The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 856. Old boy, floating astronomy

“If a nameless boy dares to challenge your authority, you can choose to ignore it, because the nameless little wins are unscrupulous, but you can’t afford to lose. But this time it’s a little different, I have to meet the challenge from Corret, and must win, for It is not the face, but the fate of Germany. I will give Corret an unforgettable lesson.”

―Ernst. Alexson . Feng. Breem, 1965 year 12 month.

The weather was very cold this winter, but the smoke and artillery on the battlefield dispelled such cold. The war had already reached the sixth day, and the Allies did not achieve much gain.

Awakening the German generals and opening the entire Constance base, Xiao Ling is in full swing.

Ten to fifteen days, this is what Xiao Ling needs, and what Wang Weizhen has to do is that the Allies must not make any major breakthroughs during this time.

In the face of the winning Corret, Wang Weizhen only gave a scornful smile. Despite the tense situation on the battlefield, although the Allies took the initiative, Wang Weizhen was still smiling.

He knows where this is and he knows what ending Corret will face.

No one can scatter wild on his own site. . . . . .

The Allied offensives were almost devastating every day, and the bombardment of the artillery was about to completely overwhelm the German positions. The same thing is going on every day. But under the terrible attack of the Allies, the German soldiers here have never been afraid.

There are places where the baron is, and I hope to be with them forever.

Time is continually passing, and every day the Germans are suffering huge casualties. Every day the Allies seem to see the hope of victory. But all of this is only Wang Weizhen to know the truth:

When Xiao Ling completes all her tasks, Deutsche’s hope will come!

Because, twenty years ago, he left the hope of great rejuvenation at the base of Constance. . . . . .

Corret and all the enemies are never aware of these German secrets.

Even Kilmer, I don’t know what is hidden in the Constance base.

On 12’s 17 Day, the Corret Concentrator’s entire artillery and force launched the most powerful attack on the opposite German position.

The defensive forces of the National Army, the Netherland Earth Storm and the Nordland Fighting Corps continued to fight against the enemy’s mad gunfire and continued to fight against the mighty enemies.

They don’t know when the counterattack will start, but they don’t care about it at all. Since the baron is here, he will always find a way.

In the fiercest battle, Wang Weizhen appeared in the position several times and personally directed his soldiers to fight. He didn’t care about his identity as the Grand Marshal and the temporary head of state. In his opinion, he was more willing to fight like a normal soldier.

The German soldiers on the position have long been accustomed to the practice of Marshal Ernst, which makes them more confident and more respectful to the marshal.

Maybe when the war is over, many of them will die but they will never forget this war. . . . . .

That is the beginning of reversal, that is the beginning of a great dream of revival!

Enemies rushed in layers, black-pressed Tanks and black-pressed soldiers in armored vehicles. With the violent artillery fire, the enemy is as infinite as the past, and this attack can make a major breakthrough.

However, they are still greeted by the Germans who have never stopped, and even never weakened the firepower, which is a terrible nightmare for the Allied soldiers. They really can’t figure out the spirit of the Germans on the ground, where they came from, where they came from.

Their will may indeed be poured from steel. . . . . .

Intensively thrown grenades, intensively hit bullets, weaved into a huge fire net, and the deadly road blocked the enemy’s way forward.

When the enemy planes appeared in the sky, countless air-to-air fires were immediately organized, and the terrible firepower defended the safety of their heads.

Every day, such things are repeated, although it seems that the victory is so close to yourself that it is always so bad that the last step cannot reach the Allied idea.

Corret also felt a little helpless at this point. He knows that the final victory must be his own, but the longer the time delays, the more the prestige after his victory will be weakened.

At the same time that the Germans suffered heavy casualties, the US military also suffered heavy casualties.

General Westmoreland once told Corret that there were all kinds of objections to the war in the United States. The anti-war people are trying to destroy the president’s war, and every delay of one day will make the president more Subject to the pressure of the day.

Therefore, it is a good choice for anyone to end the war as soon as possible. . . . . .

Corret also heard that in order to eliminate domestic opposition as much as possible, the government has secretly arrested those anti-war hardcore elements for various reasons. This is not in line with the US constitution, but what can be done in a special period?

Also, those domestic big chaebols are quite embarrassed about this war. In the Second World War, the Jewish consortium not only did not get any benefits, but also suffered major setbacks. The second war gave them the best chance. With the Rothschild family’s “our group” firmly supporting all decisions of the president, we spare no effort to advocate and provide all necessary help for this war.

However, the attitude of the “Hornet” organization headed by the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family is extremely unclear. From a certain perspective, they are opposed to this war. But just because war can also bring them wealth, so that they do not openly criticize the president and the government.

But if the war continues to delay indefinitely, it will be difficult to say what will happen. . . . . .

Corret knows all this very well, but to end the war, it is impossible to dream that the Germans will give up resistance. It is only practical to defeat them thoroughly.

Of course, Corret is delighted to have the opportunity to be a Baron Skulls. From the First World War, the Baron Skulles lived on the battlefield like a god until the end of the Second World War. His undefeated myth became a miracle in the world.

Every real soldier who is not eager to have a chance to fight the Baron on the battlefield? But no one has ever expected to defeat the baron.

At this moment, such an opportunity is placed in front of Corret. . . . . .

If you will win, you must win. In order to win, for the glory of the future, I will not hesitate to pay any price. This is the only thing in Corret’s mind.

He repeatedly ordered the Air Force to take off, ordering artillery bombings again and again. He ordered the soldiers to attack heavily. Regardless of the price paid, Corret is willing to take it, but only if it is necessary to win.

When they can stand in the enemy’s position, when they can enter Berlin and completely conquer the city, all opposing voices will vanish.

Corret is desperate.

The US Second Armored Cavalry Division and the 12 Infantry Division were successively put into the battlefield, and launched a tidal-like attack on the German position.

The American soldiers also showed their loyalty and courage. In the face of the fierce blow of the Germans, they have never given up their desire for victory.

That is the highest glory of the military. . . . . .

After the end of the First World War, Ernst. Breem did everything in his power to stop the United States from intervening in the Second World War, so the US military has not experienced war for many years. When the German-American war broke out, the US troops went smoothly. This made most of them believe that the war will soon end. However, outside of Berlin, they encountered unprecedented resistance.

The Allied casualties have increased. . . . . . This also lets them know that war is not as easy as they think. . . . . .

As the war continued, they gradually adapted to the cruelty of the battlefield, gradually adapting to the increased casualties every minute, and gradually accumulating the experience of the battlefield.

Every unit will always grow up in the war.

They admire the heroism of the Germans and know that they must end the war with more heroic performance. So now they are not the troops that will quickly retreat once they have been attacked by the Germans.

Here, the soldiers representing Germany and the soldiers representing the United States are contributing their own strength to their national glory. . . . . .

The cruel explosions were brutally screaming among the soldiers on both sides, and all the soldiers who were blown up by their legs or seriously wounded screamed in the pool of blood. Many of them could no longer see the end of the war. . . . . .

Every time the guns stop, it means more violent gunshots. Every time the cannon sounds, it means more cruel casualties are coming. No one can avoid the “weak people can’t survive on such a battlefield.” . . . . .

In the intensive guns, the soldiers on both sides frequently compare their bravery, and the commanders of both sides frequently compare their wisdom and adaptability.

At the toughest time of the German position, those German soldiers always saw a familiar figure appear beside them.

That is Ernst. Marshal Breem! A great, legendary baron!

He calmly directed the most dangerous positions to resist, and pity comforted the wounded who were about to die. Therefore, every German soldier who closes his eyes always has a calm face.

They have fulfilled their mission, and now they can leave the world peacefully in the blessing of Marshal Ernst.

Victory, under the command of the Marshal, must belong to the great German. . . . . .

“I thought I couldn’t get through today…” When the enemy was once again attacked, Mario took a long breath and he was fearless on the battlefield. After the fear of expression.

Yes, today’s battle cruelty is more than any day before. Several major positions were successively broken by the enemy. At the crucial time, Marshal Ernst personally organized a unit to counterattack, and all those enemies were driven out to stabilize the situation on the battlefield.

At the height of the battle, Mario even saw the Marshal actually took the Sub Machine Gun and fired there.

And the enemy’s bullets seem to be equally afraid of the baron, who have spared from his side.

The Germans suffered a lot of damage, especially the Netherland National Stormtroopers. They lost a large number of soldiers in the ongoing battle. !

Just at this time, Stoke. General Aulitz and General Fells appeared in positions with some armed forces.

“My Guard will give you all the instructions.” General Aulitz said reverently: “Lord Marshal, this is the last reserve team I can organize. I still recommend that you leave here. It is too dangerous here, Germany. Unable to suffer the loss of your tragedy, this will be a disaster for Germany.”

“Thank you for your hard work, General Aulitz.” Wang Weizhen replied with a smile: “But only here I can make our enemies crazy. Only then can lay the most solid foundation for the final counterattack. Please rest assured, lucky God has not left me, the enemy’s bullets are not yet in my heart. I will live until the end of the war.”

This is a great confidence that is difficult for others to understand. Perhaps this is a prerequisite for the Baron to succeed. . . . . .

“This is a newly recruited soldier.” General Fells did not seem to worry about the safety of the Baron: “The Baron, a large number of Germans flocked to Berlin. We selected many people from the Central Army to join the army. And training, and those who are not qualified are compiled into the National Army. After Christmas, we can also arm the power of no less than three divisions.”

Thank you for your hard work, General Fells. Wang Weizhen nodded. “The situation is very critical and you must use all the power available.” What is the food reserve? ”

“Not very optimistic.” General Fells said realistically: “We have implemented a strict rationing system, but I think we have no gifts for this Christmas.”

The German commanders in the position laughed. Yes, the situation is indeed very critical, but it does not dispel the optimism of the Germans, although Germany is not a country that is good at making jokes.

“I really want to receive a sock at Christmas time. When the socks are open, there will be countless soldiers, Tanks and planes.” Wang Weizhen said half-jokingly and half-heartedly: “I want everyone of you.” I also want to receive such a gift. Ah General Fells, as for you, can give me the best Christmas gift. I think you know what it is?”

“Yes, I know what you need.” General Fells quickly understood what the Baron said: “In Berlin, Kilmer is dead, but his accomplices are still active, and lurking in Berlin. The Allied spies colluded and prepared to destroy our Berlin defense plan. According to our intelligence, the Allied’s biggest spy, the old boy, was in Berlin and stole our large amount of confidential information, which was continuously passed on to the League. Military Command, let us be very passive…”

“Old boy?” Wang Weizhen frowned.

After the end of the Second World War, the two sides paid more attention to the use of spies. Especially the spies who performed exceptionally well in the world war, their way of doing things has been studied countless times. In the United States, such work is going very smoothly.

A large number of American spies are active all over the world, especially in Germany. Due to the presence of Kilmer, Germany has become an activity paradise for American spies.

After the outbreak of the full-scale war between Germany and the United States, Germany had no secrets before the United States.

“Yes, old boy.” General Fells’ answer was very positive: “In fact, we knew the existence of this spy very early, but whoever he is and how it works, we don’t understand it at all. The situation has improved. With the fall of Kilmer, some top secret information has fallen into our hands. We have conducted a rigorous analysis and have some understanding of the old boys, some of the ways of action and activities, and are nervous. Carry out the arrest work…”

If Riley is still there, Wang Weizhen suddenly thinks of it.

If Riley is still alive, he must have a way to catch the “old boy.” That was the oldest card in the Second World War, and the most convenient spy to use.

“Berlin will soon be welcoming the city defense battle.” Wang Weizhen puts aside his mind: “Before this, the enemy’s espionage organization must be cleaned up immediately. Otherwise, once the city defense war begins, it will be a game for us. A terrible disaster. I don’t care who is the old boy. In the shortest possible time, I must capture him and not be able to alarm our enemies. Let the enemy think that the old boys are still working for them.”

“Yes, Marshal.” General Fells solemnly said: “But before the German intelligence agencies were severely damaged, we lacked people, which made our work encounter great difficulties.”

Wang Weizhen thought for a moment: “This is not a particularly difficult thing. General Fells, you can draw everything you think is helpful to you, including in the army. Anyone can call you, I need you. In the shortest possible time, the German intelligence agency’s ability to work is restored. This is not only for the victory of Berlin’s defense, but also for the future big battle.”

Also for the victory of the future big battle, Wang Weizhen has already thought of all the possibilities that will arise in the future.

“Baron, I assure you that I will live up to your expectations!”

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