The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 384. Sisters in flight, floating astronomy

Ibra’s big retreat began. !

The Nordland Fighting Corps and all the Germans in Ibor have successfully completed their missions. Now, this almost completely destroyed city has to be temporarily abandoned.

Giving up is for the future return; giving up is for the future reconstruction.

Every German is convinced of this.

The first to evacuate were the German civilians who almost gave up everything they had here. Ernst . Marshal Breem told each of them:

Going to Berlin, every German who can continue to fight goes to Berlin! No matter what difficulties they encounter on the road, the capital of Germany needs them.

The baron personally acted as the mission of the temple.

He is always doing the same thing and never fears. What he worried about was only the civilians who fled.

In fact, not only in Ibor, but also in the various cities in Germany, German refugees fleeing everywhere. They were confused, they didn’t know what Germany would be like tomorrow. But when they heard that Baron Alexson had returned, they had a clear goal:

Berlin – to Berlin – only Berlin is where they finally settled. . . . . .

No one can stop their pace, no one can stop the realization of their dreams. Just like the two sisters Bruce and Avril from Bremen.

Their parents died under the bombardment of the enemy. Now, only they are left to each other. And their destination is the same as all Germans:

Berlin !

That would be the place where their dreams start again, it will be the place where they can find peace of mind, and it is the only place where they can go. . . . . .

They woke up at dawn and were ready to go. This is already the third day of their walk. The war has caused them to deviate from the established route. Their progress is somewhat slow, so they set off early and hope to have more roads. The god of luck once again looked after them. A farmer drove him through his carriage and took them on a journey, about six or seven kilometers away. They sat on the carriage, their feet dangling on the edge of the carriage, enjoying the need The pleasure and luxury of walking.

After the farmer put them off, they went on foot. Whenever they hear the sound of military or artillery, they will pounce on the ditch along the road or crawl under the cover of the woods. Once, after the air raid, Bruce was preparing to struggle to stand up, only to find that Avril was giggling, because Bruce was too hard to fall on the grass, his face was dyed pale green by the grass.

The number of pedestrians on the road has gradually increased. Some of them are going to the same place with them. Although they don’t talk casually with strangers, they occasionally move forward with some of them, especially when they recognize the road. There are sometimes wars called “Tank Graves” near the town. It is specially prepared by local residents to block the advancement of the American Tank. Whenever we hear the gun battle, we will curl up and hide in these trenches. There was a particularly fierce battle on the day and they were both scared. Avril wrote in the diary:

“The enemy launched the attack again, they had to go back to the woods. The attack was very fierce. They really didn’t know if they could live. I was thinking, “Is it only?” Is this the end? Will they die here? “Fortunately, they finally escaped without a loss, which made them relieved, but I am still very worried about the future…”

Avril has realized how dangerous their journey is and how dangerous they are to get back to their mothers. When they came out of the woods, I saw a group of soldiers talking to a foreign man who was tall, wearing a dark coat and carrying dangerous signals in the air. A German officer yelled and questioned his identity. “What about your documents?” The officer was obviously angry, and then he took out his pistol from his belt.

Avril moved quickly and wanted to block my sight… but it was too late. I saw the entire process of the officer aiming and shooting at the man. He heard the sound of the pistol shooting and saw that the man’s body slowly fell and fell heavily on the ground. He lay there. Not moving, the blood slowly flowed out of the chest, and finally dyed a blood stain. Avril took her sister’s hand and hurriedly pulled her to her side and continued on her way, but Bruce kept shaking from head to toe.

“Don’t think about it, sister, forget what you see, think about those happy things,” she whispered.

They walked along the road and gradually moved away from the spot where they witnessed the terrible events. Avril began to sing a song. After a while, Bruce also tried to forget the terrible scene I had just seen and sang along with Avril.

On the way they passed a place a few minutes ago on the battlefield. The scene of the horrible and horrible scene is hard to understand. All the soldiers were casualties, and the field ambulance personnel carried the wounded one by one; the Tank and the armed vehicles were scattered everywhere, some of them were still smoking smoke, and some were still burning; the ambulance personnel carried the stretcher everywhere. Raise the wounded soldier, the air is filled with the painful snoring of the soldiers, and occasionally there is a sharp cry from the pain. Some soldiers were kneeling beside the soldiers who did not move, as if they had died.

“What are they doing?” Bruce asked Avril to 2. He confirmed whether those people are still alive. If they have no image of life, they will remove the name cards from these soldiers. All soldiers will hang a chain of good brands around their necks to identify their identity, and if they encounter an accident, they can inform their families in time. ”

Bruce’s eyes widened. “Please, please.” She began to pray, please don’t let them receive any such news, don’t let Dad lay somewhere to let others take his name card and tell them that his mission in this war has been Finished, and will never return to them.

Bruce had been thinking at the time, even now I still think, will these soldiers put the bodies of their comrades and the bodies of enemy soldiers together and bury them in the same grave? In the days that followed, she learned a German proverb: “They mourn the dead, and they have found their peace.”

Whenever this scene appears, she will say this to herself.

They walked out of the battlefield and left the sad place to ease their mood a little. On the way they met two soldiers, fortunately they were on the same road with them and knew which direction they should go. Through their introduction, the sisters knew that they were Mr. Osdman and Stern.

They brought the sisters to the village of Graffinna, a small village near Opelim, where there was a hospital that persuaded the staff in the hospital to provide a room for the sisters to spend the night. They were then taken to a room with only two beds, so the last two soldiers slept in a bed, and Bruce and Avril slept on another bed. At this point, the sisters are very tired, and they know how hard it is to sleep in bed at this time. Especially after sleeping in the deep ditch for a night, they have no extra strength to mind this arrangement. They are also young men with good moral character.

They wear all the clothes and even the boots when they sleep. They say this is very important, because the danger is everywhere, ready to escape. Bruce never stayed in a room with a stranger, feeling that everything was new and interesting, especially when she heard the snoring of one of them, she thought of her father, she heard the voice of her father, but It seems to be a long time ago.

Soon, the sobbing and crying of the wounded soldiers in the hospital ward woke her up. Another memory was lingering in her mind, lingering: bad hygiene, smell of disinfectant, and rupture Blood-stained wounds. Their doors are half open. Maybe it is for emergency escape in times of danger, as the two soldiers said before. The faint light that came in through the corridor occasionally made me see the doctors and nurses who passed by, and they cast shadows on the ground. First, they gradually became bigger and then filled the entire corridor, and then gradually weakened until they finally disappeared. I prayed piously to God, thanking him for not hurting them or experiencing any pain, and slowly she went to sleep again.

There is no doubt more comfortable here than sleeping in the deep ditch, even if she and Avril are huddled in the same single bed. But they still let themselves sleep well, and they set off on the next day. The two men also followed them on the road. The two sisters are very happy to be with them. They all feel safe with them. Although this It is also likely to be an illusion, because their uniforms are more likely to cause the enemy to fire at them than if they were alone. But they believe that even if they are not with them, if the enemy finds them both, they will kill them the same, so there is not much difference.

The journey of this day is still very long. They still have to work hard to avoid the war and the air raids on their heads, so when the town finally appeared in front of them, they all became extremely excited.

Mr. Osdman is quite familiar with the area. “My sister lives in Oberlim….” He said with ecstasy, “I think she will be willing to help you.”

He is right. When they arrived in the town, he took them to his sister’s house, and she was very enthusiastic about arranging for them to spend the night. The house next door to her house was blown up, but the wine stored in the cellar miraculously escaped, and she sent a few bottles of wine to them. The place where they stayed overnight was in the basement of a large villa, where the owner of the house took care of it into a comfortable place to live.

Because it is underground, there is no window in the room, but the layout of the room is very elegant. The family has children, and although the children at home have fallen asleep when they arrive, the owner still gives them their toys. There is also a temporary kitchen with a stove in the basement, and even an underground shower and toilet, each with a yellow duckling embroidered on each towel. Everyone got an inflatable camping mat, pillows and blankets. I and Avril moved their “beds” together into the corner, pulling the curtain around, which is more privacy. Although the space is not large, it is very warm and comfortable, making people feel safe.

Every night, Avril always stays with Bruce until her sister falls asleep. She will also massage her sister’s feet, especially after they have been on the road for a whole day. The feet will always feel heavy and difficult to lift. The hips will also be sore, and Avril will always give her sister some massage to relax the over-stretched muscles. At the same time, Avril always said something to comfort her sister. She is optimistic about everything. !

“This is the pain that must be experienced in growing up,” she said. “And, often doing this exercise and exercise will grow taller!”

After Avril gave his sister a massage, Bruce’s tiredness and all kinds of soreness always felt a lot less. Even in an extremely chaotic situation, Avril can come up with a great way to calm down his sister and make Bruce feel safe. She is the reliance of Bruce, and she will always hold her sister tightly in the sea of ​​reefs. Sometimes when she helps her sister massage her feet at night, Bruce will ask for a massage, and she will agree.

“It’s good.” She always smiled and said, “It’s really comfortable.”

Although the power of Bruce’s little hands can only touch the surface of her skin, she will always tell her that she feels a lot better after this.

Avril is very worried that her sister will have a scorpion on her head, so she will carefully help her to open her hair every night, then re-tie the scorpion, and comb it very hard. This always reminds Bruce of her mother. When she is at home, she will help her to re-tie her nephew every night. While combing her hair, she will say that she is playing like a wild child, and her hair is tangled together. . Bruce’s hobby is eager for her mother to help me comb her hair, even if she is allowed to read me at the same time.

After I fell asleep that night, Avril had a drink and chat with two of their friendly military friends, and she described the happy evening in her diary.

The next morning, they got up and prepared to leave. They said goodbye to Mr. Stern and Mr. Osdman. At half past seven, they went on the road again. They haven’t changed their clothes for two weeks, and even wore clothes to sleep at night. Fortunately, Avril has towels and soaps, and I have confirmed that Bruce has clean teeth. If there is a house to stay overnight, they can use the toilet and bathroom there. But if it was on the road, then they couldn’t even use the toilet paper. Gradually they became very good at recognizing the large soft leaves along the way, and they would pick up some of these leaves on the road for the unexpected.

For them, walking is not very difficult, and they have so many forced breaks. Whenever they encounter an air raid, they have to kneel under the bushes or lie flat on the ground. When Bruce really feels tired, Avril still has firm confidence and treats Bruce in the way of facing adults. If not, Bruce may have given up long ago.

They left a few bottles of wine, and Avril put them in their backpacks, because it was too heavy in a small cart. She recorded in her diary:

“The bottles are really heavy. My back hurts so I want to take them out and put them on the side of the road. Fortunately, just as I was about to throw away the wine, a large military truck stopped. They took them a ride. My sister sat on the legs of a soldier, and I was sitting in the middle of two soldiers. When I saw the boy sitting on my right, my back seemed to have a current through, and he had a very The handsome face is also very good for the little ones. The care they give us is what we really need.

I still remember the scene we were sitting in the truck. The soldiers did everything possible to make me happy. They either told funny stories, made faces to make me laugh, and occasionally asked about myself and my family. They also asked about my doll, I told them that its name is Charlotte, and then we officially introduced ourselves to Charlotte. Looking back now, I can fully appreciate their strong homesickness at the time, eager for normal family life, eager to have family members. They treated me very well. Unconsciously, I might have helped them, bringing short-lived, childish innocence and laughter to their lives. I hope they can really get them from me. desire. . . . . . ”

The truck took them to a village where they went to the Asylum Service Center for help and they arranged a place for them to stay at night. Finally they were arranged to spend the night in a large community commune with a kitchen full of women and soldiers. Soon they became friends with a young girl named Hana. They found three beds that were connected together. They were actually three mats on the wall.

“Where did you come from, where are you going?” Hana asked them.

“They came from Bremen and went to Berlin.” Avril explained their situation: “What about you?”

“I was sent to work in wartime. You know, you work on the farm.

But I told them that since the war is coming to an end, then I have to go home. The farm owner and his wife agreed to let me go. Now I have to go back to my family. ”

Hannah is also the way to find a way to go home, as they are, it’s good.

They had a dinner before going to bed. Avril wrote in the diary:

“A soldier gave dinner to my sister, me and Hana. They were taken care of very well. Then we enjoyed the last four bottles of wine left together. We raised a glass together and prayed for peace. Sometimes we can ignore the surroundings. What is happening, and not thinking about what you might encounter tomorrow, is also very good.”

At this time, the huge danger has quietly descended on the sisters!

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