The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 701. The anger of Comrade Stalin, floating astronomy

“Comrade Dimitriv Illiyanko, what is the current situation in the city?”!

“Very good.” Dimitriv Illiyanko immediately replied: “The military and civilian morale is high, and we firmly believe that under your leadership, we can also win the second Moscow defending war. Of course, the unsettled shakers also exist. Under your guidance, we arrested and executed a large number of apostates and attempted apostates.

“Very good, the war is coming, we must turn Moscow into a big melting pot, throw all the traitors and our enemies into it and melt it.” Stalin nodded with satisfaction: “So, you are so anxious to see me.” Is there anything particularly important, Comrade Dimitriv Illiyanko?”

“Yes, and very urgent.” Dimitriv Illiyanko immediately said: “I know that you will visit the Moscow First Tractor Plant tomorrow, but according to our practical information, a despicable murder is quietly going on…”

Stalin’s face changed.

The most fearful thing in his life was his own murder, and in order to avoid murder, the security guards around him were so simple that they didn’t leak, but even then, Stalin felt that he was surrounded by enemies.

So when he heard that a murder was happening to him, the anger in Stalin’s heart was ignited: “Arrest them immediately, all shot!”

“For the time being we can’t catch them…”

When he said this, Dimitriv Illiyanko noticed that Stalin’s face changed again and said in a hurry: “This enemy is very embarrassed. I learned this conspiracy in a very accidental situation. I am preparing When they were arrested, the enemy was very strange. It seemed that they had learned the news in advance and fled. General Secretary Comrade, knowing that the arrest was carried out very secretly, even if the players involved in the operation did not know that they were going to catch Who is the target of the arrest, I told them until the departure, so there is no traitor in the team.

Stalin understood it: “Please tell me, who did you say this thing besides your accident?”

Beria hesitated, and said: “Comrade Beria…”

“Who? Who are you talking about?” Stalin’s eyebrows bounced.

“Luffian Ji. Bavlovich. Comrade Beria.”

Stalin simply did not believe that Beria might be the traitor!

Beria was born in a small town near Sukhumi, the capital of Abkhazia, Georgia. Her parents are farmers. After graduating from the technical school, he joined Leninist Bolshevik in Baku in 1917 3. In 1920 year, Beria joined the Cheka and formed an indissoluble bond with the anti-rebel and defense work. Cheka was the first political police organization in the Soviet Union. The first leader was Dzerzhinsky, the predecessor of the later KGB.

In 1933, Stalin was assassinated. Beria bravely covered Stalin with his body. The assassin was killed on the spot, indicating Beria’s love and loyalty to Stalin.

In 1938 year, Beria began to be responsible for the huge military organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with several divisions and hundreds of thousands of security workers. Beria rebuilt the foreign intelligence network that suffered major damage and consolidated the Soviet Union. After the outbreak of the German-Soviet War, Beria made a due contribution. He was a member of the National Defense Commission of the highest authority of the wartime state. He had a lot of work, from intelligence, diplomacy, organization and construction of fortifications, factory evacuation to weapons production. And enough. He did a lot of work to defend Stalin.

During the first Moscow defending period, he stayed away from Stalin. Beria’s superior ability to work has made him a member of the Politburo in a few years. . . . . .

If Beria is a traitor, then there is no more person to believe.

I thought that Stalin’s expression was very serious: “Comrade Dimitriv Illiyanko, I must seriously warn you, Comrade Beria is not a member of the Politburo, but also your immediate boss. At the same time, he has made great contributions to the party. If you do such a fall without any evidence, you will be severely prosecuted!”

Dimitriv Illiyanko didn’t have the slightest fear: “I also hope that this is not true, but, General Secretary Comrade, your upcoming inspection route to the First Tractor Plant is usually made a few minutes before your departure, is it?”

Stalin nodded, this is a habit of him. This is the most likely way to avoid those who attempt to assassinate themselves and know the route in advance to target the assassination.

Even his own substitute guards did not know until then.

“Comrade Beria is personally responsible for your safety.” Dimitriv Illiyanko immediately said, “When you decide which route to take, he will arrange the safety on that road. Please allow me to assume that he is an enemy, then he It will be the only person around you who has the opportunity to get in touch with the outside world and tell the assassins as soon as possible. Even though the time is very hasty, there is a chance to let the enemy make some arrangements, right?”

“Go on,” Stalin said coldly.

“Yes, Comrade General Secretary.” Dimitriv Illiyanko adjusted his breath: “Your safety represents whether the Soviets can win, I know that you suspect my information, then we can confirm it. I suggest you cancel tomorrow immediately. Visit to the first tractor factory, but don’t say to anyone, especially Comrade Beria…”

Stalin quickly understood what Dimitriv Illiyanko wanted to do.

If Stalin leaves the Kremlin, Beria will know that Stalin will finally decide to take the route and make corresponding arrangements ten minutes in advance. Well, assuming that Stalin was attacked on the road, Beria was indeed the only one who had the opportunity to pass on the information.

Just arrange a fake trip and use Stalin’s secret substitute, then everything will be clear. . . . . .

“What are you doing during this time?” Stalin asked suddenly.

Dimitriv Illiyanko calmly said: “From now on, I ask you to secretly seize me and not allow me to have any connection with the outside world. If I finally prove that my judgment is wrong, then I beg you to shoot me to warn us in the party. Comrade!”

Stalin nodded silently: “I accept your request… Comrade Dimitriv Illiyanko, even if you finally prove that your suspicions are wrong, you will not be punished, you are very good at showing loyalty to me. “”

Dimitriv Illiyanko has a long sigh of relief. . . . . . Now that you have done what you have to do, look at the Baron Skulls.

The only thing that he couldn’t understand was how did the Skulls Baron know about Stalin’s travel route?

Is it possible for Baron Skulls to have a side that is not known by Stalin?

It’s really incredible if this is the case. . . . . .

Violet Light Military Base.

Wang Weizhen sat comfortably there, holding a cup of steaming tea and taking a sip from time to time.

Of course, he can’t know which route Stalin will take, but Xiao Ling can closely monitor it. Once the Kremlin team starts, the base will send Wang Weizhen to the road for “ambush” in the first time.

Even if Stalin was smarter, he couldn’t think of himself doing a contest with a powerful base. . . . . .

“The team appeared and the target was captured…” Xiao Ling quickly found the goal: “I will follow the team and finally determine the position…”

Wang Weizhen picked up the gun around him and stood up: “Four-Knifes Elena, we have a job…”

Guo Yenfeng and Elena smiled at each other. This mission is not really dangerous. Just put a few shots and you can retreat.

It seems that the role of the base is not only in the war. If you want to frame a person, the base can also play a great role.

God knows how the embarrassing idea of ​​”The Drifter” came up. . . . . .

Unfortunately, Wang Weizhen’s goal this time is not Beria, otherwise Beria will not be able to explain even if he is full of mouth.

“Azimuth is determined, start transmitting now…”

Two minutes later, the base arrived at the ambush site and Wang Weizhen, Guo Yenfeng and Elena were sent to the base.

Avoiding an abandoned factory building, Wang Weizhen aimed at the following: “In fact, sometimes we go to be an assassin is also a very promising job. Hey, we have Xiao Ling ・You can master the target of assassination anytime, anywhere, I I think we will make a fortune.”

Guo Yenfeng and Elena are too lazy to pay attention to this guy’s gibberish. . . . . .

The Baron Skulls is treated as a whole in Europe, but in the hearts of Guo Yenfeng and Elena, “The Drifter” is a guy who likes to be full of brains and unrealistic fantasy.

Of course, sometimes it will be very ugly.

“Come on!” With the voice of Xiao Ling, the three men immediately took up the weapon.

A train team appeared. When the car appeared in the shooting range, three light machine guns fired at the same time, and the bullets were spilled on the car. . . . . .

“Task is completed, retreat!” Even without a bullet that was empty, Wang Weizhen has issued such an order: “Xiao Ling, take us out!”

The magical assassination took place at this time.

The car was hit by a sudden fire, and the passengers inside the horse cell were all killed.

The guards were in a mess, and they certainly couldn’t know that it was a substitute for Stalin in this car. . . . . .

The entire Guard was completely chaotic. . . . . .

When Dimitriv Illiyanko was released, he saw Comrade Stalin, who was afraid of humanity.

“Your judgment is completely accurate.” Stalin’s anger was completely written on his face: “Just a few minutes ago, I got a call and my team was attacked. I was supposed to be in the car I was riding. There is no living person…”

Dimitriv Illiyanko’s face also showed “panic”: “Fortunately, you are safe.”

“Armorly arrest Beria, right away!” Stalin was almost roaring.

Now, he has no doubts about Begelia’s betrayal.

Besides Beria, who else knows where to travel?

“General Secretary Comrade, please be angry.” Dimitriv Illiyanko said in a hurry: “I believe that there is a huge German spy network behind Beria, and I firmly believe that Beria does not know that she has been exposed, or This will be a very good opportunity to get rid of all our enemies hidden in Moscow…”

Stalin gradually calmed down. He thought about it for a long time with his pipe: “Yes, Comrade Dimitriv Illiyanko, I think your suggestion is very good… Before the war in Moscow, we must put all The potential threat is eradicated… Dimitriv Illiyanko Comrade, can I fully believe in you?”

“Total comrade, I am willing to use your own life to ensure your safety!”!

Stalin now has no doubts about Dimitriv Illiyanko’s loyalty. If he didn’t find the biggest enemy hidden by him in time, God knows what terrible things will happen:

“Comrade Dimitriv Illiyanko. From now on, you will secretly replace Beria’s position and take charge of the entire Ministry of the Interior. I will give you unlimited power. You can go to any place you want to go and arrest anyone you want to arrest. Of course, the premise is that you have to crack the spy network as soon as possible…”

Dimitriv Illiyanko is very excited. He knows how important this power Stalin has given him.

If it were not for Russia to face failure, he would not hesitate to regard Stalin as his benefactor.

But the Skulls Baron is also right, Stalin can give himself this power and can be recovered anytime, anywhere. And once Tiemu Xinge is gone, Stalin will certainly have doubts.

The current situation is just a wrong decision made by Stalin in the face of incomparable anger. . . . . .

When Marshal Zhukov came in, he saw Dimitriv Illiyanko coming out. Zhukov was a bit strange: “Comrade Stalin, Dimitriv Illiyanko, what happened in the past two days? There are always some rushes…”

“He just cracked a huge conspiracy group…” Stalin simply replied.

He decided not to tell Zhukov what happened. Even Beria, who used to lay down his own bullets, can betray himself. Who can guarantee that others don’t want to murder themselves?

At this time, Zhukov was completely another idea, and he couldn’t help but hit a beggar. . . . . .

“A huge conspiracy group.” . . . . . What a familiar name, such words have appeared countless times during the big cleaning. . . . . .

“Comrade Zhukov, how is your deployment?”

Stalin’s words interrupted Zhukov’s thoughts: “Comrade Stalin, the Moscow Defence War is still in the process of being laid out, but the preparations to protect you from leaving Moscow are ready, you can leave at any time.”

Can you leave at any time? Stalin remembered another question. . . . . .

Since a simple visit to the tractor factory can be assassinated, then from Moscow to Leningrad? Are there more opportunities for assassins?

Moreover, at least two million troops in Moscow are protecting themselves in Leningrad?

Why is Zhukov so passionate about leaving Moscow?

When the Berea incident occurred, Stalin again began to doubt everyone around him.

Even including Zhukov, who is extremely trusting. . . . . . Have you ever been untrustworthy to Beria?

Thinking of this, Stalin said slowly: “Comrade Zhukov, after careful consideration, I decided to leave Moscow.

“What? Have you changed your mind?” Zhukov was a little surprised.

“Yes, I changed my mind.” Stalin answered very firmly: “As the supreme leader of the Soviets, when the enemy attacked our capital, I must not leave my combat position. So I will stay here and command. The Soviet soldiers and civilians went to win the victory in Moscow!”

Zhukov is anxious: “But it is not safe here…”

“No, there is no safe place!” Stalin categorically interrupted Zhukov’s words: “Is Leningrad safe code? Is it true that Leningrad’s enemies will not attack? Comrade Zhukov, this is my final decision.”

Zhukov has some helplessness: “Since you have already done this, I can’t change it. But I still ask you to think twice.”

“There will be no new changes.” Stalin tried to make his tone sound calmer: “Comrade Zhukov, please go to your post and do what you should do.”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin.”

Georgy. Konstantinovic. Zhukov, 1915 XXIX was enlisted in the army, entered the cavalry of the old Russian army, and participated in the First World War. He played for nearly two years on the front line with the Germans, was promoted to a corporal, won two Georgie Cross medals, one was due to the capture of a German officer, one was due to serious injuries Got it.

After all, he was born in the old Russian army, and he was very heroic. Of course, this was for the Tsar. Looking at Zhukov’s back, Stalin was thinking quietly there.

It is said that this man had a head-on confrontation with the Baron Skulls, but the Skulls Baron swayed from the encirclement.

Is it happening by chance, or is someone venting the letter to the Skulls Baron in advance?

It is also said that Zhukov is very loyal to his former Russian officers and has put forward many useful suggestions. As for joining the Soviet Red Army, that is the future.

Didn’t he think that Tsarist Russia was finally overthrown?

Is it a wise choice to give him all the rights to defend the war in Moscow? Or should I personally come and command?

Stalin thought a lot, but at least he can’t make the final determination until now.

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