The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 844. Capture Kilmer (on), floating astronomy

“I want you to know that you are not lonely, Berlin will always be with you and I will soon appear in front of you. Victory, belongs to Germany! Prepare for victory, German soldiers, German nationals. Everything for Germany! Everything for the beginning of a great counterattack!”

The baron’s voice echoed in the ears of the soldiers, and Hart’s voice listened. When he heard the last word of the baron, he suddenly felt that his whole body’s blood had already boiled.

Prepare for victory, German soldiers, German nationals. Everything for Germany! Everything is for the beginning of a great counterattack!

Yes, prepare for the victory, get ready for the counterattack! The baron has returned, and now these German soldiers already know who they are fighting for!

That is Baron Alexson!

Young officers, including Hart, once Kilmer came to power, they once worshipped and were willing to follow the new German head of state, but soon they found Kilmer disappointed them.

What Kilmer did didn’t make them understand, and they gradually became suspicious, so some radical youth officers’ organizations appeared quietly.

When Baron Alexson returned and the German government deliberately concealed it, the emotions of the young officers were completely ignited.

They know very well that at this time, what must be done for the Baron and for the whole of Germany. In a sense, this is also the responsibility of a German officer.

They knew that Baron Alexson had entered Berlin and decided to launch a bloodless regime to seize the road, and the way the Baron could bring him anytime and anywhere.

Well, if this is the case, let the storm come even harder. . . . . .

Today’s move to Kilmer’s commander of the Guards, Bushman, is only the beginning of the storm.

Muslin finally understood the real thoughts of his brother. Indeed, this road is full of danger, but she is proud of her brother.

But now there is nothing to worry about, the baron has regained power. Germany is about to be on the right track, and no one can stop the revival of Germany.

At least these young officers headed by Hart maintain this view. . . . . .

“Hart Lieutenant, the teacher asks you to go immediately.”

When he returned to his defense zone, Hart quickly received an order from the division. Hart was shocked. It was really unusual for a division commander to summon a Lieutenant. Or is the teacher succumbing to Buschmann’s arrogance?

He knew that his teacher, Eredrick, knew about the organization of young officers, but General Eredrick took the default and even a somewhat indulgent attitude.

Only, all people will change in the face of power or money. . . . . .

When Hart entered the division, he had already made the worst plan. He felt that he had no regrets. At least he heard the return of the baron and also vaguely saw the hope of Germany.

In the office of General Eric Derrick, Hart also saw an old guy in a wheelchair. He honored a ceremony. General Ereric nodded: “Lieutenant, this is the intelligence of the Fair. Admiral.”

“General Fells, I am honored to be able to meet you.” Hart never heard of General Fells.

“Hey, you are very honored in your mouth. Actually, you don’t have such an idea at all. I guess you are thinking now, who is this old guy? Are you in a wheelchair? What qualifications does he have as a general?” “Fells said unexpectedly.”

Hart was teased by this humorous joke, but he quickly straightened his body: “No, general.”

“Well, Hart, take a break.” Fells also put away a smile: “Do you know what you did today? You caught a general, and it was also the commander of the Guards and beaten the attempt directly. Shot him. God, is the German officer now so lawless?”

Worried about what to come! This Fels must have been sent by Kilmer. Some of the good feelings that had just been made to Fell had disappeared without a trace. Hart got out: “General, yes, I did what you said. But Kilmer has stepped down and become a public enemy in Germany, and Buschmann is a dog of Kilmer. He tried to run out of Berlin and actually thought. After my defense, everything I do is what I think is necessary. Even because I am punished!”

“Of course you have to be punished.” Fells said coldly: “Bushman is not on the list of 37 people who have been convicted of treason. He is still a German general and you are a junior officer, openly. Beating and attempting to shoot a general. This is not allowed. Originally you were promoted to captain because of the capture of Buschmann, but were cancelled because of your reckless behavior.”

“What?” Hart almost suspected that he had got it wrong.

Originally, you could be promoted to captain because of the capture of Buschmann. . . . . . Is it right to catch Bushman? Isn’t Fells going to find himself in trouble?

Looking at Hart’s erroneous look, General Eredric couldn’t help but smile: “Lieutenant, now you should regret it for your punch? If you don’t have that punch, you are now captain.

Hart immediately became refreshed: “Oh, general, I don’t regret it, at least I did something useful. You can give me more punishment, I don’t have any

Fells’s face reappeared with a smile. He saw his youthful shadow in this youthful officer: “I have nothing to say to an officer who likes to accept punishment, then, Hart Lieutenant, I I heard that you have several young officers and organizations, only one goal, and swear to defend Baron Alexson. The baron also knows about your business and entrusts me with his own respect.”

The baron knew about you, and the baron brought his respect. When this sentence reached Hart’s ear, Hart’s entire body trembled: “Really – really?”

“The good quality of the German soldiers is honest…” Fairs said solemnly: “The baron is very happy to see your presence. He told me to tell you that it is not only him who defends him, but also Have our Germany!”

“Yes, general. I will swear to defend the Baron and swear to defend Germany!” Hart replied loudly.

What a great young man, Fells greatly appreciated: “Lieutenant, since you have captured the director of Buschman and Kilmer’s office, Earnesti, I think I should give you some awards, and you are willing to interrogate with me. Are they?”

Until now, Hart knew that the guy who had interrupted his leg was actually Earnesti, director of the Kilmer office. He replied loudly without hesitation: “Of course I am willing to general!”

When Buschmann and his accomplices were brought in, the darling of the former Kilmer had completely lost its prestige. Especially the poor Earnesti, his legs were interrupted, but he was simply bandaged and forced to stand on the chair.

In a wheelchair, Felth, although inconvenient, did not have a kind of majesty. He looked at Buschmann and Earnesti: Then he slowly said: “General Bushman, General Earnesti, I almost forgot about us. The time when I met was once. Ah, the only thing I remember is that General Buschman once said to me that I lost all power at that time. I will always stay in the cell and never dare to appear in it. Under the sun in Berlin. General Buschman, can I return this sentence to you now?”

As a loser, Buschman did not know how to answer.

“I am a very narrow-minded person. I have not denied this at all…” Fels said without hesitation: “I am loyal to the Baron because the Baron had risked his life to save. I am, so I vowed to dedicate everything to the baron. But for those who have offended me, I will never forget. General Buschman, now I am the winner, what do you say I should do to you? Retaliation?”

The meat on Buschmann’s face was pulsating. The horrible people of Fells knew that, as he said, his heart was not open at all. It was very narrow, and it belonged to the type that had to be reported. People.

What did Laughing Joke bring to him at the beginning?

“It’s not a polite expression to not talk, General Buschman.” Fells’s words interrupted Buschman’s thoughts: “You have family, I can start with your family, what do you say?”

Buschmann completely surrendered: “What do you want to know?”

“Know what you have experienced,” Fels said with a smile.

Buschman sighed deeply: “Well, I am willing to tell you everything I know. After Marshal Ernst issued a six-hour ultimatum, I knew that the Empire State Building could not keep it. So the first one slipped quietly. Go out. But then, Earnesti found my hidden hiding place in Berlin. He told me that the Kilmer heads had escaped. There were many troops loyal to him outside of Berlin. He had to leave Berlin to regain his power. And I The task is to go out with Earnesti, check the situation, and then find a way to take the Kilmer heads to leave. I have no way, I can only promise him. I think I am still a general, no one will stop me, but who thinks I met such a daring Lieutenant.”

Of course, he said it was Hart, which made Hart quite proud of his chest.

“Where is Kilmer hiding now?”

In the face of Fells’ question, Buschman shook his head, but then quickly explained: “I really don’t know, everything is what Earnesti ordered me.

Fells believed that Buschman was not a lie, so he fell his eyes on Earnesti: “It’s up to you now, General Earnesti.”

Earnesti said without thinking, “I don’t know, I don’t know anything.”

“It’s an unpleasant answer.” Fels looked a little sorry: “We all know that you are not telling the truth, you know where Kilmer is hiding. I think what should I do for you? I can torture you, like The commander continues to afflict the wounds on your legs, but I am not prepared to do so. Earnesti, let’s take a closer look, is the real force outside the city really loyal to Kilmer’s troops? It’s just your idiots dreaming. Kilmer really Can you regain power? No, you and I know that there is no such possibility. Maybe the enemy will capture Berlin, but Kilmer will definitely fall into our hands before this. But then you can get it. What? Americans won’t even give you a dollar. Of course, this must be based on the premise that we don’t shoot you…”

Earnesti is silent.

Fairs has a well-intentioned mind: “You have a very happy family, but your family can only live in a shameful environment. Because your wife has committed a treason husband, your child has committed a treason. Father. What will they do? The rest of their lives will live in shame.”

Earnesti bowed his head in pain.

Fells knows it is almost the same: “Let’s do the exchange, tell us where Kilmer is, and help us catch him and his accomplices. Then we can announce to the Germans that you are actually placed next to Kilmer. You are loyal to serve Germany, your name will be drawn from the list of 37 people!”

“Really?” Earnesti raised his head fiercely.

“Really, swear by the reputation of a German soldier.” Fells replied very seriously: “Of course, after successfully capturing Kilmer and his accomplices, the loyal Earnesti was hit by a sinister bullet.”

Earnesti understood it, and Felth never allowed him to continue to live in this world. But even then, he can make his family not be ashamed of himself. At the very least, his wife and his children can still be respected by the Germans.

Earnesti took a deep breath: “I agree with the conditions of General Fells, I hope that you can treat my family well after I die for Germany.”

“I promised, General Earnesti.”

Earnesti no longer hides anything: “Kilmer escaped from the hidden secret road with us. I first hid in Brandenburg Park and later moved to the Bertrand Fortress area. There, Kilmer summoned two hundred loyal to him. The armed forces, Wolfe and other officials appointed by him are also there. They also have a radio station that can directly contact the Allied Command. Kilmer’s order after the contact is to find ways to leave Berlin ….. .”

“Enough, these words needless to say.” Fells suddenly interrupted Earnesti’s words.

But these words fell into the ears of Hart. He looked at General Eredric, strangely, but found the general as surprised as himself.

God, a German head of state, actually keeps in touch with the enemy. At this moment, Hart suddenly understood why the powerful Germany failed so quickly.

Treason thief – this is the biggest traitor!

“Yes.” Earnesti sighed: “Kilmer wants to leave Berlin but I don’t know how far Berlin’s defense is, so he sent me out to inquire about the news. I found Buschman hiding in the back compartment of his car. But it was still caught by you.”

“Is Kilmer still hiding there?” Fells asked.

“Yes, I should still hide there.” Earnesti’s answer is very positive: “We have agreed that once I can successfully pass the blockade, then Buschmann will return to Charlottenburg and take them out, and I will Then I am responsible for finding the commander-in-chief of the Allies…”

He didn’t dare to talk anymore, but everyone in his words understood.

Fells brought the people of Buschman and Earnesti first. He said after a moment of silence: “I want to say something here today, I hope you will not reveal it. General Ereric, Hart Lieutenant.”

“Yes, General Fells.” Eredric replied respectfully.

Hart has some unreasonable: “General, Kilmer has committed such a serious crime of treason, why not publish his crime?”

“Lieutenant, it’s not the time, it will cause an uproar.” Fells is very patient: “The announcement of such a crime must be announced by the baron himself, not us.”

Hart understood something.

“You must catch Kilmer right away.” Fells’s expression returned to seriousness: “General Eredrick, I need you to mobilize the strength of a battalion. Can you do that?”

“I can do it in twenty minutes, the most elite German soldier!” Eredrick said, he picked up the phone on his desk.

Fells again turned his eyes to Hart: “Lieutenant, are you willing to be a major?”

Major? Hart was unbelievable, but then he replied loudly: “Of course I am willing, no matter what you want me to do!”

“I will appoint you as a temporary major.” Fells invented such an official position: “You are responsible for directing this battalion to catch Kilmer and his accomplices. If successful, you will become a formal major, but if you let Kilmer ran, you can only be downgraded to a lieutenant. Are you willing to gamble?”

“General, if you can catch Kilmer, even if you still reduce me to a minority, I will be willing!” Hart replied excitedly: “I just have a request, I hope you can make Hassler Lieutenant my assistant.”

“Ah, I don’t know who that Hassler is, but all your requirements will be met.” Fells gave satisfaction to Hart Lieutenant – no, Hart’s interim major.

At this moment, Hart was very excited. He knew that he was going to do something big that would shock Berlin, and more importantly, he knew he was doing things for Baron Alexson.

For the German soldiers, this will be the greatest honor in life!

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