t have any choices, they don’t have any choices. When the first shot of the war started their fate, it was already doomed…

The German soldiers of the “Skulls Lancers” were thinking about how to defend the honor of the Baron Guards, and the Americans of “Bloody Rose” also thought about how to defend their reputation from the First World War.

Tank vs. Tank’s steel contest, the soldiers killed the soldiers’ flesh and blood!

The air is filled with rich smoke and bloody smell. Even if you breathe a little harder. The internal organs will roll over, and I can’t wait to vomit all of yesterday’s dinner.

The snipers are hidden in unknown places. They carefully capture the target in the scope. No matter how fierce the surrounding guns are, they must keep themselves calm. As a sniper, they will never allow themselves to commit crimes. Any errors. The moment the bullet flies out of the gun, it means the loss of a life.

They can see the enemy falling down under their own muzzle. They can even clearly see that the brain is mixed with blood from the enemy’s head. However, all this has already been numb for them.

They are used to too many deaths and are used to too much bloodshed. They are more numb than machines. It is now that they are taking a life. God knows if the enemy’s bullets will take their lives in the next second.

Soldiers fell down one by one, Germans, Americans. However, all of this did not affect the mood of the soldiers on both sides. Even those soldiers who had some fear in the beginning of the war had already forgotten some fears and fears at this time. What they are thinking about now is no longer how to live, but how to use their lives to exchange for an enemy’s life as much as possible.

War is always a game for politicians, and these soldiers are the tools that politicians use to complete their games. When the war is going to be the most intense, the two governments will sit down patiently and negotiate, let their soldiers bleed on the battlefield. Then they will suddenly declare that the war is over. For those lucky enough to survive, probably everyone will be lucky enough to receive a medal. Then most of them will return to their hometown with a meager severance payment.

The two countries that have been playing for decades will be close to each other because of their mutual interests. But those soldiers who died in battle will never be remembered again.

Only on the annual War Victory Day, the country’s leaders will stand in front of the tomb of the fallen martyrs to make an impassioned speech. At most, they will shed two tears in front of countless reporters to express their inner “sadness”. Then they will leave in a hurry for a new round of trade or political negotiations.

Those who are buried deep underground and who are fighting for the honor of the country can only wait for the arrival of the next memorial day…

This is the sorrow of the soldiers!

But now it is either “Skulls Lancer” or “Blood Rose”. They will not think of this. In their eyes, there is only loyalty and honor to the country. They will never leave their battlefield until the last one.

In this sense, the Germans and Americans who are sitting here in desperation are worthy of respect. This has nothing to do with the position. This has nothing to do with the country. They are just doing what a soldier should do.

When the war is temporarily stopped, the soldiers will rely on their positions, picking up a pack of crumpled cigarettes from their pockets.

An American soldier who played the flute took out the flute that he carried with him and blew a sad piece of music, which quickly resonated with all American soldiers. The sorrow passed in the flute, and their mood at the moment is so imaginary.

Fight for another country on unfamiliar land. And their family is still waiting for their return at home…

Two German snipers very close to the front line seemed to be attracted to the flute. They temporarily forgot their responsibilities and listened carefully to the sorrowful flute. in fact. The hearts of soldiers are sometimes common. What is worn on the military uniform is not representative of everything.

“I will also play the flute.” The German sniper with a mustache on the right said sadly: “When I was in school, I even imagined that I could enter the Berlin Orchestra in the future, but unfortunately I finally gave up this dream. ”

“I used to be a pianist.” On the left side, there was a sly German sniper sighing softly: “I have applied to the art school twice, but I have not been accepted twice. They said that I am in music. There is no such thing as a high point. This is a joke. Is it? A hand that was supposed to play the piano has picked up the gun.”

“Everyone has a past that they don’t want to recall.” The mustache raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and the gun was aimed at the American flute player. To be honest, if possible, he is not willing to hurt the other party, and even wants to make a friend with the other party. But there is no way, here is the battlefield, not what art school.

The moustache helplessly pulled the trigger in his hand… The sorrowful flute sounded still…

This is the cruelest war. You can’t stop killing each other. The flute player died, but the American soldiers who were originally immersed in the music did not have the slightest anger. They don’t even have grief. This is a fate that a soldier has long been destined for.

The new offensive began. When the German soldiers of the “Skulls Lancer” appeared again on the battlefield, the “Bloody Rose” American soldiers quickly re-entered the defensive operations.

The gunfire was still on the tenacious pair, and the Tanks on both sides made a daunting snoring. The wrecked armored car smoked smoke and was lying on the battlefield. There are a few corpses with cokes, so they are so alone that they are hanging on armored vehicles.

Major Stroop has been personally directing his troops to launch repeated attacks. His heart has only one idea from beginning to end: the Baron is in Southampton, where the Baron is waiting for the Iron Gate! No matter what kind of opponent is opposite, you have only one choice:

Destroy them – completely defeat them!

From the inside, he had to admire the tenacious opponents. Under the attack of the powerful Skulls division, despite the Americans’ failure, they showed no signs of defeat. There are a few positions that seem to be in jeopardy, and they have been successfully defended under the efforts of the Americans.

As a commander, they like such a strong opponent. Only those mediocrity also like to choose the enemy that is vulnerable to attack as an opponent. Overcoming a strong opponent can make a good commander full of pride and pride in his heart.

If possible, Major Stroop hopes that the enemy commander will be alive, he will personally pour a cup of coffee, and then talk about each other’s views on the war. When the war is over, they are enemies. When the war is over, they may be able to become friends.

Unfortunately, Major Stroop knew that his wish would never be realized…

At the same time, Colonel Enrique was also afraid of the powerful fighting power of the Germans. They seem to be a war machine that never knows how to exhaust, attacking again and again under intensive blows, and gradually taking the initiative on the battlefield. Fighting with such an enemy is the most troublesome and most daunting thing.

General Don Tanner has asked about the situation on the battlefield several times. Colonel Enrique truthfully reported on the battlefield. The process is not optimistic, he can’t even hold on to the night. General Don Tanner told him seriously: “No order is not allowed to fail. Colonel, remembering my words, is not allowed to fail. We need to get the most time here. Can you understand my words?”

“I think I will try my best.” Colonel Enrique can only answer each other.

What can I do? Who can predict what will happen in a minute? Who can predict the end of the war? Maybe you will be killed, maybe you will be captured, who knows. But at least a little Colonel Enrique can guarantee it. As long as it is less than the last minute, as long as it is less than the most desperate moment, he will never give up.

“Skulls Lancers” – Colonel Enrique has firmly remembered the name!

This may be the most glorious battle of myself! (To be continued, please search h astronomical W, the novel is better updated faster!

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