The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 851. German General and American Major, Astronomical

The “storm” campaign carefully planned by the Allies was initially frustrated.

The French 33 Infantry Division suffered one of the worst failures. 2123 soldiers were killed and 3306 soldiers were captured and disappeared. Even more tragic is that their teachers let. Major General Dos also became a prisoner of the Germans.

A Major General will be captured, which is the biggest shame in the eyes of the Allies. What is even more tragic is that the Germans restored the positions they had deliberately let out in one night.

Ernst . Marshal Breem came back. The first major battle he commanded after he returned, he achieved such a beautiful victory from the beginning.

General Gardenen faced heavy pressure from the Allied Command, and General Westmoreland reprimanded him with ruthlessness.

General Gardenen sprinkled all his anger on the Italians, and the Italians must take responsibility for all this. But General Katashasso refused to acknowledge any responsibility.

His reasons are indeed “sufficient”. There is no German on the opposite side of the position. As for why there is no relationship with Italy in the future.

In the face of such a situation, what can you say?

The level of Italian sophistry is quite good. . . . . .

General Gardenen must do something to change the passive situation. Otherwise, the morale of the Germans will only get higher and higher, and the “Snowstorm” plan will not be completed.

Early in the morning on 12, the Allied mad revenge came.

In the air, on the ground, the imposing explosions of the waves are higher than the waves. The purpose of the Allies is very simple. The powerful positions are used to completely destroy the German positions.

For those defenders on the ground, it is necessary to use the most tenacious perseverance to overcome all these difficulties.

The German frontal position suffered from the enemy’s artillery fire, and the German side positions were also suffering from the enemy’s artillery.

In order to retaliate against the failure of the French 33 Infantry Division, Gardenen mobilized the US 12 Infantry Division to attack.

General Gardenen has also become smarter from his failures. He clearly sees that even if the Allies occupy an absolute gunfire advantage, the German frontal battlefield is difficult to overcome in a short period of time.

In this case, a German right wing composed of irregular armed forces may be a good breakthrough. . . . . .

Those Italians are definitely not counting on, and the French must also step out of the shadow of failure. Under such circumstances, General Gardenen must mobilize the US military.

The two brigades of the German National Army also had to face even more brutal battles.

Ernst . Marshal Breem has left here after the successful commanding force destroyed the French army and returned to his command, but Feng. General Opman will not forget what the Baron said to himself when he left:

“General Opman, I am very reassured here.”

There is only such a simple sentence, but it is enough for General Opman to feel the trust of the Baron.

As a German soldier, as a soldier who was appointed by the Baron, Opman knew what he should do and knew what to pay for it.

When the Allies suddenly strengthened their bombing here, Opman quickly understood that the enemy had changed his main direction to here.

Throughout the morning, the enemy’s artillery fire did not stop for a minute, and the nasty planes in the sky flew again and again, and the bombs and incendiary bombs were still on the German positions. This has caused great losses to the National Army.

When the gunfire began to linger, Opman knew that the time to test himself was here.

A large number of armored vehicles appeared, followed by countless enemies.

Opman sneered, can the Americans think that they can scare themselves? On the battlefield of the Second World War, I saw more terrible than this. At that time, the German opponents were the Soviet Red Army. They had a bigger Tank Sea and how to kill the soldiers who killed them.

But what about it? Under the command of the Baron, the Germans did not achieve the same brilliant victory!

The National Army soldiers buried in the mud climbed out of the mud and quickly entered the position to meet the most powerful challenges from the enemy.

The assault guns that the soldiers did not care about their lives once again appeared stubbornly.

The enemy began to move, layer by layer, densely packed. A large number of armored vehicles began to move forward, and the rumbling sound was enough to level everything that was trying to stop them.

Opman smiled contemptuously, and he saw too much in such a scene.

As the enemy approached the range, the assault guns on the German positions began to speak. The shells fell accurately on a tank of tanks, and in the explosions and smoke, the tanks became a pile of scrap iron.

Then, the National Army soldiers carrying the rocket launcher and all available anti-Tank weapons appeared. Like their own artillery, they attacked enemy armor forces regardless of life and death.

The counterattack of the US military also came at the same time.

The Germans continued to die, but soon their companions took over their positions. As long as there is a German on the ground, it belongs to Germany only.

The battle was going so badly. . . . . .

As time went by, there were no officers and soldiers. At the time of the most critical battle, even General Opman was directly involved in the battle.

The shameless Kilmer betrayed Germany and lost much to Germany. But there is at least one thing in Germany that you can’t walk away!

Spirit – the spirit of Germany!

They can re-emerge in the shadow of the defeat of the First World War. They can win in the harsh environment of the Second World War. They can also rebuild their strong homes in the ruins.

And what they have to do now is to defend the land that will rise again in the future!

Major General James, who is commanding the US military, is really praising such a force in his heart. What kind of tenacious spirit can support them to the present?

When the Allies attacked the German mainland and hit the road all the way to Berlin, the Allies were filled with optimism, and everyone thought that they could end the war before Christmas.

But only some veterans who have experienced the Second World War warn those who are optimistic, and never ignore the determination of a nation to defend its country, especially the Germanic people. They will encounter the most powerful resistance in Berlin.

Only at that time no one listened to such words. . . . . . But they soon felt this determination. . . . . .

The Germans had forgotten to defend Berlin, and for a long time, the Allies could not even break through the German defense.

At this time, the godly Skulls Baron is back!

To be honest, James is not very willing to fight with the Skulls Baron. He is as many admirers and followers of the Skulls Baron as many people.

But what about the other way? Who makes himself a soldier? Can military personnel have other choices besides obeying?

Another attack by the US military was repulsed, but this did not affect James: “The concentrated artillery fire continued to bomb and reorganize the team’s offense!”

James has made up his mind that he must seize the opposite position, no matter what the price.

The shelling – offensive, then shelling – and then offensive, such a cycle appeared over and over again in the position of the National Army, the intensity of the battle is beyond anyone’s imagination.

The same is true of Major Mario, who volunteered to stay here.

He completed his dream to follow the battle of the Skulls Baron. Although he used to be a US military officer, in a sense he betrayed his country, but what about it? Mario never thought it was a just war for the United States.

Such a war will only humiliate the United States!

Mario doesn’t care that he will be turned into a traitor. He knows what he is doing – he is fighting for the independence and freedom of a nation.

Is this not the spirit that the United States has been advocating?

When the US military began to attack, he and the same ordinary German soldiers bravely blocked the enemy’s approach.

Opman had noticed this American very early, to be honest, if not because of the Baron, he would never allow an enemy major to exist in his own army.

He didn’t trust Mario at first, but he gradually found himself wrong.

Mario was so heroic. When a National Army soldier fell, he immediately picked up the rocket launcher in the hands of the fallen soldier and killed the enemy’s two armored vehicles in one breath.

It seems that there are also good people in the enemy. . . . . . Opman thought so in his heart. . . . . .

Another attack by the enemy was repulsed, and a rare respite appeared on the German position. Mario leaned on the ground and closed his eyes. He had to recover his energy and energy as soon as possible.

“Major, smoke?” The voice interrupted Mario’s rest, and he opened his eyes.

It was actually that General Opman appeared on his side.

Mario was about to stand up, Opman had stopped his move, and sat down next to the major, he ordered a cigarette first, and then gave the cigarette case to Mario: “Major, where are you from the United States? ?”

“Pennsylvania, General.” Mario gave himself a cigarette and then smothered the cigarette into his pocket: “What about you, General?”

“Bavaria.” Opman spurted a smog: “I am curious about an American major. Why come to help us fight?”

Mario seems to be in a meditation: “General, do you know? In the United States, many people are the followers of the Baron when they are very young. They always dream that one day they can fight side by side with the Baron, and I am One of these people. I was captured by the Baron. At the moment I was captured, my heart seemed to become relaxed. When I knew that the person who captured me was Baron Alexson, my heart was ecstatic. I know it might be difficult for you to understand this, but I thought so at the time.”

“I can understand, because I also have this idea…” Opman said unexpectedly: “I am probably lucky than you, because during the Second World War, I was the conductor of the Baron. After fighting, it was the happiest moment of my life. After the war, I always talked to my family about this story.

Aha, my children can listen to it. You, Major, do you have children? ”

“Yes, I have a lovely daughter.” Major Mario smiled on his face: “She is with my wife, I want to wait until the end of the war I can see them. But if Germany fails – General, I just said that if I am afraid I have to stay in prison for a few years to see them.”

“No Germany will not fail.” General Opman’s answer is often affirmed: “In Germany, almost everyone has a deep belief that any battle conducted by the Baron will never fail. Major, now you are also a member of the German army, I hope that you can have such a belief.”

“I will, general.”

“Then take your time and rest well.” Opman reached out and took the pack of cigarettes from Mario’s pocket: “Major, this is my smoke.”

Major Mario laughed. . . . . .

The new offensive of the US military began. As always, they attacked the Germans in the air and on the ground, and the Germans also endured the most tenacious spirit as always.

Then, the Tank and the soldiers appeared in the mountains.

Under the baptism of the artillery fire, the soldiers of the German National Army have long been tempered into real soldiers. Those who did not even touch the weapons before the outbreak of the war have now become the most brave fighters.

Each of them has long had no idea of ​​being able to survive. If you put your blood on the land of Germany, it will be the luckiest thing.

They are fighting in the dead, they are defending the land with their loyalty and life.


Mario threw away the rocket launcher in his hand. He took the heavy machine gun that lost the machine gunner, then pulled the trigger and threw the bullets desperately at the enemies that rushed up.

The bullets rained out in general and Mario had completely integrated himself into the war.

No need to think about anything more, from now on, he is a real German soldier.

The Germans around him were also inspired by the spirit of this American. They threw grenades hard and covered the heavy machine guns in the explosion of pieces.

Two armed helicopters appeared, no need to see that it was an enemy, and the ground-air dual-purpose machine gun on the position soon sounded. Here, every inch belongs to the German, whether it is the ground or the sky.

Mario was completely insane. He didn’t even pay attention to the air attack. All his thoughts were put into the frontal battlefield. Even if a bullet hits himself now, he will have no regrets.

Since you are here, you should fight for your faith!

Faith – This is a very illusory thing, but it exists in everyone’s side. When you are in the most difficult time, it will give you the most direct help.

This is the great energy that can be erupted by faith. . . . . .

Another enemy attack was repulsed. Although the casualties of the National Army were so heavy, the position was firmly in their hands.

“Mr. Mario, General Opman, please take a look at it immediately.”

I don’t know what happened, Mario hurried to the general, but when he saw the general, the whole person was there.

The general’s body was hit with three bullets, and the three blood holes were constantly flowing out.

In the air raids of the enemy just now, the generals who always commanded the battle on the first line, still could not escape the death of the god of death.

“Major, come to my side…” Opman, lying there, said with a smile.

Mario kneels beside the general: “General, you must go to the hospital immediately.”

“No, major, no use.” Opman did not care about his life and death: “My own body, I know best, major, I am seventy-five years old, I participated in the First World War, participated in In the Second World War, I have received many medals in my life, and I have received countless honors. Seventy-five years old, enough. Now that Death is calling me, I think I can’t avoid such a call. What do you say?”

Mario didn’t know what to say.

“The major, there is a myth in Europe.” Opman gasped a few breaths: “The baron came from hell, he got the power given by the god of death, so he will never age, he commanded hell with endless power. The undead in the world, and a large part of those undead are German soldiers who died on the battlefield.

I think, I can see it all with my own eyes, I can follow the Baron battle again, I will protect you by your side. ”

“I believe, I believe, General!” Mario nodded hard.

“So, I have to ask you one thing.” Opman suddenly said: “The National Army needs a person with combat experience to command them, and you are such a candidate, you can shoulder my task and put Is the position in our hands, even giving up our lives for this?”

“I am willing!”

This is Mario’s most solemn answer.

“So, I think I can leave here with confidence.” Opman sighed, then exhausted his last strength and lifted his right arm straight:

“Everything for Germany!”

When he finished, his arm fell softly.

Feng. General Opman was dead. This excellent German soldier fulfilled his vow to shed the last blood for Germany and fell on the land he loved.

All the National Army soldiers were watching their old generals silently there.

Mario stood up slowly, then raised his right arm straight to the body of General Opman.

“Everything for Germany!”

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