The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand and twelve. Brave sniper, floating astronomy

“Leopard IX?” Steinman couldn’t believe what he saw.

Then a huge car body appeared. Steinman is not mistaken, it is the German main station Tank “Leopard IX” style!

But the iconic body tilt armor, and the mighty Henschel turret can explain his identity. But no matter what, as long as it is a reinforcement, Desk is willing to accept. “Hey, Tank! Come back to this bunker!”

“Received!” “Leopard IX” accelerated over the body of the American infantry that had just been swept away, and hurriedly followed Desk to a bunker.

“Fire cover!” Karl stood in a broken house with a machine gun and slammed against the American infantry below. A German army threw a smoke bomb downstairs, and a bunch of American infantry and tanks below. Covered in black smoke.

“Throwing the incendiary bomb!” Carl said, throwing away two burning grenade on his body, and several Germans on the side also threw the grenade. The “Boom” grenade exploded, and the screams of the American infantry and the sound of Tank’s detonation came from below. . . . . A pile of American infantry that was full of fire was also striking in the smoke.

“Fire at the fire!” Desk commanded the rabbi, and at this time he saw the flash of fire that was constantly flashing in the smoke.

“Boom!” A 100 millimeter high-explosive bomb shot into the smoke, a burst of blood from it, another high-explosive bomb into the smoke, a burst of metal twisted and exploded sound.

“Boom!” The third round of artillery shells flew into the smoke. . . . . .

“Rabbi! Don’t waste the shells! You have to ruin the body!” Carl yelled, because the situation in the smoke was unknown, the vision was poor, and Karl could not observe any results, but now only temporarily stop the attack.

“I will go and see.” Carl bowed his waist and slowly came to a broken wall in the smoke area. A few rounds of bullets were shot in the smog, and Karl passed by, and Carl fell off the wall one by one, and fell on the floor full of bricks:

“There are enemies in the smoke!”

“Concealed!” “Boom!” Desker pressed the detonator, and the explosive blocks on the ruins on both sides were detonated. Several pairs of American infantry climbing on the ruins piled up with a pile of rubble and the sky. An explosion also occurred and several broken parts were thrown into the sky.

“Karl! Withdraw!” Desk yelled, at this point, the smoke dissipated, and a Tank reappeared in the German vision.

“Boom!” An 100 millimeter armor-piercing projectile was fired from the cannon, accurately destroying the Tank, and the rear Tank saw the situation receding.

“Desk! The main road is backed by the enemy! Need support!” In the earphones of Deske, Steinman’s voice of help was heard. Desker’s depressed hand gave him a slap in the face. He didn’t think that the main road was more suitable for defense. The place will be surrounded, he is a little helpless: “Steinman! Hold on, I will send reinforcements immediately! Carl, Rabbi, with ‘Leopard IX’ to support the captain!”

After that, the body halfway out of the bunker and swept the American infantry in front.

“Enemy Tank!” After a wave of unrest, when the Desker Department was in a melee, an exclamation brought a wave of large-scale attacks consisting of a large number of US mechanized units.

“Cole, report the situation!” “Boom!” A shell exploded near Stanman. At this time, due to the smuggling of British troops in the area around the main road, the two main wings of the main road were attacked. A large number of US troops were different. The direction floods into the main road area.

Kerr was at the top of a building and used a sniper rifle to observe the situation below.

“The 3 Tank went to the right wing! About 60 infantry entered the houses on both sides! The enemy Tank is on the ruins!” Cole discovered so many American troops, especially the teams of the US Army Tank are extremely slow. The speed of the hard crawl on the ruins, if they succeeded in opening the ruins, it will have a huge impact on the German defense.

“Cole, you attack them as much as possible!” Steinman said while evading the bullets and lasers that were constantly coming. “砰砰” Cole was shot in a row, and an American infantry attempting to enter the house was directly knocked down. Steinman picked up the detonator behind a bunker of sandbags and pressed the button.

“Boom! Boom!” The American Tank on the ruins on both sides was all bombed in the explosion. Some of the lucky ones who had escaped from the robbers with a flame and bullet marks and grasses retired.

Steinman took a sigh of relief. This is, a grenade rolled to his feet inexplicably. Steinman subconsciously threw the grenade back: “Cole, what’s the situation?”

“There are too many enemies! Most of them have entered the house!” Cole slammed down from the upstairs with a sniper rifle. At this time, he was already discovered by the enemy. If he does not withdraw, he will be waiting for him. .

“Cole! Prepare to fight by house! Brothers! Two people are fighting each other! Free attack!” Steinman jumped into an abandoned building with a gun, and Cole quickly followed. At this time, the two sides launched a street battle among the remaining houses of the main road, and the Tank parked on the road was extremely useless.

“Boom!” The “Leopard IX” type that came in advance fired a US tank that was parked in the center of the main road and slammed it into the wreckage to break the burning scrap. It was exposed to the main road. A team of American troops on the road and the infantry launched a name for the artillery.

Steinman and Cole shuttled between the buildings, and there was a sound of explosions underneath, and the sound was terrifying.

“Here here.” Steinman said to stop in front of a window, and at the bottom of the window, several American artillery teams are working on the cannon.

“Cole, grenade.” Steinman took a grenade from his waist and held it in his hand, and Cole put down a sniper rifle and took a piece from his waist.

“1, 2, 3.” Two grenades fell from the window. . . . . . The “砰砰” grenade exploded, and the shrapnel flew across. The infantry screams and the fire and explosion sounded quickly.

“Be careful!” Steinman heard a strange look behind him. When he turned his gun and found several American infantrymen who suddenly appeared in the rear, Steinman quickly vacated his left hand and pushed Cole away, then swept his rifle with one hand.

“哒哒哒哒哒哒” burst into a burst, several American infantry fell, this is. . . . . . boom! A shell hit the house where Steinman was, directly knocking down Steinman, and Cole was directly shocked by the direct shock wave.

“what happened?”

“It seems to be the mortar of the enemy infantry.” Cole held his head and guessed it.

“Quick, leave here.” Steinman reluctantly stood up and then lifted Carl: “Karl, you go… defense in the opposite building…”

Steinman used his right finger to point to the abandoned building opposite. Cole nodded and picked up the sniper rifle again: “Captain, who will cooperate with me?”

“I, I am working with you in this building to defend your shooting corner.” Steinman patted the rifle on his body and bent at the corner of his mouth.

Cole smiled with satisfaction and turned and ran to another building.

“Here is a melee!” Carl and Rabbi rushed to the main road. Because there were guns everywhere, they didn’t know where there was a friendly army, and there were enemies. The most hateful thing was whether they were enemies or friendly forces. Strong interference bombs, their communication is extremely poor.

“Damn! Forget it, let’s move slowly along the left side of the street. The “Leopard IX” style has already been put on fire with them.” Rabbi looked at the front with a telescope and said, in fact, he did not know. What should I do.

” Xiao–” shouted, and a rocket flew from a distance. . . . . .

“Get out of the way!” Rabbi and Karl were flexible and flew to the front of the two sides. The rocket flew directly from the middle and hit a broken building behind.

“…good insurance…the enemy!” Rabbi just got up from the ground and just wanted to relax. The team of American infantry that appeared in front of him completely interrupted him.

“Open fire!” Rabbi took the machine gun to help Carl and other Germans advance, and then threw a smoke bomb forward. Soon there was a smoke area in front of him. Both the enemy and the enemy could not see each other. Immediately, the two sides ceased fire.

“Fast! Fast! Fast! Leave here!” Carl urged the Germans behind to speed up to avoid the crossfire zone. Hey! A familiar gunshot came from the front, and Rabbiton had a meal: “The voice of a sniper rifle is Cole!” Rabbi shined, and Carl and others seemed to hear the abnormality of the gunshot: ” Rabbi, the team is scattered to find friendly forces!”

“Understand!” Rabbi held a machine gun and gestured at the three Germans in front, and then took them to a house on the left.

“砰砰砰” Cole slammed the trigger three times, and several American infantrymen at the crossroads below were knocked down.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise on the stairs behind Cole, and he subconsciously picked up the rifle and moved to another window. Since the source of the loud bang was a directed anti-infantry mine that was placed on the stairway by Cor’an, the detonation undoubtedly meant that some American infantry began to enter the building, and Cole had been exposed.

Kerqin was behind the other window, but did not extend the barrel, but leaned back and leaned against the window to avoid exposure just a few shots.

“Steinman! The enemy has a Tank and a few teams of infantry under my building. They are heading towards the side of Samante Street!” Then Cole slammed the trigger against the infantry below. Most of the American infantry downstairs did not notice the broken building, and did not know that there is still a sniper here.

“Hey,” Cole slammed the trigger and fired all the 15 rounds of bullets. The lower infantry were all overturned. Some infantrymen began to drill in the houses on both sides of the road, while Tank Turn the turret to search for the attacker.

Cole cursed and unloaded the empty magazine, while trembling and loading another magazine.

“Cole! Just hit it! You have already been exposed!” There was a scream from Steinman in the headset, but Cole was still unmoved. He raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the Tank. The Tank turret below turned. But because no attackers were found, Tank began to accelerate the attempt to pass this dangerous zone.

Cole was hesitant to know how to deal with the Tank. At this time, there was something in his sight, a block of objects buried under the rubble of the road, and those objects should be the explosive blocks buried underground before the war.

“You, it’s over.” Cole smiled coldly, putting the block in the cross ring of the sight. Tank is not far from the object, he pulled the trigger.

“Hey!” “咔轰!” The bullet hit the block object and detonated it. The huge power of the explosive block directly destroyed the first half of the Tank, the barrel was scrapped, and the load wheel was blown away. The scrap iron blocked the originally narrow road. Cole took a sigh of relief and celebrated that he finally solved these troublesome flies.

“Cole! Let’s leave this building! They have found you!” Steinman yelled as he saw from another building that two American tanks aimed at the building where Cole was located at a large elevation angle. The building had been blown up in the previous shelling, and two ordinary Tank shells could make the building rubble.

The hair behind Steinman’s neck couldn’t help but stand up and sweat on his back. He didn’t dare to think about it. Cole was in danger.

“I know.” Cole said, stepping forward to an empty platform, below is a street that has been bumped by bullets. Cole knows that jumping can definitely not die, but it is likely to be disabled. . . . . . Cole’s heart glimpsed: “I jump!”

“Boom!!” Two rounds of artillery shells hit the building where Cole was located. The whole building was hit by rubble, but its overall structure was relatively complete, so it did not collapse. Cole was hit by the shock wave and shrapnel of the shell, and the whole person fell heavily on the street surface, and the arm was filled with shrapnel. . . . . .

“Cole!” Steinman found Cole on the ground through the smoke. Cole was lying on the ground, sniper rifle was thrown aside, his arm was filled with shrapnel, blood was flowing, it seemed that the shrap broke his An artery on his arm, he looked at him in disbelief. He watched his blood rush out from the wound. There was a trace of blood on his mouth. Cole was on the verge of death.

“Cole! Hold on!” Steinman leaped from the upstairs. Because the floor was not too high, Steinman didn’t have a problem when he landed. He quickly stood on his heel and ran to Cole desperately. Suddenly there were two Tanks in front. Tank immediately slammed against Steinman with a machine gun. The bullets continued to hit the foot of Steinman’s heel, splashing a piece of dust and rubble, without hitting Steinman. .

“Captain! We cover you!” Rabbi and others who came late came to support, and a German army unloaded the rocket launcher from the back and did not aim for three shots. The first two shots were deflected, passing over the Tank. The third shot hit the front armor of the Tank body and turned it into a ball of fire. The other one was unable to get back and leave. Steinman rushed to the side of Cole’s side and placed Cole’s right hand on his left shoulder, trying to get Cole back.

“Captain! Be careful!” Rabbi saw a team of American infantry re-attacking back under the leadership of the taxi.

“Cover me!” Steinman said as he helped Cole to speed up his pace and move closer to the rabbi.

“Captain… Leave me alone, it’s too late.” Cole said a black blood came out of his mouth.

“Don’t talk! You are my brother! How can you give up!”

“Let me down, I will be tired of you…” Cole opened his mouth full of blood and smiled. The white teeth were stained with blood.

“I have made a commitment to each of you, do you want me to renege?”

“Boom!” A shell exploded near the two, and the air wave knocked both of them to the ground.

“Cough… Steinman, give up on me.” Cole spit a blood, still persuaded Steinman to give up on him, and his eyes seemed to have once again appeared in the scene where his teammates died in front of him.

“Keep it up!” Steinman was overturned by the blast that had just exploded, and the whole person was stunned. He struggled to get up and went forward to help Karl again. “哒哒哒” struck a while and hit the bulletproof vest in front of Steinman.

“Steinman! Give up on me!” Cole didn’t want to be tired of his captain, because he knew how a person who was hit by the middle artery could survive. He has lived for a long time, why should a living person drag on to a big living person? This is the most real idea of ​​Cole at this time.

“Steinman! Don’t go!” Rabbi put the machine gun on the ground and ran to Steinman quickly. The corner of the Steinman bullet-proof vest with both hands pushed Steinman inside.

“Rabie! Let me go! You have to give up your brother!”

“…” Rabbi didn’t say a word. He thought he could understand Steinman because he had done this dilemma in his actions, and now his captain is facing it. In the situation, he could not help but feel a little emotional.

But in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices and repeat the tragedies of the past, he wants to stop Steinman’s actions, even if he is cursed by Steinman for a long time.

“Steinman… There are still many brothers’ wishes waiting for you to achieve. Why do you want to destroy the hopes and promises of all for me?” Cole told Steinman this last piece of advice.

“Cole!” Steinman’s heartbreaking shackles, he knew, another promise was shattered, and he did not stop it from happening.

“Rabbi, launching a smoke grenade, send me the last trip…” Cole stood up trembling, his eyes glaring at the American Tank in front, and in front of him, it seemed to be a gateway to Germany. The bright road of victory and victory, at the end of the road, is the embrace of returning to Germany.

“Brother, go well… German soldiers are proud of having you…” Rabbi Mali put the smoke grenade into the launcher and aimed at the American tank that came ahead.

“砰”, the smoke grenade exploded in front of the Tank before hitting a large group of smoke, completely shielding the other’s vision! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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