The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 668. The land of life (below), floating astronomy

The Germans raced against the clock, and the Soviet Red Army raced against the clock. All the people were racing at this time.

Now, the situation of the medium assault clusters seems to be somewhat difficult, and their positions may be broken at any time and place. Every minute and every second, the Russians are likely to rush into the position.

Every soldier who can move is doing all his hard work. They use all the favorable conditions to block the enemy’s sudden advance.

Even Ernst. Marshal Breem has already appeared at the forefront. Who else can’t be a warrior?

The life of the land of life is still blooming, and the roaring shells and flying bullets cannot stop the stubborn continuation of life.

This belongs to Ernst. Breem – War of Baron Alexson; this is a war that belongs to the whole of Germany!

Determination and willpower will be the perfect embodiment here, and each of them is ready to dedicate themselves to their career.

Let life continue here, let the miracle be created here. . . . . .

Even though this battle has been going on for many years, some people still talk about it. They discuss how this battle broke out in advance, and discussed who in the battle between Baron Alexson and Huasilevsky. More exciting.

They also discussed what would happen if the direct command of the front line was the genius of Huasilevsky, not the Voroshilov who would only be arrogant.

Most people think that Baron Alexson and Huasilevsky are two genius-style generals, and their collision will spark a spark. At the beginning of the battle, the Skulls Baron took control of the war and disrupted the overall deployment of Huasilevsky, but at this time, Huaxilevsky did not panic, but in a passive situation, All the way to introduce the German army into the encirclement, so that the German assault clusters fell into a situation of annihilation.

But the performance of Baron Skulls is equally amazing. . . . . . When the entire assault cluster was facing a crisis, he did not panic at all, while carrying out a resolute assault while carrying out anti-surrounding operations.

At this time, there were serious problems inside the Soviet Red Army. Voroshilov replaced the command of Huasilevsky on the front line. All the orderly order was disrupted.

This is only a discussion of later people, and at this time, no one knows what kind of ending will occur. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen, who has been fighting on the front line, can’t control his own destiny. He can’t predict whether a bullet will run through his head. . . . . .

From now on until now, the enemy has carried out more than a dozen charges, and the intensity of the charge is more than once. On several occasions, the enemy rushed to the bottom of the eyelids. The Germans here had exhausted their efforts to drive the Russians out.

Wang Weizhen is absolutely unclear how much time he can still stay here. The news from the Ike battle group, the Guo Yenfeng battle group and Viking is almost the same. Under the crazy attack of the Soviet Red Army, all positions have collapsed. danger.

Moreover, the ammunition of the medium assault cluster is rapidly being consumed, although the German Air Force is still airing in a tenacious position, but under the current conditions, it is impossible to solve the problem by relying on the air.

But who cares more about the difficulties? From the outside information, the fastest Skulls division of the assault has already exchanged fire with Voroshilov’s guards, and may soon arrive here. In this case, the mission of the assault cluster has been successfully completed so far. . . . . .

Here’s what they have to do, just stick as much as possible and kill as many enemies as possible.

At this time, Ike, Guo Yenfeng, and Gillette made a decision. All the troops that could not continue to hold their positions, to Ernst. The direction of Marshal Breem is close.

Their purpose is very clear, even if there is only the last person left in the position, you must also protect the Baron Ernst!

The burning earth, quietly watching human beings carry out a sympathetic killing on their own bodies. She is sad and crying. But she can’t do anything about it.

War is always the eternal theme of human beings. . . . . .

Desperate Voroshilov, desperately continually investing in the battlefield, the Germans used every effort to defend, and the Russians also used every effort to attack!

No one wants to accept failure. No. . . . . .

The soldiers of the German and Soviet forces burned their lives here. They watched life away from themselves. They watched the soul fly in the air, and until the last moment, the breath of life also left.

Survivors will never recall what happened here. They are not willing to look back on this terrible history and are reluctant to think of everything they have experienced here.

Forgetting is actually the biggest responsibility for yourself.

Forgetting, you can minimize the pain for the rest of your life. . . . . .

The fierce gunfire sounded like this, and it sounded so weak. The battle continued until now, and even the cannon might feel tired.

Wang Weizhen was equally exhausted. From offense to defense, he participated in all the battles. He always commanded on the front line.

He is tired, really tired, but he must insist. . . . . . Everyone can fall, but he can’t. For the Germans, he is all hope, all confidence. . . . . .

However, he can also see that the Russians are also tired, and the continuous attack, in addition to causing them to suffer heavy casualties, also cost their physical strength and energy. !’ They are all a group of people. . . . . . !

The German soldiers around him are as tired as Marshal Ernst. Even if there are a few seconds of fighting, they will seize the opportunity to close their eyes for a while.

But as soon as the gunshots sounded, the soldiers who seemed to be asleep would immediately jump like springs and pick up their weapons and enter the position. . . . . .

They have long been a group of robots. . . . . . There is no soul, no thought, and some are just fighting – fighting – fighting forever. . . . . .

Until the end of the war. . . . . . Live bullets penetrate their bodies. . . . . .

“Marshal, may not last for a long time.” When the Russians began their new offensive, Malister said: “Why didn’t the damn reinforcements arrive yet?”

“I don’t know, you have to ask Mordel.” The muzzle in Wang Weizhen’s hand was vomiting, and then briskly.

In fact, you don’t have to ask to know that Mordel and the Germans on the outside are more anxious than they are. They are trying their best to launch the attack and try to be as early as possible and Ernst. Marshal Breem completed the confluence.

Wang Weizhen was surprised to find that there was no screaming of gunfire at the battlefield, and even the sound of “Ula” that had been with them for so many days disappeared.

Tired, all the people are tired. . . . . .

Exhausted soldiers are engaged in exhausted battles. They completely forget the fear. What they most hope for is that the cursed war ended earlier.

The outcome is not important to them.

The fire of the positions will be combed and will not stop for a moment. The flying earth and gravel are sore and painful to people.

After the shelling, the soldiers buried in the mud will try their best to climb out, and then grab any weapon that can be caught by them. It is a random shot to the enemy.

A large group of soldiers died on this horrible battlefield. Some were directly hit by shells, and even the bone residue could not be left. . . . . .

Their family is waiting for their return, but I am afraid their family will be disappointed. . . . . .

The parents lost their children. The wife lost her husband and lost her father. Each family is broken because of this war.

This cursed war. . . . . .

It is covered by smoke during the day and at night, but the night is illuminated by fire. The officers and men on the battlefield simply cannot distinguish the difference between day and night. There is only one thing for them to do:

Combat – from the end of the battle to another battle. . . . . .

The devout believers also sought the blessing of God on the first day of the battle, but as the war progressed, they no longer prayed, but only hoped that they would not suffer too much in hell.

This is their last point of request.

The battlefield is so murderous and cruel, all sent in the wind is bloody. . . . . .

At this point, the two sides have already used all the means that can be used, and even the commanders of both sides can’t wait for this battle to end.

Another day passed. . . . . . During the day, the Germans lost most of their positions. Now, all the troops are forced to crowd in a very small position for the final resistance.

They have killed countless enemies, and each soldier has killed enemies several times, ten times, or even dozens of times more than them. . . . . . But killing more enemies, they can’t stop the new attack of the Soviet Red Army. For the Germans, the Russians are really too much.

It’s amazing.

The results of the assault clusters in the German army have been very exciting. Only Weiltman alone has achieved amazing results in destroying the enemy 46 Tank and 21 self-propelled artillery.

The first ace Tank hand is none other than him.

But what is the use of annihilating more? The armor of the Russians is still the same.

The huge advantage in quantity, sometimes it can beat the quality. . . . . .

Probably but not tomorrow. . . . . . Now every German soldier has the idea in his heart. . . . . .

Ike, Guo Yenfeng, and Gillette even quietly concealed the brief meeting of Marshal Ernst in the gap of the battle. Their purpose is very clear. Once the positions are completely lost, they must organize a powerful commando team to cover. Marshal Ernst stands out!

Everyone here can die, but only Marshal Ernst can’t.

He is the hope of all of Germany. . . . . .

Klingenberg was awarded this glorious mission. Even after he accepted the task, he and his team did not directly participate in the battle, but prepared to meet the worst situation anytime, anywhere.

“You have to know that the marshal is not so easy to leave the battlefield.” Klingenberg raised his own concerns: “What if he refuses our protection?”

Guo Yenfeng was silent: “Stun him!”

Klingenberg was scared and stunned him? Want to stun yourself a marshal of an empire?

“Stun him!” General Ike also firmly said: “This is the only way to get the marshal out of the battlefield…”

Ok, okay, you guys. . . . . . Klingenberg groaned in his heart. If he did, even if the baron didn’t shoot himself, I was afraid that the head of the family would not easily surpass himself.

However, as long as the rescue of the Baron’s other things can not be taken care of. . . . . .

When the war was reopened, everyone on the battlefield knew that on this day, the two armies that were strangled together would be divided.

It’s hard to insist that the mid-assault clusters are relying on the strong will to fight.

But when the battle will be used up, especially when all the troops are lost, there is no such thing as the will to fight. . . . . .

Despite this, the German assault clusters have the same reason to be proud of themselves. They have killed dozens of times more than their enemies in the case of dozens of times behind the enemy.

This is not something that every unit can do.

If you die, you will die so badly.

Now all the tactics on the battlefield are useless, relying on the soldiers of both sides who can continue to stick to the last minute.

In the place closest to the enemy, Wang Weizhen commanded more than two-thirds of the casualties, especially those in the engineering battalion. They quickly regarded themselves as a true commando and fought hard against the enemy.

They have a lot of casualties, but they are not willing to step back. . . . . .

Here, in addition to the miracle Skulls Baron, they also have two miraculous Tanks:

S21 and S22.

The two German tank battles have been unscathed until now, and it is a miracle in the miracle.

However, their days are not very good, just now, the two Tanks have already launched the last shell.

Everyone in Wittmann, Brant, and Tank jumped out of their beloved Tank.

Wittmann picked up a Sub Machine Gun from the ground and said loudly: “Marshal Ernst, S21, S22Tank have no shells. Now, we are asking to join the infantry battle sequence!”

“Lit Weiman, your request was approved.” Wang Weizhen smiled.

“Marshal I have a request.”

“Please, let’s talk about Weitelman.”

“If I am dead, please grant me the rank of major. I dream of being a major…. Ah, is this request too much? I am a lieutenant now…”

Wang Weizhen smiled so happy: “Yes, your request is indeed very excessive, but I approve. If you can gloriously die here, you are the major of the SS!”

“A very shameless guy…” Brandt, who lost to Witmann in the annihilation of Tank, couldn’t help but swear.

Malister came over: “The Witman Lieutenant, you are a god in the Tank.

But now, I am afraid you can’t even kill ten enemies. . . . . . ”

“Is it?” Weidman looked at the other side in a provocative manner.

“Entering the position – entering the position – the enemy attack!”

With such a voice, perhaps the last battle of the F position began. . . . . .

The soaring number of the Soviet Red Army is still so numerous. But for all the Germans on the F position, it is not important.

Anyway, they are with Marshal Ernst!

“Fritz Klingenberg, if you are going to attack me, I will shoot you directly.”

When Wang Weizhen saw Klingenberg appear in the F position with his commando, he immediately said coldly.

Klingenberg quickly stopped and looked a little embarrassed: “Hey, Marshal, how did you know?”

Wang Weizhen looked at his embarrassed smile: “Every German soldier knows to stick to his position. You suddenly appear here. Is there any special instruction?”

“Yes, Marshal.” Klingenberg had nothing to hide at this point: “It was the generals who let me do this.”

Wang Weizhen, while sweeping the enemies rushing up and down with his hand, said: “Mr. Klingenberg, stay here and fight with me, please remember, I will not drop my soldiers. “”

“Well, I was convinced by you.” Klingenberg quickly joined the battle sequence: “At least, I am here, I can help you block the bullets that hit you!”

Wang Weizhen smiled and laughed very happy. . . . . . With such a subordinate, what are you worried about?

The attack on this day, the Russians are so crazy. A lot of gunfire, a lot of tanks, a large number of soldiers rushing in general, about what crisis they have already smelled?

It’s hard to continue to persist in the assault cluster. It’s a miracle in itself. . . . . .

More and more enemies are getting closer and closer, and the last moment has arrived.

Every German soldier is ready:

― Let yourself be brave enough to face death!

It was at this time that suddenly, Malister yelled at the back of the enemy’s team:

“Look, it seems like something is happening there!”

Wang Weizhen took the telescope and looked at the rear of the Soviet Red Army. The smoke was rolling and dusty.

Then, countless tanks appeared!

And on those Tanks, that is — Skulls battle flag!

1943 3 month 23 day, the German armed SS Skulls division appeared on the battlefield!

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