The latest chapter of the Unlimited Military Base, Volume II: My Country Eighty-six. Interrogation, floating astronomy

Yulin, 1965 year 11 month. !

The air was filled with unpleasant smell of smoke, and the enemy plane had just left the capital of Berlin.

From day to night, the bombing of the enemy is going on almost every day. This beautiful city is suffering all the time.

Almost every minute, everybody dies, but even if the body fills the streets of Berlin, it will not shake the determination of the Berlin people to resist.

This is the capital of Germany and the largest city in Germany. Located in the northeast of Germany, surrounded by the state of Brandenburg. The River Spree and the Havel River pass through the city.

Originally a swamp in the northeastern part of the Elbe, there are two settlements of the Sisla tribe, and Berlin is named Berlin and Cohen. It was not until the 12 century that the Germans expelled the Slavs who settled here, establishing two villages on the banks of the River Spree and following their Slavic name. Built in 1237 year, on the eastern bank of the River Spree, Berlin is a gathering place for merchants. Cohen is located on the west bank of the River Spree and is a fishing village. In 1307, Berlin and Cohen were combined into one city, named Berlin, which became an important commercial center under the rule of the Aska family. In the 14 century, Berlin joined the Baltic and the important commercial alliance of the Nordic countries – the Hanseatic League. But Berlin at this time was only a barren town in the frontiers of the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1411 year, Frederick, a Hohenzollern from the southwestern region of Germany, served as the border governor, calming the war in the region and becoming the electorate of Brandenburg. Since 1415, Berlin has been the capital of the Brandenburg Elector. 1640 years to 1688 years, Frederick. William I pioneered Berlin’s cultural and artistic prosperity, built the palace, the armory, the church and the Potsdam Palace, and won Berlin the “Athens on the Spree”.

Berlin has never experienced war. She was occupied by Austrian and Russian troops in the Seven Years of War and was occupied by French troops in 1806. But the city has not been seriously damaged.

However, this time it is different. When a large-scale weapon is used on the battlefield, any urban offensive and defensive battle is enough to make a beautiful city into a ruin.

But even then, even under the endless attacks of the enemy, the Germans never gave up their determination to defend the city. . . . . .

This is Paul, one of the outstanding marshals of Germany. General Hauser is no longer clear.

Standing on the balcony, he quietly looked at Berlin, who had just been devastated, but he was very proud. Have you seen such a tenacious city?

He is old, but his heart is as strong as all Germans. When an enemy with a bayonet appears in the city one day, he will fight them like a normal warrior!

This is the last thing a German veteran can do. . . . . .

“Marshal, General Ludwig is here.”

“Oh, know me, tell him I will come out soon.” Paul. Hauser sorted out the clothes and slowly came to the living room.

“Marshal, seeing your body is still good. This is our luck.” When the marshal came out, General Ludwig stood up and said.

“I can’t do it. I’m afraid I can’t get spring.” Paul. Marshal Hausser let General Ludwig sit down: “I hope the war is over in the spring.”

“End with the victory of Germany!” Ludwig said, raising his voice.

Paul . Marshal Hausser laughed, and Ludwig was always full of confidence no matter when it was.

“General Ludwig, have you heard about what happened at the base of Constance?”

“Yes, Marshal, I have already heard of it.” Ludwig quickly replied: “The head of Kilmer attempted to take the command of the Baron Guard of the Constance Base.”

“What do you think of this thing?” Paul. Marshal Hausser asked slowly.

Ludwig’s answer did not hesitate: “Marshal, that is the guardian formed by the Adolf.Hitler heads of state, out of the committee and the baron himself, no one can mobilize the Baron Guard to do anything. Their only task is to protect the Constance base. To this end, each of them has already prepared for the dedication! I think Marshal Bunkerley is also thinking about it.”

“Yes, Marshal Bunkerley and all of us have the same idea.” Paul. The voice of Marshal Hausser became low: “A lot of things were very strange before and after the outbreak of the war. Something that should not have happened happened. This also caused a rapid failure of Germany. This was not possible before. Imagine things. I think there must be some answers that we don’t know yet. And there are not many people on the committee who are still alive, Marshal Manstein and Marshal Moddle are transferred to the front line. I am seriously ill, you are again No longer asking about things, only a Marshal Bunkerley is still there to support it. At this time, someone has raised the brains of the Baron Guard. Don’t you feel strange?”

“Marshal, you mean to say that we are…”

Ludwig’s words have not been finished yet. Marshal Hausser interrupted: “General Ludwig, don’t doubt anyone before there is solid evidence. One person seems to be the key to solving these mysteries, Colonel Carl. Kiess.”

“Where is he now?”

“I am not very clear, it is said that I have entered Berlin…” Paul. Hauser frowned. “I have sent it out and tried to figure out the whereabouts of Colonel Kiess. General Ludwig, I know that although you don’t care about anything, you still have a lot of power. I am old and sick. The following big picture should be supported by you.”

“Yes, Marshal, I will find Colonel Kiess.”

Paul . Marshal Hausser opened the radio: “Major Major has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He miraculously resisted several times his own enemy in Brest for four days and four nights… Moyol The school has disintegrated the command of the Nordland Fighting Corps, and the miracle will inevitably continue to be produced in the Lieutenant Colonel…”

The room was so quiet and there was no sound at all. For a long time, Ludwig suddenly said: “Marshal, since the appearance of Major Moyol, I have heard of his magical story many times. Do you know what I think of?”

“It’s the same as I thought.” Paul. Marshal Hausser said faintly.

“But how can this happen?” Ludwig said slyly.

“General Ludwig, do you believe in the power of faith?” Paul. Marshal Hausser smiled there: “If a person has no faith, he will live like a dead. Miracles happen every day, but some can be seen, some can’t be seen. Think about it. In 1942, how did he appear when all of us were desperate?”

Ludwig certainly remembers, and will never forget what happened in 1942 year. . . . . .

The German soldiers stood up, and they curiously watched Sergeant Hans accompanying two people wearing old-fashioned German military uniforms and slowly passing in front of them.

The leader, wearing the old-fashioned German generals, followed him, wearing an old-fashioned German captain’s uniform.

Moreover, this captain still holds a battle flag in his hand!

This is a bloody red flag, a huge white Skulls, located in the middle of the banner, with its hollow, cold eyes watching the world in front!

―Skulls battle flag!

The German officers and men of the Skulls division are no longer familiar, this is the Skulls battle flag!

However, this is not the same as the Skulls flag of the Skulls division. The flag of the Skulls division is a dark red bottom, which is also a tradition of them:

The blood-red Skulls battle flag can only be used by the Skulls Commando!

Who are they? Why is it so young? Where did they come from? Why wear such an old-fashioned military uniform?

The huge Skulls battle flag is held high in the hands of the captain, like a faithful guard, protected by the young general.

The officers and men found the medal worn by the general on his chest, which was dazzling:

Big Iron Cross, Blue Marx Medal, First Class Iron Cross. . . . . .

On that day, everyone thought that he no longer appeared. The miracle of that day came to the Skulls division; that day, Ludwig will never forget the eternal life. . . . . .

“He always brings us miracles when we are desperate, isn’t it?” Marshal Hausser still smiled faintly: “So no matter what happens in the future, I will not be surprised. I have been telling my friends that even if the enemy position scores in Berlin, don’t be afraid, he must Will come back to help us.

“I want to go back to the front line to marshal.” Ludwig sighed: “I still want to fight side by side with him.”

“I think too, but we have more things to do in Berlin.” Paul. The mood of Marshal Hausser seems to have become a little excited, but he has even controlled himself very well: “Never forget our responsibility, forever!”

Ludwig nodded silently.

At the very least, the seeds of hope have sprouted in their hearts. . . . . .

“Colonel Carl.Kiess.”

“Yes, it is me. What about you? Who are you?”

“Oliver.” Lasoco. You can call me Oliver.”

“Mr. Oliver, what other departments do you represent on behalf of the Intelligence Bureau?”

“Ah, I only represent myself, Colonel Kiess.” Oliver poured a cup of coffee to Colonel Kiess: “I have some questions to ask you, I hope you can answer me truthfully.”

Colonel Kiess took the coffee: “Mr. Oliver, I can’t answer any of your questions until I have confirmed your identity.”

“Oh, our start is not pleasant.” Oliver shrugged and then handed out a document to Colonel Kiess: “I didn’t want to disclose my identity, but in order to gain your trust, I have to. Tell you who I am.”

Colonel Kiess only glanced at the documents and his eyes twitched: “Well, General Oliver, now your identity can be determined. What do you want to ask me?”

“Tell me all about you.” Oliver collected the documents: “Every detail. It is said that you have a secret information in your hand. The enemy will not interrogate you anyway. I am not interested. I want to know this. What is the information?”

“There is no secret information.” Colonel Kiess smiled. “That was just that after I was captured, I was made up to confuse the enemy in order to survive.”

“You still don’t trust me…” Oliver didn’t care too much: “According to our clues, you have a very important piece of information in your hands, and even this information is enough for the status quo in Germany.” Here is in Berlin, although the enemy is still safe to attack here. And I, a German general, a person with a lot of power, is the only one who can protect you. What are you worried about?”

Colonel Kiess smiled again: “I am worried about many things. For example, will I be assassinated? For example, is General Oliver Sokko in front of me an enemy spy? Ah, of course, I am joking. General, I really don’t have any intelligence.”

Oliver sighed in disappointment: “I heard that you are a strong person, and before a member of a qualified intelligence officer, you have experienced countless cruel training, such as how to deal with terrible trials. Ah Americans must Have you done a lot of torture?”

Colonel Kiess nodded: “Yes, unimaginable torture…”

“Those wicked interrogators…” Oliver said with sympathy, then poured a cup of hot coffee for himself, and came to Colonel Kiess in front of him: “But sometimes, I interrogate The way is even more terrible than the Americans.”

After that, the cup of hot coffee in his hand was poured on the face of Colonel Kiess.

Colonel Kiess made a miserable cry and slammed his face on the ground with pain.

Oliver looked at the unhappy body on the ground indifferently: “Please forgive me, Colonel Kiess, I personally do not want to do this for you, but this is related to the survival of Germany, so I received a hot order, no matter What kind of method must also let you speak.”

Colonel Kiess stood up and his face was burnt. Some places had blisters quickly. He endured the pain of the heart, put the fallen chair down, and then sat back again: “I am again You stressed that I don’t have any important information. I didn’t have it in the past. I don’t have it now.”

Oliver gave himself a cigarette, took a slow breath, and then made a color, two of his men came over quickly, and held Colonel Kiess.

The cigarette butt in Oliver’s hand came to the face of Colonel Kiess: “Do you really stop thinking about it? Colonel?”

Colonel Kiess knew what the other party wanted to do, but he smiled miserably: “General, I actually thought of it now. I said it, you will kill me soon, because you got what you want, I have no use for you anymore. But I don’t say anything, maybe there is still a chance to live…”

“So, you just admit that there is a piece of information we hope to get.” Oliver shook his head. “I suddenly think that you are stupid. Anyway, you have to say it sooner or later, why bother to suffer this kind of pain?”

His cigarette butt was pressed hard on the blisters on Colonel Kiess’s face. . . . . .

The screams sounded here again and again, and Colonel Kiess suffered torture again and again. But Oliver used all the methods and couldn’t make the strong Colonel Kiess tell the secrets.

Faced with scars, Colonel Kiess, whose face was tortured to the point that he couldn’t tell the truth, Oliver was a bit poor. He hates the earthly: “Colonel, tomorrow, our new instrument will arrive, this is a wonderful instrument, which will let you tell the whole truth immediately. Ah, I hope that tomorrow you will be so strong.”

Colonel Kiess looked at him and said nothing. . . . . .

Colonel Kiess was locked in a completely sealed room, quietly, with no sound at all. The wounds on his face and body are constantly afflicting him.

He almost couldn’t support it today, and almost all the secrets were offered, as long as Oliver could torture him for half an hour.

He knows that he can’t support tomorrow anyway. Tomorrow, I will certainly not be able to confess in the face of cruel punishment.

He sighed and knew what he should do.

“Major, thank you for your help… There are several enemy spies in the German high-level, but I can’t tell you their names. But I need you to remember one thing, if I have any accidents, Somewhere in the 317 room at the Berlin Hostel, there are some people’s names, where you can find clues…”

At least, he still has a glimmer of hope that the magical Major Moyol may be able to take this information to someone who can truly be trusted.

Colonel Kiess tore his underwear and found a small pill from it. This pill has never been found by Americans or Oliver. This is also his last choice in the face of desperation.

He didn’t want to die, but the precious and precious information must not fall into the hands of the enemy, and must not be destroyed by those who betrayed Germany.

Major Moyol, Major Moyol, must rely on you alone, and the information will be available to capture all the pests inside Germany. This is your responsibility.

Colonel Kiess put the pill in his mouth. He did everything that a German soldier should do, and he has no more regrets.

Goodbye, the country I love!

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