The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 692. Gunshots at Stalingrad Harbour, Astronomy

Stalingrad Harbour. !

Here, it is the lifeline of all the Russians who guarded Stalingrad. Here, there are supplies every day, braving the fierce bombing of the German Air Force, and transporting it here regardless of the loss.

Here, it supports the entire Battle of Stalingrad.

The guards here are the Social Red Army 171 Infantry Division and a Workers’ Brigade. The commander is Major General Katanowski, a staunch Bolshevik.

His belief in the Soviets is strong, and his determination to win the Great Patriotic War is something that few people can match. Although the Battle of Stalingrad has been carried out since then, the German Air Force has been bombarded all the time. The Russians are not suffering from heavy casualties and have never shaken his determination.

In addition to his 171 infantry division and workers’ brigades, there were a large number of defeated soldiers who had lost from the Terek River and joined the guards of the port.

Major Leokov – No, now Lieutenant Colonel Leokov is one of them.

This is said to be heroic on the battlefield. Even in the case of being surrounded, Leokov, who is still struggling to command the troops to break through, was quickly promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, and was not subjected to any investigation for the failure of the Terek River.

It is said that at the first breakout, Leokov yelled at the slogan “For Comrade Stalin, for Comrade Voroshilov Marshal”, and in the second breakout, he yelled “Comrade Stalin for Devotion”. For the great Soviet – charge!”

This quickly caught the attention of the Political Department after he led the troops to break through. At the same time, the Political Department also noticed that he successfully brought out nearly 2,000 soldiers and successfully entered Stalingrad, so he was promoted. . . . . .

Together with the soldiers who successfully broke out, he was arranged to assist the guards near the port. Leokov, who arrived at the port, quickly gained the trust of Katanowski.

Leokov was promoted as a typical Bolshevik with a strong belief. . . . . .

When the Germans bombed again, the port was in ruins, and a lot of hardships and hardships bombarded the supplies that were transported here by the enemy, and once again suffered a major loss.

The same thing happens every day, every day. . . . . .

Looking at the German planes, Katanoski, who screamed and screamed, could not help but sigh. The losses are too great. On the Volga River, those transporting ships must have been bombarded by enemy air forces again and again. There are constantly ships being sunk and people are dying.

It is often transported from the other side of the Volga River to less than half of the materials that can be successfully transported. Even so, it does not mean that the materials that successfully reach the port are safe. They still have to suffer the fierce bombing of enemy planes.

In order to ensure these supplies, every Soviet soldier here lives alive and civilians, doing their best and at all costs.

In order to surround Stalingrad, everyone has made tremendous efforts. . . . . .

He saw Lieutenant Colonel Leokov come over: “Comrade Leokov, what’s the matter?”

“No, General Comrade.” Leokov quickly replied: “In our neighborhood, no enemy shadows were found.

I think the enemy is still a long way from us. ”

“But how I hope to fight the enemy now…” Katanowski sighed again: “Thinking that our comrades are fighting blood, thinking that they are bleeding, my heart Just faintly hurt.”

“General Comrade, we are fighting here as well.” Leokov comforted him.

“Yeah, yeah.” Katanoski smiled a bit, and now he can only comfort himself so much: “Comrade Leokov, there is still a batch of supplies arriving at night, and you are still responsible for it. The Brigadier of the Workers’ Brigade Comrade Yashinev will listen to your command, be careful and ensure the safety of this batch of materials.”

“Yes, Comrade General, please rest assured.”

Leokov replied loudly. Of course, at this time, his heart is actually very nervous. . . . . . Just now, he got a secret command from the top of the German army, a German battle group is rapidly approaching here, and will arrive. Comrade, a German infantry division, is also working hard to move closer to the port and prepare to complete the occupation of the port.

And Leokov’s mission is to assist the German battle group to seize the port and insist on the arrival of most. . . . . .

What does the port lifeline mean for Stalingrad? Everyone knows that there is no need to say much about its importance. Now, the Germans have clearly set their sights on it.

Leokov has become the key.

The troops of the two thousand people he commanded were all composed of soldiers of the Russian Freedom Army. The Russians probably did not think that the Germans actually used such a large-scale, established system, and when they took advantage of the German army, they entered the Stalingrad.

And it’s incredible that they’ve succeeded, and they’ve been given the responsibility to help defend the port so much. . . . . .

About, this is what God means.

Leokov knows this time is the time to test himself. He must use a successful battle to prove his loyalty to the Germans and restore the glory of the Chikachev family.

And this is the only chance that I can grasp!

The night came quietly, and the sound of guns and gunshots was clearly audible here. Even at night, the Germans did not stop attacking Stalingrad. !

The fierce battles continually afflicted the forces of the attacking and defending sides, while the port at that time received a rare calm.

Once the German aircraft has reduced the number of bombings at night, it will become a safer place. . . . . .

“Malister Major is about to arrive. They are all replaced by the Soviet Red Army. The major asked us if we were ready.” Heisenberg came to Leokov and whispered.

Leokov looked at the time: “Let them start…”

After that, he picked up the phone: “Please help me to accept General Katanowski… General, I am Leokov, we found a traitor… I think you have to come over, He is the general of Cui Kefu… Yes, I am not mistaken… Ok, I am waiting for your arrival…”

Leokov put down the phone and took a deep breath. Started and started. This night, will determine the lives of countless people. . . . . . Even, it will determine Stalingrad and decide the future of the entire Soviet Union.

They can only succeed and cannot fail. . . . . .

He was anxiously waiting, and about twenty minutes later, a car appeared. For a while, Major General Katanovsky appeared here with the help of several guards.

Is there a traitor? Or is it the general of Cui Kefu? Katanowski does not think this is a good thing. You have to know that this will cause a series of terrible consequences.

“Comrade Leokov, where is the traitor?” Upon seeing Leokov, Katanowski asked with a sullen face.

“General Comrade, please come with me.”

Leokov brought Katanowski to his own headquarters, where a man was sitting and several soldiers were holding the weapon against the person.

Katanowski did not have any doubts. He went straight to the person sitting: “Stand up, what is your name? Whose command did you accept?”

The man stood up as the general said: “My name is Heisenberg, and I accept the order of Marshal Ernst. Breem!”

Katanovsky, a glimpse, had not waited for him to react, but suddenly found that the guns were all aimed at himself, and then several of his guards were quickly disarmed.

“Leokov, what are you doing!” Katanovsky angered.

“I will generate electricity immediately, we will act according to the plan.” Leokov did not pay attention to him. Instead, he quickly issued the order, and then turned his attention to Katanowski: “Comrade General, please call the defense team.”・A team that came to assist the defense is about to arrive at the port. Please let them in immediately.”

Katanowski finally understood – there are traitors, but traitors – but Leokov he once trusted!

“No!” In such a dangerous situation, Katanowski decided to take his life and death away. He stared at the traitor in front of him: “I will never make this call, and I will never give up on me.” faith!”

“砰-“, the gun rang.

A guard of Katanovsky fell into a pool of blood, and the muzzle in Leokov’s hand was still smoking blue smoke. . . . . . He lifted his gun again and aimed at another guard of Katanowski: “Comrade General, if you don’t want to watch all the guards die, then call this phone immediately!”

Katanowski’s heart was bleeding, but he still stubbornly shook his head: “You can kill all of us. We have already prepared ourselves for the Soviets!”

His firmness cannot be destroyed by anyone. . . . . .

Leokov also seemed helpless, but he smiled and said: “In fact, seriously, I don’t necessarily need your help. Have you forgotten that you gave me a lot of power?”

Katanovsky changed his face. At this time, he saw Leokov pick up the phone on the table: “Comrade Yashinev of the Workers’ Brigade… Comrade Yashinev? I am Leokov. Hello, we have a new reinforcement force coming soon, please take care of them. Come in, Comrade Katanowski is here with me… Ok, The final victory must belong to us!”

After that, he put down the phone and looked at Katanowski coldly.

“Comrade Leokov, there is still a batch of materials arrived at night, and you are still responsible. Comrade Yashinlev, the brigade of the Workers’ Brigade, will listen to your command and be careful to ensure the safety of this batch of materials… ”

Katanowski remembered what he had said, and he guessed that he gave Leokov such power. . . . . .

Yashinev, who has a simple mind and is impulsive, will never think that his general has been kidnapped, and even less, Leokov will actually be a traitor.

Now, the port that bears the life of Stalingrad has become precarious. . . . . .

A large number of troops wearing the Soviet Red Army uniform appeared, and Yashinev, who had just received the order, had no doubts at all. In his view, more reinforcements arrived.

“Hello, I am the brigade of the Workers’ Brigade, Yashinev, are you?”

“Don’t ask who I am, comrade, this is not what you should ask.” Colonel the Soviet Red Army said coldly.

“Ah. Yes.” Yashinev was a little embarrassed: “I will take you to the general now! Comrades there.”

“We know how to go, Comrade Brigadier, please stick to your position.”

When the sentence was finished, the colonel did not look at it and walked in front of the soldiers of the Workers’ Brigade with his own team. . . . . .

“It’s really impossible. They seem like everyone looks down.” Someone whispered.

“This is the regular army.” Yashinev greatly appreciated: “We should be happy, there are them, defense will become more certain here…”

Yashinev probably wouldn’t have imagined that this group of reinforcements suddenly emerged as a group of elite German commandos.

And the “arrogant” colonel, his name is Malister. . . . . .

Malister didn’t think that he was so easy to mix in here, it seems that Leokov is still trustworthy. This also proves the degree of chaos of Stalingrad Russians from another aspect.

When he saw Leokov, Leokov did a great job. He not only kidnapped Katanowski, but also successfully led his two thousand men to take advantage of the special rights that Katanowski gave him. Controlled the vital location of the port.

Now, the only thing to do is whether they can wait until the arrival of the German main force. . . . . .

“We are in a position to block the fleet that delivers the goods, and to block the enemy who is trying to recapture it.” Leokov didn’t have too much chill, but soon Malister brought it to the map: “Major, you Look, in order to guard against the German attack, all the fortifications here are very well constructed and easy to defend. I have ordered my soldiers to take the orders of General Katanowski and disarm the enemy. Lived here.”

Speaking of this, he deliberately looked at Katanowski, who was tied up by the five flowers, and found that the general’s eyes were full of anger. He smiled and then continued to say to Malister: “There is also the main artillery force of the port defense forces. If we can take it, it is very beneficial for us…”

“Good job, Leokov.” Malister was very satisfied: “I will immediately report to Marshal Ernst that we have completed the first control of the port and asked our troops to arrive as soon as possible. Now we score our work. Leokov you Will be responsible for meeting the enemy’s upcoming positive challenges, and I will take my people to their artillery positions and capture all their cannons!”

“Yes, major.” Leokov nodded. “I think our air force should also increase its assistance. After all, once the enemy’s port is lost, it will try to take it back.”

“Yes, the Air Force General is our biggest reliance…” Malister replied faintly. . . . . .

The gunshots rang in the port artillery units, and the gunners could not dream of it. A group of “Soviet Red Army” soldiers wearing their own clothes suddenly appeared here and fired without warning. .

There was a lack of necessary infantry protection. When the Malister commando launched a raid, the entire artillery unit was completely caught in a terrible massacre.

A large number of gunners were shot without preparation, and they had no power to fight back. The blood stained it red.

The Sub Machine Gun in the hands of the German commandos made a terrible roar. In order to ensure the successful integration into the port, most of these commandos used the Russian Bobosha Sub Machine Gun. It now appears that the performance of the Bobosha Sub Machine Gun is relatively reliable.

It’s good to shoot Russians with Russian weapons.

In less than half an hour, the artillery here was almost completely shot clean, and the artillery positions that were vital to the port fell into the hands of the Germans.

There is no easy feeling in Malister’s mind. It is not difficult to capture the artillery position. The difficulty is how to hold it firmly.

He ordered his team members to quickly clean up the battlefield and use the radio to rush to Ernst. Marshal Breem reported on the situation here.

When he was busy, the phone in the artillery headquarters rang, and Malister used the gun to point the captured Soviet Red Army artillery colonel. The colonel looked quite ugly and grabbed the phone: “I am Jetta.” Colonel Steve, ah, nothing. There have been some misunderstandings here. It doesn’t matter, things have been dealt with…”

Just as the Malister took a sigh of relief, Colonel Jetasov yelled at the phone: “German-German has occupied this place!”

“Sudden”, the sound of Malister’s gunshots behind him, Colonel Jetasf holding the phone fell.

Malister smiled, and although it will be discovered sooner or later, he still wants to use the Russian colonel to get as much time as possible for himself, but now it seems that this idea has become less practical.

At most within an hour, the Russians will figure out what happened here, and then the scale of the port battle will break out here!

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