The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country eight hundred and forty-nine. Italian ally, floating astronomy

‘The fire is on the battlefield, and the whistling sound of the bullets can take away countless lives at any time.

The US military’s offensive was fierce, far exceeding the previous performance. In fact, this is also a normal reaction of a unit on the battlefield.

When they first came to Germany, these American troops never set foot on the real battlefield, and they faced the German army that experienced the baptism of the first and second world wars. Once the gunshots sounded, their fears, their panic was imaginable.

However, as the war progressed, the new recruits on these battlefields gradually began to accumulate experience and be able to deal with the terrible battlefield more skillfully.

No matter which army, it will always grow up on the battlefield.

They have an absolute firepower advantage, and they are pressing the German artillery fire, the joint bombing of the sky and the ground, making the German defense difficult. In this case, the Americans’ offense has become much smoother.

Switching to any army, under the intensity of this attack, I am afraid that it has collapsed, but the Americans are faced with a group of soldiers with extremely rich combat experience and incredible beliefs.

The smoke of the Second World War was only twenty years old. The Germans who came out of the war knew exactly how the war should proceed. The ordinary soldiers and junior officers in the original world wars have now grown to the middle of the German commanders.

In the past two decades, the United States has developed at a high speed, and Germany is also developing at a high speed. These German officers and soldiers know how to deal with the challenge and know how to protect themselves to the maximum under the intensive enemy fire.

If it weren’t for Kilmer, it would not be the case for the confrontation between Germany and the United States. . . . . .

It’s no longer meaningful to blame anyone who hates it now. The only thing the German soldiers know is that they must be firmly nailed here, waiting until the time the Baron takes.

When the US military began to attack, all the firepower on the German positions was fully opened. Beaches, light and heavy machine guns, assault rifles, all available weapons are used.

And those who are not a lot of armored forces are doing their best to give their peers support.

Here, all the Germans are a whole, they must also be united, with a fearless spirit to achieve pre-war goals.

Constantly allied armored vehicles were defeated and allied soldiers died, but the German positions were still as if they were cast in steel without any wavering.

Wang Weizhen has been paying attention to the development of the war. He is proud of having such a unit. Although he has been away for twenty years, the German soldiers are still invincible.

However, at this time, Wang Weizhen suddenly got a strange news: the former 33 infantry division who was involved in the frontal attack suddenly withdrew from the battlefield. From the direction of their action, it was moving to the right wing of the German army.

What is going on here? Why did the positive allies not take advantage of it? Why did they suddenly attack the German flank? Although there is a defensive position of the German National Army, the German command can quickly mobilize the strength of the Allied Forces under the pressure of the National Army.

Why do the enemy want to do this? Is there any conspiracy in the enemy?

The Allied intelligence secrecy work was excellent, and the German intelligence agencies suffered very bad losses under the deliberate destruction of Kilmer and Wolff, so the Allied calls and telegrams were impossible for the Germans to master.

This also made Wang Weizhen think of Nikolai. Although the old Nikolai was an enemy with himself, he did not dare to neglect the provision of intelligence.

From this point of view, the old Nikolai is a true German army.

The German commanders also felt inexplicable – the Allies did nothing to do so. Or, what conspiracy are they doing?

Wang Weizhen thought for a while, and suddenly the flash of light flashed: “Is the enemy on the right wing responsible for the attack is an Italian?”

“Yes, the Trassu Infantry Division and the Italian forces of the Nestans Rapid Mobile Brigade.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I know what is going on. I guess the Italians have misreported the military to the Allied Command. They have already occupied our right wing.”

“Grieking the military situation?” General Aulitz did not quite believe: “Is the Italian dare to lie about the military?”

“This must be the case.” Wang Weizhen replied with a smile: “The Italians used to be our allies in North Africa. They repeatedly lied about the military and said how great the victory was for the Germans to suffer. Who chooses Italy? It’s a painful thing for people to be their own allies. Now, this bitterness should let Americans taste it.”

Indeed, when Germany and Italy were still allies, on the battlefield of the Second World War, the German commander was almost to be broken by the Italians. They didn’t know how many Italians were there. When the Italians told them that a certain position had been captured, the Germans attacked the original plan and found that the so-called “captured” by the Italians was still full of enemy fire points. There is no Italian around. The Italians also told them that a certain position is being held by them, and the Germans can safely block the enemies. But after this sentence is finished, the German flank will have a large number of enemies.

The German veterans who have experienced the Second World War know the phrase “Do not believe any word that an Italian officer said.” . . . . . !

The Italians betrayed Germany and joined the Allies. Is this a disaster or a relief for Germany? Fortunate for Americans or the beginning of the curse?

“From the German regiment, two assault squadrons were recruited into the Skulls commando, plus the Nordland battle group, unified by my personal command, we have to ‘welcome, look at the French.” Wang Weizhen quickly made his own Decided: “General Guo Yenfeng, General Aulitz, you are responsible for the frontal battlefield, I will personally go to our right wing.”

When he heard the marshal want to kiss the battlefield, General Aulitz was trying to persuade, Guo Yeenfeng shook him.

No one knows The Drifter better than him. If it is not necessary, The Drifter doesn’t want to be this marshal. When a frontline commander is more in line with his appetite.

In this sense, Wang Weizhen is not a competent marshal. . . . . .

Half an hour ago.

“General Carta Vasso General Garden’s phone.”

Damn American, how come the phone again? Katawasso annoyed these Americans and reluctantly took the call: “Mr. Commander, do you have anything?”

“General Katavaso! Two hours have passed. Have you fulfilled your promise? The positive attack is very unsatisfactory. I need to make a breakthrough in the flank.”

“Of course, Mr. Commander, the promise of an Italian general is completely trustworthy.” Katawaso’s answer is so unthinking: “Have you heard that my soldiers are cheering on the enemy’s position.”

“Congratulations, General Katawaso. I didn’t think your soldiers performed so well… Ah, sorry, I don’t have any offense to you… Trass Infantry Division and The Nestans Rapid Mobile Brigade is the first to complete the pre-war goals. I command you to continue to break through in depth and attack the German flank as soon as possible…”

“Yes, Mr. Commander.”

“I will also assist the 33 Infantry Division of the French Army to assist you.”

“Ah, the French? Help us?” Katawasso’s sweat on his forehead came down: “No, the commander, with the Italian soldiers can complete the task.”

“General Katathasso, you can’t care. You can make a breakthrough so quickly. From our intelligence, your face is the German national army. They are not formally armed. But as the breakthrough progresses, you will In the face of more and more tenacious resistance, you must get full reinforcements and wish you good luck.”

The phone hangs up and General Katashasso is helpless.

The damn, own soldier did not cheer on the enemy’s position. The soldiers of their own have just been repulsed again, and now they are happily preparing lunch there. Ah, yes, prepare lunch, when the war is so intense.

Thinking of lunch, General Katashasso felt that his stomach was also hungry.

No, you can’t think about your stomach for the time being. The French will soon find out what they can find when they arrive. What should I do?

When General Garden asked himself, he blew a cow. Who thought that General Garden would actually increase the reinforcements. Why should this damn Gardenen add this trouble to himself?

He looked over at the chief of staff, Grotta, and Grotta had some headaches. General Katawasso had nothing to do with this cow? But in the face of the commander’s answer, Grotta had to consider a moment: “General, I have a way.

On the west side of us is Pusweed, I think our army can go there. ”

“Pusweden? What are we going to in Puswego?” General Katashasso listened inexplicably.

“General, we can say that we have been attacked by a large number of elite troops. We have run some of them, but the enemy is too much. We have to retreat to Pusweden. Of course, we have done our best. Work hard.”

“Then there are Germans in front of us, how can I explain?”

“Ah, let’s say the Germans regained their place after we left…”

“My dear Grotta, do you know why I like you? Because you can always help me when I need it.” General Katashasso became excited again: “Just do what you say.” Let the soldiers hurry to eat. Ah, when it comes to this, my stomach is hungry, I need to eat a big meal. Being a frontline commander is a very hard thing.”

The Italians regard war as a child’s play. They don’t think about what kind of influence they will have on the whole battle. Even if they lose the victory of the war, they seem to have nothing to do with them.

General Gardenen also made a very serious mistake. He could not imagine that an Italian general would lie to himself, especially at such an important moment. Therefore, he did not even have the basic aerial reconnaissance. He believed the words of the Italians and hurriedly transferred the 33 infantry division of the French army from the battlefield.

This is also a mistake that a commander who has not had any actual combat experience before, who has just stepped onto the battlefield.

This is exactly the same as what Wang Weizhen said. The pain that Germany once tasted is now being tasted by Americans. . . . . .

“General Opman, Marshal Ernst is here.”

“What are you talking about?” General Opman was shocked: “Who are you talking about?”

“Marshal Ernst .Breem is here!”

Is Opman’s self-speaking stunned, is it an illusion? Baron Alexson actually appeared here?

But this is not an illusion, Baron Alexson is really coming, he also brought a lot of reinforcements.

“Marshal Ernst, National Army Commander Opman welcomes you!” In the face of the Baron, Opman could not conceal his nervousness.

The soldiers of the National Army are also as nervous as their own commanders, and some people even begin to tremble.

God, telling others to listen to others will not believe that you actually saw Baron Alexson here!

“General General von Opman, thank you and the National Army for their efforts.” Wang Weizhen eased the other party’s nervousness with a smile: “I heard that you have participated in the final attack in Moscow?”

“Yes, Marshal, I will never forget every word you said that day. I even remember the song of the armored soldiers who rang through the battlefield.” Opman’s face was filled with excitement: “That was my life.” The most glorious day!”

That is also the most glorious day for every German!

“No matter whether it is a blizzard or a hot sun. Whether it is hot during the day or cold and dark night. Even if the yellow sand is coming, our mood is still happy. Our chariots are flying toward the storm! Our chariots are flying toward the storm!”

When the song of the armored soldier rang, the greatest victory chapter of Germany also opened the curtain!

“Good. Then you are a veteran.” Wang Weizhen nodded with approval. “Please tell me, are you afraid of those Italians?”

“Hey, Marshal, you can shoot me, but you can’t insult me.” Opman seems to have suffered the most shameful general: “I may be afraid of anyone, but I will never be afraid of the Italian army. You are this What happened? When did the Germans fear Italians and French?”

Wang Weizhen laughed: “Very good, General Opman, I apologize for my words. Yes, we are never afraid of the Italians and the French. They are vulnerable. The Italian army has suffered a great blow in front of you. Now the French are coming again.”

“French? What are they doing here?” Opman frowned.

“They tried to give us the last fatal blow…” Wang Weizhen smiled still there: “I brought some reinforcements and cooperated with you to give the French a heavy blow. Now, I command, the National Army. All the troops were greatly retracted and the French were given in!”

“Yes, Marshal!” Opman understood the meaning of Marshal Ernst.

Marshal Ernst is ready to make a small counterattack ahead of here.

The Skulls Commando and the Nordland Fighting Group have already been prepared at the pre-determined location. When the order of Marshal Ernst was issued, the 2 and 6 brigades of the German National Army also gave up their positions and retreated.

If General Katashasso knows that the Germans have voluntarily given up their positions, they may regret it, but this is his best chance to show off his exploits. . . . . .

The Americans were encouraged by the Italians. The French were also kept in the dark by the Italians. Let. General Doss and his French army 33 Infantry Division did not expect that they were entering a huge trap woven by their own lies.

But who should they blame? If you choose the Italian as your own ally, then you should be mentally prepared.

When they came to the designated battlefield, they did not find the Italian soldiers, which made General Doss somewhat strange, but did not find the Germans on the opposite side.

Did the Italians wait for the reinforcements to come forward in advance?

“General, General Cartavaso’s phone is connected.”

“Ah, okay. General Katashasso? I am Jean Doss, I have reached the designated battlefield, where are your troops?”

“Ah, after taking the German position, we were attacked by a large number of Germans. We bravely repelled the enemy’s attack again and again, but the enemy is too much. We are moving to Puszweden.”

“Is it? But I did not find a German on the opposite side.”

“Ah? Ah, yes.” General Katashasso was full of fog, where did the Germans go? Knowing what to do, do you want to move to Puszweden? He hardened his hard scalp and said: “Of course, I said that our soldiers have been very heroic and the Germans have suffered heavy losses. They are embarrassed by our attacks. A large group of Germans are fleeing Pushville, I am chasing Be prepared to kick their ass.”

“Congratulations, General Katawasso, do we need our assistance?”

“No, General Doss, please follow the command of the commander, and break through to the Germans. Soon Berlin will fall into our hands and wish you good luck, general.”

“I wish you good luck too.” Let. General Doss put down the phone.

When did the Italians become so beaten? Even the Germans are not their opponents? This is really a rare thing. Did the Italian soldiers become brave as the old Mussolini died?

“Command, all French soldiers show your courage to defeat all Germans!”

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