The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 675. I am – I am fine! Floating astronomy

!1943 3 month 16 day, with Malinowski taking the lead in launching the Terek River Assembly war broke out!

This is one of the most important components of the entire Stalingrad battle. To some extent, this will even determine the ultimate fate of the Stalingrad battle.

No one can predict the outcome, but from this moment on, no one can stop the war until the outcome is decided.

As always, the German Air Force provided the most reliable assistance to the ground forces. They tried their best to fight the life and death of the Soviet Air Force. They had to seize the air control rights here.

The most spectacular scene was staged in the sky, and a large number of planes fought terrible battles above the blue sky.

There are constant flames flying, and there are constantly planes being shot down. However, no one has planned to withdraw from the battlefield. Everyone is doing their best to carry out a contest between life and death.

Fire, spread on the battlefield; blood, flowing on the battlefield. No one can stop, no one can end.

The call of screaming exhaustion can’t stop the fear in the deepest part of the heart; screaming hard and screaming can’t stop human beings’ fear of death.

A group of fire snakes swayed in the air with their own horrible posture, and then silently sneaked into the enemy’s body; a piece of cannonball was like a grievance released from hell, ruthlessly taking countless lives. .

Wang Weizhen stared at the battlefield coldly, and Malinowski was also watching the battlefield coldly. . . . . .

The collision of steel and steel could not stop their determination to win, and the loss of life could not stop their determination to win.

The catharsis of the catharsis explains the determination that they must win. They are telling the other person what kind of food is the war in the most manly way!

The familiar “Ula” sound repeatedly slammed on the battlefield, and countless familiar figures appeared on the battlefield.

A large number of artillery pieces and a large number of tanks were shot there, and German or Soviet soldiers used their various weapons in their hands to do their best to shoot each other under their own guns.

When rows of grenades fall, the violent explosion can always take away countless lives. . . . . .

The soldiers’ faces are full of numbness and indifference. They don’t care about the enemy’s life, nor do they care about their lives. How to survive for them is not something that should be considered now.

A Tiger Tank smashed three T-34s in a tone, but the Russian shells also lost the ability to continue fighting. A German Tank soldier drilled out of the unpleasant smoke in the Tank, but he just jumped to the ground and was violently shot by the Soviet Red Army Sub Machine Gun.

The Tank soldier has fallen and his entire body has been broken. . . . . .

However, the Soviet Red Army, which had just shot a German Tank soldier, also had no good results. The roar of MP40 was ringing around.

Countless bullets and torrential rains poured out to the Russians, under the mad and fierce blow, none of the more than a dozen Russians survived.

The Russians exchanged a dozen lives for a German life. This is actually an abbreviation on the battlefield.

Although the Bobosha Sub Machine Gun saved the low morale of the Soviet Red Army on the battlefield, it did not change the overall situation on the battlefield. Under the powerful counterattack of the Germans, they must suffer a price that is many times higher, ten times, or even dozens of times higher than the enemy.

The assault clusters in the Germans who attacked the spears also showed their toughness in the defensive war.

Every position of every line of defense, the firepower is equipped with such perfect. The line of defense organized by the Germans seems undoubtedly difficult to destroy from now on.

Artillery and Tank continue to cooperate with the soldiers, which is a real steel defense.

Casualties are increasing every minute, and huge deaths and injuries make everyone on the battlefield frightened.

The Russians here not only showed cruelty to the Germans, but even more showed their cruelty to themselves. They did not care for life at all, and in the constant urging of the commander, they launched an attack that was higher than a wave. As long as the Germans have not failed, such an attack will never stop!

Wang Weizhen set his command at the forefront, just like the previous battles. He must pass the strongest signal to the German soldiers in the bloody battle:

I am here! I am fighting with you!

The shells continued to fall around the headquarters, but this did not hurt Wang Weizhen’s determination.

This is the first day of the defensive war, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

From the information sent, the Soviet Red Army’s encirclement is getting tighter and tighter. About this evening, Dawamirsky’s 56 group army can reach the battlefield and invest in the offensive.

Before the dawn of tomorrow, a large number of Russians would be surrounded by water, and even a fly could not fly out. . . . . .

The German troops are also moving fast and insanely. They know that here, on the Terek River, their Baron Alexson is struggling.

They must arrive here in the first place!

However, at this time, Wang Weizhen suddenly issued a jaw-dropping command: “All German troops immediately slowed down the attack!”

It’s totally shocking, and time means for a mid-shock cluster. . . . . !

“I want to make the Russians shrink more and less…” But in Wang Weizhen’s words, it is so firm: “The smaller the Russian encirclement, the more opportunities we have to annihilate the enemy.” At that time, even if the Russians want to run, there will be no way to escape!”

“But, Marshal, your safety…”

“It’s not my safety that I want to consider now, but the victory of the whole war!” Wang Weizhen’s tone is unquestionable: “Even if I and the entire assault cluster are completely annihilated, the main force of the Russians in Stalingrad will also be here. Finished! I want the final victory, not personal life and death!”

At this moment, all the German generals finally understood the real intention of Baron Alexson.

In fact, when the first minute of the Terek River was reached, Wang Weizhen no longer cares about his life and death. He knows that even if he really died here, the final victory will belong to the Ernst battle cluster!

Stalingrad will definitely fall into the hands of Germany. When Stalingrad changed hands and the Caucasus will be completely controlled by Germany, the victory of the Russian war has become a predictable event.

“There was a sentence repeated in the German army countless times, but today I still have to be in front of you…” Viking’s teacher, Herbert. Geely said with infinite admiration: “It is my greatest honor to be able to fight with you!”

“It is our greatest honour to be able to fight side by side with you!” All the German generals screamed that they were repeated again and again.

Now, there is nothing that can be considered too much. Now that you understand what Baron Alexson wants to do, then follow his ideas and stick to it.

Berlin’s telegram flew to Wang Weizhen and signed Adolf directly. Hitler’s telegrams accounted for the majority.

Hitler is probably really anxious. He kept asking about the assault cluster in the telegram, but Wang Weizhen gave him only one answer:

“I am – I am fine!”

I am – I am fine!

In this way, Wang Weizhen tells Hitler and Manstein, Guderian and Modr, who are moving forward like themselves. I am safe here, don’t worry about myself.

Nowadays, the main force of the Russians has been attracted here. The resistance of Manstein, Guderian and Model’s attack will be greatly reduced. Soon, they will be able to complete the meeting.

At that time, what power could stop Germany?

No. . . . . .

It was another burst of gunfire that sounded like a German, where the German artillery was ravaging the Russians in the attack.

Wang Weizhen stepped out of his own headquarters.

He was able to see his soldiers fighting bravely. He was able to see his soldiers in defense, and he continued to organize repeated counterattacks.

This is my honor to fight with you. . . . . . Wang Weizhen said quietly in his heart. . . . . .

All German officers and men believe that it is their greatest privilege to drink Baron Alexson and fight side by side, but only Wang Weizhen knows that it is the greatest honor to be able to fight side by side with these German soldiers!

From the morning of 16, the Terek River Corps was subjected to the most brutal test of the position of the uninterrupted charge and German army.

Once and for all, the charge and defense brought countless bodies. Even a soldier who has been through a hundred wars can no longer cope with such an environment.

What is death? Death is just a matter of a few tenths of a second. . . . . . The “wave” sounds softly. The bullet has been drilled through your body, and then you don’t know anything. . . . . .

Without war, it will forever lose the pain of suffering. . . . . .

So sometimes on such a battlefield, it is better to die than to live. . . . . .

The cannon and the cannon were on the opposite side, the machine gun and the machine gun were on the opposite side. . . . . . 3. The sniper ambushing in the dark is patiently looking for a new target. . . . . .

Death is roaring. . . . . .

Malinowski, standing on the other side of the battlefield, was not convinced that the German defense had reached such a level. From the beginning of the offensive, although she does not expect to be able to win with her own strength, he is looking forward to seeing any major breakthroughs.

But the facts gave him the most heavy lesson.

Fighting until now, Malinowski has lost thousands of soldiers. Please remember that thousands of soldiers were killed in battle! Under the mad and terrible firepower of the Germans, the Soviet Red Army, which did not stop the assault, fell almost as many as the fallen leaves in the storm. . . . . .

Unobstructed, the only thing the Russians can do is watch the bullets pass through themselves. . . . . . However, they have not even captured an important position until now.

Moreover, even in those small positions, once the Germans are lost, in the shortest time, they will re-attack under the cover of artillery and Tank, and then control the position again in their own hands. . . . . .

The Germans seem to have made up their minds and never throw any position to the enemy!

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible.” Malinowski murmured: “I have experienced countless battles, but I am as cruel as I saw it for the first time. Human life is here than ants. Not worth it… These Germans, their firepower is too strong, and more probably their fighting determination…”

The chief of staff, Jacques Levy, nodded with a similar sigh: “Yeah, we have suffered many failures before, probably from this reason? It is reasonable to say that a force that is trapped in a circle and has no possible breakout It should be low morale, but at this point I can’t see it at all…”

“Comrade General of the Chief of Staff, our tactical thinking is somewhat backward…” Malinowski thoughtfully said: “In the past, we always believed that with the spirit of courage, we were able to determine on the battlefield. Victory. We are accustomed to concentrating superior forces and winning with unsuccessful sacrifices. We have indeed succeeded many times… However, such tactics have caused us to lose too many excellent commanders and excellent Soldiers, until now, many of the group army are full of recruits, but ten recruits can not be worth the role of a veteran…”

Jacques Rević said: “But there are a lot of recruits in the German army.”

Malinowski smiled, but the smile looked bitter: “Yeah, there are a lot of recruits in the German army, but before they went to the battlefield, they all passed the most rigorous training. Their instructors really think that they have the capital on the battlefield, they will be incorporated into the frontline troops. Moreover, these new recruits who are on the battlefield for the first time always have some veterans teaching them how to survive on the battlefield. …..”

“Survival?” Jacques Levich did not particularly understand: “The soldiers who are thinking about how to survive, they do not have the spirit of sacrifice, I think it is not a qualified soldier.”

“No, this is the wrong view…” Malinowski slowly said: “I have heard that Ernst. Breem and his men have said that they want to live on the battlefield, not Begging for death, when you really understand this, you will become a good soldier… to survive, you can kill more enemies…”

Jacques Levich still doesn’t quite understand. In his opinion, the soldiers who are determined to be determined to fight on the battlefield are by no means a good soldier. . . . . .

Malinowski knew that he could not explain this in more detail with the Chief of Staff, because they accepted this idea from the first day of entering the army.

However, Malinowski himself knows that the number of troops is not directly proportional to the quality of military operations.

In many battles, the number of Germans is far from the disadvantage. This is true in France, the United Kingdom, or Russia, but every time the Germans can easily win.

The country of Germany is not a large population, and the army is not the most, but they are able to launch two world wars and continue to win. It is not their people at all.

Unfortunately, this is not understandable, including his own chief of staff.

When he was in France, he studied the German warfare carefully. He wanted to establish such a team in the Soviet Union, but the domestic environment did not allow him to do so.

It’s really a regrettable thing. . . . . .

“Comrade comrade, Comrade Roclav is killed…”

“What?” When he heard this shocking news, Malinowski and Jacques Lech were shocked. . . . . . God, the heroic and good war of Potsca. Comrade Roclav actually sacrificed?

Every hard battle, Comrade Roclav always directed his troops to take on the most difficult task, and he never let him down.

God seems to be particularly brave and brave. In countless times of hard battles, although he always rushed to the forefront, Roclav had not been scratched, so he also won him “Lucky Potts.” The nickname of the card.

However, now he is dead here?

“Comrade Roclav commanded his troops and launched eight assaults on the Germans. At the last charge, one of the enemy’s shells landed near him. General Rokoff’s comrades were seriously injured on the spot. The rescue was invalid and sacrificed.”

Malinowski sighed deeply, for Comrade Roclav, and for the Soviet Red Army, which is currently in the midst of a hard battle. . . . . .

As the battle continues, there will be more and more bad news coming, and Malinowski is convinced. How many subordinates will he lose when the battle is over? At this point, Malinowski was completely unable to answer himself.

Countless families will be fragmented because of the war. When the war is over, when the government and the government start negotiations and share the fruits of victory, who would think of the fallen soldiers and their families? Who will flow a tear for them?

This is the tragedy of the soldiers.

“Good comrades to commemorate Comrade Roclav.” Malinowski put away a sad mood: “Tell our commanders and soldiers, attack the enemy with the most violent attack, destroy the enemy with the most violent attack. Defense! Victory will eventually belong to us!”

Malinowski has decided to fight again with the Germans!

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