The latest chapter of the Unlimited Military Base, Volume II: My Country 426. European Response (Fourth), Astronomy

Ernst Alexson von Breem Baron – The message of the Grand Marshal of the German Empire to Paris, spread to the world in an instant.

Brittish’s reaction is complicated.

They had originally allowed the Free French movement to hold a parade in London on July 14th to strengthen France’s determination to resist.

But now, Baron Alexson has made a very clear word:

Do not!

Baron Alexson and Germany will never allow such a military parade!

If the German side made such a request before this, the British would sneer at it, but now it is Baron Alexson in the face of the world.

After the return of the Baron Glory, the German Air Force stopped the bombing of London, and it has already shown some aspects of the German and British hearts and minds.

The baron is perhaps the most important bridge between Germany and Britain.

The bombings cost London a lot, even though the UK was not afraid of bombing because they had the quiet support of Americans behind them.

However, the bombing still allowed Brittish to bear the greatest test. Even with the implicit support of the Americans, such bombings test the determination of Brittish’s resistance all the time.

But now that the bombing has stopped, the UK can finally relax a little.

The Baron’s speech clearly warned Brittish, or stopped the free resistance movement, that is, although far away, it is not difficult to reach “peace”; or if it continues to support, it may usher in a more tragic war!

Even the British military analysis, once Germany restarts the war, it is likely that Baron Alexson personally directs Germany to launch an offensive!

This is the most terrible thing!

The party headed by the British military army general, the deputy director of the military needs, Rosen, resolutely opposes the government’s continued permission to allow the Free French movement to continue the so-called military parade in case of angering Germany. There is one more advantage to this, you can get enough breathing time for the UK!

This faction was supported by a large number of dignitaries headed by Sir Monlington.

The British Prime Minister Churchill believes that there is no need to pay attention to the warnings of the Germans, even if this person is the same as the Skulls Baron.

Britain must firmly support the Free French movement, support Degaule, and jointly resist the war from Germany!

At the same time, we must also consider the face of the British Empire, how can Britain yield to the threat of the Germans?

The past will not, and now it will not!

The Free French movement led by Degaule is also active in the UK, hoping to get more people’s support and ignore the German threat.

The two factions competed there because of a speech by Baron Alexson.

And this may decide the future fate of Britain.

Of course, there is still some time left in July, and Brittish is enough to make a decision.

However, at this time the mentality of the French is more complicated.

Baron Alexson came and publicly expressed his “peace” will.

Although the “peace” in the Baron’s mouth is somewhat worrying, it is an opportunity for France.

Three-fifths of the French territory is in the hands of the Vichy government, and the prospects for the resistance movement are very bad.

Moreover, the Baron is in France. If he commands the German-French coalition to launch a large-scale offensive at this time, then the remaining two-fifths of the territory will become dangerous.

The enemy that the French resistance organization will face: the Skulls Baron!

Accepting his negotiating advice may be a good suggestion.

If it is possible to get what they want in a peaceful way, it seems to be acceptable.

There has also been a fierce debate within the French resistance organization.

Peace, or war!

The necessary choices must be made!

Although this is very difficult. Leaders of the resistance organization have had very serious opposing views.

Some people think that they should immediately engage in substantive contact with the German and Vichy governments to understand each other’s true intentions, and then adopt a peaceful, non-bleeding way to seize the French regime step by step.

This faction is called “no bloodshed” in the history of the future, and because the former French Finance Minister Jacobson is a representative of it, it is also known as the “Jacobson.”

Others are resolutely convinced that they will never engage in any negotiations with the enemy until the Germans have completely withdrawn from France. Even if all France has become a scorched earth, it is necessary to carry out the war to the end!

This group is known as the “scorched earth”, and they are also referred to as the “Geng. Monwa”, headed by the former French Deputy Minister of Defense Jean Monva.

The intensity of the internal debate is surprising. Even the interior of the resistance organization, which was originally sentimental, became more and more chaotic.

Jacobson decided to act alone and appointed his secretary, Sir Frank, to start a secret separate contact with the Paris side.

However, because the news was unfortunately leaked, Frank was arrested by the “Leng Munwa faction” and executed without the trial in the name of “treason.”

This time, the contradiction between the “Jacobson” and the “Leng.

Jacobson firmly denied that Frank was sent by him and accused Monva of executing a staunch resistance fighter without trial. It was against the law and suggested that the special investigation court should A serious incident to investigate!

Since the contradiction has broken out, it cannot be reconciled.

It all stems from one person’s words:

Baron Alexson!

This person’s hand seems to hold a magic wand and can command his enemies to dance as he wishes.

Without the tank, without the cannon, a few words have already split the enemy inside.

Resisting everything that happens inside the organization does not affect one’s mood:


The French veteran intelligence officer is also an old rival of Baron Alexson.

He is too aware of the power of the Baron.

The baron’s every move will dominate Europe as he intended. This person’s trip to Paris, all the speeches, are nothing but conspiracy, only one purpose:

Completely ruined France!

After the German occupation of Paris, Desade chose to stay and command all the latent personnel to help resist the resistance of the organization.

Everything went smoothly, but until Baron Alexson appeared, everything changed.

He couldn’t forget the humiliation that Baron Alexson brought to him, and he couldn’t forget the painful past.

Without Baron Alexson, he could have been promoted to a general, not until he was promoted to a major general until the fall of Paris.

Shame, must be repaid with blood!

Moreover, Baron Alexson has openly challenged himself, even though he said to all resistance organizations in France, but in Dessad he is simply targeting himself!

kill him! The only way to wash away shame is to kill him!

“Tomorrow, Ernst’s trip is to personally supervise the release of captured members of the resistance organization in the morning. In the afternoon, he will go to St. Mary’s Hospital to see sick children.”

Dessad’s subordinate, Major Nedaro, said in a handful of the newly published Paris newspaper.

It’s not difficult to find Baron Alexson’s itinerary, and the newspapers are clearly listed.

“Is the message accurate?” Desad asked with a sullen face: “Is it possible for Ernst to deliberately spread the news and induce us to be fooled?”

“Accurate.” Nedaro immediately said: “Today, according to the Paris newspaper, Ernst is doing everything according to the published itinerary”

Speaking of this, he was silent: “The general, have to admit that Ernst’s courage is still very large, he is not ready to conceal his own trip.”

Major Desade smiled bitterly: “Yes, his courage is very big. When he was in Reims, he dared to publicly hijack three Tanks, and then swayed and escaped from our round-up. There is nothing in this world. He didn’t dare to do it.”

Nedaro has heard this thing faintly, but the truth is not dare to ask him. This seems to be a scar in the mind of General Desade.

“Get rid of him!” Desad no longer has any hesitation: “This is why it is the best, perhaps the only chance. As long as Ernst is dead, Germany will be in chaos, and our morale will be more than ever! Since we have sent this opportunity to us, what else can we hesitate?”

“General” Nedaro hesitated: “But this may cause massive retaliation from Germany, and maybe the entire Paris will be filled with corpses!”

“Even if the whole of France is finished, kill Ernst, France still has a day of reconstruction!” Desad has never been so terrible: “You don’t know what Ernst means, I know. You don’t know what Ernst is important to Germany.” Sex, I know! I am not afraid of being accused, Laughing Joke, as long as I can kill Ernst, I can afford it!”

Nedaro smashed, and it was the first time he saw the general being so horrible.

Desade took the “Paris” and carefully read: “When the prisoners are released, the Germans must be heavily guarded. There are not many opportunities for us to start. St. Mary’s Hospital is a good choice. There are our people, Nedaro. I decided to do it there, and you will lead the team. Are you willing?”

“I am willing!” Nedaro said loudly: “For the freedom of France, I will be willing to pay what price!”

“You may not be able to live out.”

“I still want to, except me, no one is more suitable for this task! General, please give me this glorious task.”

“Nedaro, will be the hero of France!” Desad stood up: “When the victory comes, the whole French people will remember you!”

“I know, general, this will be my greatest pride!” (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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