The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! Two hundred and twenty two. Shelling, floating astronomy

“Preparation – preparation -“

The piercing whistle screamed sharply, and then the mortar fired an angry roar in front of the Italian soldiers in Udine.

German mortars, Italian mortars, and the corresponding bombardment of the shells.

In the Italian position, the sky was cracked, the shells continued to break into the ground, and the fields and positions were full of rumbling explosions.

The debris and the soil continued to fly out, and the Italian soldiers were squatting in the field, and no one dared to look up.

While the mortars were roaring, a large number of machine guns also screamed together.

Numerous fire tongues were drilled opposite, and countless bullets spewed out of the muzzle without money.

This kind of attack is something that the Italians have never seen before. Now every Italian has only two words flashing in his heart:


Terrible fire attack, terrible war!

Colonel Sturno’s mood was equally bad, and he really didn’t think that the enemy would have such a fierce firepower.

And he, but there is no means of counterattack

He had only two poor mortars, and it was impossible to suppress the enemy by these two mortars. On the contrary, it will only become an object of envy by the enemy.

When the enemy is willing to launch, how to launch, willing to hit when to hit when!

These Lieutenant Colonel Stourne can bear it, but the only thing that makes him wonder is why the Italian army is always a loser on the battlefield.

There is no intention of the enemy to attack, but the constant use of shells and bullets to kill the confidence and morale of the Italians. And they did it.

Not only the soldiers on the front line, but also the civilians who were not easily mobilized by Colonel Diago.

They were supposed to be sent out to reinforce the Bolza regiment, but when the Germans slammed such a fierce gunfire, the team of civilians would be like a blast, and they turned back and ran back to Udine.

Crying crying, calling war is a military thing, what is the relationship with them?

Colonel Diago, who was informed of the news, was not angry. In his view, the public’s willingness to participate in the fighting was their patriotic enthusiasm. They were unwilling to participate in the battle and there was no place to blame.

The only thing he hopes now is that Lieutenant Colonel Sturno is able to withstand the enemy’s offense.

The shelling and machine guns finally stopped. The Italian soldiers did not seem to believe this. They had been in the position for a long time before they dared to look up.

The casualties are not big, as long as they can find a suitable hidden position, the shelling can not bring any huge damage to the soldiers. Machine guns are also more powerful.

It was only the hard-built positions that were destroyed by the shells and the soldiers were reluctant to renovate their positions regardless of how their officers were urging them.

What is the use of renovation? The enemy can have another round of shelling, and then the hard-working positions will be gone.

A heavy machine gun was not hidden in the shelling, and the machine gunner next to it was blown up, which made Lieutenant Colonel Steno, who was inspecting the position, feel distressed.

Originally, there were not many machine guns of the Bolza regiment, but now it has been destroyed. What is even more serious is that the Italian army in Udine has no supplement at all.

“Can you fix it?”

Seeing that the Sergeant shook his head, Lieutenant Colonel Steno sighed and picked up the telescope and looked ahead. The Germans were busy there.

It seems that a new round of shelling is coming soon.

In fact, Lieutenant Colonel Steno did not know that in the first round of shelling, the German artillery shells had been used by more than half. Their supply has not yet reached the battlefield.

Wang Weizhen’s idea is very simple. It is to use such artillery and machine guns to completely destroy the Italians’ defensive determination and make the subsequent offensive war easier.

And this has obviously achieved results.

“The shells are barely enough to sustain a shelling.” Rommel reported to him about the situation.

“Thirty minutes of rest, give the Italians a little breathing time.” Wang Weizhen calmly stared at the opposite position: “Thirty minutes later, all the shells were pulled out!”

“Our supply has not yet arrived.” Rommel did not forget to remind.

Wang Weizhen took the telescope and looked at the opposite position. The Italians had no intention of repairing the position. A lot of hungry people were curled up in the position and did not dare to move. This made Wang Weizhen laugh: “Ai Erwin, this unit is actually quite good, but it has not broken. But their morale has been shaken. If my judgment is not wrong, after the second shelling, the position there belongs to us.”

Rommel shrugged unscrupulously, but he must also admit that since he recognized Ernst, his judgment never seemed to go wrong.

how to say? It seems that there is a powerful force in Ernst that can foresee the future.

Half an hour later, the German artillery hit on time!

The frightened Italian had to face this terrible thing again. The shells, like the previous ones, continue to squat down to the ground, repeating the terrible scene that Italian talents have experienced.

How many shells does the German have? When are they going to fight? No one can answer this question from the Italians

The machine guns began to sweep again, and the intensity seemed to be more intense than the previous one.

Now, the last remaining confidence of the Italians has begun to be rapidly lost. Most of them have already had the idea of ​​running away under such a terrible attack.

Lieutenant Colonel Sturno knew that his troops were about to collapse.

The terrible thing is that the enemy did not even invest in an infantry attack. The mortar and machine guns alone saved the confidence of their troops.

The shelling was shorter than last time, but the fragmented position was even more broken.

Some of the bodies that were not well evaded and attacked by shells were lying on the ground, blood flowing all over the floor, and broken limbs were everywhere, which added to the terrorist atmosphere of the battlefield.

Suddenly, the sound of guns and machine guns stopped at the same time.

The Italians squatted on the ground and quietly watched each other with a young soldier. Suddenly, “Wow” burst into tears.

He is very young, only about twenty years old. He has never experienced such a past. Lieutenant Colonel Steno constantly tells the soldiers what a great cause to fight for the country, but now it seems not at all. in this way.

The war will bleed, it will be dead.

The young soldier suddenly stood up and ran away in the direction of Udine while crying and pulling. He didn’t even want to stay a second more on this terrible battlefield.

His sergeant also stood up. He was a corporal. Everyone thought that he was going to catch up with the shameful deserter. But what he did not expect was that the corporal fled in the direction of Udine.

Chain reaction has taken place

Countless Italian soldiers stood up from the position and ran away to Udine. Leave this terrible place and leave this terrible place as soon as possible! This is the only thought in their hearts!

No one knows when the third time the Germans will come.

Colonel Sturno has been unable to stop this from happening. In fact, compared to the soldiers in Tormezzo, the Italians of the Bolza Infantry have performed so much better.

At least, they did not escape in the first round of shelling.

Wang Weizhen and his team members shared two rounds of artillery and machine guns and easily seized the first line. The Italians have all rushed back to the second-line position, and as long as they break through there, there is nothing in Udine that can stop the Germans.

But the most serious problem facing Wang Weizhen now is that his shells are all exhausted! Damn the supply team and Tank have not arrived yet!

The night came quietly, and the darkness covered the earth.

The victory did not bring much joy to Wang Weizhen. What he is thinking about now is what happens if Udine is not captured as soon as possible?

Although Colonel Diago is isolated, what if the Italians really have reinforcements arriving? The members of the Skulls Commando are brave enough to fight, but there is no way to win under several attacks.

The only thing you don’t have to worry about is the night attack. Those Italians who have lost their fighting spirit will not attack the night.

The hard nights scattered little by little, and the morning sun was re-paved into Udine.

The Italians still huddled in positions where they didn’t look strong, waiting nervously for the Germans’ new offensive. They didn’t know that the Germans had no shells.

The officers of Wang Weizhen and Rommel are also waiting anxiously. If they do not launch the attack, they will be seen by the Italians.

The mortar that fired the shells was violently erected there, and the machine guns that consumed a lot of bullets were actually helpless.

And at this time, the earth made some tremors.

The heads of all Germans were lifted up and looked back.

A steel monster with a huge body appeared, and it is slowly coming here with an unstoppable momentum. It is the German Tank!

– A7V!

Then there was another car, and then the Mark 1 type Tank and a lot of trucks appeared!

Wang Weizhen’s heart finally let go, damn, in the end, when they need them most, they arrived at the battlefield! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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