The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred. The sky-shattering plan in the small hotel, floating astronomy

New York, 1966 1 Month 29 Day.

A large number of prime locations have been sold, such as Manhattan, such as Brooklyn, such as Queens, which has also ignited investor enthusiasm.

As long as you have a house in your hand, never worry about someone picking up. Even in less than ten minutes, the price will soar to an astonishing astronomical figure.

Wang Weizhen earned a lot of money. Although these houses are no longer theoretically their own, this is only temporary.

The stock market and the housing market will soon collapse, and once they collapse, they will surely fail to clean up. At that time, those so-called house contracts would be worthless. Once that time, Wang Weizhen will be able to easily purchase a large number of houses at the lowest price. Moreover, he will even be treated by the bankrupts who are grateful to Dade as a benefactor.

Therefore, he can sit on the Diaoyutai and calmly look at those who are insane.

However, making money is just a handy job. He already has a terrible wealth that makes people dizzy. He doesn’t care about money. This trip to New York has more important tasks for him to do.

That small hotel became the “office place” of Wang Weizhen. Perhaps the owner of the hotel, Locke, never dreamed of it. What kind of person “Mr. Moyol” who has been living in his hotel is…

When Pippondu walked into the hotel, Mr. Locke even wondered if the old guy would be the controller of the world-famous Chateau Margaux!

Pipundu sorted out his clothes. Then gently tap the door.

“Please come in.”

When the sound came out of the house that made him very familiar, but every time he heard it was enough to make him tremble, Pi Pengdu felt that his footsteps were so heavy.

He pushed the door open and walked in step by step…

“Pippen, you are old.”

“But you are still so young, the legend of not being old will never fail on you.” Pi Pengdu said hard. Then hugged my friends tightly:

Ernst Alexson von Breem – Baron Skulls!

The two have been hugging for a long time. This was separated. Wang Weizhen saw the tears on Pi Pengdu’s face. He smiled and said, “Hey, in my memory, you don’t like tears. I remember that you are an old thing that likes women far more than friends.”

“Oh, Baron, I don’t know what’s going on…” Pippen Du smiled: “Of course, I like women. But you are different. Young people will never understand the feelings between us. We are from the first I know about World War I, to the Second World War, and now. For so many years, we are still alive, we can still be together.”

“Yeah, we can still be together.” Wang Weizhen smiled and let him sit down: “The younger generation can never understand the feelings between us, when I return, the old Nikolai’s son Kilmer betrayed. I. Sean’s daughter Hannah betrayed me, Bunkerley’s son Werner almost betrayed me, which was almost impossible in our time. In fact, I was very painful at that time, I don’t want to see the sons of friends. Doing such a thing. At that moment, I could hardly bear to use any means for them…”

“If that’s the case, you’re not the Skulls Baron.” Pippendu was fully aware of the baron’s mood at the moment: “In a person’s life. Always make such painful choices. The children did something wrong.” The culprit is dead. Now that Germany is back on the right track, the past has made it last forever… We have no one to guess that you will come back, just as we don’t even know that the Adolf head is still alive… ”

“What? You said Adolf is still alive?” Wang Weizhen yelled.

“Oh, yes, and I still saw him.” Pippen Du said: “He suddenly appeared in Milan and found me, don’t you know?”

“I don’t know.” Wang Weizhen is ecstatic at the moment, Adolf.Hitler is really not dead, he is still alive. He is the last piece of puzzle he has been waiting for…


“After the twilight of the gods, the magnificent Valhalla Palace collapsed, and the numerous splendid palaces of the gods turned into rubble. The homes of the gods became ruins in the fire. After the floods of humans, elves and gnomes, Ben There was little left. The fire finally destroyed them completely… The world tree was burned and the world was destroyed. At this point, the curtain of the blood of the Nordic mythology finally fell slowly after the final tragic **. Destruction is by no means equal to demise. After the twilight of the gods, with the rebirth of the world tree, the survivors of the Three Realms began the arduous process of rebuilding the world. The Vikings of generations continued to follow the footsteps of their ancestors, wandering in the stormy waves. At sea, showing the fearless life… Life will always continue, life will always have miracles, right? Mr. Pippendu?”

Adolf.Hitler smiled and said to Pi Pengdu…


Pippandu said carefully how he saw Hitler before and after: “Then, I sent someone to secretly send him out of Milan, he is probably already in Berlin.”

“Thank you, Pippen.” Wang Weizhen took a long sigh of relief.

Adolf .Hitler is back, and the whole puzzle has been completely completed. In Germany, the entire war has gone on its own will.

“I heard that you did a lot of things in Italy and told me what happened?” Wang Weizhen then turned his attention to the things he cares about.

Pippondu quickly said: “The former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in the third year before his death, dethroned the last king of the Kingdom of Italy, Umberto II, and established the Italian society. The Republic, he served as the life-long president of the Italian Social Republic. Three years later, Benito Mussolini died. His son Vittorio Mussolini became Italy’s new life-long president. This is a power and The greed of money is not inferior to the big dictator of his father. Under the temptation of the United States, he did not hesitate to betray the former ally of Germany, and even joined the attack on Germany. However, since it is greedy People. We can always find a way to deal with him. And the first step I have to do is to control the Italian Prime Minister Bethrull… What method did I use, probably Mr. Casanović has already told you And I have a complete plan for Italy to withdraw from the Allies…”

He carefully said all his plans…

Wang Weizhen listened very seriously: “Everything is done according to what you said, things are handed over to you, I am relieved. But there is a precondition that cannot affect your normal business.”

“Hey, Baron. Don’t you treat me as a friend anymore?” Pi Pengdu looked a little angry: “All that I and Will have you give us, without you, there is no our present…”

“Listen to me.” Wang Weizhen interrupted him: “You are not alone. You have a huge family, a huge industry. If you lose all of this, I can’t imagine them…”

“Please listen to me.” Pippen in turn interrupted Wang Weizhen’s words: “Yes, we have a huge family. There are also huge industries. But if our friends need it, we can give up without hesitation. Everything, at most, is coming back. We are different from those young people, you mean all to us… and have you forgotten? Whether it is Margaux or Montagut, you have half of the shares. ”

Wang Weizhen smiled, this time he really smiled.

No matter who has betrayed himself. But at least he still has so many friends.

“Well, I will stop you from doing anything.” Wang Weizhen said in a positive color: “The Italian army is not very strong in combat. It does not have any substantial impact on Germany, but once they withdraw from the war, it is like the dominoes are overthrown. The first piece will cause a chain reaction within the Allies. It will even cause the collapse of the entire battlefield. I have directed battles in North Africa and the Middle East. They are not really since South Africa, Egypt, or Bulgaria. To join the US-led allies…”

Pi Pengdu fully understands the interests of this, and can fully understand the responsibility of his own: “Do not worry, Baron, Italy is currently proceeding as I have imagined, I believe that in the next two months will be able to appear in nature The change, but the premise now is whether Berlin can persist for two months.”

Wang Weizhen smiled again, with a firm smile and a bit of contempt: “Berlin can continue to last for two months, or even longer.”

Pippen Du is relieved, this is the promise made by the Baron!

They talked carefully about the precautions and exchanged information about each other. At this time, a soft knock on the door sounded outside. Pippendu became nervous.

“Don’t worry, yourself.” Wang Weizhen stood up calmly and opened the door.

“Baron, you are back.” Outside the door, there was a respectful voice.

“Yes, I am back, Eliot.”

“I have been waiting for you to come back. Now, this burden on me can be put down.”

The tone is calm and calm, it seems to be talking about one of the most unusual things, but in Elliott’s eyes, there are some flashes of tears: “I have been waiting for your call, until today I received a Casa. Norwich’s phone is up.”

“come in.”

Eliot came in. When he saw Pippendu, he was not surprised: “Hello, Mr. Pippen, hello, it is my pleasure to meet you here.”

“Hey, who is here, Eliot.” Pi Pengdu said with a smile: “Imagine, this little guy of the year is now the head of the Wittgenstein family! Ah, Baron, Elliot You talk about your affairs, I will do what you have to say.”

Pippon Du left, and Wang Weizhen asked Eliot to sit down in front of himself: “What did you do in New York?”

“Yes, but to be precise, it was done by the New York League you founded.” Eliot respectfully said: “Gates and Lawrence are all involved, and we are so crazy.”

“You grew up. Elliott.” Wang Weizhen smiled slightly: “You know how to get the best return with the least cost. You know that there is not only one battlefield in the war. I am very grateful to you for years. s hard work.”

“No, this is what I should do.” Eliot is always humble in front of the baron: “You have to be in Wittgenstein’s family history, I am just taking care of you. Anything that harms your interests.” I will be ruthlessly countered by me. I think. By the end of the war, I can return the Wittgenstein family to you.”

“No. No one is more suitable than that.” Wang Weizhen said: “You keep this huge family running well. I am not as good at you at this point. You will stay in this position until you I can’t do it anymore.”

Eliot nodded silently, he knew it was the great trust of the Baron for himself…

“Now tell me how the war broke out. Why did William do this?”

When the Baron asked the question that Eliot was most afraid of answering, he was silent there for a long time: “The Baron, I have no disrespect for you. But I think this question, you still ask William in person.” ”

Wang Weizhen knows what he means. It is better for the father to ask his son personally, no matter from which point of view.

Eliot sighed: “I could have arranged for you to meet, but since the war broke out, William seems to be deliberately avoiding me. I can’t remember how many times I have not seen him. Except on TV. Outside… Baron, William has changed and become very strange. It is no longer the William we once knew…”

This time, it was the turn of Wang Weizhen to be silent.

William changed and became very strange. It’s no longer the William we once knew… Eliot’s words are striking his heart, but no matter how it changes. He is still his own son…

This, no one and no power can change…

“I will go to William. I don’t know who can stop him if I want to see him.” Wang Weizhen said faintly.

“Yes, I understand.” Eliot’s face finally showed some smiles: “You are the Baron Skulls, no one can stop the Baron Skulls. I hope that you can persuade William to change his mind and change back to the William we are familiar with. “”

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Arrange a meeting with Gates and Lawrence, and tell them straightforwardly that I am in New York.”

“Okay, Baron, I will arrange it soon.” Eliot immediately said: “There is one more thing you probably don’t know. In fact, William’s relationship with his Vice President Carrousel is not very close. In the president’s many national policies. Carrousel has different opinions. They are no longer the kind of close partnerships of the past. And more importantly, the CIA directors Williams Francis Raeburn and Carusse. There are also contradictions that are difficult to reconcile.”

Wang Weizhen’s brow gradually wrinkled: “Do you have any plans?”

“Yes, a very bold plan.” Eliot lowered his voice: “I didn’t even believe it when I first appeared in my mind, but after careful consideration, I didn’t think it was. Absolutely infeasible, if successful, will cause serious confusion within the Americans, causing mutual distrust…”

He detailed his plan…

Wang Weizhen After listening carefully, the smile returned to his face: “You are trying to fall into a US… ah, forget it, anyway, we haven’t done anything like this… and kidnapping, I remember the second time. During the World War, I successfully kidnapped a large number of important people in the United States… Eliot, let go of what you think should be done, and if I need my help, I will go all out.”

“Thank you, Baron.” Eliot sighed and said: “I have chosen the candidates, and the plan has already begun. But your safety is my concern. It is hard to reassure me, I suggest you live. I am going there.”

“No, I am here.” Wang Weizhen refused the other person’s kindness: “Is the William you just said. Francis Raeburn has his information?”

“Yes, I am carrying it with me.”

William Francis Raeburn, promoted to Lieutenant General 1960, 1963 retired. After the resignation of John Alex McConnen of the CIA, his old friend Linden Johnson ruled out the most qualified CIA deputy director Marshall Sylvester Carter, 1965 4 officially nominated him As the director of the CIA, he took over the post because he was not in the navy, but because of his firm support for Johnson. He and Johnson were both Texans, all of which later proved to be in intelligence work. The appointment of political relations will bring a lot of mistakes. His inauguration ceremony was not at the Langley headquarters, but with the CIA officials in the White House, so the most mysterious figures in the United States were exposed in front of the reporter’s camera.

Raeburn was ignorant of intelligence work and pretentious, causing strong dissatisfaction from CIA officials.

His only “contribution” to the CIA was to eat white bread in the cafeteria, because he preferred to eat the navy’s black bread.

This, then became the best prey of Eliot.

A bold plan, the possibility of success is not great, but if it succeeds, it will make the US government tangled.

And the main implementers of the plan have already started all the actions!

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