The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 841. Mission, floating astronomy

Now, Americans can clearly know that Ibor will never surrender.

Moreover, they still have very favorable weapons in their hands. The captured US officers and men have finally worried about the unscrupulous bombing of the Americans.

Moreover, it is said that in the frontal battlefield of Berlin, the Germans also began to counterattack under the command of Baron Alexson, and the German legendary Skulls division is approaching Ibor, trying to rescue the troops trapped here.

This made Badger Commodore worried. Fortunately, Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland personally gave him orders. The Army’s 11 and 12 divisions are also moving closer to Ibor. It is necessary to annihilate Skulls and Novo in Ibohr. DeLand Fighting Group.

This added a lot of confidence to Badger Commodore, and the power of the offense was quickly strengthened. . . . . .

The German reinforcements are moving closer, and the US reinforcements are also moving closer. Now, whoever gets there is a crucial point.

Ibour was once again shrouded in the shouting of the earth. . . . . .

“How many roads are there from Ibor?”

“Marshal, there is still a day.”

“It’s too slow.” Wang Weizhen frowned. “Command all the troops to accelerate.”

“Yes, Marshal, I am leaving your order immediately.”

The situation is not particularly optimistic. Behind the buttocks, there are a lot of chasing soldiers. In the sky, the US military’s planes are constantly appearing, and the endless bombing has seriously hindered the speed of the Skulls division.

A few black spots appeared again in the distance, it was the American plane. . .

Wang Weizhen is a little annoyed: “Xiao Ling, I need to move forward without any scruples, kill me those nasty mosquitoes in the air!”

“Yes, the base plane will arrive in three minutes…”

“Command, regardless of the plane, go forward at full speed!” Wang Weizhen re-examined from the command tower of Tank and made a loud order.

The US military’s planes are close, they are not worried about any attacks. This is the world of the US Air Force!

It is said that in Berlin, the German Air Force, once thought to be annihilated, took off again and achieved brilliant results, but for this group of American pilots, they did not worry about this situation.

The planes were getting closer to the Skulls division, but when they were about to bomb, the American pilots suddenly saw something that made them stunned:

A group of German fighters appeared!

Yes, they vowed that they did not read it wrong. It was really a group of German fighters, and there were as many as nine!

Oh, God! The formation of the five US military planes did not expect to have such a terrible thing here. . . . . .

The German fighters who had rushed to the air did not have too much stop and immediately plunged into the attack on the enemy plane.

Regardless of the number and performance of the aircraft, the US military formations were not the opponents of the German fighter formations. The first two hands and two American planes immediately became the souls of the air.

The remaining three American planes evaded the enemy’s attack while rushing to retreat from the battlefield. . . . . .

“We are under attack, we are being attacked!” The little screaming on the long plane screamed: “The German plane, yes, I am not mistaken, it is a German plane!”

This is the last sentence that Teresa said in this world. . . . . .

The ground commander only heard a “bang” and then there was no sound. . . . . .

“The second lieutenant was hit, and the ensign was hit!

God, he has no chance to skydiving. “This is the voice of Sergeant Fuke Sergeant: “The Germans have launched new fighters and new fighters! Damn, we have no chance at all! ”

Then, the voice of Sergeant Fuke disappeared. . . . . .

The scene that makes Americans unbelievable still happens here:

There are five American warplanes. No one can survive. . . . . .

The German Air Force was not annihilated at all. . . . .

On the ground, the officers and men of the Skulls who witnessed the Air Force’s heroic battles made a huge cheer.

They don’t know where these German warplanes came from. They don’t know why the German Air Force, which had been disappearing for a long time, continues to show its power here, but it has nothing to do with them. They just need to know that the heroic German Air Force They are continuing to perform their use and do their best to protect the German airspace!

General Kenner couldn’t help but look at the “Leopard” Tank. He is convinced that this must be a new miracle staged by Marshal Ernst!

Where the baron appears, there are always countless miracles. . . . . .

“The fighter formation will continue to escort for you.” Xiao Ling’s faint voice came: “It is until you reach Ibor. The base aircraft is on standby.”

“I think that Americans can’t dream of who they are fighting with…”

Wang Weizhen and Richtofen in Tank look at each other. . . . . .

“General, the Americans are coming!”

“Cannon fire attack!” Guo Yenfeng coldly said: “All gunfire, aiming at the US military, firing!”

Ibour’s cannon made a deafening roar, and the shells ruthlessly slammed into the enemy. In the bursts of explosions, American soldiers were constantly rushing into the sky with huge waves.

Wait until he. When it came down, the body had already been blown apart. !

This allowed the American soldiers in the attack to constantly curse the damn guys of Colonel Guy and the 30 Strengthening Infantry Regiment. These cursed people not only lost Ibour, but also handed over so many weapons and ammunition to the enemy.

It is relying on the weapons and ammunition of the Americans. Although Ibor seems to be in jeopardy, the city is still stubbornly in the hands of the Germans.

After the artillery bombardment, the soldiers of the Nordland Fighting Corps, the armed combatants of the Elder Combat Brigade, all entered their positions.

The Tank and armored vehicles, which were also seized from the US military, became the most reliable mobile fortress.

Guo Yenfeng feels that he really should be good, thank you Colonel Gay. . . . . .

Mortars, machine guns and grenades began to speak at the same time, and Ibor, who was shrouded in smoke, was showing her tenacious vitality.

Gunshots and explosions filled the entire battlefield, and the pungent smell of smoke made the attacking and defending parties accustomed to it. Even including those bodies and blood, they all become insensitive.

Since the war has come, then there is no way to escape. . . . . .

“General, I just received the telegram from the Baron, and the Skulls division is about to arrive at Ibor!” The excited Fels appeared in the wheelchair on the front line.

“I know, I said that the Baron will arrive on time.” Guo Erenfeng is not surprised at all these news. In the Baron’s numerous battles, he never abandoned his companion.

“General General Fels, let Ibol’s civilians prepare for retreat!” Guo Yenfeng issued his own order: “When the baron’s reinforcements arrive, our mission here is completed, and the big retreat will begin soon. They must be told that once they retreat, we will no longer be able to serve as a cover for civilians.”

“Yes, the generals, I have set up a retreat route and a hiding place for them.” Fells raised his voice in the cannon: “I think the attention of Americans will be completely attracted to us. They have no time to take care of the civilians!”

“General Fells, you are also ready to evacuate…” Guo Yenfeng looked at the messy Iber: “The city was completely destroyed.”

1. Furs looked a little bleak. Yes, the city has been completely destroyed. . . . . . Once, this is how beautiful and how quiet the city is.

“We will be back, Iber will certainly be able to rebuild.” Guo Yenfeng smiled and said: “Trust me, General Fells.”

Fells’s mouth showed some smiles, and as long as the baron returns, what kind of miracles will happen. . . . . .

The US military has attacked again and again. Ibour under the gunfire is like a boat in the ocean. It will be drowned by waves at any time, but this tenacious city has fought with the wind and waves.

As long as the order to retreat is not released, they will be nailed here like nails!

Badger Commodore was annoyed at what was happening in front of him. He really couldn’t figure out why he faced such a tough enemy.

Obviously occupying an absolute advantage, but the final blow is never realized. . . . . .

“The command of the general commander-in-chief.” Lieutenant Colonel Kars came to his side and said in a low voice: “The Air Force will take off again and re-explode Ibour.”

“What? Re-launching?” Badger Commodore was taken aback: “What about those prisoners?”

“The order is not clearly stated, but I think I can understand the meaning of the General Command…” Lieutenant Colonel Kars said in a lower voice: “The Skulls division is very close to here, and our The reinforcements have not arrived yet, I think the General Command is preparing to give up Colonel Guy and his men. By the end of the war, we can completely shirk our responsibilities to the Germans. We are the winners, no matter what we say. No one doubts…”

Badger Commodore has a long sigh, yeah. Maybe this is the best way to take it now. . . . . .

The Americans made a desperate attempt and the plane reappeared in the sky.

They no longer care about the life and death of those captives. . . . . .

The bomb whistling and falling, and Iber, who had not calmed down for a long time, was hit hard again.

Countless houses that had been flattened long ago were once again attacked by bombs. And those unlucky American prisoners have no chance to escape.

Fairs faithfully recorded all this, and by the end of the war he had to tell everyone the truth!

He wants the world to know what Westmoreland has done here, what the Americans have done here. He wants the whole world to know the American prisoners, not in the hands of the Germans, but in the bombardment of their own hands!

However, the re-emergence of American aircraft is even more unfavorable for the Germans who were already under heavy pressure.

Casualties began to increase suddenly. . . . . .

“The terrible thing is still happening…” Major Mario had the same idea as General Fells. He had to record it all and tell everyone what happened here:

“I saw the prisoners of war. My compatriots screamed and died under the bombardment of their own people. They avoided helplessly, but they could not escape the bomb attack. Sadly, it is our own people who killed them. And what gives them help is what we call the enemy… Where is the justice of this battle? Who is it! 艚 represents the party of justice?”!

The bombing is still going on. . . . . . The body and blood of that place are slowly telling all the terrible things happening here. . . . . .

Guo Yenfeng is like a rock. No matter how crazy the enemy’s bombing, he can’t shake him.

He knew that the Baron was approaching him and knew that the reinforcements would arrive soon, and all he had to do was to firmly control Ibour in his own hands.

The machine guns on the position were beating vigorously, and the bombs exploded on the side of the machine gunners, which could not cause them to shake any fear.

The beach hand and the throwing hand desperately threw the rockets and grenades at the enemy, and their faces were so sturdy.

A thrower fell, and soon his companion took his grenade and threw it out.

Everyone here is working hard; here, everyone does not know what to give up; everyone here is ready to die!

As long as they do not receive a retreat order, they will not leave the position.

This is the mission of a German soldier for their mission!

The appearance of an annoying plane wave, a wave of departure, but not much time, the new wave of aircraft will again appear in the sky of Ibor.

“If we have our own air force, it would be fine…” Lamppton snorted and stared at the sky.

Suddenly, he seems to have seen some black spots flying in the distance. Captain Lampton thought that the fierce battle was dazzling, and he blinked.

Ah, there is nothing wrong with it, there are some black spots that are approaching quickly. And Lampd went to see it and it was a flying formation.

Is it American? No, it’s not right from the direction. Is the German Air Force? Ah, it is unlikely that the main force of the German Air Force has heard that it has been eliminated.

Nearly, the flight formation is closer. . . . . . Fierce, Lampu boarded up and heard the excitement of the soldiers around him shouting out: “Look at our plane!”

Captain Lampton did not believe this at all. He took the telescope and looked at the sky. For a moment, ecstasy and incredible looks appeared on the face of the captain.

correct! The soldiers said nothing wrong! That is our plane – the German Air Force!

German Air Force – participate in the war!

What annoyed the Americans happened. The German Air Force, which had been thought to have been annihilated, reappeared on the battlefield. And their aircraft performance is far ahead of the US Air Force.

Those German fighters, like a group of airborne wolves, rushed to the enemy plane, and then the weapons on the fighter plane began to fire unrelentingly.

This is a punishment for the Americans – since you think you can control the sky with impunity, then let you know the terrible death!

One after another, the American plane was shot down, and the rest of the rushed to escape. Those American pilots, like the former Turner Lieutenant, did not know where these German fighters came from!

They cursed the commanders on the ground, cursing the intelligence, and cursing all the damn things.

In Ibor, it was the cheer of the Germans surpassing the waves.

How many times have you not seen the air force of the fighter? And when his own fighter reappears, that great joy is difficult to describe in words. . . . . .

“Is this our plane?” It has been until now that Fells still can’t believe it.

“It’s our plane.” Guo Yenfeng undoubtedly told Fells the answer: “There is nothing impossible in the place where the baron appears.”

“Oh, yes, there is nothing impossible in the place where the baron appears.” Fels repeated Guo Yenfeng’s words.

At this point, the mood of the two parties is completely different. The Germans are cheering, and the Americans are depressed to the extreme.

The biggest advantage they have now is also defeated. The only thing the American pilots can do in the sky is the embarrassing escape, the embarrassing escape from this battlefield, or the embarrassing being shot down.

The German fighters who had killed the American aircraft quickly attacked the US ground forces without hesitation.

What the hell is going on!

Badger Commodore was staring at everything that happened in front of him. He couldn’t understand how the war went into such a situation. Is the omnipotent Skulls Baron really coming back? However, even if the Skulls Baron really returns, where did he get the plane?

Now it is an airplane, then next time? What will the baron do to make the Allies fear?

The Allies can still win, can the Allies also lay Berlin? At this moment, the confidence of Badger Commodore has been seriously shaken.

“They are coming.” At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Charles came to Badger Commodore with a gloomy look.

“Who is here?” Badger Commodore didn’t understand it for a while.

“German reinforcements, Skulls division.” Lieutenant Colonel Charles said the most worrying words: “Their leaders have already engaged in a fire with us. Generals, our reinforcements have not yet arrived, the situation will change. “”

Badger Commodore’s head “boom” exploded.

Now, he must face a tough challenge!

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