The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 681. “Abid Brotherhood”, floating astronomy

The atmosphere in the palace has reached its apex. !

Those attending the welcoming banquet will not take care of the current situation in Egypt, nor will they manage the occurrence of a major uprising or the occupation of Egypt by the Germans or the troops of any country.

All they want is to make sure that their interests are not harmed.

Fouad II is obviously a child who knows nothing, and the dominance is completely controlled by Nisma and Tamusta.

The tendency of the two men to show out to the United States is too obvious.

Wang Weizhen stood in the crowd and listened calmly. He can now fully feel that Tamusta has completely changed. And Tamusta, who I knew before, was judged by two people.

It doesn’t matter, the lost ones can be re-find, especially the power that was lost.

Caelum returned to Wang Weizhen’s side, and the lively banquet made those who monitored him lose their vigilance and gave him plenty of room to move.

“All arranged, you can go directly to the Queen, the Lieutenant Colonel Butler, who is in charge of the Queen, will release.”

“Thank you, Marshal Caelum.” Wang Weizhen looked at the eye and was still eager to give a speech, talking about the friendly and beautiful General Roy, and then quickly and quietly left the banquet hall. . . . . .

There were not too many guards from the banquet hall to the ban on Farida, and the main guards were completely transferred to surround the king and American guests.

“I was sent by Marshal Caelum.” When he found Lieutenant Colonel Butler, Wang Weizhen said.

“You have 20 minutes, sir.” Lieutenant Colonel Butler said with a blank expression: “I hope you don’t bring us too much trouble.”

“I will.” Wang Weizhen went in.

When he appeared again in front of Farida, Farida, like everyone who saw the baron again, could not believe what was happening in front of him.

The current Farida is completely different from the queen that Wang Weizhen knew before. He remembers that in the past, Farida and her husband, Farouk I, liked gambling, being willful, and even killing people in order to recapture what belongs to her.

Can this woman stand in front of her eyes? But with a touch of sadness. . . . . .

“Thank you, Allah heard my request.” The whole person of Faridah plunged into the arms of Wang Weizhen. She sobbed low, as if a child who had been wronged outside finally met the backing that she could rely on. “No one knows the suffering I have suffered. I have been pleading that there will be a savior, but I did not expect that the person who appeared will be you.”

“Everything will be fine, Farida.” Wang Weizhen whispered to her: “I am coming to change everything.”

Farida raised her head. Her hand groped for Wang Weizhen’s face: “Tell me, what kind of miracle has been for so many years, your appearance has not changed at all? It is said that you signed a contract with the god of death. Is this all true?”

“Maybe.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “Maybe I have signed a contract with the god of death. I speak for the death, and the god of death gives me the youth that is not old, giving me the power to harvest all life.”

Farida sighed and finally broke out with Wang Weizhen: “So now? Are you coming to help me, or come to harvest my life?”

“Falida, I don’t like to harvest women’s lives.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I came to change all of this, in order to restore order.”

Farida’s eyes were filled with tears. She has never heard these words that made her feel so at ease these days. It seems that once the baron has any problems, it will be solved. . . . . .

“Tell me what I am doing now.” Wang Weizhen turned the topic to the topic.

“Yes, I will tell you all.” The anger on Farida’s face swept away: “Nisma betrayed the king and betrayed the whole of Egypt, and Tamasta did the same. They completely forgot the Egyptians. Sacred, forgot the responsibility of being a ruler for Egypt. After the withdrawal of Germany and the United Kingdom, I lost the most reliable backing. It is not their opponent at all. My house arrest is the best example. But I am not willing.・I have had a lot of discussions with Marshal Caelum after a large armed uprising in Egypt. The news is leaked out. Now I have completely lost contact with the outside world.”

The situation is similar to what Wang Weizhen knows: “How many organizations can you control? Especially in Cairo.”

“The organizations I can control are 17, most of them are civil society groups. Marshal Caelum holds a large number of officers who are still loyal to him. This is our most advantageous weapon.” Farida quickly replied: “As for Egypt, directly loyal to me is the ‘Abid Brotherhood, …”

(Spider Note: In fact, it should be the Mu SI Lin Brotherhood, which is called “Abid Brotherhood” here for special reasons.)

I heard Wang Weizhen, the name of the Abid Brotherhood, paying attention to it.

Strictly speaking, this organization is not only a semi-public and semi-illegal organization unique to Egypt, but an organization that originated in Egypt and has influence throughout the Middle East and the world. Some even think that it is the oldest, largest and largest organization in modern history. The most rigorous political group that is the most influential in the world.

If there is such an organization behind Farida, then things will become much easier.

This organization does not have it! There are elite armed forces, but the influence in Egypt is not comparable to any one. They can easily launch a armed uprising throughout Egypt.

“The current leader of the Abid Brotherhood, Rosanne Rodiby is one of Tamusta’s staunch opponents…” Farida continued: “And in his negotiations with me, He promised to give me all the help I needed, and I gave the Abid Brothers, the political status they needed, and gave them a full position in the cabinet after the success of the revolution. Baron, if you want to succeed in Egypt, we Can’t leave their help.”

Wang Weizhen was silent.

In the first Cairo mutiny he organized, the status of the Abid Brotherhood was not so prominent, but in the period of his departure, the organization has developed by leaps and bounds.

Alliance with them is a double-edged sword. In the process of driving away Americans, they will undoubtedly play the most important role. But after that? How to control their impact?

Wang Weizhen considered for a while: “Farida told me how to contact them and told them that I am your full-fledged spokesperson. I am Mr. Moyol.

“Good Mr. Moyol.” Farida smiled on his face: “I can let Marshal Caelum accompany you.”

“Marshal Caelum, isn’t he being closely monitored?” Wang Weizhen had some doubts.

Being free to move in the palace, and whether you can act freely outside is a completely different concept.

Farida’s face showed some smiles: “The baron, the big family like Marshal Caelum, always thinks of a way. No matter whether it is Tamusta or Americans, there is no way to really look at him. He can easily at any time. Get rid of their surveillance.”

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Okay, it is not too late. I will need to see the head of the Abid Brothers tomorrow afternoon.”

“Okay, then me? Are you not ready to save me?”

Looking at Farida’s looking eyes, Wang Weizhen said slowly: “Falida, I have a way to go out from here, but your sudden disappearance will inevitably cause them greater vigilance. For our plan is Seriously unfavorable. I assure you that it will take less time to regain your power.”

Farida nodded. She believed that the man in front had such power. She had seen him all his magic.

Since he made a promise to you, he will certainly be able to do it. . . . . .

“I am waiting for you,” Farida said calmly.

“You will wait for me.” The smile on Wang Weizhen’s face is so brilliant: “You used to be my woman. I will never let my woman suffer any bullying.”

This sentence made Farida’s face red. But she suddenly felt that she was so happy. . . . . .

Now, with the arrival of Farida and Caelum, Wang Weizhen has been deployed in Cairo’s entire operation. No one can imagine that the Skulls Baron appeared in Cairo and is preparing to give the enemy a heavy blow.

Baron Skulls was alone when he came here, but now he has three friends: Annette, Farida and Caelum.

However, when the next day came, Caelum, who came from the appointment, brought him a bad news: “The general guide” of the “Abid Brothers”, Rosang. Roddyby was arrested by the Americans.

His crime is very simple: attempt to instigate the violence of the existing government.

This is a sudden situation, especially at such an important moment.

Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but frowned. At this time, she suddenly arrested Rosanne. Rodibi is undoubtedly the Americans ready to get started: “Is there a way to rescue him?”

“No.” Caelum seemed to be unable to do anything: “It was secretly arrested by the FBI. It is said that during the arrest, the two sides also had a brief exchange of fire. Now he is controlled by the FBI headquarters. Our people have no way to approach him. ‘The Abid Brotherhood, is ready for armed hijacking.’

“Who is responsible now?”

“Norak. Bilby, he is the most staunch supporter of force, I brought him.” Caelum said, let a person come in.

He is the director of the Armed Forces Department of the Abid Brothers. Bilby, and in the introduction of Caelum, the young man in front of him was Mr. Moyol sent by the German side.

Norak . Bilby obviously didn’t believe how much the young man could do. He waved his fist in excitement: “We can’t wait any longer. The devil has raised the butcher’s knife in his hand. I will launch an armed uprising ahead of time. Rescue the general guidance of love from the hands of the devil!”

“Calm a little, my friend.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “The FBI is not a good one to enter, and once there is a crossfire, the nearby US military will quickly reinforce the arrival. I don’t think you have the strength to compete with the United States.” “”

“So what do you say?” Norak apparently admitted this: “Don’t you let the devils?”

“No, people, must save, but have to see how to save the law!” Wang Weizhen indulged for a while: “Norak, I hope that you can trust me unconditionally, and give me some time. I promise to give you your general guidance. Saved from inside!”

Norak barely nodded!! Day, I will give you a day’s time. If I can’t see the guidance after the time is up, then I have to launch an armed uprising in advance. ”

“This is a reasonable request.” Wang Weizhen nodded unconsciously. Then he picked up the phone on the table: “Hello, I am looking for Benjamin Lieutenant, yes, there is something very anxious. Ah, Benjamin Lieutenant? I want to see you right away. Yes, now, I have a very urgent situation… Good, is the western cafe? We are there to meet.”

Putting down the phone and sorting out the clothes, Wang Weizhen said easily: “So, I will start, waiting for my good news.”

Caelum and Norak face each other and have no idea how he can save the general guide. . . . . .

In the cafe Benjamin has been waiting for a long time, Brad. Agent Pitt suddenly was so anxious to see anxiously, and it really took a very important thing to happen.

I waited for half an hour before I saw Brad. Agent Pitt hurried in. As soon as he saw Benjamin, the “Brad.Pitt” agent immediately preached: “I heard that you caught Rosanne Rodiby?”

“Yes, and it is the team I personally brought.” Benjamin said with pride: “Your news is really fast enough.”

“Hey, I also have a very important piece of information here.” Wang Weizhen looked around: “According to the information we have, there is a list of Rosang who was handed over to a man he trusted before he was arrested. This list, we will be able to arrest all the main members of the Abid Brotherhood!”

Benjamin’s eyes lit up: “What else do you know?”

“I know a lot of things.” Wang Weizhen mysteriously said: “But I have to see your captain. Hey, I don’t trust you, but the relationship is really too great.”

Benjamin has no doubt at all. This matter has exceeded his power. He thought about it there: “Lieutenant, I will take you to Captain Fletcher.”

Wang Weizhen’s mouth showed a faint smile. . . . . .

Captain Fletcher, the captain of the FBI in Cairo, is not as good as Benjamin. Although he saw the “Brad.Pitt” document, he still did not trust the phone to personally confirm.

For this, Wang Weizhen is not worried at all, and knows that Xiao Ling will solve all the problems for himself. . . . . .

“I am Fletcher, I need you to help me find someone… ah, yes. This is his name… Ok, he is indeed an agent there.” …thank you very much for your help…”

Putting down the phone and returning the certificate to Wang Weizhen, the look on Fletcher’s face became very polite: “So, please tell me what you are going to do, Pitt Agent.”

“Rosanne gave the document to his men, Norak. Bilby, I believe you have heard the name of this person.”

“Yes, he is the ‘Abid Brotherhood, the head of the Armed Operations Department, is a very dangerous guy.” When he heard the name, Fletcher became nervous: “There was also a chance on this arrest list.” He, but we have not succeeded.”

“I know where this person is hiding…”

Wang Weizhen’s words made Fletcher excited. “Tell me, where the damn guy hides, as long as he catches many of his problems, he will be able to solve it.”

“Of course, this is also the purpose of my visit.” Wang Weizhen said slowly: “But it is conceivable that when arresting Norak. Bilby, he will be fiercely resisted, even him. It is possible to destroy the list. And we need the assistance of Rosanne. You must know that Norak is infinitely loyal to Rosanne, and he will not watch Rosanne die in front of him.”

Captain Fletcher thought about it for a long time: “Lieutenant, are you sure?”

“I have a lot of confidence.” Wang Weizhen replied without hesitation: “I am sure we can catch these people.”

The temptation for Captain Fletcher is too great. If you can really catch Norak, the threat of armed riots will be much reduced. Once the list is obtained, the entire “Abid Brotherhood” executives will be disintegrated.

“The second Benjamin.”

“At, captain.”

“You personally carry a mission with a group of people.” Captain Fletcher said indulge: “Bring the living Norak back to me, ah, take Rosanne and act together, you are personally responsible for monitoring Rosanne’s every move, if If he wants to escape, you can kill him.”

“Understood the captain.”

“As for you.” Captain Fletcher cast his gaze on Agent “Brad.Pitt”: “Would you like to act with Captain Benjamin?”

“That is my duty, Captain.” Wang Weizhen is easy.

“Oh, this will be the perfect match between the FBI and the CIA.” Captain Fletcher seems to have seen the victory: “Let’s work together, Cairo will soon return to calm.”

Wang Weizhen smiled a little: “Yes, I also believe that Cairo will soon return to calm!”

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